Jennifer's Body is the craziest movie I've ever seen...

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i don't know if fans have noticed by now but i make a lot of videos about high school movies and tv shows i've covered disney channel nickelodeon every twilight movie that was an adventure but one high school movie that just kind of came and went and no one really cared until years later was the 2009 cult hit jennifer's body it starred megan fox so i think we can all agree got a lot of hate around this time for really no particular reason other than she's pretty and was in some mediocre movies but all the same i thought it was finally time i checked this one out so let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by the walking dead survivors the walking dead survivors is a strategy mobile game based on the walking dead comic series that's free to download so just click the link down below in the description to get started the game is based on the original world and storyline from the comics and there are more than 80 different characters from the walking dead universe for you to rescue and add to your community and each one of them comes with their own special abilities and buffs you can level up like some characters help you build buildings faster or give you more money just all kinds of different buffs and abilities for you to discover and figure out which you like best you can build out your community by reading the area of walkers and decide how your community is going to grow either by ruling with an iron fist or utilizing a more communal benevolent approach and the choices you make determine how your game will end up going and what kind of community you're going to have there's also pvp clans you can join to get more resources and protection from other players there's a lot to do in this game so if you're interested the game has just launched globally on ios and android so click the link down below in the description and get started today okay back to the show [Music] jennifer didn't always look this rough yeah me neither kid i remember back when i used to wake up and be like oh boy today's gonna be a great one and then 2020 happened and now i'm just sitting here at 4am being like but anyway these are the two main main characters of this movie jennifer and anita aka needy jennifer is your typical high school pretty girl who does cheerleading and walks around showing off that belly button i mean how are the boys in the school supposed to focus on anything when they got these girls walking around with their shoulders and belly buttons exposed next thing you know they're gonna start listening to that gosh darn rock and roll music now like i said the other main character is needy your typical socially awkward band nerd glee club relatable girl who's actually also really pretty but totally doesn't know it cause she's got glasses anyway somehow these two were best friends hey monistat what's up vagisil you and me are going out tonight uh tonight why because low shoulder playing at melvin lane you're this indie rock band from the city i saw their myspace page and the lead singer's extra salty what what he just walks around all day like you know i could have been a twitch streamer if it weren't for all these pretty girls who don't even play games and just show their cleavage all the time anyway that night needy's getting ready for the indie rock show but her boyfriend chip is none too thrilled about her going to see some salty individuals whatever that means and they end up having the most wonderfully bizarre conversation those jeans are hella low i can almost see your front butt it's a rock show this is my rock look well i can see like your womb okay pro tip for you kids this is the least sexy thing you could probably ever say to a girl which one is jennifer stalking the lead singer girls like her don't go out with drummers anyway the singer guy jennifer says he's extra salty so salty saltine means beautiful well then you must be soy sauce also quick aside here but ice guys say the number of low-rise jeans in this movie is concerning anyway so after getting ready jennifer and needy head on over to melody lane the kind of place where you can just smell the benadryl a mile away also chris pratt's here for some reason so interpret that how you will hi hi uh i just wanted to meet you or uh i'm i'm sorry what was that jennifer nikolai this is uh my band you know as someone who was friend zoned by every girl in high school it always makes me laugh to see how girls would talk to me versus how they would talk to like attractive guys oh hey kelsey how was your day well i don't know i mean it was going pretty good until you showed up hey kelsey my basketball hi now after this riveting conversation right before the band starts to play needy overhears them talking about how they're looking for a virgin and somehow they think that jennifer might be the one they're looking for dirk what about her that's the one i don't know you sure she's and i grew up in a town like this okay there's always that girl they love to show it off but they do not give it up you told us you were from brooklyn my point is school is definitely a virgin anyway while they're playing their modern day indie rock song where the chorus is just like one line repeated 14 times the whole place catches on fire sure why not and our two main characters barely make it out alive but there's something a little weird going on with the lead singer salt lake guy jennifer oh thank god you guys are all right i've been looking everywhere for you too listen dangerous out here you want to head someplace safer like my van ah now here we go never go into an indie rock musician's unmarked tinted window van all right because one of two things is bound to happen either a they're gonna try to wear your skin or b they're gonna make you sit there for three hours and listen to all their unfinished demo tapes and ask so what do you think after each one truly a fate worse than death let's go jeffer let's go the van i want to go to your really cool van nini let's go see his van why why should we we have the sebring let's just get out of here let's go to ho and get some northwoods nachos with extra badger sauce please i'm starving stop it just shut up and so jennifer gets in and they all drive off leaving needy standing there by herself wondering what the heck just happened so needy eventually makes her way home but after she gets there and calls her boyfriend to tell him what's up something spooky happens what happened chad so i'm guessing they didn't do the demo tape thing after this jennifer raids needy's fridge eats some boston market chicken of all things and then walks out leaving needy just kind of standing there like but then the very next day at school this happens where's it at monistat haha been a while james charles is a pedo wait a second yeah so i guess last night was just those gosh darn teenage hormones you know what i'm saying i mean come on who hasn't devoured a whole roast chicken off the floor while covered in the blood of your enemies that's just a thursday night in small town america right there now because of the fire that happened the night before a couple students and teachers ended up like not making it out shall we say and this being a small town everyone's feeling affected everybody's a little messed up about this and it's okay to feel it's combobulated yeah hey nene oh hi colin i heard you were there last night in the fiery trenches well i'm glad you didn't die well shoot that would have been the nicest thing anyone could have said to me in high school usually just went like do you even go to this school how are you friends with colin gray i thought colleen gray only talked to the dead girls i just damn we have creative nonfiction together he's a really good writer oh yeah yep sure he is all right colin please share with the class what you did over summer break i am the shadow in the prism of a teardrop my heart is a child crying at the bus stop uh-huh and how about you sally i love horses so throughout the next little bit of the movie we see jennifer acting very strange where like she doesn't seem to care about the fire burning down the tavern or what happened to the other kids or anything really she does that thing that only hot people can get away with where she's all like everything's stupid and everyone's ugly and you can't get mad at me because i'm just being real and then she sets her tongue on fire so whatever i thought the pretty girls in my high school did in their free time apparently i was very wrong however later on a month goes by and jennifer's looking a little bit not like she was just 10 seconds ago but you look really tired is everything okay no i feel like boo boo my skin is breaking out and my hair is dull and lifeless it's like i'm one of the normal girls oh come on it's not that bad jennifer i mean you're still attractive enough that if you say anything on the internet you'll get at least two guys in camel hats and or anime girl profile pics telling you how wrong you are now remember that calling guy from before the one with all the things and stuff well he gets it in his head that because jennifer looks like this now she just might be desperate enough to go out with him no i don't i don't i don't think so um i actually wanted to uh to ask you something you want to know if i'll go out with you yeah what i i don't how did you just go ahead with the pitch well i was gonna ask you if you wanted to come over and see my new yu-gi-oh dual disc accessory but you seem more like the kind of girl who wants to sit on the roof and listen to 30 year olds sing about how hard life is when you're 14 and your mom tells you to clean your room but you don't wanna and so jennifer texts him her address and he goes to meet her but turns out it was all a trap and she lured him into this abandoned or like half-built house thing not really sure which so she can do this i need you frightened i need you hopeless see i knew this would happen this is exactly why i never dated any girls in high school okay and definitely not because they all turned me down like five times shut up let me know anyway while this is happening nida gets these weird visions on her ceiling and goes out to drive around for a bit to see if she can figure out what's going on and that's when she sees jennifer run out of the forest looking like this and then everything's just all in a kerfuffle so not knowing what else to do she goes home and tries to go to sleep but turns out jennifer's just sitting there right in her bed the whole time with her good old tic-tock filter face going on and this is the point in the movie where we finally get to learn what the huck is going on i just want to explain some things to you besides best friends don't keep secrets right okay so you remember the night of the fire i got really messed up and those guys from low shoulder totally evil they're basically like agents of satan with really awesome haircuts i'm sorry are we talking about the same people these guys i think you might want to walk that back a little bit jennifer now just to summarize everything here for a second it turns out that the band made a deal with the devil that if they sacrificed a virgin he would make them famous but as you may be shocked to learn it turns out jennifer's been around the block a few times and the ritual thing ends up halfway failing which turned jennifer into a vampire zombie succubus thing however the band is famous now so at least the world gets to hear more songs like [Music] [Applause] [Music] stuck in the back of the car why do we gotta drive so far i just wanna go home and hang out with my real friends no one knows how hard it's been since i finally turned 14 on a family trip with my mom and her stupid boyfriend gotta fake a smile when i look out for my phone gotta pretend it's all okay but i just wanna say shut up you're not my real but between the band the murders jennifer and all that needy's kind of just at the end of a rope and has no clue what to do just bought her formal tickets chip i can't go to the dance with you why why look just trust me you shouldn't go at all what's going on you're breaking up with me please chip i just need to show you something is this about jennifer yes but i promise you this is the last thing i care about you a lot as a person not just some girl i made love to for four minutes the other night and thank goodness for that so she takes chip off to the side and explains to him that she's been doing some digging into what might be going on with jennifer and she thinks she might have figured it out the guys in the band tried to sacrifice her in the woods but what they didn't know is that she hasn't been a virgin since junior high if the human sacrifice is impure the result may still be attained but the demon will forever reside in the soul of the victim she must forever feed on flesh to sustain the demon okay she's eating boys they like make her really pretty and glowy and her hair looks amazing and her forehead is always perfectly proportioned to the rest of her face her relaxed tummy looks exactly the same as her flex tummy and she doesn't make any noise when she farts she just kind of sounds like and then when she's hungry she's weak and cranky and ugly i mean like ugly for her ah yes pretty girl ugly aka when you look like a normal human being now as you might imagine chip doesn't really believe anything she's saying so needy decides that the only way to keep him safe is to break up with him because as we've seen thus far jennifer has this thing where she wants to like ruin everything that needy likes for some reason but all the same this being a teen high school flick the climax of the movie is of course the spring formal dance thing so what ends up happening is needy goes to the dance to try and keep an eye on jennifer to make sure she doesn't like try to eat anyone but jennifer takes a little detour on her way to the school and guess who she runs into listen i need to talk to you about you know who you know how needy has been really upset since colin gray died well it's not just because he was like brutally murdered and stuff i don't want to say that needy and colin were intimate she and colin were doing things that you have never even heard of i mean she made him dress up like shrek and he told her to wear a teletubby costume and they were using so many toys just hot wheels everywhere i mean it might have just been a birthday party but who can say for sure so what ends up happening is jennifer takes chip to some weird random abandoned swimming pool that oddly enough looks a lot like my first apartment and needy has another one of her visions and follows it to find jennifer eating her boyfriend [Applause] ah she can fly she's just hovering it's not that impressive why you sir told her and then chip stabs jennifer with a long metal whatever this is and she runs away but ultimately chip doesn't make it now this brings us all the way back to the scene we saw at the very beginning of the movie where needy breaks into jennifer's bedroom to get revenge for killing her boyfriend but after stabbing her through the heart jennifer's mom walks in and thinks that needy killed jennifer which i mean like she did but you know without knowing the whole like vampire succubus thing i can see how this might look a little suspicious oh jennifer what is it baby yeah that's me you're probably wondering how i got here also where's jennifer's mom been this whole movie she just randomly shows up like when you're watching a movie and the characters start doing the old devil's tango and your mom who ran away with her underwater basket-weaving acro yoga instructor 12 years ago just walks in like oh hey kids what you getting up to and that's pretty much where the movie ends except for one last monologue about what happens to needy after all this is over but sometimes change can be good for instance most occult scholars don't know this but if you're bitten by a demon and you live you just might absorb some of the demon's abilities just might get lucky for once in your miserable life hey come on why you got to call me out like that and then she breaks out of solitary and goes to take out the band member guys who started the whole thing in the first place so what was your favorite part of the movie that was mine too now to be totally honest i actually thought this movie was not that great but it's also not terrible either my only real concern is like how did this movie even get made in the first place this is the most absurdly insane movie i've ever seen like i get what it was going for but it kind of just feels like it was trying to tell three different stories all at once i mean i like to just fine for what it is but like this movie is a heck of a ride so like i just said at the end of the video like i get what the movie was going for i like i've read all these essays and stuff about how you know when the movie came out it flopped and then now probably two or three years ago it really started to pick up and people started to see it for what it actually was trying to be rather than like what people thought it was supposed to be but watching it back it did kind of strike me as a very strange like mixed message in a way because like the movie starts out with this sort of the you know the weird intricacies of female friendships where it's like jennifer's the pretty one so she kind of has like priority it's like even though she needs your best friends there's definitely a class system going on and all that and then it turns into like this you know jennifer has something done to her body that she has no control over and then it sort of goes in that direction but then instead of turning into this like revenge story or like you know jennifer like taking things back from the men who did whatever to her it's like she just like focuses all of her anger and revenge feelings and whatever like puts it all on like needy for some reason which you know throughout the movie it's kind of like oh jennifer's actually sort of jealous of needy but then it's like actually she's maybe in love with needy there's no resolution about jennifer and like the guys in the band at all it's like they they come to town like multiple times and she never even talks to them or does anything with them like it's really kind of interesting how the character of jennifer has no character arc or hero's journey or anything it's like she starts out in the movie and she sucks she's really vapid and kind of bimbo-ish or whatever you know this horrible thing happens to her and she gets these like super powers kind of what she does with them is she like you know she enacts revenge quote unquote on like unlike totally innocent like regular nice guys like needy's boyfriend or the emo kid or like there's this one football player i didn't mention who's just like a regular guy who's sad that his friend died in the fire or whatever it's like what is she fighting against exactly because the guys who did stuff to her she apparently has no interest in also i think it's interesting you know the whole message about um right she loses control of her body because of what men do and she tries to like take control back and like i totally get that's what the movie's going for but also jennifer's superpowers quote unquote demon powers come from men so it's like it doesn't really seem like this you know uh girl like standing up against the patriarchy type of thing like it was maybe trying to be because her powers are completely reliant also on men so it's kind of like i don't know it seems like a weird mixed message then also the whole like intricacies of female friendship which it kind of touches on but like it has like these three maybe four different plot threads and like messages it's trying to say but like it only goes halfway with all of them i feel like this movie i mean it flopped because marketing was bad but also i think like it's just it tries to say like a little too much like if it had focused on one or maybe two of these like messages or whatever and really flesh those out i feel like it would have been more interesting like if we got to know jennifer better like why is she like this like what exactly made her this way what what's what's going on with her because she has no journey like i said like she just starts out as like this jerk bimbo vapid girl and then at the end she just has no remorse for what she does and she just becomes even more bad of a person and like there's no redemption there's no reason why she's doing stuff she just like does stuff and then the movie's over it's really weird anyway hope you enjoyed the video everybody i worked really hard on this one this this took a long time to make so i hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me send me an email at alexmeyerscontact and let me know what movie or tv show i should do or what are your thoughts on jennifer's body or whatever i have a game on the app store it's like a match 3 type of game with my little dudes in it so you can check that out if you want i have a podcast with my girlfriend it's called dude the devil's tango it's like a dating advice dating story type podcast where we take emails from you all your relationship situation or whatever and we just gave our thoughts our advice and of course above all else everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 980,162
Rating: 4.966783 out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myer, jennifers body, megan fox
Id: fBZEWyeMY4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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