"Super-Straight" TikTok exists and it's as bad as you think

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What are we about to do right now?  We are going to look at this super   straight situation on TikTok and  why it's actually just super lame.   The reason this matters is I've just been  seeing it going around a lot lately and I   feel like if I don't point out how ridiculous  it is, I'm just going to literally flip out   next time I see it on my timeline. So today's  comment shout out, "D'Angelo is the only way I   know what's going on in the world." I don't know  how good that is because honestly on most days,   I don't know what's going on in the world either.  And I think that applies to what we're about to   talk about. Where did this all come from? And  what is it really about? This started on 4chan.   Like most things that come from 4chan, this has  a very deliberate Nazi bent to it. The initials   of super straight are SS, deliberate Nazi imagery. Super straight is not a real thing. The only thing   it really means is people claiming that they are  so, "Straight," that they exclude transgender   people from their dating pool entirely.  They're claiming I'm so, "Straight," I   don't even acknowledge trans women as women. It's  literally just transphobia. And that's why TikTok   ate it up. Let's get some vibes of what this is. Yo, guys, I made a new sexuality now actually.   It's called super straight, okay, since  straight people, or straight men as myself,   I get called transphobic because I wouldn't date  a trans woman. They're like, "Would you date   a trans woman? " I'm like, "No." "Why? That's  a female?" No, that's not a real woman to me.  It's not even like they're trying to  make it sound like it's not transphobic.  Please. Come on, I got to tell you something. I'm  serious. I'm not straight. No, no, no. I promise,   I'm not sexually straight. Well you see,  I'm super straight. I'm super straight, boy.  He peaked in middle school intellectually. If you identify as super straight   and this is not your profile, what  are you doing? What are you doing?  You all are out here cavorting around as the  Grindr logo and calling yourself super straight   at the same time. These men are not funny. Well I identify as a sub category of super   straight, which is super straight and  in shape. I will only date women who   are born women and I find their  body physically attractive.  Some people really do think, "Oh, I'm never ever  going to date anyone who's out of shape." Give   it 10 years and you all are definitely  going to be looking like 35-year-olds.  I am super straight. Super straight is a new  sexual orientation. It means you would date the   opposite gender, but not if they were trans.  This is not the same thing as transphobic,   just like how gay men that only  date men aren't sexist to women.  Huh? If I sit here and try to analyze what  was just said, my brain is going to fall out.  So I've been seeing this whole  super straight thing going around,   and I got to say, if not wanting to date  trans women is what makes you super straight,   then I'm super ultra mega straight because I  don't date men. And by that, I mean trans men   because they're men and trans women are women. Hey, we got one. He literally just took their   lack of logic and made it even more illogical. We  created super straight so we could be ourselves   again. We use LGBTQ's logic and if you are  mad, that says a lot about who you are that   shows everyone why we created this new movement.  #superstraight. If you are genuinely mad about it   or think it's a joke, you probably joined LGBTQ  for attention. It has nothing to do with logic   or transphobia. It just boils  down to either you support super   straight or you joined LGBT like a country club. And if I don't want to date a woman just because   she's a woman, that makes me what? Female-phobic? Notice how if a straight man doesn't want to date   a transgender, he's transphobic. Does  that mean a lesbian is male-phobic?   And a gay dude is female-phobic? No, because trans women are women.   That one was funny. I feel like this  guy's not really part of this trend.  You love me, right? Yes.  I'm super straight. I feel so bad for all of   their girlfriends. Imagine putting up with someone  who thinks that that's the ultimate form of humor.  Why are you all so triggered that a straight man  does not want to date a trans woman? If anything,   you shouldn't want to date that straight man  because of that reasoning. I would want to be with   somebody who clearly is uncomfortable with you.  All the talk about women are the same as trans   women. Well guess what? I'm a biological woman.  I'm about to say something about it. I don't   care what you identify as, I don't care what you  do, who you date, but stop trying to invalidate   the preference of others because you want them to  make you feel more comfortable within who you are.  She really thinks she's doing  something. She was trying to be helpful   and say be with someone who's going to accept you  for who you are, but it just came out a little   wonky. That's what I was about to say. Nevermind.  She's just transphobic. Okay. So this one says,   "To clarify, being super straight is transphobic.  Not dating a trans person is fine, but not wanting   to date a trans person because they're trans is  not since you don't perceive them as the gender   they identify as. You're literally rejecting their  existence and all trans existence as a whole." Is   there a single untruth on screen right now? I think the super straight movement/identity   is hilarious, but at the same time, it's exposing  the hypocrisy of the social justice warriors on   the trans side of things. This guy created an  identity using their rules, their guidelines, and   a play from their playbook, and the social justice  warriors are going apeshit about it. The LGBTQ   community, a majority of them, are loving it. Wait, you all are? I'm sorry, the LGBT community   thinks that super straight is funny? Maybe  I just misread it. I'm not sure where   he's getting this information from. To my friends of the gay community,   you could very well be next. You can be classified  transphobic also because you prefer naturally born   women or men of the same sex. You heard it here first, bro.   You all are over once the SJW mob realizes  you're next. I don't know why he's acting like   people are having this egregious  behavior that's going to get them   canceled. It's literally only him. Did I see that right? What the fuck.  No, did he lie? They're just spamming Nazi emojis. "I'm super straight. I don't like trans women."   But do trans woman even like you? I mean your  entire sexuality is based on trans women. And yet   I bet not a single trans person has ever even paid  attention to you. And why do you feel the need to   attack the group who are in the most danger and  has done seemingly nothing to you? For the boys?  That was iconic. She wins. I do not even know  who that was. She came out of here and just said   what we were all thinking. Legitimately, that  was the best one in this entire compilation.  First off, thank you for 45K followers. No, not him again. Who is this man? Please go   away. Wait, his name is D'Angelo. Oh, no. I knew I  had to have some reverse equivalent in this world.  My page is for understanding  and knowledgeable people.   If you don't know something, that is okay. I like  to educate. But if you are not understanding,   yeah, there's no room for that here. Why is he talking like an activist? Why   is he talking like he's literally  raising awareness for a cause?  I'm sure you all have seen this video  by now, the super straight thing. Yeah,   so many people have tagged me in this video and I  was wondering why no one else had responded to it.   Then I realized it's because TikTok won't  let us. I posted this video three times now.   It's been 13 hours since the first time I posted  it and it still has zero views. So then I went   to go see who else ditched the video. I said  surely other people are talking about this.   No, there's a few stitches here and there  with minimal views and only consisting of   people who agree with him. Are we surprised? She's alleging that TikTok is only showing   reactions to that that agree with  him. And I'm going to be honest,   first of all, I believe her because TikTok has  done similar things in the past. But secondly,   that actually aligns with this video. The majority  of the stitches to his video and this video were   agreeing with him. I've just seen this is just an  allegation, it's just a theory that she has. But I   have a video on my channel called something about  WW3 and the hype house, in which I explicitly   pointed out how TikTok has before suppressed  content from people specifically because they were   talking about LGBT stuff. That was a terrifying,  awful glimpse into the world of the super straight   movement on TikTok. I'm not a trans person, okay?  And as far as being attracted to trans people,   I've really only ever been attracted to  myself. So I can't give my opinion there.  But are you all okay? Anyone who looked at the  super straight movement and said, "Yes, that's me.   I identify with this," how is this your  personality? I'm sorry that you had to   see any of that. If we've learned anything  from this, I think the lesson is clear. No,   there's no lesson here, where there's no  funny way of summing this up. You all are just   fully ridiculous. Anyway, I'll be here all week,  folks, at 2:00 PM central time. If it's Monday,   Wednesday, Friday, that means I'm uploading a new  video here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,   that means we're going live over on Twitch.  So basically what I'm saying is I'll see you   tomorrow. Unless of course, tomorrow is Sunday, in  which case just watch this video again. Okay, bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,026,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dangelowallace, dangelno
Id: Q-ttGQ_EDR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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