Rōnin “Close Quarters” Combat Rifle -浪人

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[Music] i just want to remind you guys that it's a beautiful morning today life is beautiful and we should value every moment every day with that said a thousand days of training to develop 10 000 days to polish think about that deeply what you see that we do and what performs so naturally is because i dedicated many years to learning [Music] [Music] and gun fighting has to enhance your team tactics your individual tactics to have to enhance your team tactics all the movements today is going to enhance the team movements right so we talk about high compressed we talk about low readings man we i've been dealing with that since i was 19 years old that argument let me tell you what my conclusion that argument is you know for many years i had to run low readiness for many years right and i was forced by certain units to run low readiness where do you think um why why do you think a lot of units harp on low readies why do you think that is safety catwalk shoot house so-and-so right don't flag me we shouldn't be up there anyways right but the thing is this so there was a point in my career that uh i got to work with the navy i got to work with certain uh marine units and they were all about the high compressed and they explained why it was because they had to do a lot of the uh the ship boarding stuff right and what they found was a high compress right um allowed them uh to be able to see right you think about like if i go low rate how many how many guys seen this so where your muzzle is is where your [ __ ] eyes are gonna look right so what i do in a high compress is think about this guys it's not a high ready it's a high compressed just like a low compress okay so compress is i'm bringing the gun in all these movements here like i said is going to clean up your abilities to move in the house right i compress a gun because i don't want to over expose my muzzle on an entry point i don't want to over expose my muzzle on the unknown so i can press my gun so what i learned was the high compress allowed me muzzle awareness when i say that is clear gun all right so i like um tension slings all right guys i like tension slings and for cqb let's just say i patrol like this but for cqb you'll see me come over around my neck even on a two point and what's that allow me is it allows me to move this weapon freely and if i need to cinch down i'll lock down into a two point get it man i carry three points one points [ __ ] five points i i saw slings made out of vines before out of rebels okay so i saw every almost every form of sling what what i'm going to tell you is is based off your gunfighting it's based off of your mission so if your mission is maybe you have a down officer you have to pull them out if you have a one point you're going to get [ __ ] wrecked and you have to jump over fist lines finch lines your your slings everywhere your sling is like a holster is really important and you have to understand how to move this sling so if i need to so if i need to tighten down this you'll see me be able to say i'm using this my elbow and basically i'm weaving this gun in see it or i can loosen it and i can we see how it weave and into this position understand so the sling you better know how to work it to stabilize your uh uh your your shooting positions also maximize movement in the house understand so today you're writing two points i'm going to ask that you you release that two point into a neck right because there's no way that i can go weak side when it's across so i'm going to have to free that to move it across i understand so let's talk about how i compress what i look for you know guys you know when i first joined the teams for like two you need to get aggressive on that gun like what's aggressive lean forward so i lean forward and now lean forward more because it get more aggressive i lean forward more so what's that do first it hurts my [ __ ] back all day right that's why you see a lot of guys getting up like this right because back in the old days that's what we did we would lean out and we'll pop up like this pop up pop up so that is a conventional low ready to pop see it we're training on that so what i'm going to teach you is to push to compress the gun compressing the gun is like me throwing a punch right it's giving me a reference point on a gun so on a high compress my roughing point is this muzzle right think about my hands if i need to touch if i need to touch trung right i could see him all i do is just move this hand towards him like i'm pointing a finger okay so let's talk about the theory behind that four drive on a high compress so trunks are you standing here brother and i'll stand here so if you see me right here i want you to look at me look at me put your drive hand at me now looking at me put your drive hand a trunk please don't look at trunk look at me all right without looking at trunk put your drive into him okay now turn to him are you on him that's how you [ __ ] drive a gun okay miyamoto masashi said that your normal stance has to be your tactical stance and your tactical stance has to be your normal stance this means that these repetitions these movements need to be normal so this is my aggressive stance these days notice how my lead leg is here you know where i learned this from boxing if a boxer is able to move side by side and he's able to work his foot boom as he's able to cut through drills and that's what i need in the house i need that stance so then my gun fighting off of kyle lam's ford drive i'm like man that's so proficient so then my style has changed understand so your normal stance if you're standing there like this today you're talking to me that's your shooting stance okay all you're doing just leaning one leg forward and you're bringing the gun out all right so on a high compress we're going to work a high compressed push and we're going to work a low compress push both of these tactics will be utilized in the shoot house high compressed push and both of these are very dynamic movements so clear gun high compressed push is i'm standing there i'm looking at the muzzle i'm seeing this in my peripheral i'm looking at the target right so let's say that gray box is my target clear gun grey boxes my turret i see the push right so i'm i'm pushing the gun notice how my weapons work already i'll see right so now it goes back on stage so once i take the gun off of the line right off of the mount position he needs to go back on safe so here it's on fire if i take it off the muzzle line it goes back on safe here understand do we understand the mechanics of a push think about a boxing i think about a boxer if i have this is my jab hand this is my cross hand and you're a target and you're a target i'm just going to box i'm going to move t see i'm moving to you i could see you move i could drive to i'm already on the camera man understand so those are the mechanics that i develop over the years through martial arts right if i'm able to fight a god he's throwing kicks and i'm able to register you better i can register on a gun what's going on the hardest thing about cqb situational awareness you can't [ __ ] see the room you can't react you don't see the threat you can't employ any tactics right so it's about getting your weapon up right where you can see understand any questions on a high compress let's talk about a low compress a loco press like the low ready positions in the past is this right you're already on the shoulder mount right and you're just driving the gun up driving the gun up what we do nowadays is we come over the shoulder right and we drive the gun up see he's already on fire here i'm gonna go nut so imagine if this is a wall and the door i'm coming in driving the gun up see around i understand so the compression the compression what why do i need to compress the gun why am i teaching you this because if this is a wall and this is a room which your guys are in this is door opening if i don't compress the gun i can over expose the muzzle understand i could overexpose that 90 degree angle on the threat we understand what 90 is on a threat for anybody don't understand 90 on threat this is a 90 degree angle on the threat and this is a 45 degree angle on the threat okay okay so those are angles we're going to talk about more of that tomorrow but we have to learn to manipulate a gun first eyes and ears meet me downrange so when it comes to rifle training right and one of your skill set is to conduct close quarters battle with this higher power rifle then you need to understand the data from this range if i put you at five yards think about this distance what is this mimic in your world in your house what's this mimic sir a bedroom that's right okay so now we're identifying distance you have to understand distance because you don't understand distance that you don't understand timing because if i take your distance i take your time and close quarters is close quarters battle so i already took because you close in with the threat you don't have time so your your movements have to be fast and your your angles and your position in your body has to be on point because what i'm doing is i'm angling on a doorway i'm angling on a hallway right so these movements now needs to be developed here all right so the first movement we're going to learn is the high compress the high compressed engagement is i'm bringing the weapon up like this like almost like port arms right so i'm bringing the weapon up okay knows my shooting position i'm in athletic shooting position right like a boxer okay i'm bringing it up notice how my head is upright my body my head is over my body i'm not lean forward if i lean forward i want you right now i want you to just stand there right here and isosceles stance i want you to lean your head forward feel the weight shift on your toes you feel it all right and lean backwards do you feel it so if you're able to feel the balance from your your head balancing over your spine right that's what you want to be because that keeps you mobile so that changes your shooting position right so the days of getting aggressive is over now it's more upright so i could see understand so then the high compress high compress i'm going off the muzzle and i'm punching the gun out and i'm firing okay now let's talk about this range i got you on a three inch box okay three inch box so guys basically what i did was i'm giving you 27 country i took 27 countries and i divided what worked for me overseas for so many years and i i developed a close quarters training rifle course that's going to enhance your moves in the house so the first thing is to push a high compressed push the um the requirements is muzzle muzzle over the threat so imagine your muzzle so if i tell you engage one your muzzle should be kind of hovering over that threat understand and when you push you're pushing like you're punching towards that one the mechanics are all going to be there the body movements are always going to be there so if i work these movements over and over and over what happens it becomes habit but you don't aim anymore what i mean by that if i enter a room and let's say you're a threat and you're a threat all i do is shift my body and everything's already in line everything's because the movements are always if i and chong is my threat and i see you see i'm already on it the movements are always the same so what we're developing is the same movements they call it buchen when all your emotions are eliminated and truly your training kicks in a state of no mind okay so that's what we're working on today so back off circle around the demo all right guys so the first one what i'm going to do is i'm going to understand my offset at five yards so center hold on one center hold on once a red dot on one and i should be what based on my physical offset from my optic to my bore what what should i be so i should be kind of two inches kind of below it right so you need to identify your site to bore offset you look at some of those ex-commandos from somalia they had these carrying handles and they had like a five inch six inch offset because that was technology at the time so you think about it they have to hold five to six inches off a low percentage target is this a low percentage target this is not a low percentage target sir no i see you shaking your head this is not a low percentage target the size of the box yes but this range i would say no okay all right so this is a low percentage target because when you come in a house in a room and you got that traditional hostage you know target this is what we're aiming for this is what we're shooting the thing is remember you're not going to be standing out here doing this nice and beautiful and stagnant i'm going to jack your heart rate of the 160 and you're going to start moving okay later on once you develop this push okay so think about where we're going eyes and ears so nice and slow first i just want to understand my offset from this range off of this ballistic so on demo one upper deck so point of aim pointy impact understand at this at this range what do you think i'm going to do next i'm going to keep on going back and back and i understand my offsets understand this all right so once you understand notice the push get it we get the push and then once you understand your offset now you can adjust your hold so on on three i'm going to start adjusting my holds get it okay very basic stuff i'm building that data any questions on how i can press is the weapon back on safe once it goes off this mount is the weapon on fire once it's mounted ready to go all right firing both eyes open correct all right sausali's shooting position sausali's shooting position right we're punching out like this i don't want to see you upright i want to see slight bend in the knees all right first uh iteration up can you talk about structure on the gun holding it the structure on the gun is for me i i try to mimic a pistol and a rifle the same way on the ford drive hand four drive hand on a pistol is this right give me what structure because i have what wrist line structure on a drive hand because i have this this forward grip look at that look at the structure same structure okay so what's that give me what's that give me your threat and rust you're a threat right i'm gonna point towards i'm already on you so if i'm able to point with my thumb to the threat and my structure is there because i've been doing these movements over and over you think i really need to aim at this point unless it's a low percentage right so what i'm training you is speed on a gun at this distance because i took your time to react okay makes sense all right any questions on the forehand any questions on the drive hand the movement from low ready or moving from a compressed position once you hit that it's already on fire and the trigger finger is on the trailer ready to go okay ready to go don't over push this where you punch through that trigger okay nice is nice and fast but that trigger finger is already on the trigger so you got our way tyler so load the gun okay so see i'm already on that wall okay but i have trigger discipline so it's a very aggressive movement light on the trigger makes sense okay and then what we're gonna do three rounds and then from there you're gonna adjust your holds understand so you should have three rounds your first round is point of aim point of impact two two inches and from there you adjust your point of aim where your pointed impact is knocking out the black understand jeff take control [Music] so why would we do this why why would we go into this drill right guys i'm gonna i'm gonna give you as much knowledge as i can right so you're not going to be able to run these iterations so you feel comfortable it's not about that it's about me giving you a snapshot of how to train yourself and be proficient when i'm not here okay so i'm going to give you all this knowledge so when do we do high compress when would we go there think about if if i need to get so there's a hallway and this is a door and i need to get into this area right so clear gun so here i'm hiking see i'm it allows me to drop that muzzle in in in cqb if you guys know the tactics of cqb then you understand that we flout a room in cqb right so think about number one number two to dig corners number three number four is it more proficient to sweep the gun up or drop the gun down center line on the room what do you think okay so that's why i'm not so concerned about low ready and hot dude if you know how to [ __ ] do cqb you're gonna set your weapon up for success because you're you're dissecting that room dissecting that door understand you're looking at where your teammates are at and you need to angle that door and it depends on a low compress or a high compress depends on your teammate depends on you and depends you know you need a center uh if you need to snapshot that room or not understand okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to work a low compress jeff new targets so we're going to work a low compress local press unlike the low radio that we're taught weapons clear the low low rating that we're taught because they're saying hey if my if my butt stock is already mounted onto my shoulder pocket all i do is just try burst the gun up but you feel the weight of it also notice how i'm all already forward extended so is this really conducive to me in a house if i'm trying to exercise muzzle discipline on a threshold right so you have to be able to pull your weapon back all right so the low compress the low compress is me not doing this traditional way but me coming up this way notice how my weapon is up like this this is a low ready for us now okay so instead of the old days of pushing remember i told you it's the same movement it's punching out weapons already on fire i'm bringing this back into my shoulder pocket so again weapons clear low compress low compress bring it up on fire back on safe here low compress bring it up fire if you find yourself doing this that's wrong upright upright normal because i want to be able to walk i want to be able to see i want to be able to move i want to be able to poke around see how new my feet right i want to be able to do that i can't do that when my weight's forward i can't do i can't transition to a gun right because i'm going to have to get back i'm going to have to get back up on that level right otherwise i'm gonna have to clear my gun like too much movements so if i'm upright i can transition to my pistol if i need to understand all right again low compress here any questions on local press all right guys jeff take control loose you know sometimes you know i could demonstrate all day but then if a student demonstrating everybody oh yeah that's good so come on out here come on watch i want look at his kit right look at his kit but i want you to look at his movements right bare minimal movements you know people ask me you know too why do martial arts why and i said you know from a to b what does the martial arts mean right from a to b is to do something with proper form if you're able to do something with proper form then it becomes effortless right so this is the martial arts of it so watch his effortless so uh engage your target again go back out here i want you guys to kind of horse you around but watch how effortless it is all right get where you can see his gun push sheet is ready stand by push push push thank you sir thank you you see effortless right notes the mount notice the mount his body didn't shift he didn't have to fight his kit all right and that's where we need to be bare minimal movements okay so what i'm t why do i teach you how to mount the gun why am i teaching you that's so important because back in the old days when i go in the hallway number one and number two in the hallway was down there [ __ ] optic it was down there often what do you think would you see when you're down your office you see that [ __ ] red dot and you see that so what we do now is we kind of compress our weapons either in high or low number one number two they're already kind of offset but they're off that gun a little bit they're off the gun so they can see what right so if i'm coming here he's threat bare minimum movements these bare minimum movements understand and the push method was the fastest for me versus leverage on the gun the weight on the gun going up make sense any questions on this all right so the next iteration up jeff take control let's turn a punch all right guys compress on demo all right so in demo on a push i'm here i'm pushing aggressively some of you guys are doing this no you you have to let go man you have to let go of all your muscle tension right because your shoulders are stiff some of you guys are built like [ __ ] rhinos out here if you guys are that you gotta let go because you can only move like water if you let go of the muscle tension so watch my muscle tension i'm letting go of my muscle tension here i'm letting go my muscle tissue letting go of my muscle time here get it nice snapping movement the only way i could do it is i let go of muscle tension some of you guys are really locked in they're like yeah right and what happens is you over drive the gun second and you're too uh tight so that means you're not going to move fast we're here for you and my biggest goal is to be able to train you on an individual skill set and a team skill set that you're able to progressively advance your team through this training curriculum so you're able to snapshot my sequence and how i train for close quarters then you can take this and implement on a flat range and mimic in the tape drill into a shoot house i understand so that's what we're doing do we see how these movements can snap in the house can we can we use this in the house you see it all right you
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 1,333,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ronin, Tu Lam, Ronin Tactics, Ronin Tactical, Ronin Gear, Tactical Gear, Military Training, Special Forces, Green Berets, Special Operations, Combat Tactics, CQB, Close Quarters Tactics, Tactical Training, AR, Assault Rifle
Id: 9Js7C5gqnQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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