RAIDING the WORLD MOST ANGRY Minecraft Factions player.. (TOXIC)

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but once I'm actually recording a video where I am like the least little bit prepared like we have in biz we have stone we've got ender pearls everything's okay we don't have an arrow there we go it's almost like I planned it but guys welcome by today to the episode of minecraft factions where today we are going I don't have a home called raid what if I said as okay tomar day we are gonna be raiding a base which is a little bit weird definitely something that you don't see very often if I just like look up it's only you guys will see these guys have like a floating box if I ever map this thing is completely unclaimed right I don't know what's in it I don't know if anybody's online I don't if anybody's offline so the same process in applies but we're gonna have to play the fun game of stacking up you know this is going to be the content for the next six minutes if you guys do enjoy my craft factions in the slightest make sure you guys are liking subscribing make sure you guys watch the whole video - it really does help if you guys do watch the whole video but thank you guys very much anyway deme how many likes it are we gonna get on this video as I stack up for the next 35 minutes alright you heard a 600 likes not what she said in the slightest alright we're gonna go for 1,000 likes in under 24 hours if we can that would be fantastic make sure you guys are liking right now I want everybody to do it and I want you to comment my hash tag did it as soon as you do it okay so if we keep going up what I'm actually gonna do is I know what psychos like and I know it's probably gonna kill me but we will sit here and do set home T do so if we do fall off if we actually do get knocked off if somebody is online then at least we can head back up right quite quickly because the last time I did this it didn't exactly go like very well at all I mean nothing really does on this channel we kind of just wing it and see what happens so thank you guys so much of the continued support over the last few days it's been insane post right because there's a guy or D from America who America these guys have no claims and only one guy on line which is the owner which is Hall D these guys have four claims I don't know why they wouldn't claim something like this okay the question is are we actually gonna make it with the blocks we have I'm not actually sure if we will we might need some more okay I need some more by like a tiny little bit but if there's a guy on line I should probably go fooling biz right okay let's just chuck this off nobody will ever know and then we'll do it we'll build all the way across or D is still afk and while we're here let's sit home T again it just so we have a home at the top that this guy has like a giant floating platform he's got some chests in here if I just hide behind this he has armor on that side once capitalized one ism four summaries he's got weapons tools if I just use the chest to go around trash and stuff of HTS you know organized minerals and minerals and blocks again okay so there's a little thing here but there's also like a roof here that looks like two different sections I think it's not even claim wheel it you can just walk in anyway okay there's actually spoilers in the space that's a that's not something I was expecting when you look at the sky base like this the spawn is are definitely not I don't even have a silk touch all know why don't we prepared for once in our lives I don't even have a pickaxe I have a pickaxe okay be right back don't leave mister where's he gone Paul D don't go anywhere I'm coming back eventually I just need to get sucked out my pickaxe and then I'll be back with you as soon as I find out where the enchant guy is we should be fine we're back buddy I came back I promise I don't think he cares okay so I think the first port of call is we should grab these bonus like straight away so they have a door but it's not really secure because I can really just do this okay that worried me for a second it closed make sure we close it behind us common courtesy and we will start grabbing these they have 200 cows he's got four cows bonus that's at you quite a lot of money we'll drop these in there okay we don't have room in the PV oh dear hold it can you hold office a second please and you just hold off a minute just while I you know go back and forth to get rid of TNT from IPV literally I'll be like a few minutes I'm sorry unprofessional I know oh dear hi-ho D I'm really sorry how am I gonna tell our fists okay I closed the door and he didn't know his hate I didn't have sounds on the entire time that's awkward he hasn't even noticed right so once he kills the cows he should go back to being afk shoo is we need to drink another inves like like ASAP like ice as soon as possible if you don't know what this stands for I think he knows his poorness are gone and I'm just looking around he he came up the ladder hitting so I don't know if he knows somebody's here or not but I need to drink another inves okay do you know what let's just drink it we're right above him but let's just drink it anyway okay run run run why does he's never go well for me he's like chasing me stop and obviously guys this is like a raiding server so it is kind of the idea of the server I'll just play loop-de-loop with this guy no okay we might have to put on armor and hope for the best at this point cuz I don't want to die okay let's just do it armor on dude this guy's got like a thousand ok I don't even have a texture pack on I could die here I got it ok we win ok let's a what well we'll go down here and we'll just block it up that's what we're gonna do ok he did actually mind the rest of the spawner switch means we are t able to get them looking back it didn't really defend this very well all I did was literally oh he went through the roof okay let's you can stop now or you can stop later you're killing yourself at this point no he's gonna as well bye buddy okay I just want this bonus that's all I want obviously guys like I said though this is a raiding server so the whole idea of this server is to rape people and take their stuff like this okay let's grab his bonus oh god we don't have enough inventor room for that he robbed the spawn is back okay we managed to get he's briefing me he's literally he's making this like a little spleef arena okay I tell if he tennis plea first we're gonna sleep in this is what we're gonna do we're gonna get him over here guys like I said like three or four times now this is actually a raiding server so the idea of the server is to raid people is to take their stuff and this guy made an unclaimed sky base I'm not sure why someone would do that definitely like it's not someone who's played the server for long so we might give him like one thing back you guys usually yell at me if I give stuff back from rates if you guys are watching this and you are like out like a Minecraft or like factions person you don't know about factions basically this is the whole point of factions okay let's go home rage get back up there just so we can have to have a look through his chest I want to make sure obviously there is nothing like of massive value in this face because if there is we're in trouble if we find out where it's okay it homes right in the middle okay now he can't do anything I think now we've actually figured out the matter for this he can't actually do anything okay so now we have free reign just to kind of look around for a second he's just continuously I wanna see if he comes back I want to watch it I want to watch it in but I don't think he's gonna come back but I mean I don't think he has much reason to there he is okay this gives us chance to actually have like a little look around the vase so let's start having a look he's got materials in this chest over here he put some stuff in here all I really came for is this bonus but he's got some armor in here too looking like he's got some to start our armor and he's got some just random stuff you're some diamonds as well which we actually will take a little bit TNT to got impure gems and stuff em forger okay looking like in terms of stuff this guy doesn't actually have like a lot of stuff this has probably been the strangest raid ever because my idea with this was actually be like as sneaky as possible and hope you wouldn't notice it's like as soon as I came back he literally just went for me so that we sold the diamonds that made us $11,000 sokka like a good bit amount of money and his head doesn't sell for anything so we'll just like what kind of just like I think we'll leave the rest of the stuff in this base and obviously give the base back to him because I know I'm being a bit mean right now but it's just so I don't get killed okay I have a family to look out for okay Ryan taught me this old trick back in like 1015 million years ago but if you just cobweb the floor it makes for way more fun content so that's what we're gonna do not sure if that's actually easy way to do this unless we mind down these sides here obviously you guys like I've said this is a faction server make sure you guys are liking and subscribing if you guys enjoy me lamenting people I guess I mean it's just trolling right I'm allowed Harry is your free buddy okay I think we've completed what we actually wanted to do I mean the cobweb floor definitely an improvement this whole time he's actually been telling me to like die in chat so I don't exactly yet like I said I don't think he's very happy he goes come here and then looks at me and goes stupid I'm telling a tipi factions frames here I kind of want to show him what's going on because this is probably more fun than I thought it was so honestly I think that's it in terms of actually raiding dis base I felt like the spoilers were kind of the main thing we were going for hey he's breaking my cobweb I tp'ed framed and he just starts laughing okay you're a genius I take full credit I take full credit over this I mean Ryan kind of did it first but he paid a random guy and now the random guys gonna die he's a murderer look what he's done they're punching each other to death he just killed a random guy this guy is the angriest person I think I think I've ever raided like in my life this guy's legit angry at everybody he's calling everybody idiots in chat like it's a faction server he should have claimed his base weight frame jumped in there with him what are you doing you're gonna die who's gonna die no I'm gonna die okay no I can reach water I should be okay he hit me out I was stuck and he hit me out okay I think what we're gonna do is break this and then leave I think it's probably in our best interest because this guy is still yelling if you sit him chat and I don't think he gets the I kind of idea of a faction server we'll let it slide for now and what we'll do is we'll just break these I literally think I found the angriest person in minecraft factions like ever this guy is he just selling chat you better not put this on your channel this is a hundred percent going on my channel this has been fun I mean this guy's just been very mean not mean but like I think like a different type of triggered I don't think I've ever seen this before like in minecraft factions I don't think I've ever seen a guy do this he's just fallen in the lava right play he could he's still calling me out this guy is just a different type of player I've never seen something like this before I literally have never seen something like this before I've never seen a guy do this type of stuff like when he gets raided usually people are like chill but this guy is on another level okay I think this is where we have to leave this guy mainly because he's still kind of like he's still kind of like trying to kill me he's just chasing me and lava there is no idea to what this guy is doing okay i'ma say do you want a ceasefire this guy isn't letting me leave he'll it she just keeps coming to kill me is that and no on the ceasefire dude this is the most annoying thing in the world this guy's triggering me he's punching me he goes idiot this guy is just completely mad for no reason but obviously the fact that like his spawn aswer taken I've see that's the that's the entire game mode is like spawn as hit taken stuff gets raided it's how factions works he did she's slow fall he's in the tree okay I think this is where I'm gonna leave because this guy still is dead okay I think I'm gonna block it back up and this is where we're gonna leave him because honestly I've had way too much fun with this guy honestly I've never seen a guy this angry before like ever I've never seen a guy get this angry at factions like in my life I've never seen it it's crazy to me that now people are watching but like I tried to get him to be nice you know we tried to have a ceasefire this guy didn't ceasefire at all wait how is he flying he's cheating I just saw him fly across honestly though I think this is where we leave Hardy because I think I have found the angriest faction member or the angriest faction player like in the world I don't think I've ever seen that before a guy get this angry at like everything I thank you thank you - this guy just gave me some some cool custom enchants is this guy still going okay I think we're just gonna leave this guy here honestly I was gonna put his base back but like the attitude he said and the things he's dead it's just awful so we're just kind of I think just leave I think that's what the best thing to do is honestly though if you guys enjoyed this video or want me to do more videos with this guy honestly I want to record more with this guy this guy's hilarious I think you guys - watching we're gonna hopefully see if if this guy gets banned I would update you guys the next video I do thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy make sure you guys do like and subscribe and maybe you guys are turning on the notification Bell port heal him sorry you've just got so angry
Channel: FactionsRaven
Views: 1,343,255
Rating: 4.8033667 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, kid friendly, kid friendly minecraft, minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, toxic minecraft player, toxic, toxic minecraft, trolling in minecraft, trolling mean, RAIDING the WORLD MOST ANGRY Minecraft Factions player.. (TOXIC), factionsraven troll, toxic players, toxic players in minecraft, rich minecraft raid, rich raid, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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