Rōnin (浪人)talks over performance carbine

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[Music] you want the truth go to gosh [Music] I don't have to tell you things are bad everybody knows things [Music] you listening to what our production [Music] a lot to take away okay so the thing is that now you're introduced to it man right you're introduced to a new mindset okay either you embrace or you don't if you go home tonight and you practice it or you don't it's really up to you as individual do you want to be better right because you can have the same mindset and go you know what that was great the man it was hard everything is hard at first everything okay but some of you guys are getting it right because you're applying the fundamentals and you're understanding the concept if you find yourself having a hard time today well that's the process of learning right that's the process of developing yourself right and even if you got it today well there's still some things you need to work on there was nobody in here that was perfect the everybody it's not perfect and we have to train and we have to to work on things if you find yourself not hitting [ __ ] today that's because you didn't understand the first teaching which was holds right that's why I put you on holds in the first place so you have to know your holds if you don't understand your holds then well we could drive the gun all day long and you're not gonna hit the target understand don't beat yourself up don't beat yourself up I'm putting you on a three-inch [ __ ] box right with speed so if you find yourself blowing it out of the area it's because you're trying to mimic speed when you're speeding and a Crow's eases in there so it should be a shock to you that van I can't even [ __ ] hit a three-inch box at seven meters because you're out running your headlights you know what the holds are you know how to do it the first drill wonder you just stood there everybody hit the three-inch right anybody had any problems but then we started adding what layer's all right layers of teaching but did we go but did we go away from that first teaching holds you can't hit the [ __ ] mark man then you work on your hose if you can't drive a gun and hit your mark well you need to forget the the drive and just work on your holds I understand okay I don't want you to get frustrated guys all right it's about learning today everything's hard at first right even for my experienced guys right everything is hard at first when you reprogram certain fundamentals okay I'm not saying today that the hot compress is it I'm saying that allows me mobility right it allows me to move and shoot and I told you from day from the get-go that a combat course a combat carbine course is about moving and shooting because I have to move to what cover and concealment right if if we're out here and the target is right here and I'm right here and that's my threat you think I'm gonna stand here then why did we train like that because in the military you know anybody read the book on killing Grossman talked about in war too they used to like lay down in a static position right and they had the pits where they had to shoot these big-ass [ __ ] bullseye targets if you ever work the pits is Marines or soldiers are underneath there and then they shoot this target and they pull down Atari and they plugged Atari it's where he's shot and he bring it back up and you're a little back down right we did that in sniper training and stuff like that but that's how he used to work in war too they shot this big-ass Bulls ontario's Wendy when Americans confronted the Germans for the first time on the battlefield it was a human being it wasn't a bull's-eyes target so statistically majority of the shots were over two Germans his because the the soldiers could not make that mental breakthrough to take life because they stood it [ __ ] big bullseye targets right so you look at the targets nowadays does a shape like a human being does it have faces of women and children on it a gun on their hands because what we're doing is we're desensitizing ourself to killing okay so the way what I'm saying is the way you train is the way you're going to react in a conflict because that split-second to go oh my god as a human not a bullseye Atari it's your life because you can't make that mental break because you didn't train the way to I'm telling you the combat experience guide to train then then you'll never understand it unless you're out in a gunfight you would never know right so you have to train that way there's no hesitation and you have to train your body to relax so if I talk about a gun is a stench of your hand and I put the gun in your hands that you're doing all this well now it's not a normal movement for you a normal movement sir is you standing there just like that and bringing your gun to your eye line that's it nothing more okay and if you find yourself kicking back in Rico then you need to let go of the muscles that's pushing you back I demonstrate with Jason right if he throws out that Drive hand he's going to get rocked back for my marine right whoo when we talked about today right he's a great shooter and and I respect where he's done but the thing is he sware it off to the target like this toes toes instead of heels and toes on line he went like this and just that little change he was able to handle Rico right am i right that gun you're doing this every single time because you can do body the accuracy - tada - count it at the top of that line hmm accuracy okay you're not you're not keeping that accuracy no your homes right keep it all right what happened all right you're keeping the Candace and then on around for lost icater no yeah Duda County number one right relax the shoulders where is your jaw stop you choking you're five four or are you dropping it yeah every time on for all right bring it back in cost trainer Kate is push we're using that hold you're losing a hold of ports just kicking your ass alright it's a whole cold you know you're holes right okay [Music] so he was doing this and he tensed up so he rocked back right but if I just take a leg and I just throw here and I relax the body did you find a difference in that so even with my experience guys with military background I respect but there's a different mythologies and the thing why do I take this mythology I did I was trained by a lot of countries and a lot of military commando forces right and I draw out what is useful and I write it down like some of you guys writing down the notes I'll write it down and basically I come back and revisit it when I'm ready to learn that again understand and you're gonna find like tomorrow when we talk about grip yeah we know how to grip a pistol but do you do you you see do you know how to grip a rifle because some of you guys are up in the chicken wing position do you know how to stabilize that platform right it's not just about pointing it out or shooting it's about speed because I take your distance time so you have to react faster and the only way you can react faster is what you have to allow your body to move that weapon not the weapon around your body your body has to move that weapon just like if you're in a fight if I tell you hey man throw me a punch across you can only deliver that cross with power if you apply what the core mechanics alright if I come out and do this yeah yeah probably hurt you but if I dry my my core my body I Drive with speed and speed its power okay same thing with a gun I can move the gun like this yeah I can I can move to my community Jason right but see how unlock my or I can move the mic and drive to Jason see the difference if you apply the mechanics of your body you apply the path of a gun so if I know my path of guns here right so if I see you as a threats it I'm already on you it might is the radio on and see everything is ready lined see so that's why I have to practice that path because that gun has the land on my shoulder pocket in this presentation because if I have this presentation she's a threat now I can drive I'm already on her there's no aiming okay it's a react reaction so we're at this range if you're bringing up your gun you're trying to find that red dot well I didn't teach you properly okay because at this distance it's not about aiming its position your body into a certain point it makes sense okay now obviously you do have to aim right that's why we're we're going to three inches and two inches and eventually one inch you want to aim you want it but you want to be able to drive that mechanic that body to get that gun there as fast as you can and then you can slow down a name I guess understand in in time that slow in becomes fast and it becomes more accurate if you understand your cadence if you're able to swallow your pride and look into a star you can go ma'am [ __ ] missing a turret alright if you're able to slow it down if you can't swallow you're probably you're never getting any better understand this life is a process of learning and today you learn new things it's up to you if you want to accept it or not if you wanted to absorb it and you want to put it into your life look at your world look your threat if you're Savin when would you carry a rifle okay so Mike when would you employ your rifle minute right when [ __ ] hits the fan he he needs range right he needs to distance he knows the distance he knows how to gauge distance and read the distance in order to understand his hose yeah right so you take that weapon and you apply to whatever your life is if you're a police officer well you're you're Paul using this to save your life or what stop an evil alright the thing is if you don't understand your you don't understand a minute angle your gun and you'll never understand your offset you never understand that so you have to get the data first and then develop that data and you have to record that method what was today what was the humidity today what was the atmosphere what was it like well the listicle on you what grain a bullet was I'm using and that needs to record it how do I perform today was I injured with a tire that needs to be recorded because how I perform in the Philippines is different happen for me or how to perform in in the higher elevation like Colorado is different right so you have to understand your body in the performance of it I train with heart rate monitors on I know my heart rate I know what what I can perform it and that's just a deeper understanding of who you are any questions out of me today [Music]
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 427,375
Rating: 4.929296 out of 5
Keywords: Ronin Tactics, Tu Lam, Ronin, Ronin Tactical, Military Tactics, Combat Tactics, Tactical Gear, Tactical Equipment, Ronin Gun Belt, Senshi Belt, Special Forces, Tactical Training, Speed Shooting, Combat Equipment, Military Gear, Military Shooting, Combat Shooting, Samurai, Ninja, Ninja Camp, Green Beret
Id: rmAsm2FMG1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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