Being Shy is a Superpower..

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Idk if it’s just me but it seems like someone new edited this vid

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jojsnosi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
can when i say shy what do you think of uh a japanese school girl [Music] superpower it's a superpower kane oh oh being shy is a superpower oh no oh no what do you mean oh no [Applause] it's happening every everyone has reacted to his videos i've never actually seen a full one so today's the day i'm ready i don't know i don't know what maybe these are [ __ ] great all right who knows we're gonna find out damn i'm super excited i already hate it fine excited about today's video where can i buy that shirt though oh i can't imagine going up to someone being like that sick shirt yeah it's kind of like a i don't know it's a very extrovert thing for an introverted person to wear yeah yeah it doesn't make any sense all right fine video because it's maybe there's a message we don't know it yet [Applause] whoa oh yeah yo he's got the sick face on the sleeve dart studio [ __ ] oh my god whose face there his face get it this collaboration has been in the works through the universe for such a long time 100 damn they had to work and pull the strings to get this one going huh i've been wanting to collab with darman and here we are and this video's this kind of a lot of youtubers are collaborating with this channel i mean they're huge like 14 million views i get it but also why i'm really excited about it we're also wearing the same shirt in case you didn't notice it's impossible to not notice this shirt i gotta get it i gotta get it we're gonna be giving away some brand new ps5s we've got i've got two what are they dispersed and so are we ken bring out the ps5 i've got two digital versions and one this version uh digital version now no thank you nothing giving away to you guys wait you bought the ps5s yeah i i bought the ps5s too what i thought i was gonna buy them can you bring them in oh my god they had no idea they had no idea even though they were right there these people were holding them right beside the camera i don't have a ps5 i've been looking for one i can't follow these people for like five of them you don't have a ps5 no god dammit based rain a rug whatever [ __ ] rug his name is rugged just hit me oh yeah epic all right you got ps5's yeah now we have five what should we do with them okay well i guess we're just gonna give away five bills i'm down if you guys want to win a brand new ps5 all you have to do is subscribe to my channel subscribe to facebook's channel and then leave a comment i can't believe people are still doing [ __ ] giveaways holy [ __ ] it's so annoying stop this [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm so tired of it [ __ ] 10 years of youtube people are still like buying subs where they [ __ ] it's so annoying [Laughter] it annoys me so much done with your instagram and twitter or email so we can message you if you want should we start today's video let's do it baby all right here we go ready let's do this let's go play should we valley he won't go he's always glued to that thing hey loser oh come with us what was that sound oh a loser you want to play real sports dude i've heard that it's the opposite for kids now like if you're not playing fortnite and you're a jock then you get bullied for not playing fortnite oh no how do they turn tables oh no well i mean it's just so much more fun to play video games imagine like having to be a jock and go to practice that's effort sweating like that pressure from your parents oh my god i'm still studying through that whole football at that dude that balls are heavy are they really really that thing you think you got damaged hey loser oh come with us how do you think these would be that funny this is amazing [Laughter] oh man he's got like the jalapeno flavored uh cheetos over here lacrosse or whatever it's called that flavor actually what is wrong with this guy he's looking like lacroix with this straw killing the environment we're gonna go play a real sport leave me alone brandon hey get that back i'm gonna lose no you're never gonna make anything of your life if you just sit here doing this all day that's not true my favorite youtuber face rug he makes a killing from lies [Laughter] listen you know this one guy he makes a bunch of money from playing video games i can do it too maybe you can maybe you can or maybe you can go play football these guys do you know i feel like they're appropriating my struggles here you know what i mean all right you know i mean huh i'm not okay with this oh you can make money in the game in a minute all right yeah this doesn't happen anymore this is so outdated [ __ ] off she's got his own esports team face clan why my dreams like people know you can make money on youtube now it's pretty known fact like back when i started nobody have any idea there's like i guess i could make some videos and check and you're like oh i can't do this well i guess i'm out of this [ __ ] one day let me get this straight your favorite youtuber is a rug [Applause] if you want to be a gamer you have to make videos we've got a camera right there at least a rug would have more personality actual advice here like you want to be you want to like do this for a living well then you should actually you know record it there's your camera right there did he say that sorry i missed that we've got a camera right there yeah ever even turned it on uh no that's fair that's fair yeah at least you gotta try nervous but i'm going to one day yeah right you're never going to you've got to have the personality and i hate to break it to you but you have or you could use a giveaway so then you know it doesn't matter giveaways and collabs you're just a shy dork so you'll never be successful i'm going to be successful you'll see you haven't even started yet like come on i'm good get out of here i would sympathize with him if he was trying at least but he hasn't even started he's like i'm gonna make it what when i signed my first football endorsement i'll be pulling up in a porsche while you'll be waiting at the bus stop like a loser i told you you wasn't going to come where you guys want to eat there's three seats over there seriously you're any lunch all by yourself well yeah i don't have any friends that's because you're staring at a screen all day i feel like that brother is pretty reasonable he says reasonable stuff but he takes it too far every time you know yeah he's being like a pro gamer right he wants to be a pro gamer he's playing he's practicing his games [Music] 2000 iq [ __ ] look i got me that i got some good advice for him yeah you don't actually have to be good at games to like make a living playing games i mean take us for example we're terrible right now speak for yourself what the hell where are we what the hell was that have you seen my kd poster day post your stats bro post your stats post it show it any game i beat you at minecraft got em fortnite got em minds uh tetris pewdiepie friends that show that never aired all right we gotta play that we gotta play the video wait what do you mean [Laughter] that was years ago ken are you ever gonna let that go okay listen i gotta tell the story okay i'm gonna tell the story no yeah i will not listen to this go ahead we played we played street fighter two where the the whole show was on the couch we had like old classic video games and it was like a whole whole big studio recording thing we played street fighter 2. i beat felix with one button all i did was push medium kick the whole time and perfect are you done blabbing yet are you done are you finished i'm playing the video now i don't need this i'm just shy okay i'm too nervous to talk and you want to be a youtuber yeah that makes sense how many followers does he have that is an excellent question why don't we find out who did he check his snapchat yeah that's what it looked like check his snapchat yeah he'd open his snapchat but then it looks like instagram i'm so confused favorite gamers nice fuzz face sick bizzle cyber whoa say oh you have seven followers on instagram and you want to be a youtuber you wanna check mine out check mine out i'm almost at a thousand more hundred times what you got that the quick match he's not just strong he's also a big brain damn man uh can i please have my tablet back you're right here's a tablet whoops if you want this you're gonna have to get it from the trash no you're willing you know [Music] why would he do that though that's just kind of mean for no reason i don't know he's giving me mixed vibes here he's like the concerned older brother guys like you know what you actually need to do stuff if you're going to be successful in this but also i'm throwing your ticket how about the trash [Laughter] [Applause] it's ruined now she's playing games anymore now get lost i don't want anyone thinking we hang out with you you came to sit with him yeah and he's always his friends that go hey should we like sit with your brother or hey what's your brother doing yo check it out there goes marie dude you should ask her to be your girlfriend yeah bro shoot your side you know what watch this watch it i'm so sorry i didn't see you do you ever get off that thing yeah when i shower and i get dressed i can't believe i got stuck with the biggest dork in the world for my brother you see that girl that's marie she's the hottest girl in school and i'm about to go ask her out okay so don't you want a girlfriend it's so cliche man holy sh i didn't realize like a after school special still like guys like i'm about to go ask her out and he's like okay so it's a girl she has of a game don't you understand here bro what do you mean so no girl is ever going to date a guy that just plays video games all day that's not true faze drug has a girlfriend no way facebook that's a god man why i don't believe it i don't believe hazrat has a girlfriend i love the example it's so good even if you are good at gaming you don't have the personality for youtube you're just too shy but the thing is with youtube you can either be really really good and be successful or you can have a great personality in big sustainable you can be both from be successful you can be nothing and be successful that's what's created by youtube yeah there's an audience for everyone really like all you gotta do is i'll play give up you're never gonna be successful you're never gonna have any followers and you're never gonna get any girls why should he give up he hasn't even started yet no right like stop playing video games the noise making you play okay i'm so annoyed that you play all the time always just be a shy loser they must be making this because it responds to a lot of people right yeah i mean yeah i was gonna say like we're poking fun but i think like a lot of kids like do identify even though we're of the opinion that things have changed and like you know mainly is the gamers these days but you know bullying happens it sucks it just well it's his brother come on that is yeah that i mean that's the weird family dynamic they got going on here come on they just see their dad if he's acting like this [ __ ] i'm gonna get me a girlfriend maybe you should take some notes why does he look like they're crying over this hey marie i tell you i'm getting a poor suit uh no you didn't that's right oh god oh god obviously this guy's already terrible with money so you know should i get some money i'm gonna buy a really expensive car yeah which is probably the worst what a weird flex to say you're gonna buy a porsche i'm gonna buy a porsche girlfriend brandon was right i'm never gonna be successful i'm just too shy to be like faze rug i never should have even bought this dumb merch [Music] another dumb merch underneath [Laughter] the reveal but you won oh yeah oh what if he find his player too that'd be so sad hey are you okay no hey hey are you okay i see you're taking off a sweater it's not even that high what's going on over here bro yo bro yeah you're taking my birthday check bro wait why are you taking off my merch bro what's going on here back going on right now what the [ __ ] what's up dumbass i'm i'm sorry why are you having a bad day it's my brother he thinks i'm a loser because oh my gosh face rug face ryan why are you creeping around my high school bro what are you doing yeah we what are you i thought yeah she was awkward face drug doesn't know what to do with his arms running [ __ ] hey man you were saying your brother thinks what i still i still can't believe it's you this is insane you're like the coolest guy ever thank you oh i'm sorry i'll calm down my brother says i'm a loser because because i'm shy and that i'll never make it as a youtuber he's probably right i should just listen to him actually that's not true you know how i know how uh-huh because i'm also shy no way i didn't stop you from thinking i'm cool right what okay see i they're appropriating my shyness i'm shy and i it's a [ __ ] okay it's garbage it's not nothing it's not a superpower it's garbage shut up you are shy no way that can't be possible yeah actually a lot of the best youtubers are no no shut up you going too far face rug you're done out of phase he's bringing you into this playstations 5 [ __ ] just think of being shy as a super power it doesn't make you a loser it makes you cool how how how explain elaborate please tell me how it makes you cool how well wow you seem like the the the silent type you know you just you sit there looking all mysterious dude i hate those guys too holy [ __ ] oh well that guy that never says anything oh like i wonder what he's thinking about he's just like beep beep beep boop come on get out of here i really like that so you think i can make it as a youtuber i don't think you can i know you can oh yeah [Laughter] maybe one day you'll be a part of the phase clan oh my gosh that that would be my dream thanks phase rug i'm never gonna forget this and then they kiss no all right of course man good luck after meeting his idol ali got the inspiration he needed to finally start streaming oh no i forgot to get a selfie stick oh [ __ ] for a while building up the courage to turn it on and then he starts his very first stream extremely awkward because he's streaming on the playstation 5 yeah that ain't gonna fly dude that's not what i don't work hardly has any viewers that's pretty good if you're just starting up right i don't know what it's usually like you're watching your own stream you've got a bot in there that's moderating nobody and maybe like your friends watching you that's pretty much all you got oh yeah i would not want to start streaming now that seems like a nightmare but then remember remember this is remember and decides to keep going i don't think you can as time goes on i don't think you can oh he gets a little more comfortable being on camera more people start to find out about him and keep going up 3 000 eventually he starts getting really popular oh my god dude he's freaking me out what's happening he's like the first just he gets so popular that he even gets noticed but they come knocking on his door hey bro contract got it right here it's signing for the contract to be a part of the team will pay then we'll pay him what what the game yeah what's the contract oh it's the underlying number on the left down there that's like three digits six oh [ __ ] ali couldn't be happy ali it seems like you're doing fine on your own do not sign with face claim do not sign with anyone you're doing fantastic like the top 10 this is your chance to make it and then one day after school he happens to see his brother hey can you take your dad's car to the mall no he's still mad about the last time we used it wait i thought you're buying a car from your endorsement money it hardly paid me anything 350 bucks though that's sick bro he sent a bad contract oh look at this sick porsche wow what that's a sick porsche wait is that this looks like a mom car yeah this was like the mini minivan just rolled up oh he's got contact lenses now she no way no way no what are you doing in that car oh hey guys wait it's not his brother does he not know that he's making hey guys we live in the same house and i have like you know 5 000 people watching me and i'm the talk of the school but you know you don't know anything about this yet i just picked it up this morning you like it i don't understand school jesus how oh well i just signed a huge contract with faze clan they even paid me an advance of 100 grange so i went i went ahead and spend it all yeah i got this card depreciated as soon as i pulled it off the lot so yeah that's a great idea but you know all i gotta do is give them like 50 of my income for an advance of 100 grand this is great what does this deliver this is also the thing i hear about the cliche with youtube is like oh you make money so then it's cool it's not like they don't show anything like how he's good or what he's entertaining or people like his videos it's just like no look he he earned a car so it's justified he you're a youtuber big money yeah it's all about money 100 he's carrying that [ __ ] thing around has he oh also i got a big deal with g g fuse watching this video use code pewdiepie [Applause] oh [Music] it's the most legendary thing you can achieve but no [Music] he well as long as they don't give him his own flavor right right don't give him his own flavor please the shy flavor how did i know this have a million followers that's like more than 10 times the amount of followers you have dude the maps on these guys holy [ __ ] these dudes are big friends thanks brainiac hey actually do you mind giving us a ride to the mall so we don't have to take the bus i would but i've actually got a date oh [ __ ] did he cut the hottest girl in school the same girl she was bought by a [ __ ] car listen this guy when he was shot no prospect dumbest cliches ever he's a big youtuber he's got money he's got cars he's got a girlfriend he has it all it's the dream i thought these videos were just like harmless whatever okay sure no not bullying great but they project this image that is so dumb and far from reality that it's just like what is this is this how like people romanticize like youtubers yeah i guess so [ __ ] this is why this is why i'm so far out of everything because you know i i know actual youtubers and how miserable a lot of them they're romanticizing this so harsh dude like if you stream you have to sweat your ass off being alive constantly right now as hell and if you look at my twitter and everybody's like i've been streaming for 18 hours straight stream see you tomorrow guys and they made they just like i just he just had the courage shy so yeah let's go but i was gonna buy a porsche i was gonna get the girl i don't understand me neither you're so shy how did you make it as a youtuber well let me tell you i just realized no oh oh being shy is a superpower [Applause] he's cringed out of his whole body right there you see that his eyes just roll back in his head like guys i'm shy too subscribe please it's a super power please if it's a super power subscribe right now we may give away a ps5 possibly maybe probably not all the ps5s you could have stuff in your house get it now if you don't mind i've got a date maybe you should take some notes take some notes i guess being shot doesn't make you a loser why so mad about actually makes you cool it actually makes you really sorry no bro i'm gonna gonna beat him up i don't know i don't know basic psychology okay so i might be speaking out of line here but is china's inherent in our genes or is it something that you just like develop well i think most things in your personality are things that get reinforced by like your social surroundings i never heard of shyness being encoded in your [ __ ] dna so it just seems like there's nothing wrong with being shy obviously but i also don't think it should be highlighted as like you should be it's it's great like you can work on he worked out of his shyness to make the videos right he was too shy to do it and then he started doing it it wasn't like shyness helped him i don't i mean i don't know me and mary me and mary to the 24 and me you know the blood test thingy and it's like hey man you're like you know britain and uh you're lactose intolerant probably you're shy but the thing that they could have highlighted here is that online anyone can make videos even if you are shy it's not like it helped him in any way it's rather finding a different vehicle right well you know most of most of everybody that not everybody you know but a lot of people you know that do this we're all introverted people and the comfort you just sit in your room with just your camera and then you you basically practice not being shy and seem like you're not person eventually you know now we can get in front of a stage and talk to people you know it's not even a big deal anymore right watch my first videos and see how shy and awkward they are like that's some cringe yeah hey a little too harsh today huh just saying all right maybe maybe just thinking about my own whatever let's go before we miss the bus hey dartmouth [ __ ] this video i didn't think it would annoy me so much keep changing lives how this is like the lottery of youtube content right you're selling people a dream that doesn't exist to me at least i obviously want to exist but yeah small very yeah i want other people to definitely know they had the chance to be naked but like this is so out of that in my opinion this is like exists in his own bubble of weirdest yeah i hate this video i hated it well it's like the the the dream that they're going for here like him making it like that is literally like the top like very small percentage of people that do this like there's millions of channels and very few of them get to the level that we are at you know even less so you so it's like sure maybe you can make some money and doing this maybe you can quit your job but i don't know if you could be going flexing your porsche or anything like that but it's also like they they showed it like a porsche was the reason he did it or to get a girl or something they never showed like his community that he built her yeah yeah that actually affects you daily yeah dumb i hate it he got money he got the car he got the girl big youtuber face rug baby yeah subscribe being shy as a super power the end well that was uh some good cringe thank you yeah i'm cringing i i kind of feel bad because i i went in with this trying to be like yeah they're fine but no i hated it if you're shy smash like that's it all right [Laughter] caught you you're using internet without a vpn cringe oh look at this dude sign up with nordvpn today and stop being crazy for those who don't know a vpn it helps you browse the internet safely but most importantly freely get past annoying country restrictions i can definitely say that so many times you try and watch a show and it's like ah can't watch it there i got you every time it's like 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Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 2,851,247
Rating: 4.8251553 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: NF1iwS6qFhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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