Recce Rifle Setup and Camouflage / Mountain Rifle Setup. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains Part 2.

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come on buddy almost got you back there is that a seven and a half inch AR with a Muscle Break on it come on buddy let's get you set up [Music] well as time Marches On things seem to be getting crazier and crazier as this happens it necessitates a little bit of exchange of knowledge guys for no particular reason in talking about conus for no particular reason the point is is that these are skills that are going to be important so we're going to be continuing our talk on recce work specifically here we will be talking about recce rifle setup now a lot of the principles that you guys know and love certainly apply to the Reiki rifles and to our rifles that will be completing that type of role but there are a couple of things that are more specialized to these rifles that you might want to know about and a little bit more on some Team Dynamics so guys once again for part two I hope you guys will be inclined to join us for how to become deadly in the mountains so if you've ever been out in the woods and you've forgotten your teeth you go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control I will do nothing to control it but for this particular video I do want you guys to try to keep the comments focused on things that are pertaining to the subject at hand there are going to be recky guys out there they're going to be Recon Marines there's going to be Scout guys out there from cab units and you guys will have a lot of experience and knowledge that I would love to have because as much as I'd like to take you know a full day a full week a full month to teach you this particular topic we just don't have that time so make the comment section somewhere worth going to guys the biggest support of the channel right now is of course Brownells a big thank you to them pretty cool if they're supporting it in this particular video is sponsored by manscape we'll talk more about that later pretty I wonder if they know they're sponsoring this video in any case they're sponsoring the video so big thank you to them so my ladies my gentlemen and my often forgotten but most certainly not by me sr25s welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about probably one of my favorite topics and that is going to be Rifles made for fighting in the mountains so there are a lot of considerations to be had when it comes to Mountain fighting to Recon work and all that type of stuff and as far as my background I've been in the military for a long time now uh served as a Seer specialist for a long time so I've spent a lot of time in the woods a lot of time evading a lot of time going to different tracking courses both tracking and counter tracking and then after that did a job was a little more applicable to what we were talking about today so I have a lot of experience and then in addition to that all of our information is cross-checked with multiple different individuals and we'll be having a lot of really cool people on the channel very soon to talk about some more specialized skill sets but as always get in there spread some knowledge let's make this place good so when it comes down to a rifle for recce for Recon ordering type work what we have to remember is we need to say lightweight we need to be able to work in engagement distances and of course we need to keep this weapon camouflaged and we'll be talking about that as it pertains to Sills which as you know is stop look listen smell but before we get into that let's start off by talking about caliber so when it comes down to it 556-545 by 39762 by 39 these calibers all perform very well and the reason that we choose them is that although they're a little bit more anemic compared to our actual battle rifle cartridges like a full power rifle round what they do allow us to do is carry a lot of ammunition so what you have to consider is your environment the mountains of the Pacific Northwest where we're residing right now are very different from the mountains of Colorado from the mountains on the East Coast or from wherever you may live so you have to understand that you're going to have to choose a caliber that is going to work for the engagement distances that you see if you're in very thick brush most of the time a 556 is going to be fine these are probably not going to be that far much out past five to six hundred now if all of your engagement distances are 800 plus you might consider going up to a larger caliber but there is one thing that we can say when it comes down to the type of caliber that you do select typically engagements have shown throughout the years between organized forces that the force with more ammunition typically wins and that is because there's more than just a shot impacting somebody that decides a conflict there is of course suppression there's maneuver there's a lot that occurs so it is for this reason that lighter caliber is like 556 and 545 and 762 by 39 perform very well as you can carry a lot of ammunition with that being said despite how effective 556 is out to 5 600 meters even a little bit beyond it should be noted that if you're in a team type environment it might be really good to have an individual who can have some type of designated marksman's rifle or something along those lines now right here we do have an lnt rifle in 6.5 that is a 1200 meter rifle all day as cool as this thing is I know a lot of people aren't going to have these so when it comes to a longer range platform you have to understand something as simple as your classic deer rifle can do really really well in that type of role and that's also something that you can typically carry on you in addition to your main fighting rifle so again a little bit of roll differentiation is going to be good and these larger calibers like 308 6'5 300 Win Mag that can really exchange extend your range can be extremely beneficial so if you do have more than just yourself and you should have more than just yourself with you in these types of roles it can be very good to have somebody who has a larger caliber for extending those engagement distances as you need of course they'll be carrying a little bit less but as a quick note it's a good thing to have now also if you can have a belt fed even better belt fed's a little bit hard to get they shouldn't be but if you get your hands on a belt fed awesome as well with that out of the way store little Sills here so just like we talked about in the first Reiki video stop look listen smell let's apply this specifically to our rifles so any trained force is going to perform sills in some way or another so we're going to apply that directly to how we get these rifles ready for a Recon for a recce type environment so first thing we want to do is they're going to stop they're going to look so what you want to do is just look at your weapon does It Blend just like a Ninja blender this thing should blend in as many places as is possible now even here in very green Washington where we're at right now there's a lot of Browns and you're typically closer to the ground so Brown is always a very good color to go with now when it comes to camouflaging your rifle if you want to come here take a look at it there are multiple multiple different ways that can flush your rifle both in terms of pattern and in terms of color palette now if you're in a desert type environment splotches tend to work really well if you're in a tropical environment what a lot of people do is they'll take vegetation and use that to spray paint around though something that Travis Haley taught me from his time and his knowledge of Tropics now in the case of where we're at right now Stripes to break up the silhouette of the weapon work really well you have to understand that as far back as World War one they knew that these weapons stuck out and they began to camouflage them the rhodesians got really good at it and ever since then people have been working on perfecting it now the point is paint your rifle and beyond that don't care so much when you paint your rifle just get at it the less you care about the rifle the better it's going to be when you're painting the sky of course tape off things that shouldn't be painted like lenses and like the internals of the weapon but otherwise go crazy and the biggest thing is a lot of people get really intricate with the design you don't really need a micro pattern this is meant to break up the silhouette from far away so have big sweeping patterns and that's going to work very well so we have this guy right here those are Knights Armament sr15 as you can see very simple camouflage pattern we have our Stag Arms just basic M16A4 clone right here this was more recently painted and then of course we have our Ur GI which in addition to the paint also has a couple other elements on here so if you want to come in here take a look what a lot of people will do is they'll use some type of camo tape or something like that in order to camouflage different parts of their weapon what's nice about it is it adds a little bit of texture and especially as it begins to get more dirty begins to look very natural now we're not going full on sniper rifle on this or anything like that because you want to keep this weapon pretty maneuverable but these are all simple things that you can do to your weapon to keep it pretty camouflaged so there's a couple quick notes for you guys well quick aside guys we want to thank manscape for course sponsoring this video and making it possible to make a lot of cool content now here's the thing about it we're not in the woods yet so if you want to groom yourself if you don't it doesn't matter if you do uh man it's pretty good you know funny enough I actually use manscape before they even hit me up about doing ads so it was a pretty easy consideration as far as doing ads to them now when it comes to manscape there's a couple reasons I do like them so let's get into it so one thing that I like is a lawnmower 4.0 so wireless charging little lights show you where you're shaving works really well it's pretty much ball safe obviously don't go shoving this into the folds but it works pretty damn good and this thing does [ __ ] now they of course have a couple other things they have a nose hair trimmer and that thing's also good and you can also trim your ears with it and all that kind of stuff point is if you can keep yourself looking smart and looking sharp it's kind of a good thing to do so the all-in-one grooming kit for manscape is a pretty damn good option now if you have a buddy you don't know what gift to get them the manscape's actually kind of a hilarious thing to get them as well is pretty cool thing to get them so or you know whoever you might have in your life that you need to get something for landscape is a really good option now what I want you guys to do go down into the description use discount code thumb20 give yourself two free gifts and get in there and a big thing you did for sponsoring this video let's get back into becoming deadly in the mountains now when it comes to camo in your rifle here's what's going to be important your suppressor right here don't paint it couple reasons one the paint is going to cook off from the Heat suppressors get very hot when they get really hot they're going to cook out that paint that paint's going to get in the smoke that could possibly give away your position so there are a couple different options there we have different types of camo wraps like you can see right here from Burn proof gear that we have on this suppressor right here and of course there are suppressors that are already kind of an fde color like we have right here with our Surefire can but make sure that you don't paint directly onto it it's typically typically not going to work for you very well in addition to that while we're talking about our look portion of camouflaging the weapon it's going to be important that we try to keep the flash signature down on the different parts of the weapon that are reflective now this also applies to personal camouflage as well which we'll talk about in a further video but think of things that can reflect most importantly is going to be the lens off of our light right here so one solution to this right here as you can see I just took an AimPoint bikini cover I cut it I put it over the lens of the flashlight and I taped it on that's an easy way to keep that from shining so the reason for camouflaging those is my buddy was recently on an exercise and they had they're just getting lit up by a Recon element and they couldn't find out where these guys were shooting from so my buddy had a mod light which one of the far throw heads he shined it about 600 meters away against the Hillside and it reflected off of the light lenses on their weapons and they're able to get their those guys position zeroed and do call for fires now of course my buddy's position was already compromised so it didn't really matter as much the point is is if at all possible we want to keep those Reflections down also think about the Sun or anything that could occur that could cause a reflection so we have our lens cap there now on the Trijicon RMR we have on top right here we have a kill flash now this is from tenebrecht so they don't stay on very well so I went ahead and I taped that [ __ ] on and as you can see here that's going to kill the Reflection from the RMR now from the back not as much as you can do but you do what you can now on the optic itself there are of course kill flashes that you can put on but more important than that is going to be keeping the weather off of the lenses of your Optics because weather really [ __ ] you up so there are different types of Coatings that you can put on and treatments that will help the water to beat off the problem is is that those can freeze so depending on the environment that may or may not be a good option for you in general I tend to use scope caps these are tenor bricks and these work really well for keeping the lens caps dry so these work really well for keeping the optic dry and then of course for killing flash so that's what we have when it comes to our Optics and for keeping these weapons camouflaged now nothing to notice as well is of course most of these weapons have some type of suppressor on there suppressors are awesome they do a really good job of eliminating flash completely as well as making the sound signature hard to detect precisely where you're firing from so a suppressor is a very good thing to have in these types of rolls now if you can't afford a suppressor you can't get one for whatever reason typically your a2s do pretty well and even better than that would be like a three prong so from Surefire or Knights Armament those three prongs do really really well at a limiting Flash and we do want to eliminate flash don't use a muzzle brake that's going to more easily give away your position so we've talked a lot about the looks but the camouflage of the weapon another thing that a lot of people don't think about is going to be the sound that your weapon makes so we'll try to illustrate that this weapon right here a lot of the QD mounts that you have on your weapons can make a lot of noise so right here pretty quiet overall of course we have a little bit of rattle in the magazine right here but the point is is you can easily make your weapon much more quiet by getting rid of qds so something as simpler as a simple as a paracord sling attachment works really well and on the butt stock almost all butt socks nowadays allow you to thread the sling directly through the butt sock that makes for a very quiet setup and a little bit more so than your typical QD mounts um Blue Force Gear also makes a really good Universal sling Mount that you can use on AKs and different types of weapons so those are all good things to do again this is going to play into complete camouflage right so myself I should be quiet when I'm moving my pack shouldn't be rattling so much it should be packed in such a way that I don't make a lot of noise and that also plays into your weapon so this is all playing into a complete package here but right now we're just focusing on the rifle side of things so we've stopped we've looked we've listened smell so strong smelling solvents can possibly give you away try to use a neutral smelling solvent and of course when it comes to painting your weapon make sure that you're using your weapon and allowing the dirt to permeate into the paint that way you don't get that paint smell as that dirt permeates into the paint it gives it a better color and it begins to blend in better with the environment as a quick note and of course that brings us back to our espresso don't paint your suppressor because if you shoot with that PIN on the suppressor it's going to smell they're going to smell that paint cooking off from a long way away especially for people who are used to be in the woods and aren't used to those synthetic smells because they've been out there for a while that's going to possibly give you away now we've gone over our Sills at this point now we want to talk a little bit to the rifle itself now every variant shown here is pretty much an AR of some type and that's not to say that AR is the only weapon you should choose when it comes to your Reiki rifle there are tons of good rifles out there from the m110s to the scars to xcrs to whatever tons of great rifles the point is the thing that matters most is that you have spare parts for your weapon and that you know how to service it so as with everything make sure that you know this weapon really well and then of course that you have the spare parts and the know-how on how to replace those parts now for the most part we're using ARS because it's a simple reliable and effective system but in really cold environments it might not be the best thing to use so again for your environment pick what's going to work best for you now a little bit on setup right here so if you come in which could be important what's going to be important is of course having different ways of citing your weapon I typically have iron sights on my weapon because as archaic as they are people are gonna get mad at me at that I did qualify in iron sights um what's good about them is in really bad weather the lens doesn't fog up on them so there is certainly a point to having iron sights on your weapon I typically do recommend some type of low power or medium power variable optic so the low power is being like a one to eight or a one to ten in this case we have a one to eight from night Force but the Leupold series like the Mark V has some really good medium power variable Optics that a lot of people have been using and those perform really well we're not going to get into so much you know which optic you should have other than to say that a little bit of magnification is going to go a long way in terms of being able to see who you're trying to fire at or even identify who you're looking at so that positive ID is going to be important up here we have the RMR and that's where passive night vision shooting that works really well NBD there now over here we have of course our weapon lights lots of different good weapon lights Surefire mod light aerosaka Cloud defensive find one that you like that works well for you and a lot of my weapon lights that I have right here I have a dual weapon light where it uses both IR as well as white light with the simple Twist of the head on the weapon light and those are pretty cool because that allows for kind of dropping a little bit of weight on an IR system if I don't need any type of laser such as we have here with this end Gall maybe you don't need a laser system because everyone else has night vision it's going to [ __ ] you up finally what's going to be important as well is going to be your ammunition and that comes into barrel length as well if you notice all these weapons are longer all the way up to a 20 inch [ __ ] musket right there my Marines know and the reason for that is that especially on these intermediate calibers even even larger calibers longer barrels just do better they are both more effective with the ammunition they both have less drop they just work better so a lot of people have been using very short weapons which work really good in urban environments and we'll talk more about Urban considerations in a further video series but with those really short rifles the problem is that they typically rely upon ammunition that's a little bit harder to source so if you're a mark 18 only reliably fragments to 80 yards and you have to make use of a different type of specialty ammunition that's awesome however how much of that ammunition do you have and the whole point in bringing up is that with a longer Barrel you take training ammunition and you make it into duty ammunition a 20 inch M16 like we have right here does a really good job at making 55 grain an absolute Vibe checker so yes it's old yes it's not the newest most Gucci design but you know what a 20 inch 55 a 20 inch rifle launching a 55 grain projectile is going to [ __ ] your world up compared to a 55 grain projectile out of 10-3 I don't want to get shot by either of them but if we're talking which one's more effective 100 a longer Barrel is better so on a lot of these guns we have 16 to 14.5 and those are awesome the whole point is when it comes to ammunition make sure you have a lot of it we're talking on your person at least eight to ten mags and in your pack maybe another eight to ten as well if we look to some of the earlier Giants the people who have pioneered a lot of this stuff I have the unique opportunity of talking to a lot of long-range Recon Patrol guys from the Vietnam War and their whole deal is They Carried a living [ __ ] ton of ammunition because like I said at the beginning Whoever has the most ammunition typically wins and now all this stuff might seem a little bit excessive but I want you to really think about this take your rifle out right now go walk through a Park walk don't scare anybody walk somewhere in nature how much noises you make how well does your weapon blend in is it really the best you can do and really think to yourself if I was being hunted if I was hunting somebody is this how I want my rifle to sound is this how I want my rifle to look to perform be honest with yourself and take the stuff seriously because it absolutely matters but what matters even more than any of that is going to of course be training make sure that you get training these rifles are awesome the setups that we have are effective however if you don't have the training it's not going to matter the guy with these Stag Arms M16 is absolutely going to [ __ ] your world up if you have the gucciest knights Armament gun if you never try anything if you never practice recce if you never do any of this stuff get out there practice make yourself the weapon that is what is going to matter ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching a little bit more serious tone in this video but I want you guys to get into those comment sections ask questions provide commentary let's make this place good I'm sorry we couldn't talk about this for a longer period of time plenty more videos coming on becoming deadly in the mountains stay tuned I've got nothing else for you final thing for you guys Fitness if you're not fit you're gonna die get out there run work out don't die guys take care
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 4,147,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recce rifle setup, rifle setup, recce rifle, recce rifle loadout, recce rifle concept, becoming deadly in the mountains, recce rifle 16, recce rifle mindset, rifle setup garand thumb, mountain rifle, fighting rifle, mount fighting rifle, SOF rifle setup, Special operations rifle setup, Warzone setup, patrol rifle setup, Rifle setup t rex, How shoudl you setup a rifle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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