Husband Vs. Best Friend Recreate Iconic Drag Makeup

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Not a bad try at all. Pretty funny too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toronto34 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love the Try Guys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bubblerunka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Matt’s thighs are all I want to eat for every meal. Kay? K.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skyconic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hm, look like Keith buys a regular supple of delusion perfume.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hljoumur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- I mean, look at the progress we've made so far. I would call this transformative. (pop music playing) - May the best queen win. - Yes, ooh. (upbeat music playing) - Today, I am facing off against Eugene's partner, Matt, in a drag makeup competition. - I've never done makeup before. I'm not a makeup person. Eugene is the one who does the makeup. - They're gonna be doing makeup on Sam and Nick. Two iconic looks from Drag Race Season 13 and Drag Race UK Season 2. - [Nick] Is this the first Try Guys video where straights are outnumbered by gays? (laughter off camera) - That's exciting. Yeah, maybe! - Finally! (upbeat music playing) - [Sam] I wear makeup probably two or three days a week, but very simple. I do like a little color on the eyes, blush, and maybe like a little kiss of the lips. - I've never been made up. I don't really know much about makeup, but I am a huge RuPaul's Drag Race fan. When I was in my 20s, a wise gay friend of mine, who at the time was in his 30s, had done drag for his 30th birthday. And he said, "Everyone should do drag once in their life." (upbeat music playing) - [Sam] This is the makeup look that Matt will be doing today on my face. Oh! - [Matt] Gottmik is a professional makeup artist. So she has a lot of talent and, I mean, just, like, look at all of the lines. I mean, like, what do you even use to make that, like a highlighter? - This is actually perfect for me. Lots of colors. Gottmik is known for her clown aesthetic. - This is definitely going to be a challenge. (laughs) I'm not sure Sam is going to be getting the look that he's wishing for. (laughs) - Ready? Oh my God. Amazing. This is from UK. (upbeat music playing) This look is amazing and I am terrified.(laughs) - Oh! Hell yes! This is my favorite one. It's just a whole gemstone look and she's wearing like a pink gem body suit. She's just like a pile of jewels. - [Nick] I don't know Matt's skills, but I've never seen... Now I know Keith is my, oh my God. (laughs) I can't believe, I'm just as scared. (laughs) - Okay, well, as they say, "Don't (beep) it up." (laughter) - I thought they said, "You're a winner, baby." - Nick has no control over this situation. - Ready, set, go! - This a lot of stuff over here. - Like, how many eyes do you have? Like, how many do we need? (Sam laughing) - Okay, so we're starting out with my favorite beauty product, alive. I'm gonna drown in Ben Nye powder. I feel gorgeous already. - [Matt] You know, on drag race, they always do the eyebrows. - [Keith] Okay. We're starting out with a little bit of primer on Nick's face. You know, that's when I put makeup on for a shoot, Becky always says, "Do you have your primer?" So, which means I'm supposed to put the primer on first. - [Matt] So I've now put on about 20 layers of glue on his eyebrows, you know, really want to pace them down. Brushing out, we don't want it to get chunky. We'll kind of want them to disappear. - Because I had the primer to protect the skin, Becky. I care about Nick's skin. Now, we're going to dry. - [Matt] Come by to wear black for this? - Yeah - This is too much. This is too much! - Sorry. Sorry Matt. Sorry Matt. I don't know what you guys are talking about but I'm just drying out a face, real quick. I don't what... I don't know. It's already there. It's already on there. I'm starting the diffuser. I don't want to be too intense. Throughout this pandemic, something that has brought us joy between Becky and I, and Eugene, and Matt is watching Drag Race. Now, I'm a first time drag race watcher and let me tell you, the show is a blast. It is everything you want in a reality show. It's drama. It's crazy looks. It's stupid jokes. - There is a Australian. There is Canadian. I think there's a Thailand version, but yeah RuPaul is spreading like wildfire on the world. - You do have nice. They're manicured. - I manicured them a little bit for the shoot. (laughs) - [Keith] Aww. - I got ready. - For you. - [Matt] Oh my gosh. - Sam, for you. - [Matt] It's wine time. - Cheers, Sam. - Cheers. - Here we are. - May the best queen win? - Yes! Ooh. My favorite queen of all time is Sasha Veloure. I think she might've been the first season I watched. So that's why I have a special thing with her, but she's bald and artistic. - I always gravitate towards more of, like, the comedy queens. Utica is the perfect example. She's very funny but also can do very high fashion outfits and makeup stuff. - Utica is probably the most like me. Very weird. Maybe she's actually more of a fashion queen because she makes like a really amazing looks. But she's also a totally weird lunatic. In the UK season, I like Lawrence Chaney. - I don't know if I have a favorite queen of all time, but I think the first drag queen I ever saw was Pandora Boxx. I think that really opened up my eyes to the drag world. - I don't want too much about powder. A little too much powder! (Nick laughing) - [Becky] Matt, you look so cute and professional. - Do I? - [Becky] Yeah. - I love that Matt's on the video competing - [Becky] I know! - and Eugene is no where in sight. - [Becky] We get his muscles all to ourselves. - [Matt] Muscles. (laughter) - Matt's got so many muscles. Matt, you look like a professional over there. Keith, we're not gonna include your lines in the video. (laughter) - [Sam] So if I had a drag name, which I have actually contemplated before, the one that I've used to do like skits and like online performance stuff has been Beans. Just Beans. I don't really know why, but like, me and my friends just always thought that was so funny and so that's kind of what it was. But like, another one that I've settled on and is in debate is Lorraine O'Shine. - Oh, so I've been thinking about this. We all know that I was Ginger Vitis in the video but I have my new drag queen name, I want, is Pizza Slut. I think Pizza Slut is a great drag queen name. I think it's so funny. And then I would like often like be eating pizza. That'd be kinda my thing, and I'd be Pizza Slut. - How does this glue come off? - I don't know. (laughter) - You just, like, rip it like tape. - If I'm in the next Try Guys video with Sam's eyebrows. (Nick laughing) - How you doing over here? - Well, there not an eyebrow in sight. - [Becky] Ooh. Yeah, you're covering it. - [Matt] So I think the eyebrows are like in a good spot. Right? - Mm-hmm. - So next, we're going to work on setting the base, the foundation. - So, I see we're still on the eyebrows. - Okay, there. They also just moved off the eyebrows. I don't know why over there it was a nice thing, and over here it's condescension - There not an eyebrow in sight. - [Becky] Ooh. Yeah, you're covering it. - Just immediately. Right? Did you see it, camera? You saw that? Literally, just the exact same conversation, five seconds ago. Nice. Mean. (Nick laughing) - Becky were on the eyebrows. - Uh-huh. - His eyebrows are resilient. - Are you using a blow dryer? Are you drying it? - Not every time - The glue you're using once it's dry is no longer purple. The diffuser, it's really funny. So that's for curly hair. (laughs) - The next step is we're gonna do... - Excuse me. Excuse me. Quiet on set. - The disrespect in this room. It's out of control. - Can't imagine what you're talking about is that important. (Becky gasps and laughing) - Talking about winning, Keith. We're talking about winning. I think Keith wins the worst attitude award today. - It's called shade. - Now I'm going to start painting my face white. The Gottmik clown, artistry of life. - I'm going to go ahead and mix some pink foundation and I'm going to mix it with a bit of white. Just to make it a bit lighter because it is my foundation base. - A highly big netted professional cream makeup. Yep. I'm gonna put this on. I assume it's a foundation of sort. Wow. - Are you gonna do that on Nick's whole face? - Yeah. - It was such a difficult, like, leading question. - Lawrence Chaney's look here is going to be really difficult because you have to play with the same shades of pink, and the highlighting and the contouring is all done using different variations of pink. - I'm definitely gonna do the forehead. Do you know why? 'Cause that's how Sam looks and I'm sort of one step behind, which gives me the luxury of copying. - [Becky] Well, you do know Sam's is just a white face with just a contour cheek and nose. - [Matt] It's not the same look. - [Becky] I could see Keith not really understanding that the highlights are pure white. So the way that Lawrence creates this look is she does a pink base, but then she'll leave her highlight blank and use pure white, and then she blends from there. So maybe if you did a different color. - [Keith] Look, I'm obviously gonna use pink, eventually. First, we got to blend. First, we got to blend it down. - [Becky] Matt is gonna do Gottmik's entrance look. Gottmik has this really cool, like, punk clown energy going on. Super well known for having the white stamped face with the lips that kind of perk out a little bit. I would say her base is going to be the hardest, just because once you get all that white all over. If you accidentally get a little color on your hand or for example, when they're doing the black eyeshadow, mistakes will be visible. - We're getting there. I mean, look at the progress we've made so far. I would call this transformative. How does it feel to you? - It feels wet. (laughter) - Oh my gosh, Nick. - What is it? - It's beauty, it's happening. - This is the transformation? - Yes, see. This is going to make your whole face pink and we're gonna make it darker pink after this. - [Matt] How does this feel? Nice? - This feels much better. I'm like a... - Like a snow? - Yeah. - Are you feeling dry? We're almost, we're almost done with this bit. - [Keith] This bit? (laughter) - I think you're doing a really (laughs) - Why do you keep doing that? - I would say (laughs) - Oh, man. - Maybe we'll stick just the face and then you can move on to the eyes. - Keith, how are you doing? - We got a pink boy. - Oh, yes. - [Keith] He's pink. - [Becky] You are pink. - [Keith] He's pink. Now, obviously, he's not all the way pink. - [Becky] Mm-hmm. - But we're going to get there. The next layer of pink is about to start. I'm just powdering, blending. - Now, to make me look less like a penis, I'm going to take every shade of pink that they, possibly, have to both deepen and highlight my face. - I'm going to contour and I, literally, just use a gray eyeshadow and I basically just use this Aquaria x NYX palette, and I contour. - [Keith] More layers. (laughs) - Yeah, that's Lawrence Chaney look right there. And we'll blend this. We're gonna blend this. - [Matt] Is that's how they taught you to do it in make-up school? - [Becky] Oh, no. (laughter) - [Matt] You know, haters gonna hate, you know what I mean? - [Becky] Haters gonna hate. So you'll notice on the picture, the only actual contouring she does is on her cheeks and on her nose. And she likes to have a really like snatched, tiny nose. - Now, we got to do the nose. - [Becky] How's it going? - It's looking great, you know. - You are snatched. - Yeah. - Snatched! - There's that little tiny nose. - Uh-huh, she likes teeny tiny nose. - Perfect. Just go in and go to get that teensy little nose, Nick. You got to get little teensy nose. - Yeah, why would you like to know? (laughter) - Shade - 'Cause you're making it stressful! - So now that the base is on, we're going to start on the fun part, which is the eyes. - For my eye make up today I'm using the NYX Professional Makeup Epic Ink Eyeliner in black. And I'm going to trace out my whole eye shape before going in with any eyeshadow. - Okay. - Would like close or open? - Yeah. Let's just stay close. Just seems like a better idea. (Nick laughing) - I'm gonna laugh. - Keep going. You're fine. You're fine. Now, that I'm thinking about it. Well, we haven't gotten that far, so we're going to go in with the white. - It's definitely not going to be as crisp as hers. - [Becky] That looks like Kiss. - [Keith] You're getting there. - Ooh. - [Becky] That's good. - How's does this feel? Are you okay? - If it feels weird. (laughs) - Okay, we're going this side. Keep looking up for me. - Start on the other side, this time, to give Keith a little bit of time to cool off. - See it, statements like that, that really fire me up. I'm over here relaxed. - The next step is I'm going to go in with some eyeshadow. Starting with a kind of midway color of a bright pink. We're going in with some black eyeshadow. - We're going in with a fine tooth pen. - Did you know this look was based on a Doctor Who villain? - Really? - Yes. Lawrence Chaney is a big Doctor Who fan. - Wow. Okay. Stay here and look there. I know that the eyeliner is not in yet, but right? Like kinda? - [Becky] Mm-hmm. - We gotta get in there with these gems. Huh? - How do you feel Sam? - Honestly, good. - Yeah. - It hasn't felt like he's put makeup in wrong places yet, so... - How you put emphasis on "yet" in that conversation there. Thanks for that. - Matt, how did you come up with Eugene's drag name? - Cheyenne Pepper, I like it. - Cheyenne Pepper! (cheering) (audience cheering) - Cheyenne Pepper, and I'm the one who came up with his name too. He always likes to credit himself with ideating the name but it was actually me who came up with it. Like cayenne pepper. - [Nick] Mm-hmm. A brilliant name. - Spicy. - [Becky] That's it. That's how he came up with it. - That's it? That was it? - He saw cayenne pepper and said, "That's it." - Well, because it's like very Southern sounding. - I have this gorgeous water glass because these pains are water activated. So let's activate it with water. So I always start everything where my crease would be, 'cause I like to blend them together. And then I'm just going to draw some bumpys. I'm going to take some black eyeshadow and I'm just going to set this shit. - I'm just gonna do it. This is the rainbow pad. The water activated pad. I knew this, like use a little water. It's like watercolors, like when you were little. - [Becky] (gasps) So cute. - I am excited about this color. - Wait, that is really cute, Matt. That's good job. - It's a semblance. I would say inspired by. - Yeah. - I don't want Gottmik to come for me. - No. - Nobody's talked over me. Let's make sure it's only to me. Make sure. Just make sure. Make sure all the negative feedback goes to me. Just, let's just make sure on company-wide, that's how we operate. - You want this headpiece to look kind of invisible? You want people to not be able to guess where the (beep) headpiece stops. - Okay. We're going to put a rhinestone right on your face. Beep. Beep. I'm obviously not gonna do the 3,000 gems that are on the wig. So we're going to do a couple forehead gems and it's reminiscent of the look. (upbeat music playing) - What you doing? Going with my roses, Team cheating. - [Becky] Before anyone applies more, typically, you would put mascara on... - Yes! - [Becky] There lash. - Yeah. So here's the thing. I'm very ready to get too close to Nick's eyes. I don't want to injure him. It's not worth it. So I'm not going to do the neck and here's why. We men who are not used to putting things on our neck when we shave, it can really, really irritate our necks. And I don't want to do that to you next week. - Sounds like you're admitting defeat, Keith. - Are you at the eyelash point yet? - [Matt] No, but should you? - Or you're still way behind? - [Matt] Should you be on the eyelash point? - Yeah, I should be. I was gonna say that Nick... - [Sam] Well, my guess is that you probably do the point... - [Matt] The little one. - [Sam] Put on directly on her eye. I bet she... - [Matt] It's on her lid, just one on one side. (Nick laughing) - Before Keith talks. (upbeat music playing) - [Keith] All right, so Matt and I have both finished our drag looks on our beautiful drag queens. - They're beautiful. - We did an amazing job. And now they're going to get to see one another before they see themselves. - [Everybody] Ta, na, na, na, na. - [Both Sam And Nick] Oh! - Nice! - Ooh! (laughter) - [Keith] You went from this, to this. Not bad. And we started with this, and we ended with this. (laughter) (upbeat music playing) - [Sam] Keith did a really good job on the eyeliner and like the black around the eyes turned out really good. The gems look great. It's pretty good, Keith. Yeah. - Pretty good! - [Nick] The eyelashes are fantastic. They look amazing. Well, I'm drawn to the bumping on is the eyebrows. I think you're there, you could see like the white is sort of kicked on over your eyebrows. - You should just see how your eyebrows looked, Nick. (laughter) - [Keith] You had to give her critique 'cause you were so impressed. - [Nick] Yeah, exactly. - You're so impressed with the rest of the face - Nice save. - [Becky] Nick, are you ready to see yourself? - I am so ready. - [Becky] You're beautiful transformation. - Oh, it's gonna be gorgeous. - Here you go. (suspenseful music playing) - Oh, my God. Wow! That is crazy. - [Matt] Do you feel like a drag queen? - I do feel like a drag queen. I do feel like a drag queen. - (beep) yeah! - Do you feel beautiful? - Ah, let me think about that for a little more. That's pretty good. - Right? - Yeah. You got the colors done. - You really think I look good? - Yeah. For someone who has not done drag queen makeup before I am impressed. - Thank you. - [Keith] Gottmik? - A little excited. - Beans, are you ready? - I'm so ready. - Beans! - Beanmik. (suspenseful music playing) - Oh, wow! (Matt laughing) Wait, this is pretty good. Yeah. You know what.. - Does it feel better than you thought it was gonna be? - Honestly, a hundred percent, yeah. 'Cause I was getting... - No have faith in me. - No, no, no. Not you. We were just getting a lot of laughs from the room. The squiggly brows and all the shapes. I actually, yeah, probably better than I could do myself. - [Both] Wow! - Better than our resident experts. Wow. Cute. Props to me, everyone. (claps) - [Keith] Nice job. (clapping) - There we go, Matt! (suspenseful music playing) - [Becky] All right. So now we are going to go into the judging of the makeup looks. Keith, I thought you did really well. Start of Nick's eyebrows and I think where you fumbled was not listening to me. If you had just started with the pink and use the white as an only highlight, you would have been able to blend more. But because you put that white over Nick's entire face, we kind of lost that definition. So it just looked a little patchy. And then Matt, where I think you could have improved upon. So your blending did get a little muddy. Didn't really get the snatch nose or the crisp lines. But overall, I think you did a really good job at sort of capturing the essence. So I think as far as mastery of technique goes, - Yeah. - I saw a little bit more of that from Matt. - [Matt] Oh my God, I'm the winner! - [Keith] That's just one category. - [Matt] I won a category - And I will say, for who related to their model the most I'm gonna give that to Keith. Because he was thinking of his model's freshly shaved neck, of not gluing things onto his eyebrows. And then in the final category, Is is it a Drag or Is it Queen? When you look at the models, I can look at Sam and say, "That is got Gottmik." When I look at Nick, I don't necessarily think Lawrence Chaney. I am going to have to crown the first ever winner of the Try Guys' Boyfriend versus Best Friend Competition - I'm your husband. - She said to say boyfriend (laughs) - I'm not your boyfriend. - Shush, Keith stop! - [Keith] I don't care about the literation (Matt shushes) - Let her finish. - I'm gonna have to give it to the best friend. (clapping and cheering) - We won. We won. - [Becky] You won. You won. Congratulations, Matt, you are the winner. - Whoo! - And I'm so sorry, Keith. - [Both Becky And Matt] Sashay, away. - I just want to say that this experience has been life-changing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have met so many wonderful girls in this time here and thank you, Becky Ru for having me. Now, can I have some lipstick to go write on a mirror, please? (laughter) - We would also like to thank Gottmik and Lawrence Chaney for their beautiful looks. - Let us know who in our Try team and our Try Guys office you want to see compete next. Maybe what drag queen looks you want to see us try next. As two people with no makeup skills, whatsoever, attempt to do some of the hardest makeup in the world. (upbeat music playing) (Keith laughs) - [Nick] Stop. - No, you can't. You can't talk. Right into that moment. - You can't make me laugh while doing my lips. - Well, I've got to focus.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,368,349
Rating: 4.9667826 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, drag makeup, drag makeup tutorial, drag makeup transformation, drag queen, drag makeup looks, drag race, drag queen makeup, how to do drag makeup, drag, rupauls drag race, drag transformation, drag tutorial, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, makeup, gottmik, lawrence chaney, competition, challenge, professional, amateur
Id: CMzWtuLF4sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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