RAIDING THE MOST TOXIC ENEMIES (RICH RAID)! I Minecraft Factions I ViciousPvP I Drought

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yo how's it going guys it is your boy rogue here and i'm back with a brand new episode over on if you guys do want to hop on i'm having a lot of fun so i highly recommend it but i hope you are all having a wonderful day so far it is currently saturday morning which saturday means tnt is enabling so we're definitely gonna get a raid in today's episode if you guys do enjoy this video make sure to drop that like button down below and subscribe if you haven't already it does mean a whole lot to me we got about 500 views on the last episode which i honestly did not expect that much because i did take a two month break and i'm super sorry for that this is my second video back so i'm planning on continuing recording but yeah if i go ahead and type in slash grace we have about an hour and 40 minutes so i can cut back once we get this video going and we get a raid underway already guys so it is a little while later which means tnt is enabled and i am so hyped to start rating people like i am so thankful tnt is enabled because i do not like grace at all so here we go tnt is enabled if you guys can see i am standing on top of a canon box go ahead and do slash fmap the faction all the way over here is covet if go ahead and check ftop they are actually number fourth 1.1 billion dollars and we actually went ahead and set up on them earlier but they countered from behind so we went ahead and set up on the other side yes i set up i made a cannon cannon or heroic here but go ahead and check how many they have on they have let's see they have three online and i think one might be afk which we have five online so this should be a pretty easy breach well i mean it should be a pretty easy breach if the cannon that i went ahead and set up actually works we're gonna find that out here in a few seconds i'm gonna go ahead and tell the faction member to go ahead and hit the button and uh get this test wall and see if it works come on baby oh i it didn't really nuke but i think that's because it's so close but it did indeed work so i'm gonna go ahead and fly over there right now alrighty so we are over here at their base and we are actually firing about a wide 230ish our cannon is not nuki for some reason so each one of these walls is two shotting so all the sand walls we have to two shot which is not the most convenient but it is what it is we are all actually in disguise we're shooting at a lower y so we're hoping they just overlook us and they don't pay attention but then again i mean there is a lot of sand walls so if they miss this that we are raiding them that's a pretty bad faction mistake but i'll go ahead and cut back here in a few seconds once we end up getting close to the base or if they end up finding us and now we get some pvp and they start patching where is i have a screenshot of the dude he messaged me maybe you can get your your content next time or something like that and i was like okay yeah you just wait so he literally messaged me that as i was setting up on him i was like okay buddy little do you know oh he's here my guy why are you fighting me shouldn't he be patching it again no he didn't patch at all he just got appled and ran away oh he's there's a kid passing he got no patches off he's got no patches off no patches see you later dude see you later dude look what he said in chat second time in charm yeah cause you counted from behind i literally have the clip still honestly i'd be so embarrassed if i was getting raided by a 40-second cannon like what and it's not even nuking as well they're still getting raided by a good lord yeah i see him i'm gonna tag him yeah i tagged him at the top so he can't fly dude please fight back like which one is it no bloodlist oh andy pearl's away dude okay i don't even have strength on dude i see it they're both they're both at fresh i see him he's just both spamming what's up dog what's up dog no they're not patching oh i'm about to get two v1 up here what are you doing you weirdos dude i'd rather have 1.1 billion in spawners than chasing after me we're on bloodless he fell he fell all right we're we're oh i see birdie patching i see bernie patching all right dude you're getting stuck he's gonna block himself in i hate so weird so get two patches off and he blocks himself in i'm just gonna bow him through the [Music] corners [Music] [Music] i'm literally just holding this kid hostage i'm just bowling in the corners birdie is not going anywhere like you don't have to worry about birdie someone say someone's saying chad just antagonized birdie say where you at dude we're almost in no come on i'm i've literally kept i'm just holding him hostage for like five minutes straight yeah he just can't get out i can't well maybe you shouldn't talk trashed me oh he's taking off his gear what are you doing dude i got all this gear i got all this gear he he messaged me it's illegal to raid when our shield is on all right dude no like their shield [Music] nobody has a shield they literally made a pull all right we're one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four two five two six three seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty three one three two three three thirty four three four walls no way he's mining oh my god they mined your raiding wild shield there is no shield there's literally a pull right now saying that's so annoying dude i just want to raid we're level walls off 11 walls off and they mine their spawners dude get us in the base we're we're eight walls off [Music] oh don't fall down don't fall down oh that's uh that's a rip dude yeah we're in we're in a bird kill everyone kill him the entire base is open oh we're in the chest room we're in the chest room he's blocking himself in though don't let him in i'm on him i'm on him i'm on him [Music] he's gonna he's gonna try and get in a corner and block up he's gonna try and get in corner and block up don't let him yeah i know i'm gafflin [Music] nope he's low he's low he's low got him got him i don't think he ain't spawners on him did he yes he did yes he did oh yeah he did that that's still not nothing compared to what we should have had dude all of his chests are open as well uh death strider there's nothing really good we don't really need p4 uh we don't really need any of this gear should we be helpful to a noob and get oh there's a bunch of p4 if someone wants it i mean we're getting banned okay dude we're not getting a strike there's tell him to go look at discord dude there's literally no shields hey hey hang on future me editing go ahead and pop that little discord announcement on the screen right now saying there's no shields all right thank you i like how the the funniest part to me honestly is how he messaged me before when i was setting up he goes sorry you didn't get your content maybe tomorrow or something like that better native 20 than 100 percent y'all are past none of us were on okay you're still bad shut up kid we got into their chest room there's a bunch of p4 if you guys want it down there it's so toxic alrighty guys i think that is the complete rate i think we're gonna go ahead and start tossing all their stuff out just because they wasted a lot of our time and we are having a lot of fights with them so yeah gg those guys uh rest in peace alrighty guys that'll be it for today's episode hopefully you guys did enjoy if you guys did make sure to drop that like button down below and subscribe if you haven't already it does mean a whole lot to me and comment something down below because the chances are i'm going to reply to it but if you guys didn't know my public fan discord actually went ahead and got purged here a few months ago my friend had admin perms and someone hacked his discord account and they kicked like 500 people got rid of all my roles get rid of all the channels and stuff like that so i went ahead and actually contacted a person named jordan so jordan if you're watching this thank you so much he actually went ahead and fixed it up invited members and stuff like that so it is looking even better than it was before so i'm go ahead and leave a link down below in the description if you guys do want to join that you guys don't have to but it does mean a whole lot to me you guys get notified whenever i upload so i mean it's a win-win but other than that thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys the next one peace out
Channel: Hxroic
Views: 16,691
Rating: 4.8522167 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft factions, minecraft factions server, minecraft, minecraft raiding, minecraft best factions raids, factions server, minecraft factions raid, minecraft raiding factions, minecraft factions raiding, minecraft faction server, minecraft server, rich raid, minecraft raid, rich factions raid, factions minecraft, minecraft rich raids, op factions, minecraft raiding server, minecraft raids, factions raiding, factions raid, Hxroic, Dexter113, RoyalMC, Minecraft cannoning, hcf
Id: Os7HiB66Yag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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