i can't believe this RICH Minecraft Faction made this MISTAKE.. ($40,000,000 RAID)

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guys I cannot believe over after coming across I didn't I don't have time to set up my FaceCam initiatives found this I'm recording this like instantly because like this opportunity cannot be left so I am at a person's base and it looks like Dave like either they built the space themselves but just did it really badly and this didn't check stuff out and we're lazy or thereafter moving into a Raina base but this base right here is not fully claimed over here this is claimed I can break it but at the other side of the base it is unclaimed it's wilderness and below me inside a base inside a box there is 37 million dollars worth for sporters 15 place bonus and 15 pig zombies now there's people online so we gotta be really careful but if we get into this raid holy smokes this will be insane but we'll do our best and we'll see what happens but I I assure you there's probably gonna be a fight going down this episode now I didn't do last episode but thank God I did we have the warlord Ark it now I don't really have good gear right now so I get to choose three of these kits that come with it and I can do it every two weeks I'm gonna go with the combat kit because I think I'm gonna need it today and we're gonna roll this and see what we get from it so obviously we get a full set of gear and obviously some other stuff as well so it might come in handy so from this we got a helmet reinforced actually alright this is actually pretty good so we're gonna swap this out this would be our spare set I know it's not fully repaired but I feel like we just need to go go go for this Oh haven't we got a good sword okay I'm happy out with that I'm happy out that is so worth every two weeks alright so there is overstuffed terrain in this base now but I want to raid that box first cuz that's the main important thing anything else can come afterwards no problem now we're gonna break away into the base hempel as you can see look it's not claimed but that is the box over there that we need to get into now I have an invisibility potion on and I'm not gonna go fully in this but what we need to do so we need to fit a 420 here this cannon should do the job for us but we need to make sure that we can actually fit it in the raid see look as you can see the can lined up here and like I don't really want to have to go through an extra box so what I'm gonna need to do is probably if I can just even wait whoa it's like if I can just move it over a little bit more how does that work not so well it needs to come over a little bit more again okay we're gonna buy a few sponges here I don't see anyone around I'm really nervous through like this is a really big deal like this is 37 basically a four million dollar raid right we're gonna break all this does that make the water come back down again I'm not sure it probably will but we're gonna attempt to essentially mine all this up now do we have a better pick axe that might make us quicker because the bases just need to move this all out of the way okay this might be a bit faster now I have no idea like this box inside here doesn't have any boners in it I do not know if the chest or a full though but I'm going to ignore that I don't want to make any sound whatsoever and until we get into that box but I cannot believe what we're attempting to do anyway let's get this canon bill [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I think we have enough room for the cannon it should be fine it's nothing in its way it's going straight to that wall I'm just hoping that I said I'd open the right area and it actually works like you know this cannon is not really great for hybrid so fingers crossed guys [Music] all right I have Canon bill oh please don't come out your box please don't come out your box please please please please please don't come out your box I'm not fully confident in my canon and I don't know if to take the risk or not but if this person comes out at the box and sees what I'm doing right here it could be game over I think he's gone I think he's gone I think he's got anything he's gone okay okay - I'm so nervous oh my god all right let's disconnect this okay let's fire see if that does its job okay it did it did it did right and then hopefully we fire another one hopefully that does its job I forgot to do the thing at the front okay okay okay scan there's getting there is that working I don't even know if that's working it should be okay I have no idea why this is not working I'm firing two shots see if that helps oh there we go there we go there we go that's it that's it that's it right if I connect this up now with this and hopefully fire that should be enough to split it right oh it's working okay okay okay good good good good good three more of that and we can do this fire good again why am i buying so little sand buy as much as you can oh my god okay not not as much as you can but okay I'm just I'm just nervous okay right there we go now if we fire again that should do the job right we should hopefully get in if that's hitting oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god does it just work oh my god oh okay okay okay okay stay calm stay calm stay cool collected okay right the guys may come online we came in for the spawn is that's the main important thing PV there we go come on put them on the PV connect them all okay collect these I don't know if I'm grabbing all of them I'm just hoping I am there we go PV PV 1 PV 1 get them in your PV right now oh my god okay dude when the guy came back over I was so nervous I thought honestly that he was gonna like come out of his box and obviously know is that they're like base isn't fully claimed properly okay let's grab this over here and I didn't see the end amending club so that's extra value now I don't know that I don't know if we raid the full amount I don't know if some blazes might have maybe cleared I'm not entirely sure I need to go shop and I need to buy some pot super quick because like I think like if the guy comes online like while they are online and whoever owns this box if he comes I need to be ready to fight you know I mean I need to raid what I can all right let's dispose of all this stuff I've actually spent a decent bit on that cannon I thought it'd be cheaper so I need to sell some more em spawn is but I don't really care when you're raiding $40,000,000 bases like that was before 20 out of all cannons like that's unreal this is such a shocker this is actually shocked me I was so nervous oh my god oh I'm shaking but I'm cool I got this morning I'll write but there's still the slump stuff to raid so we got a pot on us we got that right so we're ready to go and I've got F enemy murder ready I don't want to F enemy now just in case right we're inside the base what have we got if we got something to deal I've got something like to actually loo you know what I mean like if we got good stuff in here as well because I keep this like blazes and stuff in here like come on four Slice treasure box oh yes please I will take that each st I can't open it right now but I'll take it's still hard to come by oh my god that's actually insane okay and I'm just happy to the relief is over I don't really care what happens now we've got the spoilers I wonder what's happening though is this a base that they've like just kind of randomly claimed and now we're living in or like is it that real base but they just forgot to claim their base properly or is someone messing in their faction and really messed up big time box okay we've got some prot three I've gotta make sure we rate everything oh my god we got gear for days okay home page we're gonna start slowly but surely taking this stuff back well filler what we'll do really quickly is what goes for all the chests see what the best stuff is lying around you know like make sure that we raid all the best stuff then the worst you know I mean just in case the guy comes oh my god okay we need this we need this so bad oh look at all the TNT okay I'm gonna put some pots away it's most likely gonna end in my death when the guy comes here but this is well worth it we just need to keep slash backing and raiding as fast as we can keep an eye on her back I probably should enemies so I'm ready a little bit but what can you do hopefully the guy if he does come back or if someone does come to the box and hopefully he's not PvP ready so that you know we're not having a big fight that's that's the best thing I can hope for right now I cannot believe what is going down right now okay this is absolutely insane drinking invisibility part just for the fact that just in case like something else is in another box that they don't see me and through the walls cuz obviously they're gonna see my big youtuber tag on and they're gonna know that obviously something is going down but I'm we're ready to go let's go this is so hype this is the best way I've done in a while and this is what I live for factions like this this kind of stuff I think there is nothing better than finding a base where the exploits it's the best thing ever it's the best feeling I didn't expect to be recording right now obviously I would have had my webcam and everything like working bye Felicia just stumble across the base was looking at it as a potential raid and then I know it's because if you do F map you can't see that it's properly like you can't see that is unclaimed and I was walking on top of the base and it came up with wilderness I was like wait what it can't be wilderness and it was and look at it now just raided blaze and zombie pigman the best spawn is essentially in the game well some of the best anyway but I'll tell you this I'm currently solo right now if this guy comes back I'm sure attention TNT we do not need this guy comes back I am probably dead just heads up there's gonna be a lot of anger in this guy or gal alright we've got all that TNT inside Danny only bit that's left is trenching I believe right let's have a little look over here what we got we got a load of weekly gear who is living here I wonder don't place down treasures that we did and it didn't end well oh yeah I think if you placed on a treasure okay 16 creepers okay oh my god missing pages Oh My lordy that's a lot of creepers dude whoever lives inside this box is rich as anything look at that how many levitating creepers are in 16 invincible creepers 12 levitate oh my god okay what have you got here nothing here and missing pages okay we definitely take those two mice three I can I'm gonna put away decker shop I don't think that's really that great but I'm I could probably sell it for just a little bit okay to get rid of this come on come on there we go put that away more T&T let's take that I can't complain I need the TNT right now obsidian wait what's the what's the okay no I'm mashing we found like an icing on the cake right now would be a god set right now that would be the icing on the cake but no one's gonna leave a God set lying around but then again I didn't think people would leave stacks of eggs lying around either so I guess you don't know exactly what you're gonna find from array like this but like this is the richest trait I've done by far this map and it's absolutely insane right so we've reigned in everything out of there all the custom stuff because I know oh I need those I need to chose not to for them so hang on if we that brings us up to a stack oh nice and but I'm kind of raiding all the custom stuff first like you know I'm happy I found those eggs the fossilized treasure now this looks like it's all armor and stuff okay this is a lot of armor okay so it seems like armor is last thing we need to take is it prop for no it's just weakly I don't really think I need this much armor in this quantity I might leap never mind if there's prop for like this yes okay I'm taking prop for okay that's for sure brought three I think I might leave I find it doesn't really offer me any protection anyway whenever I get to PvP fight it's usually a bunch of people have to take basically jump on me so prop for is the only bit especially gonna maybe saved my life so prop for definitely gonna take I haven't raided a lot of prop for in fairness this map so this is quite a lot is it's like have we got boots and stuff as well like it's all lined up perfectly cuz if so like if we're getting full sets like this is well worth it oh it is full sets Oh perfect okay I know I'm dumping everything in the base right now very loosely and it's randomly but I'll organize it later no time to organize I'm like kind of still shaking a little bit like I think it's a gentleman I'm ready for you know the guy to come back and to get hit in the back and you know probably die but like I'm ready for it as you can see I still got the pots here I haven't got a lot of pots on me but I've gotten some pots to initially save myself for the first couple of blows so I've noticed that so since I left my action that was currently in and which was addicted a lot of them quit so I kind of left because I don't think they're active but I freaked at my olfaction I trying to get me back now like they want me to join back and I guess I would be interested I kind of wanted to join a different faction but I guess I will need a faction this season again you know to work with and so I guess I wouldn't mind joining them back and because they are my friends but I I don't know if I'm gonna join but I'm just gonna TP AZ here so em you know she can come raid it as well because like I've kind of rated everything I wanted I wanted the spawner so if I don't join the faction is cool but they're also my friends so why not offer him a parade someone just some just fireballed I'm just at AZ raid this is a guy in the other box he's totally gonna see a Z the guy is definitely gonna learn anyone else or he's gonna come running over now this is a proper raid video I'll tell you that right helmets his last okay he's gone invisible so if the other guy didn't see we're good helmets to prop for were raiding so many jobs are prop for well not so many doubles but basically a dub half a dub all right there we go I've raided everything from that box that I want all the prop for now she wants take prop Serena's told you told you know I tried to say baby I'm so sorry I'm so sorry couldn't save her in time didn't enemy I think this guy might be stuck oh no no no he's not dude this guy looks like he's pvp kid oh my god oh my god oh my god two people two people not good not good right Ozzy's here he's trying to block us in no no no no no no you don't block us in okay this guy looks like he's cleared to pupae thank you just healed me up I need to hog this guy and use his pots to my advantage that's why I need to do there we go thank you is have to heal me up again right we're having a fight it's a 2v2 pretty cool now they have the option of trapping and which I am definitely aware of and if it happens we're gonna be done for come on one of them die please Daisy watch out watch your back watch your back watch your back no a ztp someone else in no it was a nice to be to know AZ okay hopefully a TP something else at all just it's guys but tight oh he was so low it was a nice to me too hopefully they TP something else in that would be cool make it even okay so I'm doing well right now not using loot using any pots but I don't know how that's gonna come on yes there we go one of them's down let's go I don't like how they TP double people in I kind of was I only asked agent AZ to come because obviously it was a 2v2 oh so sorry I guess it's not my faction I can't really control what they get up to you know what I mean I just feel kind of bad I was enjoying the to be too right we're gonna get out of here okay right so we can finally check what's in these boxes right now I know there's obviously there I've TP damn freak I'm in now says load of them I'm just a little bit like I kind of liked how we're having the to be to I don't really like how we tp'ed on people and I don't think it was really needed I don't know I guess like I didn't they they can do whatever they want but maybe we would have one anyway now so as you can see there he's in that box there now it's possible to cannon it I just can't believe I think there just doesn't okay over here is a box which we can break into which I believe has a rabbit spawner inside it unless it got mind but I don't think it did nope I see it right there rights or anything inside these boxes so the reason why I didn't go for these boxes first and I went straight for the good stuff is because like obviously opening up chess is super loud and I think you know everyone kind of looks around there's always kind of a bit conscious inside their base so there we go there's two extra spawner is added to our raid now those guys are gonna be raiding as well and that's cool I've got 40 million in Spooner's I don't really care what they raid hopefully I don't find a God set lying around or somebody that I'll be sickening okay so there's nothing really inside this box like but the thing is like this box is unclaimed but there's spawner sitting inside it what happened did someone accidentally unclaimed or it was this meant to be I don't know the guy just messaged me saying like one of the guys that wear PPE I'm he just after messaging saying @gg I'm nice that he's a good sport like you know I mean you know he sometimes gets some very bad messages when you raid people and I just don't I don't get why people go that way when you're playing a server way you could potentially lose everything it just makes no sense to me but he said GG he said that you're very lucky we were moving now the guy apparently wants to screenshot I said sure hopefully the other guys don't kill him they're probably gonna kill him so I'm a Z claimed beside the base so I just want to see if there's anything inside this box can you mine in because even if you can't mine in we might be able to place down a sponge is that you this guy was a screen II come on he's gonna chunk I have a feeling we're gonna get chunk busted go on take a screen II got the guys just watch this break into the box at least they know they made a mistake and like at least they won't it probably will never happen again to them now so that's good figures are now I'm not killing them because they're completely innocent they have no money left anymore Oh is there anything inside here if there is they're gonna try say if you guys take anything I will kill you nope we're good we're good we're good there's nothing inside there it's completely empty oh my god alright this raid is over this guy apparently wants 50 fights I don't think he's gonna win and you know I am I am where Wow enrage to is old P right anyway I am going to end off this video here I hope you have enjoyed what a random raid episode oh my god we have just gotten herself a very easy 40 million dollar raid how insane [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 669,899
Rating: 4.8712091 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft funny, minecraft video, minecraft faction, minecraft raiding, rich minecraft faction, i can't believe this RICH Minecraft Faction made this MISTAKE.. ($40
Id: pJjdO4ZTl80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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