Green Beret teaches Navy SEALs 1-Man CQB @GBRSGroup

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[Music] way these guys got it all covered and then that leads into the challenge which is how do you [ __ ] do it when you lose all your mates when it's just you and how do you do it when you're defending your house [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's going on guys mike glover field cross survival thanks for being on the channel today hope you subscribed and make sure you hit the notification tab got guests dj and cole from gbrs thanks for coming in guys thanks very much we just did a cold run the b-roll that you saw in the beginning of this was straight cold no rehearsals no practice because i feel confident in these guys cqb abilities and we we come from different types of training but assimilated through the global war on terror and evolving that practice and have full confidence that if i go left somebody else is going right if there's a gap to fill we're filling the gap we're going to pick up what we need to pick up in security as long as we maintain the principle of security so understand cqb close quarters battle is a collective task it's it's beneficial to have more mates with you picking up slivers of the pie that's the benefit in tdc my first instructors happen to be guys from your backgrounds that taught us single man cqb and it blew my mind i didn't think there was a path when i saw them do it i thought it was dumb until we started doing sim hits and i realized not only is it the only way but it's the best way so today uh just like dj and cole taught me how to transition from glock to sig i'm going to teach them some of the single man cqb tactics that i learned from guys from their background that they might already know but for you being the third party or fourth party in this deal i want you to learn as well alright so first things first guys we uh we cleared these guns out i want you to be safe especially working with media guys we don't want to have any incidents and we clear out these guns at safe practice and and you should understand that as well when i'm talking about single man cqb what does that mean what means you have a lot of problems you got to figure out by yourself more angles uh if you've ever done rural movement and and trying to stay tactical in rural movement which i know all these guys have when you go into that problem setting like you look down an alleyway and you have like um people a building with like 50 windows and you don't understand how to attack that it could get overwhelming because you're like oh gosh there's so much to handle here well in single man cqb you have to reprioritize the things that are going to mean be the most statistical likelihood of being dangerous to you so for example right now we're in a center fed uh doorway threshold we got a point of domination to my left and a point of domination behind coal these two points of domination as you attack the problem set are equal unless i hear something unless i have intel if i'm clearing my house and i'm taking it 50 50 which direction are you going well the benefit for you is you know the layout of your house and home defense so you might weigh the left over the right because the left has less furniture but the right might have furniture that bad guys hide behind so it's a dilemma it's a problem set so what i mean is you're going to have to give up something here you just can't cover it all one of the key components in single man cqb is the ability to retract the gun i learned from the navy early on in the global war on terror i mean sean ryan talked about this about this idea of retracting the gun because you guys do it on ships and when you're in ships and confined spaces you have to get creative in breaking your gun down we always thought that was like hollywood maybe seal [ __ ] but the reality is especially as we evolved in warfare that was the best practice for being efficient in cqb right um so one of the things that you'll learn from me in single man cqb practice is getting used to retracting the gun retraction is not just taking the gun off a stock weld on your shoulder and then pulling the gun back it's literally lifting your arm and pulling it under your arm to be able to traverse the front of the gun where the potential threat is so if i just took it like this and i married the buttstock and i'm looking it would take a lot of time for me to lull and slew the gun back and forth be very difficult to navigate that on top of that i'm extending the gun which means if i come here and i'm extending it i'm giving a a good signature to where i'm located before i get to the bad guy before i identify him so he can grab my barrel which has happened in task force i know a lot of dudes coming through breach points run into the guy with the makarov hiding behind the threshold so i want to retract it to have it angled here now this is common especially with two people doing cqb like if cole was standing right here and he was going to the right and i was going to the left i certainly would have this gun collapse as we transition into the room to be able to make room to get a simultaneous clear which is the objective you're not always going to get it but that's a goal as a individual when i come up on the threshold i'm going to take the advantage of getting angles because i could get 95 of the room cleared before i commit to it so why would i rush into a gunfight so i could clear the majority of the room and when i come into it i'm retracted but i when i enter this room and i see that i could literally see there's not a threat i'm clearing with my eyes and not having to run to the point of domination to clear we started learning that very rapidly and free flow cqb that if you cleared it with your eyes there's no need to walk 20 feet and stand in the corner waving my gun back and forth and saying clear so i'm more efficient so as i come in and i step into this space by myself i'm going to step out of the way of the threshold i'm going to extend simultaneously and collapse my sector and now as an individual i have to collapse it by myself right that's my job so if i come in here like this and i'll show it to you guys in real time and i'll bypass the collapsing completely in the point of domination i come in here i step into the point of domination immediately snapshot with my eyes it's clear extend the gun collapse it and then bring the gun down that would be a a standard clear point of domination if you are coming into a corner fed room what's easy imagine there's a wall here going this long way now if i come in do i have to come in and clear this point of domination in the path of least resistance no because i can see it's clear my thread is here that's the unknown so now if i come here and clear this and i see it's clear i collapse this because at the point in which i identify the bad guy with my eyes i need to have a shooting solution the opposite of that is i come here and i'm already compromised and i'm getting stitched up while i'm trying to confirm where the bad guy is at so again i'm collapsing it i'm stepping into the the point of domination clearing the space if i see a threat i can engage the threat from here and evolve the gun fight and i can also have a go no criteria if i'm putting shots on target having being effective i could close the distance or if i'm taking effective fire coming at me i can break it down and just use this as relative cover to protect myself so tj let me get you on the outside and we'll just play this like it's a uh let's just play this like it's actually a corner fit room so there's an imaginary wall here and he's going to come in retracted retract identify the threat with the gun retracted extend collapse the sector and then continue to move okay so here we go shooter ready stand by on you good good and the key is even as an individual the key is i'm not lulling in the threshold that's that's critical all right so pretty easy right uh cole let's get you in there and we'll do uh we'll actually step back in the room so you can do a complete collapsing of your sector let's step up here we'll do a complete collapse of the sector for a center-fed room where he's coming in retracted stepping out of the threshold pointing the gun in the point of domination and collapsing it all the way through that has to happen fast right when he steps just real quick when he steps here and he's coming into this center fed room he's already cleared 80 of the room with the snapshot that he took before he entered the breach point so as he steps here he sees it's clear so if i step here and snapshot this point of domination i could literally snap the gun this way and to that point of domination which could be faster i i won't debate the guys that talk about slowing a gun versus the taking the gun and then breaking the barrel this way and snapping it here whatever's faster for you i would recommend because i don't have to sweep clear this part of the room because i already know it's clear because i saw it when i entered the room next is cole and he'll do a center fed clear point of nomination on you this is not for leo mill this is like operational secure cqb classified gs whatever this is like legitimate stuff that you could use in moving through your house to rescue your child a crisis point is determined by you here or you have intelligence that's or information in this case that's letting you know that the threat isn't uh all these adjacent built uh rooms in your hallway you hear it at the end of the hallway and your daughter's room at the end of it because that's where you hear it from so i'm not gonna do single man cqb like we just did in points of domination every single room that's not how the world works especially when moving to where the crisis is this is similar to what you guys teach for active shooting right if we're moving to a crisis point because we've got the intel where the hostages or we have information where the shooting is taking place because we hear it we're moving to the threat so you're going to bypass and give up a lot one single man cqb or single woman cqb single people could be ckb you're doing that often so it's about your priorities so imagine that we're walking from this location to a crisis point that is at the end of my store if i bypass an open door there's a few ways you could do it but the cool advantage of retracted gun done right is that i could clear with the barrel of my gun having a shooting solution where my eyes identify the threat so my pet peeve for law enforcement and i hope there are leo guys watching this is this this tendency to clear with your eyes so you go like this you like this if you look into a room and you see a dude who's an immediate threat like a barrel of a gun you're just dead because you have no shooting solution so let me get you guys to stay on this side and this is in all honesty this is where i thought it was weird because of the body movement so let me show you this so if i'm here and i retract the gun this way this is the body like straight up right and then i'm here can i go along most certainly why would i stay retracted when i have plenty of real estate to cover i could extend and then continue to move so i'll show you that in real time i'm long until i need to get short that's what he said so i'm here i retract the gun clear the space with my eyes come back here extend and continue to roll right very easy because i was long until i needed to be short because i'm minimizing my signature as i get closer to a threshold any obstacle that you think the bad guy can identify you furniture open doors closed doors retract the gun as an advantage and get long when you can get long that's the rules so i don't know who me and dj and cold that never had this conversation if they've done this before it's irrelevant because them doing it and repping it and even making a mistake or just doing it right is good for you to learn so let's get uh dj here first so we'll move bypassing this doorway moving to the crisis point which is the bathroom as you get close to the threshold you'll wing it so you can pull without giving up movement instead of what we i mean in a normal crisis point situation we just take the barrel dip it but we're just minimizing it retracting it uh checking it then getting along again and moving to the crisis point okay show ready stand by move come on pearl actually ready stand by move good so here good point so so cole is a lefty a good way to practice this is getting use a lot of people think that this tactic is doing this like you were in vietnam like you're john striker meyer against the vietnamese like it's not this it's pushing it here so i'm minimizing the time it takes for me to go from retracted to extended on target but i could evolve through the gunfight where the gunfight starts here and it's boom boom boom boom boom boom and i'm already here with this optic mount which is gbrs i think this isn't even now right so this isn't even out i already know this uh because i could i i work with this kind of thing often this mount is going to give you the advantage in a five shot string of getting to a sight picture or a red dot reference faster than if it was mounted low um it's the proper setup so i'm here and the goal is to get behind the optic but the gunfight starts here when i see him in the threshold it's boom boom boom i already see the dot versus a lot of low mounted optics where it takes me some time to get in right lastly here's how you practice this i'm going to track this movement through the middle of this right here the way that you you practice this is working both sides left and right this is going to look weird and this is where i judge the tactic until i started doing it with simunitions let me show you so i'm here i'm walking down i retract it i look left i look right i look left i look right i look left i look right right that's working the flexibility off the hips but also giving me a position of the gun to clear left and right like worst case scenario you're in a school where there's an active shooting and i'm moving down the hallway clearing adjacent doors versus looking in the doorway i see a threat that's going to kill me and i'm too late so i'm dead okay so we'll do that with dj cole we're going to work down this path and we're going to do left and right practicing that retracted gun left and right we don't have to get long the entire time we could just stay retracted moving left away all right here we go a move bit higher dj up in the pit there you go chicken wings are they they're perfect that actually feels pretty natural yeah like the way we do instinctive shooting the way we look i know that's on my center line because i can reference it yeah i mean it feels like it's on my sternum so if i square up and i point my certain way i want the bullets to go it'll be interesting for accident on the range because it feels natural yeah it's good like tank turrets now yeah it's nice he's running a 300 blackout rattler from sig a little bit more shorty but allows him to get the group so look at me guys i can isolate my hips here right and transition to here but my legs stay forward as i'm moving so i'm here identify it i'm here and the evolution of this is identify the threat and that could it could be like i'm walking this way i see a threat boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and evolving through the gunfight the first time that it made sense to me i was doing an hr was rescuing and training a case officer by myself and they didn't tell me that i needed to retract a gun i came in the hallway and i lost my [ __ ] because i'm like oh my god there's so much here and then they talk retracted gun i'm like deliberate process makes sense came around the corner of a hallway at a t intersection where it went into a warehouse and as i turn the corner there's a bad guy off in the distance and at the same time he saw me i was able to break shots on his ass as i extended that's key so now i'm in a three-dimensional environment 360 degrees where i'm identifying threats and have a shooting solution and that's the key sometimes it's best you can uh you can get but this is a good tactic there is more to this but i will reserve that for a lot of time check out patreon below gbrs links are below i encourage you guys to join their subscription list they have different tiers and a whole bunch of good information not doing a lot of in-person training because a lot of guys are busy the way they can affect the masses is by putting it online behind a pay wall that's not going to suppress them so i recommend you guys check that out and then grs gear scoop gear group gear sorry dj cole thanks man for coming out here it's been a pleasure it's been a blast a lot of fun big big shout out to bcm and sick for hooking these guns up and making us look cooler than we actually are i mean these guys are cool i'm just not cool i feel colder with this damn thing um but uh subscribe hit the notifications tab until next time peace out guys
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 2,421,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fieldcraft survival, fieldcraft, survival, special forces, green beret, safety, gbrs group, mike glover, navy seals, devgru, dj shipley, cole fackler, cqb, cqc, close quarters battle, close quarters combat
Id: BuYNpTYJb7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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