These April Fools pranks should have stayed in the drafts

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What are we about to do right now? We are  going to look back at this year's best   and absolutely worst corporate April Fools pranks.  I'm recording this on April 1st, and currently I  don't know who to trust. It's that time of year   where companies are getting brave by finally  being relatable to normal people by lying on   the internet. So before we get into that, this  common shout out is actually very relevant to   you all. It says, "Chat spamming hi YouTube gives  me life." This makes me happy. It shows me that me   holding everyone hostage and forcing them to  smile for the camera works. On the one hand,   we have brands doing their corporate nonsense as  always. And on the other hand, we have everyone on   the internet just never knowing what to believe. Before we get into that, let's get into today's   sponsor. Today's video is sponsored by Drop, an  awards program that gives you points when you   shop, game or take surveys. You can join super  quickly. Just download the app, make an account,   link your card, and then sit back basically  while Drop keeps track of literally all of your   rewards. Not only is it automatic, it's also free.  See, Drop gets paid by the brands, not by you,   so your only job here is to collect the rewards I  guess. You can find a deal really easily, by the   way, since Drop sends personalized recommendations  out of the hundreds of brands you can shop.   And it's not just for fun things. You can use  Drop to basically make purchases that you were   already going to do. As you can see, I frequent  Uber Eats and Walmart. With the app being free,   there's basically no reason not to use Drop. If you use code D'Angelo When you sign up, then   drop is going to give you $10 worth of free points  after you earn your first 1000, which you can do   super easily. Just play one of the games on the  arcade tab. Go follow the link in my description   and download Drop for Android or iOS today. And  remember, use code D'Angelo when you sign up.  So I don't know what companies have planned  for us this year, but I'm going to be honest,   I'm not in the mood. First we have the Monoprice  sit squat desk. What? It's a desk on the floor.   They just remove the lower part of  a desk and they're pretending like   they're selling it. Imagine writing in the  death note on your Monoprice sit squat desk.  Next, we have this Sinjin Horse, a company  focused on technology for autonomous vehicles.  Introducing Sinjin Horse. Sinjin  Horse unifies stereoscopic perception.  It's just a horse. And maximum speeds of 55 miles-  Wait, why are the horses pretty though? Sinjin Horse is built with revolutionary   perception capabilities. I think Sinjin should get   credit for this. I think the horses should get  credit. Next we have the Porsche patina paint.  Porsche, every car has been individualized.  So we use oxidation processes for the paint.   Rusty, you might call it. Look, today we reveal  a very special car and a very special offer.  So ugly. Oh my gosh. It looks like my dad's  old car that had this exact rust pattern. Okay,   fine. That was good. The Aspen Snowmass Apres  skis, I'm assuming. These cost $4,000 apparently.  Aspen Snowmass is proud to introduce  the world's first apres skis,   a sophisticated sidecut with an exquisite finish. Why are they barefoot on skis? I don't like it.   We have the Fluidmaster Emergency Wiping Rock.  Ew, that's nasty. But then again, y'all remember   when COVID first started and we were out of  toilet paper? I'm just saying, it may have come   in handy. Meatball of the Month Club, a meatball  at your doorstep every month. The love meatball,   the football meatball, the red, white and blue  meatball. Okay, that just looks scary. Oh look,   they have vegan options. I understand that this  is a joke, but if you could stop by Firehouse   and pick up a box from them, I would opt into  it. Jack Link's jerky cologne. This is nasty.  The commercial was funny, a little bit. Next  we have Lego smart breaks. Never step on a   Lego break again. They know that there's no  greater pain than life than stepping on Legos.  Get ready for a new experience. Oh, wait, make  that real. Okay. Good job, Lego. Good job, Lego.  And next we have the Canadian Space Agency Mars  Surprise. While traveling on the surface of Mars,   the Perseverance rover found the place where  all the missing socks from the dryer end up. Ha.   Our missing socks wound up on Mars. I think  it's finally time y'all stop blaming your   dryers and get on my level. Bud Light  seltzer pizza variety pack. This is   pizza-flavored beer. Why are so many of these  pranks just nasty? Anchovy beer, extra cheese   beer. I keep saying beer, but it's seltzers.  That's nasty though. This is disgusting.  Razor Rapunzel Chroma Hair Dye.  For context, I am a huge Razer fan.  Not getting any stream viewers? Time to glow up  with the all new Razer Rapunzel Chroma Hair Dye.  It's kind of sick. All possible and just three-  Ew, it looks gross. Why is this funny to me? Glow up with the Razer Rapunzel Chroma Hair Dye.  That was funny. And more importantly,  I would use it. New Egg Hydrator PC.  To bridge the gap between home computer and smart  appliance. The New Egg Hydrator, where it's one   part media center, one part grape dispenser. Did they put so much work into an April   Fools ad? We're getting to some of the  weirder ones here. V by Velveeta Skincare.  Immerse yourself in the serenity of  smoothness. Now in skincare. V by Velveeta.  The thought of having it anywhere near my face is  just disgusting. And yet, somehow I'm okay with   ingesting it. Next we have Blue Kazoo, 100,000  piece, all blue jigsaw puzzle. But why is it   kind of aesthetic? Satechi Cybermouse. This  design works a lot better for a mouse than   it does for a car. It's a good render. Good  job to the artist. TaskRabbit TaskRabbits.  Customers can relax and play with the bunny  while the Tasker focuses on the job at hand.  Right, y'all can they even hire a narrator?  That was a good one. That was cute.   I still think they should have hired  a narrator. Next we have the Duolingo   Roll. Turn your bathroom into a classroom.  No ads, no interruptions. Unironically,   this one's pretty good. Surfshark for  Windows 95. This is already my aesthetic.  Welcome the long awaited Surfshark  for Windows 95. It's blazing fast.  Oh my gosh. The dial up internet. I'm  a big appreciator of this ad right   here. Green Giant cauliflower. No. Chosen  Foods Guacpaste, a guacamole toothpaste   made with hand-scooped Hass avocados. Bra,  it looks so bad on the toothbrush itself.  The TubbyCoin. Teletubbies came forward and said  that they were releasing a new cryptocurrency   called TubbyCoin. I don't know who  the heck designed this for them,   but they did a fantastic job. The image that they  used to promote this before they, quote unquote,   dropped it was so unreasonably funny to  me. Who on the marketing team was like,   "We're just going to do the glowing eyes meme." We have to end it with the Tearless. But   before that, I went into to get into some  April Fools pranks that have gone wrong.   So the first one we have, it's just Google not  doing one at all. Google cancels April Fools   the second year in a row. They didn't want  to get destroyed by the New Egg Hydrator PC.  The one was not from a brand. April Fools  tweet lands Clark County woman in jail.   She went on Twitter and said, "Active shooter at  International and Springfield. Be safe Everyone."   Not that this would really ever be funny,  but especially in the wake of mass shooting   after mass shooting, this is so dangerous. So as you may have noticed, Volkswagen was   conspicuously absent from the list of April Fools  pranks, and that was because theirs were terrible.   Volkswagen of America lied about rebranding to  Volkswagen and in an effort to draw attention   to the loan electric vehicles currently selling in  the US, then published a press release on Tuesday   saying the change was a public declaration of the  company's future forward investment in e-mobility.  Why are we acting like any of these companies  care about the environment? I think it's time   for us to do the tier list. This first one we have  is the Teletubbies coin. I'm going to be honest,   I think it's S tier. Next we have the TaskRabbits.  I'm going to go ahead and put this one in B.   I'm not even asking. The little desk, I  was so disappointed. We just created a   whole new level of bad specifically for the  desk meme. Next we have the Sinjin horses,   fine. We'll do S. The rusty Porsche cars, really  good production value, but the joke itself wasn't   that funny to me. I agree with the C. The apres  skis. I don't think they deserve an F, I just   hate the concepts so much. I don't even need to  ask. The emergency wiping rock can go in F, right?  Meatball of the Month Club, I'm going to go ahead  and go with an A. I would want this to exist in   real life. The beef jerky cologne. I'm going  to give it a B. That's pretty high. I hate the   idea so much, but I love the ad for it. Smart  Legos. This is A tier because it was relatable,   it was funny. The special effects were fantastic.  The Canadian Space Agency with the missing socks   on Mars, I'm going to put it in C because it  wasn't terrible and it wasn't that funny either.   The Bud Light pizza-flavored seltzer, I'm  going to put it in D it wasn't terrible   or low effort. It was just nasty. Razer  Rapunzel hair dye. It has to go in S because   I completely forgot they had the meme section. So this is the official 2021 April Fools tier   list. So I guess my main opinion on this is  this year's April Fools pranks were surprisingly   not awful, but after living through an entire  year, that felt like an April Fools prank, they   weren't that impactful. I'll be here all week,  folks, at 2:00 PM central time. If it's Monday,   Wednesday, Friday, that means I'm uploading a new  video here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,   that means I'm going live over on Twitch.  Basically what I'm saying is I'll see you   tomorrow. Unless of course, tomorrow is Sunday, in  which case just watch this video again. Okay, bye
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 632,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, funny, commentary, comedy, satire
Id: swIWaDrWCWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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