Tik Tok is Cringe

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today we're exploring the unknown territory of tick tock i can't wait what do we got wait till the end i think this is poland because i think i've actually been here before it's do you guess sir if i move forward does it okay it hasn't been hurt thank god but like i said i think this is poland because if you look at the buildings and the trees that kind of definitely pop that's enough geo gesture well thank god it wasn't hurt thank god best performance to avoid nail cripper clippers literally my dogs do this they pretend like they're just dying and it's the worst thing that could possibly happen to them [Laughter] taking my power away from me i have nothing left i watch over 400 anime i've only given five shows a 10 out of 10. all right let's watch it [Music] tara and russ never heard it get out of here skiddaddle it raised you give a raise the tent hand away your anime license i mean it wasn't bad or anything sure it was decent but my god at 10. that's pretty cringe bro imagine giving a race to 10 that's cringe i can't watch anything else with this mishishi i only read the manga and it was really good so you get the pass bakimonogatari gets a 10 okay fine your enemy viewing privilege is returned ah all right nah not even funny get yeah stop it stop it god the captions always makes tick tock so cringe this is insane look at this this is insane all i have guys you can launch random items like this rock we used to make this in sweden actually you take a toilet paper roll you cut up the finger of a dishwasher glove you tape that bad boy in and um get some uncooked peas and you got yourself a machi machine of mass mad destruction kill gum what is this why [ __ ] good morning usa that was that was the same tick tock by the way cool amazing riveting thank you what do you think it would look like if we mixed among us and naruto oh let's have a look at these results oh what's the result that's so cool amongst the naruto collab finally happened wow yo that's kind of sauce that's kind of sucks i'm okay i'm all good there's so much of this on tick tock what do you think about blue apple apple apple cat was that his first tech talk or something cat apple apple that is a cat you're correct apple apple apple mouse amazing i love tick tock what's gonna happen with shopping give you a very simple answer alexa buy a purse did you want me to find a purse yes alexa buy this i just bought a 36 purse right alexa thank you stop alexa the fact that i just bought a 36 dollar purse in one second nine seconds whatever the math will show one second uh nine second 11 whatever the record we show forget about ecommerce that machine right there is remarkable scott for 36 hey alexa bye pewdiepie merch we're changing the game here this is crazy hey google okay google bye pewdiepie merch sorry i didn't understand changing e-commerce my god that took like what one second get out of here whoa my mind is blown the wisdom the aspect ratio really lends itself to tick-tock doesn't he hey peter parker it's jacksepticeye you got something for me i had to beat an old lady with a stick to get this funniest one so far no the dog was funnier sorry jack so apparently this person spent 400 on a kaleidoscope i didn't even know they had fancy kaleidoscopes like me neither but i'm excited to get a peek this looks like a virtual world this looks like a wardrobe world [Music] there's so many of these replies that don't add nothing okay i would have gladly just watched this in a bigger race illusion right this is like a world of war people really call anime trash and watch stuff like this okay we got the new winner hell yeah it's cole sprouse he looks just like roomie oh yeah one thing that you find on tick tock a lot is these young entrepreneurs okay they figured out economy before there was an economy all right the power of branding a brick for either i i don't know what that is well 0.45 or 200 huh whoa 150 watts or rolex huh that's all branding the rolex is barely quite anything and in their watches this is true for you too make sure you brand yourself the best way you can no [ __ ] way so you're telling me when i buy a t-shirt and it costs thirty dollars it actually costs like what a dollar or less to produce i like this scruffy looking guy at the bottom too just going like [ __ ] his mind was so blown by this fact that he had to make a tick tock immediately branding the [ __ ] how does that work how does that work bro i don't underst i don't know i'll never understand it look at kawaii konnechiwa watashi nanamaya boris johnson london shishu shishu it's a new type of shoe where's johnson it's shushing okay i'm cringing so freaking hard right now that your japanese pronunciation isn't perfect don't even try it okay i bet you gave a raise to 10 you dummy all right i may have found something that proves that the government makes humans all right every boy duet this and see if you have that freckle right there on your arm is that a freckle that's a mole no okay they all have it no [ __ ] way dude i must cut it out i must be a free man no no bro look bro look right now what my mind is blown we all live in simulation and elon musk created it this is crazy guys my mind is blown check out this tick tock nah you see the hoover dam is just straight up proof that we live in a simulation another simulation can you build this how you can't you can't build that that's physically impossible i don't care what nerdy architecture stuff you have to say this is not real the hoover dam isn't real everyone thank you tick tock for confirming once and for all the hoover dam is in fact a lie you cannot build that there's no way for you to divert the river right before you build it right right that's definitely not i don't care about the nerdy stuff that's super nerdy all right that's too nerdy for me direct the river can't do that that's nerdy stuff how long should a guy last how long should a guy last in bed two hours have you gone that long yeah hours no no no that's ray william johnson hours no that's not sex that's the lord of the rings bruh bro he's making tech talks oh bruh i can't even look at this get it away from me that's a lord of the rings when girl says two hours sexy i say that's that's not even lord of the rings lord of the rings is 3 hours and 14 minutes run time at least get out of here let's get out of ray william when i know the difference between a ufo and a woman driving turn your phone upside down well i don't all right here we go that's going to be difficult no [ __ ] way dude okay that's good that's good women drive bad get it that's [Applause] [Music] uh what are you gonna do with that alcohol david huh again what are you what do you do what you do with that whiskey huh yeah yeah you slime ball you sleeze ball that actually looks insane in person and then it comes with this sick ass stand now you go of course you got two of them of course look at that it looks so clean look at that can't wait for my friends to get drunk out of that so i can get some content this game is so [ __ ] stupid oh no ninja is sad everyone go and say don't be saddening yeah like the community these little [ __ ] kids is just so dumb it really is man it's not fun [Music] it's just not he doesn't like his the kids should i tell him or should you talk who should tell him you know someone i think someone needs to tell ninja sir excuse me do you have time to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ i don't run from the lord i've never seen the puck run so fast in my life jeez look what i found at target what did you find at target bro attack on titan that's an anime i watch this is what gets in my feed look what i found in a store this is in a store look at this guys it's an anime in a store look what i found i found this i'm gonna buy it i could just torrented it online bro come on put this in the store look guys thank you let's all be real this mf ruined mr peace okay i've seen more than one of these of people hating on carl for no reason and i don't is that carl he looks so different why stop hating on carl he didn't do nothing i'm calling out all carla haters all right y'all just jealous stop hating haters they hate themselves don't worry carl don't be sad well tick tock hates carl and tick tock is dumb dummy dumb harrison ford finally reveals who shot first can't win you shoot greedo first or did greedo shoot you first um i don't care [Laughter] oh i want to be harrison ford when i grow up thank you please just one thing oh my god now we know for those star wars fans who don't know in the episode for harrison shoots glaucaya blog first and that's immoral but tyron it's disney you can't do that who shot first who knows what's the f kilo point there's a lot of these as well people reacting like this isn't funny yeah you're not funny either okay no one's funny here there's no haha to be made out of this go away more and more minecraft stuff gets you my feet we have another portal like this and we like the center that only one of the portals light up but since everything's been kind of glitchy at the wall we all know of course let's see what happens when we light the center up while it's on the edge of the border of course nothing happened nothing happened nothing happened nothing happened thank you for the tick tock nothing happened nothing happened thank you this is the thing like you watch 15 seconds so you don't care but it's so annoying nothing happened okay then don't post it of course nothing happened oh you were expecting something from a video man from are you expecting some comedy or as interesting facts from a tick tock nah nothing happened nothing happened people always ask me while sometimes have a beer before i work out and the reason is actually because of something pretty interesting my doctor told me which is that i'm going to cover oh okay [Laughter] so some are funny i'll give them that some are funny why are you just burying eggs around the supermarket [Applause] [Music] he didn't technically steal them because they're still eggs this is interesting okay but one day if somebody knocks on your door and claims to be your great great great great great great great granddaughter someone from the future going backwards in time to meet her illustrious ancestor don't slam the door perhaps in the future our descendants will have the possibility of time travel and perhaps one day they may come knocking on your door this is interesting dude if they meant time travel i'll doubt there'll be some dweeb all right yeah yeah my my seat did that they invented time travel that's all right sure i think i'll hear about it somewhere else first thank you very much yo pewdiepie tick tock let's go look at that ass hell yeah we started with a b we ended with the industrial revolution baby let's go that looks so sick hell yeah so sweet no she can then [ __ ] okay and even if she did super unprofessional oh my god the emma watson i should add what's she like feminism but i'll add a quote she'll be like not a lot of things can make me happy but this sure came [Applause] not to be all fortnight bad but what is this tick tock come on i'm so confused big brain business movie okay by tesla now what's really smart is that this may be the business owner's car this isn't known for being really cost effective so it's cheap to run also very likely to be marked as a business expense and therefore being a tax write-off you can ride off your car on your business if you put all this [ __ ] on it that's smart that's really smart damn no one's ever done that before thank you this guy just randomly saw a business card and was like this is a tick tock guys you can you can save on your taxes guys you're welcome no way i better do that right now thank you tick tock young entrepreneurs yet again for teaching us where would i be without tick-tock economy tips i had a lot of people asking how to do this so this is how equip aeolitra then equip to shields oh no way then get some fireworks that's it that's kind of cool okay all right let's take that against the pass very nice i want to try that that's sick the real reason to get vr [Music] he didn't bring up anime chips or something get the [ __ ] out of here oh economy advice about amazon products you'll probably be surprised so this popular phone case right here is being sold for about 1878 on amazon and this product right here is not sold by amazon amazon fulfillment center and all this person's doing is selling this product for some high say hi okay product right here buy low buy low i've been doing it all wrong sorry sell high buy low no [ __ ] way dude get out of here get the [ __ ] out of here you're changing the game what was it again bye hi oh god damn it boris johnson london she thank you for watching this tiktok cringe edition hope you enjoyed smash like subscribe and i'll see you tomorrow bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,701,644
Rating: 4.9504051 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: _46rn1zYW04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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