CRAFTING the RAREST Minecraft faction GOD ARMOUR.. (lucky)

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so in the last episode of factions I said that I wanted to make a list of goals and keep adding to it and if I don't get them done I want you guys to really push me and keep me motivated and just like say hey you haven't done this and you said you were doing so keep me more vain but I said so far I'm addicts a list that I want to make a god set and I want to get to level six headhunting and today I got started on one of them and that was getting to level six headhunting I feel very bad for the animals harmed in this video [Music] so I'm now level 4 and the only thing that stopping me is five horde kills sounds simple right before I open up all these goodies right here I need to get to level five now the only thing that is standing in my way is five horde kills then I can rank up sounds easy but could be difficult I'm not really sure but we are going to prepare the last Lord was 18 minutes ago which means that one is due in like two minutes potentially so we are going to get geared and we are heading into the war zone we are most likely gonna die because I have at all my faction I'm going here but we'll see if we get jumped enough probably will like it's just we're going to war zone we're gonna get jumped but as long as we can get the five kills or close to it I'll be happy out and then we can go on a big massive opening spring I'm also going to buy one cheeky invisibility pot so I can actually kind of hide myself in the crowd cuz like sometimes I get tired in for just being me because I'm so special no it's because I have a big youtuber tag above my head we're doing at you like hey come target me you know I mean I won't kill you right let's go down here doot doot doot right now we play the waiting game now a bunch of horde should spawn there but I'm hoping now I'm only guessing that the Horde is gonna spawn let me just wait 20 minutes so so just jump done do you know what we have a bit of prop for the base I'm gonna jump down I'm gonna see I'm gonna die I can just feel it for ready good right come on please be a horde don't be a book love that for a like anything else there's a horde don't mind which water is just be a horde 20 minutes come on yes hello it's a horde okay there's one here so we can confirm one kill there we go rights go over here click one there should be more somewhere around here right there should be client lucky if there's not oh there's this - there's two confirm it - there's three Oh can we get two three three we'll be good come on dying there we go there we go you are my third kill thank you thank you come again I'm over here maybe I think there might be a few open top there by say we're gonna encounter some pupae okay okay we're actually getting away of this good okay right I don't see any more here let me go up here this is like the most popular spot where people try to get horns so I feel like if there is some up here they've already been gone I say I'm gonna let you pair them to some enemies okay come on and your period oh my god yes let's go let's go let's go seems like a bit of a quiet time I should really have my ambition match them right now my deal I don't want to stick it on until I have my god set so I feel like I'm just gonna get dropped there we go let's try some pots we actually make sure we get awards and we got extra ones to kill ok I'm a little bit shocked that we actually managed to get the 5 kills that quickly usually isn't absolute war for it but I guess I chose the right time well we have an absolute load of goodies to open because we opened up a end of old September and it gave us a bunch of stuff you can get yours in store that's like a pupae calm if you so wish to get one plug boom fire animation ok after that plug there we go right so we have 4 in channel jumps out not all this is actually from the September I think I had a few mystical charms it is we have a lot of tiles which I was meant to redeem earlier we're not selling these work evenings I do like to collect them you don't know if you're ever gonna get him again also some good news and I currently have around about five hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars we managed to get a decent bit of money from Selma to spawn as we haven't even sold a ball from the last raid so we can turn that into TNT we have a headhunting money boost we're gonna keep that treasure lockpick we can't we don't have a natural treasure chest so we're not gonna open that just yeah we to try to get one sand I don't know what that is doing in my PV this don't need to open ok so to open today let's see how much this let's see when it ends or so our starting balance is five hundred seventy seven thousand we have four channel charms I've never done opening this big and so on for in China charms three mystical charms soul pouch and a money pouch both of these are deluxe so hopefully we can get some decent stuff from this hopefully a million dollars from this and it's possible it's just this essentially with jackpot so million dollars please please but first what we will do is we'll open off the enchanted den mystical so on swords one so here we go let's do this let's see if we can get some good chat announcements and let's just see if we can get some really really good stuff that'll help us out I'm hoping to get some Souls that's what I'm looking for so I can start kind of making my god set so we got an enhanced harvester hoe thank you I guess and one next mystery spawner that's like a wolf or something like that could be a skeleton or a zombie which would be highly useful which is a case boner so I guess we can just sell up for a bit of money let's keep going okay I don't know what that chest is so we got a builder's loopback oh boy and we got a money a basic money pouch a very nice happy with that keep god I see that holy Mill Gayye I see it rolling by every time I open this there's like two inside this roll I'm not gonna get it oh oh we got two levitating creepers very nice and what another basic money pouch let's go this is gonna be a nice opening oh my god oh my god we got a bloody notes and another we got a sort of basic soil pouch okay they or that that was the best in China chime opening I've had in a very very long time now we're on to the big boys the mystical charms this is where we could potentially get Anika's rank which is it look like I haven't seen it roll by yet it's very very rare come on nice one 70,000 bonus had two sets of prop for which I'll take and sixteen buddy notes lovely stuff let's do this I've got all the luck today I've just jinxed myself though I just feel like I have so with this we got a general kit and 24 play notes how many play notes we have 48 of them that's gonna be a fun opening and then let's roll this last one here last one of the day any anarchist rank floating by 2x mystical chimes okay I don't know what that could just be a harvester ax I don't know but if that is a divine acts that is everything I basically wanted because I need to start making my god set and I want to have a divine set so that means I have divine liking so far and it would be a divine act so it is a creeper bundle which is actually really good can't complain oh never mind it's not divine exponents thank you okay right that would have been just the cherry on top so we now have six hundred and forty seven thousand dollars because we've got a little bit of money from like the bones warden so fat that now from this let me go back to the face feel like my inventory could fill up here and I don't want to happen because sometimes things glitch out so we can sell that for cash we don't need it I think we have loads already I think the creep breaks were keeping for reining which is good we got to levitate which is handy out so P V those the prop for obviously we're keeping ourselves because I probably need it the harvester hoe I don't know what to do ever I don't think I'll ever use it so I don't know kind of come past that stage now okay the bill is loop back what did we get from this so we got for dilation chords which are keeping for like kind of pupae kind of circumstances which cuz they're really I think they're like a hundred thousand dollars if not more money just to buy himself that's good scorched essence and fabrication elixirs okay right let's go we've got all these to open so let's go basic money pouches first to bloody notes to these just remember we have six hundred and forty seven thousand dollars let's see what we get come below how much money do you think would have fight end of us and currently right now Souls wise which is used to make custom gear like to get custom gear we have a 1992 sold so let's roll this let's roll the soul one first this is gonna give us a four thousand souls I want to be basic and these are the basic money pouches so here we go three two one let's see how much we get from this you can get about think $100,000 a Jack point that was oh wow okay $180,000 shred away we got a jackpot my god okay that's lucky okay roll again can we get no magic pot I think this might be another Chapa Oh hundred and fifty nine thousand okay that's a jackpot so already we're up to nine hundred 25k dude we can buy so much TT kind of TT is a little bit expensive but like it's money it's Munna right here we go bloody nose we're gonna spam 48 of them let's see where we get to still going look at that chat roll Minho oh my god this could be right here we go that was 48 bloody notes and we still have an open of these let me check out much of monies now we have 1.5 million dollars I have not done an opening like this in ages but the sad thing is now I'm gonna have nothing for like a wild side this is the money I've got I still got a few little bits and bobs in here but like I don't think anything's gonna make me this kind of money this quick right and then we got the soul patch let's go to the soul patch first is roll this open that's giving us 12,000 suss basically an extreme enchantment book one free so there we go and we've got the money part just roll this thing come on give us another jackpot okay can't complain it wasn't the jackpot but it was $700,000 which brings us to a grand total of 2.2 million dollars that's insane that is actually mad I am now a rich boy so we have souls wise counsels / souls wise we have a hundred with 18,000 so we can buy one extreme enchantment book and then a few and advanced enchantment books which think roofied best thing to do so merchants hello let me buy one of you and a good few of you right let's see we got knit so extreme we got a lock for which we don't really need unless we're making a grind so drew will be poor so I guess is there I don't know if it's max no I actually think it might be hello buddy you wanna you wanna screenshot when I open this there you go right from this we got ice XP and 6 which I think goes up to 7 shame okay infernal for don't be using the helmet so don't really need it and imprison one so we got really nothing from that unless that's the max ice back which I'm not sure so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna go to a warlock salvager and I'm just going to basically throw like that in there I'm gonna throw is that good book as well there's 26 tents it's not really great in prison one I'm gonna throw light in there as well and ice aspect is that max hang on Oh actually we did get the max enchant so that's quite useful sadly though it's only a three percent chance to work but like we can try it because if I am making a god say I want to have an axe as a weapon not a sword even though the sword I feel that does do a lot more which I just feel like an axe bear suits my play style and look for like we don't desperately do grinding so if we can borrow something from the faction so I'm gonna just trade that in and boom there we go so we got some stuff from that so we gain nothing nothing and we got 2,000 souls back okay not bad at all which allows us to actually buy another random advanced book actually which we got spectral shot one absolutely nothing from Earth so that could go straight to trade and we got nothing from it okay so that's all done and we've spent all our souls we didn't get many souls we have 2.2 million so obviously I said my main goals right now is get to level 6 and to make a god set to obviously to make it God sir I need to have full set of divine armor obviously that that's I have one bit of that I need three other pieces and he boots leggings I mean chess play and helmet actually no I need three pieces because I don't need a helmet because I wear this yes I see now so I need three pieces I need the chest plate and the boots so obviously this is where you get divine chapman books which you get your juggernaut to and stuff roms that's important so we do need to go to the mind itself I thought okay I thought you could buy maybe divine gear here but you can't right I'm gonna make this my am enchant chest shall we call it right today let's take thing one thing off our list let's keep going I was gonna say this gets level six but I think something happened where one of our FK alts logged offline and there's barely any horses now so nevermind cuz we need to kill at 1152 of them and it's like thank you for so I thought we could complete my little gold get level six right so we're probably gonna get some beauty which I'm hoping that it'll be fun people here not wreckage pvp where I just get wrecked hopefully it's like even but we need to get these divine champ books this way to get juggernaut two from and I know I could probably try to buy one on store bought or on the auction house but all it is is 128 impure gems and impure gems are kind of easy to get now I know when I trade that in I might not get juggernaut to but there's definitely a high chance because not that many divine enchantments the only thing we hope that we don't get is tight and flare which deals more damage to tie-ins which I'm not really interested right now I need jogging up to that's all I won so we're heading to the mines for all they're gonna be enemies I'm probably gonna die I'm going with you if I die this first time around I probably go in invisible okay so the realm just restarted now does this mean that the mine is like fully fresh am i right now obviously cuz I didn't want to get comet tagged and died just as a service pet restart because obviously that happens but I wonder if the mine like fully resets cuz like everyone is currently harvesting it right now there's loads of friendly people inside there now I wonder will this bring the hostile players if it has fully reset because they're gonna know as well and they're gonna want everything from it has it reset or it's nah that's such a shame anyway I've been harvesting this for a while and I seem to be going pretty well ah that's a shame I didn't reset I thought like you'd all be like fresh but the countdown obviously continues even after reset so it doesn't matter and so I'm gonna leave here for a second I had a few people drop me some stuff which was super kinda they're a kind of a light or a faction but I've been here for a while and I'm gonna I'm coming out with a decent bit of stuff so I didn't actually collect much of the pure like gems and stuff because I was just keeping my inventory full with pots and all I had was impure gems of pure gems I mean I was collecting so I don't know if we're gonna make a lot but let's see one thousand seven thousand twenty thousand six thousand two thousand sixty nine thousand and three thousand dollars making a grand total of what sure Ching isn't that sweet now I'm not gonna lie I don't really know the grand total right now but I'll figure out when I'm editing the video so isn't that a nice tidy profit yeah I hope so anyway but we got quite a few impure gems a few were dropped which by some people by faction members are allies thank you very much appreciate it so this should be enough to buy a book but hang up let's just double check let's just make sure there's no jogs or that open eh for a decent price that we could buy no no reason and if they were they probably would be worth if juggernaut 1 is 1 million say it'd be 2 million and I would try I would like to try fire my own but well see and so let me just check CD divine so we can check what the vine in chance there are so there's disorder that's a good enchant this juggernaut there's Resurrection scavenger and Titan Slayer so we need disorder I definitely want this order and we want juggernaut and I think I want resurrection because I want to go with the mushroom master I want the ultimate survivability so three of those I want scavenger I don't in times fair I will dull but we got a hope that we get the max rank as well some it's a risk but just gotta do it so here we go let's buy this there we go one divine book let's open this up and let's see will the Lords of cycle the gods of cycle bless us on this fine day here we go three two one Bob it is a juggernaut to book let's frickin go and it's a 70% chance now I probably will if it's possible to do it with em joke like divine books which I think it would be that you can change the percentages on them and by reroll them which I might try and do and like this because I don't think I'm gonna get lucky again but I need to see is it possible to actually reroll theses oh yeah okay it is the only thing is it's twenty thousand souls so maybe not I might just chance the 70 percent but the thing is when you the vine chestplate first before anything which I was hoping I bid to buy one but there's currently none on the auction house I may be able to like talk and chat message about so you've got one okay so apparently if I think I found a buyer has one I'm just gonna ask what's the going rate for a divine chess place I don't overpay and I don't underplay either okay so apparently they're worth about five million now I am so often I thought they were a little bit cheaper maybe 1 million five million Dave deftly have they gone a lot rare I think they might have five mils I don't know if that's right or not so you're saying these leggings I have right here were five million dollars cuz surely they should be the same as well that's insane right you know what that's too much money and this guy the other guy he's not gonna sell to me for so cheap he knows how much it's worth for this reason why Sanna I realized here you can if we get number 128 James we can buy an unbreaking for now it won't be a full-on God set but I'm Brett I'm breaking for is what is on divine leggings and the only thing is protection v though you know I mean we won that's what we're looking for we're looking for the protection v which you can't seem to just buy so like I was gonna say I just stick it on like a normal thing no I should wait should wait for the right moment so we have got something to star God set with we just don't have the piece to attach it to so that's good I guess we just now have to get farm basically work for a divine chest plate and would keep lie out in a hedge if one South spot apparently there were five billion dollars which I did not know that that would maybe explain why there's none up on a hitch like they're just really expensive and so rare that people don't want to sell them so yeah that's a lot of money okay we might be able to get started on our legs though before we end off this episode here and hopefully I'll be level six by next episode we'll be doing that so um we have money there is in chance on the shop so we need obviously basic as anything for our legs we need shockwave - that's for sure there's no shock waves on whoa what is going on wow there's no shock waves okay is that toxic spew a sport Wow like shockwave is like the most okay not a max one and there's no disorder okay nevermind we can't get started on it I thought there'd be a shock wave to at least on the air hey what is going on with the economy but anyway nonetheless a very very good day we have currently right now 2.5 million dollars in US 2.3 sorry oh I just showed my base I do not live in a sky base okay I don't live in a sky back [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 104,035
Rating: 4.883914 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft funny, minecraft video, minecraft factions, minecraft pvp, minecraft raiding, CRAFTING the RAREST Minecraft faction GOD ARMOUR..
Id: YibUmhiRMG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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