Ronin Combat Pistol (Presentation Drill)

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foreign [Applause] I had to look at the terrain I had to look at environment I had to look at the the rebels or the militia group that were fighting or were training I don't know whatever the mission is but the thing is you got to know your distance right and you got to be confident with shooting a certain distance like in a counter terrorist unit we have to be confident in shooting a low percentage Target which is a head shot six yards six inches headshot at 25 yards if you know you can hit that every time right everything else is [ __ ] easy so that's why like the three inch box this morning if you can hit the three inch box consistently with speed and structure then that's where I need you to be a lot of you guys are hitting this three inch box and it's great you're a great Marksman but now it's going to open up right because a lot of your grip is it's uh it's not there a lot of you guys are over presenting the weapon right over Brazilian weapons all the way out at full presentation think about it if if I was to big guy right hold out your horns right and don't let me move it right so if if I can say I can move everything press it back now now wedge in it's harder wedging your your hip line right it's harder for me to move than coming out it's fully extended right fully extended The Recoil is going to go right here because there's no try to stop that can understand so that the full presentation what do you lose control ability at the snap of the gun right so the gun snaps is going to take a little bit to what three index correct okay so some of the issues I saw this morning's full presentation some of you guys are pinning your trigger to the rear clear gun so wall here I don't know they teach us in law enforcement but it's a bad habit okay when I say pin the trigger to the rear is you're engaging it cycles and you're still pinned to the rear and then you're going to let it off into a mechanical reset and you're going to fire again [Music] is that what you guys are doing some of you guys are okay so what happens is if you're doing this and you're pinning it to the rear you're letting it off and then you're resetting like this you're training the your training this snapshots uh the split times in between to be [ __ ] long right because you're stretching on that thing right so for me it's about coming off the trigger okay look guys I learned this so at a certain stage in the war I was like look if I'm in a Close Quarters gunfire this this [ __ ] at this distance I don't have time to think I don't have time to [ __ ] think I don't have time to you know almost impossible to react I have to just draw the gun everything has to be in muscle memory understand okay so a lot of you guys are burning through the trigger as in okay what's that not allow me accuracy guys you want to be able to pull the trigger with bare minimal movements on the the weapon so I want to be able to clear a weapon bare minimum movements on the weapon if I'm burning through the trigger what happens it's going to cause a lot of movement on that on that weapon second you're not taking off the slack a lot of you guys are not taking off the slack to the wall you have to take the slack off to the wall understand what I'm saying you have to ride it to the wall and then drop it once you hit the wall on presentation this is the next drill the next drill is called the presentation drill presentation drill is I'm standing here I'm going to move to my my my holster so clear gun here I'm going to break nice and slow I'm going to move it up to my eye line okay to my eye line on presentation drill watch my my presentation this is called presentation this is called leveling the gun see look at the sights I'm leveling the gun see how it's level right here some of you guys some of you even some of you Advanced Shooters do this look at my head you're dipping down to the sights of the gun no you don't dip down to the size of the gun when you dip down to the sights of the gun what happens thank you what yeah you're going to tense up right because you're kind of rolling rolling these shoulders in in his unnecessary movement right why would I come down here and go like this than a gun why do you think we developed that muscle memory where do you think that muscle memory came to do this okay yes throw it a gun um no so a lot of rifles nowadays is what the site the bore we drop the site the bore ratio right so I mean even on my rifle I have to dip my head because I dropped the site to bore ratio if you're used to shooting rifles you're going to naturally drop your if you're a YouTube [ __ ] educational guy you're probably going to do that because a lot of guys on YouTube do this stupid [ __ ] right when you do that stupid [ __ ] like this what you're doing is you're exercising muscles that does not need to be exercised therefore other muscles need a fire to compensate for this [ __ ] muscle that is [ __ ] stressed out understand and your neck is like strained out like this you don't think that you're going to compensate for that you are because it's not natural what is natural is how you're standing right now how you guys are staying right now if I'm standing here remember my foot placement here like this relax the shoulder and they said I'll just bring the gun up to my eye line nothing dips nothing drops so the presentation this is called presentation drill no movements on your shoulder or anything you're bringing it up high on the pull high on the pole because you go lower and pull what happens you're bowling it in if you go high on the pole you bring it up to presentation I'm working High compressed right now so high compressed looks like this site underneath which eye dominant eye so for me and and all the other skilled guys with the right hand and left eye right what you're going to do is you're going to bring it here right and then when you bring the presentation this is called a presentation Drew clear a gun on presentation once I leveled that gun it goes off it doesn't do this no everything needs to be manipulated from three to four three to four is sideline side picture taking off to the wall to dropping that hammer on presentation not this defeats the purpose this is how it needs to look if you're missing then you need to slow down your presentation what am I building right here muscle memory is for what this guys this is the most important distance that you have to Traverse in your gun skills the reason why is because from this distance to here you're picking up the thread okay you're you're bringing out the gun the presentation you're taking that that trigger to what the wall you're lining up to the threat right if you're a reflected site your threat focused if you're a fixed site your front side Focus understand so a lot of different [ __ ] is going on here the focal Focus to to threat uh situation awareness to [ __ ] prepping that trigger to dropping that hammer on presentation any questions on presentation spray the trigger as you're kind of like you know going to your presentation like which wall you're at it which stains on these this is a 1911 so it has a cleaner wall but it's the same thing with a Glock or any Striker fire pistol I'm going to demonstrate on this and then I'll demonstrate on the legion Striker fire if I'm here see the trigger finger is off right it's off the trigger so as as soon as the gun levels that's when the trigger finger comes on see as soon as it levels I don't want to see this okay for 1911 safety switch on guys you need it for the 1911 guys you should be activating this thumb safety you should be activating thumb safety look how I activate it see I activate them I'm back far I'm back okay for the 1911 guys all right so on presentation as I'm coming here I'm already to the wall I can shoot right now okay so if I'm over my dominant eye can I pop them right now you better believe it okay so if I'm here I'ma rated wall and as soon as I prep I'm prepping and as as I'm pushing what do you think I'm doing with my elbows I'm wedging the gun okay so clear going guys we're going part part part yeah so watch watch get where you can see my presentation here watch me drop I see my front side I got front side all the way through front side front side as soon as that gun level see as soon as it levels watch level I don't want to see this some of you guys are doing that like you guys are doing this some some of you guys are doing this right some of you guys are doing those so remember just stand there nice and relaxed watch that's it that's it your your Tactical stance is your normal stance right eyes and ears maybe downrange eyes and ears nice and slow so I see my front sight I'm going to press once it level fires okay easy drill easy drill notice how I started picking up my speed right look guys you have to build up the muscle memory first remember the Glock guys the Glock guys there's three walls I want you to understand understand that trigger prep this is where this is this is where it gets really interesting right with the gun because you you guys understand the fundamentals of Marksmanship now now it's about proficiency on a gun right what is the structure I need what is the stance I need for situation awareness how do I need to snap the gun how do I need to prep the trigger what is the distance and the speed I need to flow at at the Shooter's ability right now what's the three things that matter distance size of Target Shooter's ability now I'm throwing more [ __ ] on your plate so your Shooter's ability if you're not ready for a presentation you need to slow it down second if you're like really fast and then you find yourself finding a walleye here that's not what I want I need you to find a wall somewhere in between here by the time you land that thing goes all right so I had a good point about a red dot right so what I want to do what I'm trying to mimic on a fixed site think about a fixed site here without the optic fix site if I have my fixed site and I'm tracking this movement what am I doing with the fixed sight I'm dropping the fixed time from 12 o'clock to thread it's always going to come in at 12 o'clock position the fixed site think about it if I'm here it's always going to come in the 12 o'clock understand now I'm going to take you to a reflex site if I shoot the same way with a reflex sight look at the window is it not going to drop in from 12 o'clock to threat the optic so think about it if if the red Dot's here and look at my if I'm dropping here the red Dot's going to enter from 12 o'clock to thread just the same as a fixed side enters from 12 o'clock to thread understand so the path of a gun needs to be instilled right now so if I'm looking at the threat if I'm looking at the threat right here look at my look at my uh front sights right here right and I have an optic what I'm going to do is I'm going to transfer from the front side to the optic and we use the front side to track to the threat and I'm going to transfer that into the optic do not make sense proficiency on presentations what I'm looking at if you're not if you're not Landing that shot by the time you hit four then everything else is wrong in between right here Jeff all right load and make ready if you need to the line's hot the grill is presentation one round at a time one round at a time for one magazine from The holster every timer from ready yep draw the first one and go back to position three it's three to four one round one magazine Upper Deck Upper Deck Line's hot on you good yeah yeah okay so I can be on target all right host your gun Jeff thank you all right especially the guys with the Optics it's threat focused I'm not looking for the for the dot and the optic I'm looking at my threat and as that dot starts to present itself into the threat I'm pressing through the wall I don't need to wait for the dot to settle here like a front sight as the dot tracks from 12 to 6 I'm pressing boom I'm pressing boom I'm pressing boom I'm not pressing boom because it defeats the purpose of the DOT the dot is made to process information much faster threat focused you're not looking at the dot what he talked about with your head dipping if you have a problem finding your dot it's because you're you're dot is going 12 to 6 and your head is going 12-6 right behind it there's no point of reference for it to stop keep your head still and just let the dot fall let the dot fall let the dot fall but my head's not moving the other thing to remember with a DOT the dot does not have to be in the center of the glass if the dot it's anywhere in the glass and it's here touch it because it's Parallax free to a parallax free ish to about 50 yards okay so don't think that oh I've got to Center that dot up right in the window the dots let you be sloppy on your sight picture because I'm not looking for a sight picture I'm looking at my thread so don't try to center it up stop seeking Perfection inside alignment site picture with a DOT all right yeah when I tell you guys to land in position four and fire the weapon that means fire the weapon right not find your dot not try to focus I need you to land in position four and fire the [ __ ] weapon because everything else needs to work on the fundamentals from year to year I'm trying to short up your fundamentals and your travel time for you to land in that position four and fire that weapon some of you guys say I'm landing in position four and I'm firing the weapon you're not you're taking a [ __ ] a second to sight in that optic or side in that front sight I need you to land and [ __ ] fired a weapon if you're missing then everything else needs to be worked from here to here you need to go slower from here to here understand okay next iteration up hello to make ready lower deck Target the line's hot on you there we go all right post your gun what is this called fishing right I'm not fishing right if I have my front side here I'm tracking the front side through I'm not doing this now I don't have front sight and then I'm dropping in that's a waste of movement I have here just here also a lot of you guys are doing this you're kind of coming low right so that defeats what the purpose of the front sight so if if I'm coming here low what reference point do I have right here to the Target I don't see front side or Optic until I get around full presentation if I go to a high compressed I have I have front sight all the way through if I'm here I don't see anything all the way up until here understand so when I tell you get your gun up it's not here to presentation right it's not here the president is here this is called high compress this is what we're going for right now so the next drill is a low or uh you could call it Sully you can call where the [ __ ] you want local press right but I'm here like this okay so next drill is this wrist is broken I'm here like this okay and what I'm going to do is I'm going to snap that gun here and snap that gun up notice how I'm out of L right here so when I'm at an L it pivots it pivots into the thumb over thumb position okay here we see it here so it's going to be a low low position right here you're going to look at the threat and you're going to bring it up you're on fire once you land here that's when you fire okay so I'm here once I land I'm firing okay eyes and ears from this position here I'm gonna nice to bring it up nice and slow far bring it up nice and slow see how as soon as it land it goes okay
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 155,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tu Lam, Ronin Tactics, Combat Pistol, Speed Shooting, Special Forces, Special Operations, Team Ronin, Springfield 1911 DS, Springfield Prodigy, Ronin Tactical, Ronin Call of Duty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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