LIL NAS X IS CORRUPTING THE YOUTH or something idk lol

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So what are you about to do right now? We're going  to look at the controversy surrounding Lil Nas X,   a sneaker design, and Satan, apparently.  The reason this matters is because this has  been trending on Twitter every single day   for nearly a week. And I think it  brings up some very interesting points,   which I can't wait to dive into. Before  we do that, today's comment shoutout says,   "Why does no one talk about how D'Angelo  has the best thumbnail face?" It is a fact   that my thumbnail face game is very much on  point. Look at these faces right here. It's   actually a problem at this point. I wake  up out of my sleep sometimes like this.  So the two parties we're talking about here;  Lil Nas X, a rapper who released a video for   a song called Montero, in which he descends into  Hell, gives Satan a lap dance, as a metaphor for   accepting the fact that people tell him he's going  to Hell for being gay. It's a lot. And on the   other hand, Twitter went off. But there were some  pretty key people who were bringing up what they   thought were valid concerns against him doing this  in the first place. The main ones I want to talk   about are Joyner Lucas and the gun girl. What's  her name? Kaitlin Bennett. I don't know. Does she   have a name? It doesn't matter. Does anybody care? Joyner Lucas is a fellow rapper, much like Lil   Nas X. So he said, "I think the biggest  problem for me is the fact that Lil Nas X   doesn't understand Old Town Road is every kid's  anthem. Children love him for that record.   They tuned in and subscribed to his channels.  So with no disclaimer, he just dropped some left   field stuff and all of our kids seen it. SMH." So  Lil Nas X responds himself and says, "I literally   sing about lean and adultery in Old Town Road. You  decided to let your child listen. Blame yourself."   Which I can't help but agree with. If you go to  the thumbnail for this song, Montero by Lil Nas X,   there's no way on earth that he can be blamed for  pandering to children with this. Does this look   like something that a child should be clicking  into? He literally has the thigh high leather   boots, he's wearing almost nothing else. He's  clearly in some sort of demonic environment.   I do not understand the criticism that  this is somehow pandering to children.  Joyner Lucas is kind of acting like this was a  surprise drop, but Lil Nas X teased this song   months ago. Everyone who knows Lil Nas X has been  waiting for him to drop this. And we all knew   exactly what it was going to be about based off of  the title. Blaming him, I found that very strange.   One thing that a lot of people tried to say is  Lil Nas X has associated with children before.   He performed a concert with Roblox. He definitely  went on Sesame Street. He did perform Old Town   Road at a gym with a bunch of kids. But since  when does that mean he's a for-kids artist?   Why are people acting like it's new for singers  to perform their songs for a bunch of children?   It's not about the content of the music.  It's about what the kids are listening to.   The reason he gets invited to these places  is because children are listening to that.   That's not on him, that's on the parents. And here's what I mean by this. Here we have   Travis Scott performing a Fortnite concert. What  is this? Do we honestly think that this was for   kids? I mean, yeah, it was. What I'm saying is, do  we honestly think this was designed to appeal to   adults? Didn't Post Malone do some sort of Pokémon  concert as well? Like, come on bruh. An animated   Post Malone floating around a bunch of animated  Pokémon? Now, granted, even though I'm an adult,   this is still my jam right here. It's not a new  concept. You can say Fortnite's not technically   a children's game like Roblox is thought of as,  or like Sesame Street's a children's program.  Then answer me this, what is this? Who invited  Migos to the Kids' Choice Awards in 2019? The   Migos don't even have songs that are okay for  a child to hear. And on top of that, why was no   one mad about that? It's almost like there's some  key difference between Lil Nas X doing this and   everyone else doing this beforehand. Hmm. I wonder  if it's homophobia? Because it seems like anytime   this happens, but it's not gay material, no one  really seems to care. The moment we have somebody   who is not rapping about hetero relationships,  all of a sudden, "Think of the children!" And it's   a problem. "He's corrupting the kids." I can't  help but notice a little bit of an incongruency.  One thing that people kept quoting was  Lil Nas X explicitly saying that children   are his core audience right now. He didn't say  this. Look, they talk about Lil Nas X kids' book,   C is for Country. This is the part where they stop  quoting Lil Nas X and they start quoting somebody   who's not associated with him anymore. It says,  "Marketing to kids directly makes perfect sense   when you look at how huge Old Town Road is with  the elementary school set. 'Lil Nas X catered   to and resonated with that younger demographic,'  says Dan Runcie," whoever that is, "The founder of   Trapital. Lil Nas X says he isn't particularly  self-conscious about his extremely young fan   base. 'I'm well aware that life and careers and  everything goes in chapters,' the rapper says,   'That's the chapter I'm in right  now. And I'm okay with that.'"  It's the main evidence that people bring up to  be like, "No, Lil Nas X is definitely a kids'   performer and he knew that a bunch of children  were going to watch that." Even the article that   they throw around does not say that. NPR just  summarized their opinion as that. But as you   can see, he just said, "That's what my audience  happens to be," not, "Yes, I purposely create my   songs so that children listen to them." Next, I wanted to talk about gun girl,   Kaitlin Bennett. So she says right here, "It's  week like these that I'm thankful to be blocked   by Lil Nas X." I'm going to be honest, that's  not really a flex. This is a flex right here.   Lil Nas X blocking you because literally no  one on the internet likes you is whatever. But   me getting blocked out of the millions of  people that Jeffree Star sees on his timeline?   That's when people are going to be like, "Oh  snap, how'd you pull that one off?" Also...   Bullying and harassment guidelines, bullying and  harassment guidelines, bullying and harassment   guidelines. But why he look like Halsey though?  Who told him to go get the Demi Lovato special?  So Lil Nas X retweeted right here, "I still  see your tweets." And then of course he makes   a reference to the popular anecdote that Kaitlin  Bennett is well known for pooping her pants at   a party. So she continues to try to go back  and forth saying, "The guy that takes it up   the you-know-where from Satan wants to talk about  pooping your pants?" Slightly homophobic, right?   Of course. "Do you still see your dad?" Asking  that to a random black person is annoying. And   Lil Nas X says, "Yes, and I might screw yours."  So then this is how she spins this, okay? You're   ready for this? "Lil Nas X just threatened  to..." Yes, you're reading it correctly. And   then she follows it up with a, "Sounds about  what I'd expect." Thus once again associating   the LGBT community with literal rape. It's not like Lil Nas X is the inventor   of the phrase, "Oh yeah, I'm going to have  sexual relations with your parents." And also,   aren't these the same people who are always  complaining about people being professional   victims? She goes ahead and finishes it up  with, "At least I can procreate." Child, it's   not the serve you think it is. But this is really  reinforcing some pretty dark twisted stuff that   is going to harm her in the long run. Obviously  this is meant as a homophobic insult like, "Ha,   you can't have kids." But it very much at the  same time is saying, "I exist to have children."  So next we have the shoes, which wound up  becoming a big deal. After seeing that people   were so angry over the fact that Lil Nas X had,  quote unquote, demonic imagery in his shoes,   he was like, "It's time to make some sh'money."  Well, even more money than he's already making.   And so he partners with the brand MSCHF to put  out custom Satan Nike's featuring human blood.   The fact that there's blood in the sole, very  much a lot. But if that's what you want, then go   for it. People again got mad at this. There's  obviously a much deeper subtext to all of this,   okay? At the heart of the issue, it's what it  says in this tweet. "I spent my entire teenage   years hating myself because of the stuff y'all  preached would happen to me because I was gay.   So I hope you are mad. Stay mad, feel the same  anger you teach us to have towards ourselves."  To get angry at Lil Nas X for reclaiming  something that has been so harmful towards him,   while also pretending that you're a victim,  is ridiculous. Even if you're a Christian,   surely you understand, surely you know in  your heart of hearts, that this is accurate.   It doesn't matter if you believe what's in the  Bible and you think it's right and all of that,   which is great. You still know that this is true,  right? That the entire video was an art piece   depicting him fighting back against the pain  of being labeled someone who's going straight   to Hell because of the way he was made. But when  you look at what these people are really saying,   "A sane country would make it illegal," read  that, illegal, "For Lil Nas X and his handlers to   corrupt and destroy America's children." It's very  bigoted, and definitely a little bit fascist to   pretend like art should be destroyed and removed  and not played because they don't agree with it.  As for my final summary, Lil Nas X is not  out here corrupting the kids, I don't really   understand why people are holding him to this  standard; except for homophobia and racism,   those make sense and that would explain the double  standard. But other than that, I'm not quite sure   where people are coming from. As for Lil Nas X,  I think he may just be the greatest businessman   in the music industry since Beyonce. and those  for the people who are mad at him, they seem   to have some underlying issues that don't have  anything to do with his music video or a pair   of custom Nike's that sold out in one minute.  Catch me featured on the next Lil Nas X song.  Anyway, I'll be here all week folks, at 2:00 PM  Central time. If it's Monday, Wednesday, Friday,   that means I'm uploading a new video here. If  it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, that means   I'm going live over on Twitch. So basically  what I'm saying is, I'll see you tomorrow.   Unless of course tomorrow is Sunday, in which  case, just watch this video again. Okay, bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,084,594
Rating: 4.9202728 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, funny, commentary, comedy, satire
Id: p-vw723-UXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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