Rōnin talks over his "Combat Carbine" Setup

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[Music] finger guys need to be off the trigger today all right when we're moving when we're doing dynamic stuff unless that's a presentation that means the weapons leveled with your eyeline that's the only time that weapon goes on fire all right some guys asked I had some police officers say well I run with my gun on fire all the time I run through a house my gun on fire because that's just the way that we do things I'm like hey man that's you that's you because you never had to shoot around your buddies you never had to shoot for moving platforms and do reloads around people's heads your teammates heads so it's better to develop the muscle memories now right you don't think I run through the house with it on fire sometimes depending on the threat levels seeing on the situation but I have to muzzle I have the discipline that I train over and over three years to put my weapon on safe and to manipulate that in a stressful environment okay so if you're saying if a lot of guys say to me well I don't put my weapon on safe because it's you know under stress I'll forget when you're not training you didn't put yourself there in two training scenarios okay all right that's that's my thought okay obviously people have different opinions okay so let's talk about AR let's talk about the setup of an AR so let's talk about the Mo's oh and I'll go all the way down to what I look for in a combat set up on my AR now I definitely I have different ARS for CQB I need to go twelve and a half inch right for anything else I go sixteen inch and the reason why is do I run this in CQB before - all right so sixteen inches 12 and a half inch and don't matter but that twelve and a half inches is still allow me the platform I needed to get in these confined spaces this right here it's a little bit harder to move into spaces in vehicles and stuff like that all right so let's talk about the break right I run the Surefire break just because it mounts up to my suppressor okay the problem with this break is if you shoot it next to your teammates he's gonna feel the concussion right because it's a little bit of a compensator it pushes to energy to decide just understand now right when you're shooting around teammates or whatever so if you run suppressor I definitely recommend some kind of muzzle that has a suppressor adapter to it this is a surefire way all right I run night vision so I'm going to need some kind of a that's a whole different class but I do run night vision if you run night vision where you probably need some kind of our IR laser on your gun TAC light is a must all right especially in low light conditions CQB environments different lighting conditions you're going to need some kind of tech light all right I like my pistol grip Ford right and the reason why is I don't run like this all right I'm not running like that I need to get to my instruments okay so this allows me that leverage that see see how the c-clamp I have all my switches along with my light right about here okay I do believe in some kind of flip up sights right in case your optics go down I do believe in that if you run a magnifier behind your optic right here and all the see you're not gonna have the real estate right if you're trying to keep everything on the the frame of the gun right you're not going to have the real estate that you need so you may have to go an off point on your fixes like competition shooters not seeing you know my sniper rifle I have off points okay all right so I like to rubberband retainer ban all my my cables so it's not getting in a way all right so anything that's wires or you need to you need to rubber band out down all right these are Ranger bands that you can buy on Amazon's or called Ranger bands really they are uh-huh and I don't know if a ranger made it but they're called Ranger bans and I'd use this in combat and they they're adorable man I rubberband everything now okay so get rid of all the cables it does get snagged on on [ __ ] all right all right so let's talk about optics dude that's that's the individual shooter preference man right some guys run yo Tex I rant yo Tex cuz that's what we're in the military along with a three by just like how he he has his setup you know we had a EOTech scare right but I tell you what I never had problems with my own tech I don't know that's just a bad batch but in combat I never had problems with my you okay alright I do like to run to leopold because the EOTech you have that 65 MIDI angle ring you know what that means minute angle everybody all right you got the 65 minute and go train you got a minute angle in the center well to me it was a little bit busy right I just like a dog that's it because I'm old-school like that when I first got to the teams we had the tubular we had the tubular aiming points at the time it wasn't even a magnifier it was just his old-school like 1998 right so it was a tubular [ __ ] with 1 1 dot in the center and we were running that so I'm used to running just one red dot and the Leopold L Co allows me that window of an EOTech down I'm trained on but it simplifies it - just a minute angle dot what's the minute angle was it mean what's that that's right right so 200 yards what right so at a hundred right you're hitting at a 1 inch basically a one inch dog or one chance box okay so one minute angle when I look at a gun I look at the the angles on the gun would sum any angle on that on a optic okay I like one of many angles unless I'm doing sniper operations and I go some minutes when you're zeroing today if I blast my [ __ ] optic up where it's like you can see a bin of red been getting around the optic do you think that's one minute angle anymore okay so when you're zeroing your guns today I need it dimmed down to you barely see it understand where you like have to try to almost kind of find it all right and that's how you truly get a good zeroing I remember this one student had his [ __ ] blasted and he had our time even finding the target understand so even in CQB mode guys I don't blast my [ __ ] window if you see how that looks in a hallway at night you probably don't want to blast that that optic like that alright if you're trying to keep still for now all right so what are we shooting today anybody okay so scopes scopes like a 1 to 6 I'm all about that man especially like when I did vehicle interdictions I was all about especially helicopter to ground interdictions I was all about the tubular because it allowed me that the optical gain rights that are using just a flip okay the problem with that is you can only drop it down to a 1 by that means there's a little bit of magnification difference and it could trick your eyes now you overcome that by obviously fine with both eyes open right yes do we fire both eyes open so let's just say I have a problem firing on both eyes oh I'm just you know having a problem learning I'm always shifting focus to one ah how would I get over that excuse me so let's just say today as we're firing and you're like man I keep on closing on r2 I want to I want to get used to fire both eyes over so young team guys when they come in they have a problem firing both eyes open right why do we like to fire both eyes over situation awareness right situation awareness and obviously and you're not shifting all your focal to one eye okay so what I usually do is if you look at your an optic you take tape and you put tape or you put the dust cover if there is like an aiming point has dust covers so that you can put over and you basically block out the front side of your optic alright so you think if I block out the front side of my optic and I'm firing and I close one eye then I'm just going to see black without ducking done right but by fire both eyes open I'm going to see the dot and I'm gonna see what the target all right so that's how you kind of train yourself do you see that as a wind when can I use that on a mission operationally you ever laid on a range and then the sun's directly in your face and washes out your optic you can't really see you ever had that happen yes or no so the sun's blasting your face you think you're going to see that optic no you're not so sometimes what I do is I close that that front side and then I could see it crystal clear alright so tactically you can use that to your advantage I learned out in the Philippines cuts your own a gun what did we zero our guns that give me some numbers are we zero which is zero your weapon up 25 huh so a lot of thought process going on between 25 15 whatever right can't think like that can't think like that what AR I like your concept but you can't think like that what AR because an AR is a range weapon remember what I told you what is what is your purpose of carrying that weapon we talked about maximizing range right you think you're going to maximize range when you see a weapon at 25 meters right so I've done a lot of zeroing through my life I I took datas from different terrains and I I came up with my my baseline zero obviously terrain has a lot to do with it if you live in a desert environment you want you want to flatten out that zero you want to you want minimum offsets on that zero but for an everyday gun right I'm all about the 50-meter zero let me explain why why do you think that Richard Y is unique 50 meter zero you all right so a 50-meter zero if you if you understand ballistics right so the round goes through the grooves and the bores on your on your barrel goes into a spin supersonic spin right it goes into spin and the bullet Dan arches right so it comes out it kind of climbs like a football and then it goes into a transonic stage transonic is when the bullet goes from subsonic right to transonic where you start to wobble okay and then it collides out there then that sniper range okay so you got to understand your muzzle velocity and ballistics all right so what Ritchie said was if I zero my rifle in a 50 meters ballistically that data so imagine two hundred and fifty meters is going to start climbing and then it climbs and it drops down around two hundred meters in the same plane understand it's the same plane as that 50 meter zero so it's great to have that that closed data right and then it has that kind of far down why do I need range on my AR if I'm like well I'm gonna I'm a police officer I'm going to do CQB I don't need range because I'm close quarters why do you think we need range why do you think we need think about doubters guys so I'm all about statistics I read you know ever since a child been reading history Wars right when I when I was in the Special Forces I was study past battles and data right what did we make mistakes on that's the worst thing if there's data out there and you don't read it and this is your life you're just a dumb guy right so the thing was that gods are zero when their guns at a close range but dude they were getting in street fights about Somalia those are environments that are going to see Cuba I'll tell you my personal I RAC right we're going in containing isolating houses and then getting shot down the street 200 meters 300 meters down the street right so for my police officers you need to understand that it's not just about an AR is not just about your close quarters range you have to understand what's the capability of that AR it's get that range their distance okay so today I'm going to zero you in at a 50 meter zero okay a 50 meter zero will also allow you that 200 meter roughing around 200 meter ballistics the same same holes if you personally as an individual feel like that that's something you don't want don't tell me this is your gun all right but if you don't know I'm gonna give you my experience and my experience is a 50 meter zero it was a it was a great zero for CQB and and distance all right so you get the best of both worlds now obviously I want a 50 meter zero what do we have to build we have to build a data from 50 all the way up to 5 meter line right if CQB is your game right why is that we want to build that data when I say build that data is dealing what hoes know your holes right so we on a gun we have a site to bore offset so the site to de Bourgh offset where the round goes and the size so roughly if you see I have a what two inch drop okay so the old school days was we had the carrying handles right we didn't had modular system when I got to the 18th we had the carry handles and we had this tubular [ __ ] optic red dot on top of it dude it was like a five and a half inch offset alright so when I was going through CQB training it was like I pop it up my gun was down here my optic was up here right okay so when the modular system came in my holy [ __ ] that's so badass so I was able to drop my off to the lorry you dropped the optic is what the less offset you have okay so you understand that so look at kind of look at where your sight the bore all set is and know that's kind of roughly where you have to hold you understand okay alright so let's talk about slings what we got going on on slings today okay I see some some different ideas on slings alright single points raise your hands anybody believe in single point double points you don't believe in Singapore DJ okay because I'm looking at your Singapore am i okay okay all right and then the three points leaves now remember three point slings I don't know some of you guys okay the three point slings dude I got to the 18 so I was carrying an mp5 was a three point sling back there I am like man this is so badass right and then I'm like when there was a ego Dan I'm dragging [ __ ] shits hitting me in the balls and I'm climbing fences hit me in the face and my man that's the reports thing ain't working for me all right and then I started seeing guys maneuvering and doing all this [ __ ] with one point so I'm like that's it that's it that's the sling right and then I climb over my first fence and there was a rifle on this side and I with my body was on this side I'm trying to reach over and grab my rifle and I fell over and like that's it I'm done with the one points but I like the one point let me tell you what the one point sling allow me that freedom to maneuver from weak side to strong side and allow me to just work the mechanics like I didn't have a sling it was great besides getting racked and you know Agri Sherman came out of this thing I recently switched over I'm really kind of old-school when it comes to my gear what kept me alive overseas it's kind of hard for me to pull off of it but the Egger Sherman sling allowed that tension right but also you don't see any free-floating [ __ ] that means there's no straps floating around in there okay so this is a gray sling how I work this sling to point is I have it over here like this right you have to when you size up a sling usually what I do is I measure into my shoulder line measure into my shoulder pocket right here and then I kind of adjust all the slings why do you think I want this on my shoulder puck just like this what do you think I wanted right it's already there it's already seated into that shoulder pocket right so this is already at almost presentation I had to I learned this when I was doing a lot of PSD work all right personal protection detail where I was standing there and I had to go dynamic if I need to in any moment so we learn to start getting our butt stocks and sizing up the swing what I like about the two-point sling is if I go to pool presentation I can tighten this down see I mean so I could tighten this sling down right here and as I go to presentation I could pull my my basing my elbow down and what do you think I have you can hear it you can hear this lock in place so let's say if I need to do a long standing shot all right you'll see me size up my sling I'll come in I'll start sensing everything down so it gets tight on me see this is tight this is a good standing position all I had to do pal all right so everything is tight so that's great to have this type of sling also when I'm moving through I don't know city climbing wall spin staying really tight on my body so this thing becomes apartment I can move this thing to the side and a basic glues up against me if I have a teammate down I can stitch everything and see it doesn't move the weapon doesn't move away from my body all right so CQB wise when I move up to a structure on a house right so let's say here if I move it to a structure I have a two point sling right here but I can't move to my weak side see the gun is not free to move around my body okay so as I move it to your structure I go into a one-point over my neck okay so this over my neck allows me what freedom a movement to get my gun to weak size strong side or wherever I need so what I'm recommending to you right get a two point sling size it up right and utilize a two point as a one point when you need it understand when you need I do pop my collar because I'm trying to be cool I'll pop my collar because it allows that that sling to move around my collar up burning my damn neck okay try to try slinging a machine going around your neck for a while it's gonna burn it's gonna burn through your neck okay so pop the color burn to burn all right obviously you need some kind of retainer band arranger band on your bus dog right why do you think I do that it retains the sling but why would I want to retain my sling vehicle right so we lost teammates to ambushes before and contacts on vehicles and the worst place for you to be is in the vehicle all right because all that shrapnel vehicle all right I do carry extra batteries in my buttstock I used to carry batteries on tape right here - right because but stocks back then we had like these batteries that sit in here and I'm all about that - if you have a pistol grip that has the battery stored right here we also had battery compartments stored on our blood stocks you seen that for me I didn't like that because sometimes when I compress my weapon down in a vehicle if I'm working here dude he tears my [ __ ] hands up right here to tears it up so I didn't like the battery compartment right here but individual shooter right alright so let's talk about bus dogs when the modular so when I first came in they had like the fixed blood stops in 1682 right and then I got two teams I started seeing the collapsible buttstock so badass right I used to run around shoot like this right in fact we are taught to shoot centerline on our chest so don't like this well the problem with that is I never really had structure on my gun so when I'm shooting and I had to drop we'll see I'm basically I'm maintaining all the weight and there's one of my one of my seniors came up and say hey it's Dan your bus stop okay so I spin my butt's to hook and he taught me how to measure he has been been your arm to an L so what you want to do is you kind of want to bend that to the L all right and the reason why is because you want to use this L as structure on the gun okay so if you find yourself like if I'm dropping levels today right and I'm getting up and if you're straining right here Ben Ben your L bend the arm and use the structure of your body to get leverage on the gun okay yes sir so right here just a general rule of thumb okay and and I just want to be able to get the buttstock into the L of my arm did you take it changes when I'm wearing body armor it could write depending on the cut you know the seals they do the swimmer cuts right I like the swimmer cuts cut allowing me to climb a little bit better so the swimmer cuts it frees up my shoulder pocket so I can I can mount that some of our other ones like the cry precision cage chassis system big ass Shasta system did I was shooting right here on my arm all right so yes sir yes sir yes because this quick-release bites into my shoulder bison to my shoulder so I want it across and also it doesn't by my sling when I go weak side it doesn't bind that sling you know I'm talking about right sometimes the swing will get twisted up so having this I went to Jerry Barnhardt's training and he had 550 cord I didn't like - 550 cord idea because dude it became a rat's nest after a while of that thing tangling up so me hitting on the outside right here it was pretty much the same so you're gone man you have to be able to go strong side weak side that God has to be pretty floating on your body and yet of course [Music]
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 3,372,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ronin Tactics, Ronin Tactical, Ronin, Budo, Bushido, Special Forces, Tu Lam, Combat Rifle, Combat Carbine, Speed Shooting, Tactical Training, Military Tactics, Special Operations, Military Equipment, Military Gear, Tactical Gear, Combat Shooting, Samurai
Id: 8Q1nvIoeiFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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