WHO IS LYING?! Jake Paul Threatens Accuser with Lawsuit & Denies Allegations, KallMeKris & More News

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Today’s opening fucked me up for a second. I was like I did not click on Rhett and link. Lol

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/juman097 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
- The world's on fire and I am tired. - Let's talk about that. (uplifting music) - Good mythical morning. I've got a fantastically depressing and exhausting show for you today. So before we jump into it, and why don't you hit that like and or subscribe button, you should know that after today's show, you should go to youtube.com/acw and watch my brand new podcast with a fantastic Call Me Chris, she's blown up over the past year with now 27 million plus followers on TikTok ever growing really everywhere at a fantastic time. I think you'll love her too. Check it out youtube.com/acw. With with that said, welcome back to the Philip DeFranco show. Not good mythical morning, he was lying. But yeah. Let's just jump into it. The first thing that we should talk about today is that Jake Paul has now responded to the sexual assault allegation that was levied against him last week, denying that it ever happened. That accusation of course coming from TikToker, Justine Paradise, saying that this happened back in 2019, right after this for several days, Jake didn't respond to this. He just kept posting on social media seemingly ignoring the claim. But, yesterday we ended up seeing his attorney, responding to the allegations saying in a statement at TMZ. While others have already begun to debunk the claim alleged against him, our client categorically denies the allegation and has every intention of aggressively disproving it and pursuing legal action against those responsible for the defamation of his character. Jake Paul, then putting out a statement himself on Twitter saying that this is a topic that he takes seriously and reclaim is 100% false. Added, not only have I never had any sexual relationship with this individual, but this claim is solely a manufactured accusation and a blatant attempt for attention during a highly visible fight week. With him also saying that he will pursue legal action. And continuing, this individual is directly using the attention from her social media posts and video to promote her adult content website and Amazon shopping lists and adding, at the time of her story, I was in a relationship and to someone who was a mama's boy growing up, I respect women and mothers more than anything. I most certainly have never laid a finger on a girl without their consent. I will fight this to the end to prove my innocence. This isn't the first preposterous allegation made against me in my career. And it most likely won't be the last. With an ultimately closing by saying, they're dealing with liars fake news and false accusations is part of his job and he won't back down. Following all over that. We saw Justine herself responding in an Instagram story, criticizing his statement, writing, I wasn't even aware that I still had an Amazon wishlist. I just checked and there were literally six items on it. I'm not looking for gifts or money. I made it very clear that all I wanted from him was an apology. And for him to stop doing this to people. They're also claiming that a minor came forward to her who also had a similar experience with Jake. Whether then thanking the people who have stuck up for her. And also the likes of Julia Holbanel who describes herself as a personal trainer a gym instructor, a financial dominatrix, responding to Jake Paul's statement and an Instagram story saying "Never touched a girl without consent, mmhh crazy. Not what I heard from a friend's experience with you." And that is ultimately where we are with this story. We have to wait and see what are the developments we're gonna see? Is there any more evidence? Are there other stories? Well, definitely we've seen a lot of people throwing out their opinions on this saying this person's lying. This person's lying. One of the interesting conversations and debates that's popped up is Jake Paul and his team pursuing legal action. Or you have people here that think of Jake is telling the truth that she is saying, yes, that that's exactly what he needs to do. Go after her legally. Like an example out of someone that is making a false claim because false claims hurt actual victims. But on the other side of this you have people saying no, Jake Paul's denial is BS. He is lying. This young woman bravely is telling the truth, even though she knew she was gonna get kind of piled on. This is an act of legal and monetary intimidation by an abuser to his victim. So while we wait to see what happens from a legal standpoint, why, what stories come out? What evidence comes out. I do want to pass a question off to you. What are your thoughts on this whole situation right now, and specifically regarding the legal action that's being talked about here? What camp do you land in? Are you somewhere in the middle? I'd love to know. And then we should talk about a big update around the death of Daunte Wright, who of course was shot and killed by a police officer in Minneapolis on Sunday. With the big news today being that Kim Potter who shot and killed Daunte Wright, has now been arrested and charged with second degree manslaughter. A charge that in Minnesota carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. Now obviously we're going to have to wait and see what happens with all of this. And every situation is different, but in the New York Times review of what people have referred to as a weapon confusion case earlier the chief of police saying that it appeared that Kim Potter thought she had the taser. She shouted taser, taser, taser actually shot Daunte with a gun. In the New York Times review of those 15 cases they found that the police shooting people were only indicted five times with three getting convicted but you know, the news of this charge just coming out now and we're gonna have to wait to see what happens next. From that let's pay some bills and thank the fantastic sponsor of today's show JuneShine. And if you didn't know, JuneShine is a hard kombucha made with real organic ingredients with surprisingly low sugar. Started by a team of artists and creatives JuneShine is the better for you alcohol that's refreshing, gluten-free and easy on the digestive system. Thanks to the probiotic. The midnight painkiller for labor, has hundreds of five star reviews and a 6% alcohol. Though the new chili mango was the easily my favorite though. You can never go wrong with a glass of blood orange mint either. Really appreciate the I that not feeling so incredibly full after drinking a few, still feeling fine the next morning. JuneShine uses green tea and honey, instead of multigrain and sugar for a smoother, less acidic taste. They kinda consider themselves champagne of kombucha. JuneShine is one of the only if not the only hard kombucha that delivers nationwide. And it's only $2 per can with their bestseller 18 packs. So what are you waiting for? Go to juneshine.com/defranco and use code DEFRANCO to get JuneShines bestselling 18 pack for 20% off plus free shipping. Seriously, even if you're not a kombucha drinker I haven't been try it. Trust me. And then we should definitely talk about this new report from the us Capitol police inspector general. The report is titled review of the events surrounding the January, 6, 2021 takeover of the U.S. Capitol. It's 104-pages and has been described by the New York Times as quote, "The most searing portrait yet of the lapses and miscalculations around the most violent attack on the Capitol in two centuries." And according to the outlets who viewed the publication the inspector general found the Capitol police had more clear advanced warnings about the attack than were previously known to the public. This including explicit intelligence about the potential for violence warning that Congress itself is the target. In fact, the police departments own intelligence unit warned three days before, that the Trump supporters spurred on by his false election claims were targeting Congress and could become violent. Those concerns were also relayed to USCP by an FBI's field office as was a warning from the Department of Homeland Security, that the agency had found a map of tunnels that run under the Capitol on pro-Trump message boards. But, despite that the watchdog reportedly found that when an operations plan was written, police leaders included quote "No specific known threats related to the joint session of Congress." Beyond that the report also allegedly found that when the mob did reach the Capitol USCP leadership directed a special crown control unit, not to use some of its most effective crowd control techniques which prevented them from containing the mob. And in addition to all of that the officers were also given defective protective equipment and expired ammunition. Right and all of this is incredibly significant because while the Capitol police have long been accused of not being properly prepared this report is the clearest and most in-depth piece of information so far on how big the failures were. And as for what happens next day the watchdog reportedly listing more than a dozen recommendations, including new training addressing communication failures and centralizing intelligence. With some lawmakers from both sides saying that they hope to use the reports findings to better secure the Capitol. But giving the polarizing nature of increased security among Republican leaders who fought to remove security which resulted in another attack that left one officer dead, it's unclear what will happen. And then we should definitely talk about today President Biden announcing that he would withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that of course drew the United States into its longest war. And this decision comes as Biden is nearing the May 1st deadline set under the February, 2020 peace deal by the Trump administration to bring the troops home from the war. A war that has killed nearly 2,400 troops, injured or killed nearly 100,000 civilians and cost about $2 trillion. Now with all of this Biden had previously said that it'd be hard to meet the date after taking office but even with the extended timeline many experts in defense officials have warned against this move. The U.S. first entered the war that housed the Taliban government which was harboring al-Qaeda militants involved in planning the 9/11 attacks. The Taliban was removed within months but the group still had support in parts of the country and steadily regained territory and strain. And now almost two decades later, the group is the strongest that it's been since the 2001 invasion. And in fact, according to reports it has influence or control over half the country. And what's more of that the situation has gotten worse in recent months after Trump during his last week in office reduce the official number of troops in Afghanistan to 2,500, which is the lowest levels since 2001. As the US has scaled down its operations, the Taliban had state control over major highways tried to cut off cities and towns and surges that have exhausted Afghan's security forces. Violence has also ramped up in recent months. In fact, according to a UN report released just today nearly 1800 civilians were killed or wounded in the first three months of the year which is nearly 30% increase from the same period last year. Now, as far as what this will mean for the U.S. domestically U.S. intelligence agencies have said that they do not believe that Al Qaeda or other terrorist organizations present an immediate threat to strike the U.S. from Afghanistan. And while reportedly that assessment has played a big role in Biden's decision to withdrawal U.S. forces many experts are now more concerned about how the move will impact Afghanistan and its citizens. In fact, the Pentagon has warned against removing American troops from the region until Afghan security forces which the U.S. has been funding and training for the last two decades can effectively fight back against the Taliban. So as a result, critics of the plan have argued that the withdrawal will leave the forces which have limited capabilities and resources totally in the dust. Beyond that many also worry that this move could undermine the entire goal of the 2001 invasion in two different ways. First, because the Taliban has led Al Qaeda operatives remain in the country who could become emboldened once the U.S. troops leave and second, because some experts in Afghan politicians have said that withdrawing from the country without a solid peace deal in place it could very well just end up with concentrating more power in the hands of the Taliban. Right after a long delay of following the U.S. agreement in February of last year, peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban finally started up in September. But those talks have since stalled partly due to Biden's win and the anticipation of a possible change in policy under the new administration while other countries have recently made moves to restart the talks, there are a number of possible options on the table and nothing is set in stone. And do we have American commanders who have long said that a peace deal with the Taliban is the best security measure for the U.S? Have argued that the U.S. will need to use the promise of withdrawing their forces as a condition for a good deal. But now they would see this as the U.S. taking a major bargaining chip off the table causing concerns that if a deal is struck, the already weakened Afghan government will make key concessions to the Taliban. That in turn is promoted many Afghan citizens who oppose the Taliban to worry that if the group secures a role in a power sharing agreement it can eventually take over the government, and then reimpose the harsh rule that it imposed before the U.S. removed it in 2001, particularly on women who were basically barred from public life. So with this announcement we've seen a lot of political backlash. In fact, from both sides, though, particularly from Republicans like Lindsey Graham, who said "It is insane to withdraw at this time, given the conditions that exist on the ground in Afghanistan. And adding "A full withdrawal from Afghanistan is dumber than dirt and devilishly dangerous. President Biden will have, in essence canceled an insurance policy against another 9/11." But on the other side, we've seen Democrats arguing that the U.S. presence in the region, it's just not helping. If we base removal on condition-based approaches we will never leave. Many arguing at the plan is actually careful and we'll still emphasize diplomatic efforts in the region while simultaneously removing the U.S. from a highly unpopular and expensive war. This including the likes of Chuck Schumer who praised the plan today saying, "The president doesn't want endless Wars. I don't want endless Wars and neither do the American people. And it's refreshing to have a thought-out plan with a set timetable instead of the president waking up one morning getting out of bed, saying what just pops into his head and then having the generals, having walked it back." Now, as far as how leaders in Afghanistan have responded the country's president tweeted today that he had spoken to Biden and emphasize the two nations would continue to work together and adding Afghanistan's proud security and defense forces are fully capable of defending its people and country, which they have been doing all along. But at the same time, the Taliban has focused more on the fact that the initial timeline has been delayed with a spokesperson saying "We are not agreeing with delay after May 1st, any delay after May 1st is not acceptable for us." Right now it is unclear how that stands might affect the situation especially when it comes to peace deal negotiations. And while obviously with the story we're gonna have to wait and see what happens. I mean, there are big concerns for what's gonna happen in the middle East this year. And this because according to the U.S. intelligence community's annual threat assessment report that was released yesterday, ongoing conflicts, economic crises, and the fallout from COVID-19 will likely destabilize several countries in the middle East in 2021 and could even put some on the brink of collapse. According to the report, as noted by Axios Iran will take risks that could escalate tensions and threatened us and allied interests in the coming year but, will attempt to avoid a direct conflict due to concerns about the U.S. response sparring between Iran and rivals in the region will continue. In Iraq, the government will continue to struggle to fight ISIS and to control Iran back Shiite militias. In Libya, the interim unity, government will face and during political economic and security challenges that will make reconciliation very difficult. And in Syria, the crisis will continue for years to come, and president Bashar al-Assad will struggle to re-establish control over the entire country. And ultimately with this story, and honestly anything that stood out to you today I'd love to know your thoughts in those comments down below because this is the end of the video. As always thank you for watching, liking, subscribe and all the good stuff. If you're looking for more to watch right now, I got your cover with that brand new podcast with Call Me Chris, or maybe this minutes yesterday show you wanna catch up, click right there or in the top description. But with ads that of course as always, my name's Philip DeFranco you just been filled in. I love your faces and I'll see you tomorrow.
Channel: Philip DeFranco
Views: 876,044
Rating: 4.9251986 out of 5
Keywords: Jake Paul, Justine Paradise, Jake Paul allegation, KallMeKris, TikTok, Biden, Lindsay Graham, Capitol, January 6, Daunte Wright, Kim Potter, news and culture, politics, philly d, philip defranco, new, pop culture, satire, defranco, defranco news
Id: Pqz9S3D5-Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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