Rōnin talks over Combat Rifle Drills

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] you have to form data right so anybody who goes to an AR class I don't care if it's confined space I don't care if it's dis ting you have to know your your baseline data okay your baseline data your zero is everything you feed off of off your information okay so you need to start understanding ranges okay I remember when I was a young you know going through Ranger training we had to study ranges we have to look at things and interpret range so if I know my range I know my would sir okay so in close quarters battle you know like I told you we have our site the bore ratio okay so you need to start developing data along the way so when I say along the way is you need to look at your terrain for my police officers at my cévennes my my soldiers right look at what do you encounter every single day okay so let's just say your missions them to make dynamic entry into a home okay in whatever country or this in whatever county you're in okay so let me put my myself in this situation is do you think the houses are different in Africa than in Asia okay so different terrain different environments different understandings of your combat environment so what I'm saying to you is if you're using an AR as a SWAT guy and that's your primary you need you know the ranges and you need to get good at certain ranges and you need to record that data at certain ranges alright I briefly touched base with it yesterday but dude I was trained with heart rate monitors at one time I will put her heart rate martyr to me during war and then through a process of a whole rotation I would download all that data and I'm like yep this is about average to help what my heart rate spikes on a mission okay during close quarters engagement this is where I am roughly for me physically fit back down I was around 160 heartrate so I'm in fringed before I start losing what sir what I lose around 161 so now dexterity motor skills vision okay so you need to start understanding all that you know the physiological effects of a gunfight at close quarters okay if that's your realm okay so I'm teaching you today it's more than just a gun it's be able to overcome your subconscious now yesterday I talked about it I know I talked about the subconscious mind and I say yeah don't lose your [ __ ] when you get up online did the subconscious mind take over so consciously you have to be aware of that and then control that adrenaline throw that ego drill whatever that's going to interfere with your learning process we understand all right so we're gonna start off in close quarters this is a 3 inch dot so everything I I'm teaching you today is take my my lesson take my curriculum you know where to find these circuits okay so then you you take my curriculum you take the training process you download the training aids and you go to the Ranger mimic it okay for my police officer it's very important you understand train okay all right so at this range do we see a sight the boar also we know what a sight the boar offset is we know what a sight the boss says amber what's this side the boar offset all right so where are you're looking in your scope and where are you actually going to hit okay we call point of aim for an impact okay point of aim is what you're looking through your point of impact depending on the offset of your gun right so you're gonna have to understand your holes so how do I develop that data how's yours high deck for one target for high deck one all right so I'm just gonna go nice and slow we're nice and slow so you can kind of understand where I'm going I'm gonna go five rounds and watch my holes so on high deck four so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put my red dot on one understand red dot twenty aim it's one where's my point of impact roughly I predict two inches right I'm looking at the right it's two it's just below my my optics all right high-tech for one on one all right so you see my groupings to it just below so now what we're going to do is we're gonna start in preventing holes all right so we're going to blow out what that black no we're gonna blow out the black Center right so once you know daeho's so now I roughly know two inches it's roughly my hold see how I applied that initial data that initial data and then I started if remaining my hose this is really easy this is gathering data gathering data all right so let's talk about shooting positions first okay now do we believe in a little ready or we believe in a high ready what we're going for police officers what we're doing you know a situation I like that answer what are what is your department SOP all ready okay all right so I like that answer a lot of departments are trained they're not that fluid in mind okay that means they crystallize a belief that means that no is little ready all the time okay obviously what do you think that little ready safety buffer came from shoot house right because you got [ __ ] instructors on the catwalk and anyone get flag well what I realized was you know during my career my path during the war we cross train with a lot of different spec ops unit we had to integrate with a lot of different units that we're not used to work with prior to war so I started seeing some of their SOPs and oh that makes sense so the Navy was really big on a high compress carry I wasn't sold on at first because I was kind of doctrine izing my belief right so I was trained on it already all right we we get yelled at on lower I really got the fishing out to low rate but I tell you what man sometimes you have to just kind of like absorb what is new the sword was useful and what I found useful on a high compress position is because me being a fighter right a martial artist I throw a punch a certain way okay so why not mimic that body mitt we hear the weapons extension in your hands right all the time but we don't really training that way okay athletes trained that way right eight-day you know the weapon the ball whatever it's just inserting their hand martial arts training that way but I see a lot of tactician guys they don't train that way they brief it they don't teach it right so if you're nationally throwing a punch like this a jab why not high compress that gun where I'm looking at the muzzle okay I'm not over my eye lines just like a pistol I'm crying Oh looking at the muzzle what's that allow me point of reference right so sir can you come out and stand over here and I'm going to stand over here can you guys on your drive hand we know what vanna's all right and your drive hand can you put it point it towards me and look at me okay I can you stay stay looking at me focus on me drive your drive hand to him don't look at him please bring it back to me don't look at him can you see them on your peripheral vision drive your hand to him without looking now look are you on them that's how we drive a [ __ ] gun in a house okay we drive a gun into our peripheral vision we drive the gun into points unknown with speed all right so we have points of domination in a room for cévennes you should identify points of domination in your house right what is the maximum what is the firepower you need to sustain I don't know how well you know a room whatever okay start looking those distances and start studying police officers start walking around your environment as you're serving your warrant to start looking at the terrain a little bit more in detail all right a little bit more detail and your weapon ballistics and everything else if you are good for you okay so the high compress works the of the punch so basically what I do is I punch like I'm throwing a punch I punch and then I seat the weapon back into my shoulder pocket so it looks like this I punch and I seat the weapon back in my shoulder pocket the guns all safe understand anytime the gun is off your eye line to gun butt goes back on safe and it comes off the air i line any x on I line the gun goes on fire so let's just say if I make dynamic entry into your room and I need to clear opposing threats does it go and go on fire so let's just say we enter a structure right and if one guy has to go this way number one or two do I clear with the weapon on safe or when I go in the weapons on fire that's right the weapons on fire anytime your eyes are lined with the weapon it's on fire anytime your weapon breaks off of I lined that means this is I line ride weapon so far anytime he drops here it goes on safe anytime it goes up here it goes on safe understand listen to me guys I had a lot of guys telling me I run my weapon on fire all the time I don't believe in saving the house and I get you man and that was probably your world and I thank you for what you did but I'll tell you this you never if you're looking to train to that level of intensity where you're doing your doing rapid reloads around your buddy's face right you're moving around each other's extremities around legs why not develop that safety range right yeah do you think I run my weapon on fire in the house sometimes depending on a threat okay but it's better to develop that state of no-mind here where you're not even thinking about it it's a natural movement just like a punch it's a natural as soon as I bring it up is on fire I don't even think about it some guys tell me well in in adrenaline when you're when you're going through and you're you're facing danger you'll forget your weapon to put on fire well I'll tell you man you didn't train hard enough right you didn't develop that muscle memory in times of a-flat range you understand today it's about safety okay it's not just safety on a range we don't want to kill char but a safety and you manipulating that safety it's part of the process presentation understand okay do we understand this drill all right obviously the 6-inch that the three-inch right here it's acceptable but for the whole drill sort of hole drills I want to be able to hit I want to be able to hit it black understand freeholders because I'm not rushing you here this is not speed here this is gathering data we understand this drill first eight shooters up something new today okay so if you're used to the low ready let's try the high compressed today all right let's see what we got alright the high compress is this as I'm if I'm telling you I can talk to you and I could point my finger towards you I can drive that gun to him okay so the high compress will allow me that and it allows me mobility what I need mobility okay so try to try to work something new today okay it's about safety weapons safe when it comes off I line we understand the drill first you're going to sit or hold on one you're going to look at your offset you're going to study your offset after that you're going to apply the offsets to all of the other targets five rounds five rounds on one it should hit around here I'll set five rounds five and all targets we understand this at this time nobody make ready guys you should not be blowing out of the three at all okay especially I was slow in fire you should be able to knock out that block at this distance you have to slow it down slow it down trust me you'll hit speed today okay slow it down get understand your holes okay do we we understand this exercise alright next group up first targets a good tight shooting position let's talk about Stan's Stan's with Swan problem I saw in the first group alright listen let's talk about Stan's I want to draw a line in the ground okay and I want to put my toes on this side of the line if I'm right-handed shooter and I want to put my left heel on this side line so the line intercepts my toe to my Hill all right I want to be able to cover for my 12 o'clock three o'clock in nine o'clock understand I want to be able to traverse that gun from three to nine in one moment one moment I want to be able to hit twelve three nine that's going to allow me to cover fire that allows me to spin and get that Avenue that cover fire understand so your footwork has a lot to do with this a lot we don't lock out our footwork so when you lock out what happens you're going to start rotating rock back so all I need you to do is just bend your knees get out of the mindset of doing this this is this is old school [ __ ] right get into the more the mindset is your spanning here I'm talking to you and you're just bringing that gun up to your eye line that's it nice and comfortable no muscle tension okay low to make ready hold on hold on upper deck alright alright so it's a two inch the two inch so I want you to study study again sit or hold on one you should be popping around somewhere around here and then from there on you should be knocking out the block understand that do your do your magazine changes this needed five rounds per target do we understand this drill okay so back it up or we're at earlier so roughly you're around three yards now I'm gonna move you back to seven yards okay so for my for my guys that measure out their lives right he's got to walk around and measure out a hallway right I remember when I was going through training counter-terrorist training at 21 I would walk around North Carolina Mall and I would look at hands right and then I start looking at structures I started looking at distance what is this distance this store right what is the distance to my hallway in my house can I make that shot what's the distance down the street what is my normal commute can I make those shots can I make that shot in the distance you think I think like that when I'm overseas better believe it I measure out like I was in Africa I had my turret bring me locals and I would measure them out the workers that go on base I measure out the shoulder line their heads their pelvis from the torso on up because I need to be able to gauge the distance in order to to kill you know my enemy okay so you need to start looking at this data and start implementing this data in so now we're at 7 yards on in the three things that matter when I'm engaging my target is what sir huh sighs our target distance to target shooters ability okay so I'm you guys can shoot but you're slow as [ __ ] all right so the thing is this you need to start developing your speed long as you don't don't miss out on accuracy start pushing the gun a little bit all right so this this is here what did I just do increase the distance what why do i strengthen the target so your your shot times should be slower okay in time you'll start developing the speed and accuracy at this distance but if you're blowing it out to to my friend then you need to slow it down all right the standard today it's obviously just hit that [ __ ] two inch block long Stroud's into two inch block I'm happy but if you're blown out the two inch block then you need to slow down your rhythm okay any questions on this drill what do we do first eyes and ears first line load McCready semi yard line your step you're gonna bounce back tell me you guys Bob you're really tense man so some of you got just him right if you tighten up your shoulders man right where's that recoil doing shoulders right so you tighten up everything it's gonna [ __ ] rock you back that's why on speed shooting if you're tight what happens it's gonna rock back and you're gonna come back you've been rocked back and come back you want to let that energy muffle through your body if you want to speed you okay you have to let go everything it took me a long time to understand that because I wanted to tighten down on my gun right that's what we were taught before the war tightened down on gun but what happens is it's not rocking you back if you relax your shoulders man and get a good tight position and I'm saying if you get forward of that muzzle right four dot mozo you're gonna have more control what you're in happening to you is you rock and you'll come back Rock and come back that's 0.5 a second on a reset you understand so you're almost taking a second for every shot you want to be able to put five rounds on deck in 1.5 of a second all right that's what you want not why 5 rounds on a six-inch ring it's a standard today why do you think that is right so I could take that 6-inch string and I put it in the chest to face in the [ __ ] pelvis okay and if you think about what I do is I go up and down right oh my god okay so I put five rounds in the chest I'm trying Aloha has spine okay if I put five rounds in the pelvis he's dropping I put five rounds in face he's done in my understanding of war five rounds was always the answer to put people down for me and my teammates okay so I'm giving you that answer give me my answer so today the standards is five rounds on a six inch at seven yards in Lesson one point five of a second got this you guys got it okay any questions on this drill why didn't you hold on your first shot why did you hold on your first shot sir [Music]
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 839,746
Rating: 4.9422336 out of 5
Keywords: Tu Lam, Ronin, Ronin Tactics, Ronin Gun Belts, Special Forces, Green Berets, Call of Duty, Speed Shooting, Combat Shooting, Military Training, Special Operations, Carbine Training, Commando, Tactical Gear, Ronin Tactical, Tactical Shooting
Id: Kwxe8kwDHSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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