How Deadly Is A 22 Pistol? 22 Pistol vs Human

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Charles I read online that if you shoot people with small calibers first that then you become immune to bigger calibers do you want to try it yeah I heard the same thing as well okay well we'll start with 22 and then because it's really small all right Charles sub move okay let's do it huh Charles get up [Music] today on Grantham we're going to be answering a very important question what is that question Charles my dad loves me dude he sure does the bigger question is how deadly is a 22 pistol uh you know funny enough 22 pistols do account for a large amount of deaths but how effective are they actually there are a lot of reasons to pick a 22 pistol it is a very effective weapon it is a great in my opinion tool for survival especially kind of end of the world survival does that make sense Charles so today on Grantham we're going to be testing the effectiveness of the 22 pistol from different distances in different scenarios on different parts of the body and as always we'll be answering questions with what Charles science science am I supposed to walk away yeah but before we get into it we of course have to think the biggest sponsor of the channel do it correctly Charles sweaty disabled idiots laughs [Laughter] the Sonoran Desert Institute we can't think of enough you're looking to get your start in what gunsmith Gunsmithing science computers there nope Gunsmithing accounting they are the people to go to we can't thank them enough they've been a big sponsor of the channel for a long time now so big thank you to the SDI we love them very much and who else can we not forget Kenny primary arms yeah yeah primary arms if you're looking for sick Optics at a great price and uh uh July is uh July is asking for something free whether they fall through I don't know but just do it and of course we have to thank a big new sponsor we actually have mantis so if you're looking to do a lot of dry fire training we are a huge fan of their products they do an awesome job of making a product that makes in my opinion dry Fair much more effective uh we we spend about 80 percent of our time dry firing I would say we spend about 80 of our time dry firing so mantis is an awesome product to use a big thank you to them and unlike the TV that you're watching this on or the camera this is filmed on or the guy filming or the guy AAC ammunition is made in the US of a we love them we can't thank them enough uh to be clear we do have uh Kenny our uh Kenny how would you describe yourself mostly Chinese based off the ancestry test so we have Kenny sending and Micah just had his baby a big uh big congrats to Micah right so right here we have a vulcore tune 22 pistol it is basically a Ruger Mark 4 so you can come and take a look at that there Kenny it's a fairly attractive pistol we love this of course but the bigger question is is why are we doing so much on the 22 pistols well I think that the 22 pistol is probably one of the better survival options you can get it's a very versatile weapon the ammunition is very cheap the report is extremely quiet and I want to talk about that for a moment so right here with this Val courtson we do have a 4.5 inch barrel now we have a liberty Precision suppressor right here and a big thank you to them for donating to the channel for this video with the 4.5 inch barrel most 22 ammunition not all but most will be subsonic because there isn't enough Barrel not enough gunpowder is expended in uh speeding that projectile up so you do have a subsonic projectile from all ammunition because of that with a suppressor these are incredibly incredibly quiet so I find this to be a wonderful full weapon for both hunting small game Rabbits squirrels that type of [ __ ] or if you have to dispatching certain foes in bad scenarios so we can hear how quiet this thing is super quiet the report is extremely Pleasant and especially in urban areas or something like that these could be extremely effective weapons but the question is is how well do these perform I've heard a lot of talk about 22 being just phenomenal in the human body where it enters and it just scrambles have you heard that [ __ ] before where like 22 will enter it won't exit but it'll like scramble sort of scramble your eggs and just that's not the correct saying at all but it's gonna mess you up it's not going to exit it's just gonna mess everything up inside of you like intrusive thoughts or just you know it's just gonna do terrible things I don't know with the um actual answers that's why I'm interested to see today with the ballistic dummy that is why we are doing so much kind of testing on the 22 pistol today so with all that being said let's go ahead and let's talk about the dummy and then we'll get into it so right here we have the ballistic Dummy from ballistic dummy Labs uh Charles you do know that this is not a real person right like a communist very true Charles Bliss gelatin is not a one-to-one um again for your typical ballistic gelatin you want about 12 inches of penetration to be a good analog to human tissue so these being a little bit thinner you're going to see a little bit more over penetration that we'd see in an actual human body that being said we do have analogs for organs that represent their density really well we do have good bone analog the actual course of the projectile is fairly similar and these do pretty well um we're going to go ahead and we're going to start with a further shot in the gut and we're going to see how this guy performs okay we have the 40 grain Winchester Super X we firing at about what do you say this is I don't know like 100 yards okay we're about we're about 30 yards right here we're gonna do a gut shot we have 40 grain Winchester Super X we'll uh give it a shot video foreign so bad is obviously you have a lot of bacteria so if you have any type of perforation into that area the risk of infection is quite high so although it is not always a quick death it is um without good medical intervention certainly a terrible death right here the round entered this is at 30. you can see good perforation and then what's interested interesting is that it actually stopped right there on the spr on the spine you can see where it flattened out completely are you able to see that through death is certainly possible given the 22 pistol it it did not enter and scramble the body though I mean maybe if you're you're living like south of the Equator and the nearest hospital is 72 hours away what if uh civilization ends don't get shot we had an earlier shot Aaron shot of mine that was a little bit high that was from 30. you can see right here that it did shatter the rib did not make it too terribly far in I'm interested to see um how it's going to do at closer range so the ribs always are going to present a problem a hard bony structure is just going to stop many rounds and deflect them and in many cases protect you and that's you know just like in getting like a blunt force impact same thing it's going to apply when it comes to firearms what are you what are you going to say Charles I was gonna say like I'd rather get shot in the chest any day now that I know this you know what stops bullets it doesn't suck bullets okay let's try it out all right we have five yards 40 grain [Music] it's always so underwhelming with the 22. oh it's so good so it wouldn't hit the rib right there it actually shattered across do you see how it shattered you can see like little lead fragments right there and it also fractured the sternum I know this because I quit med school and it makes me a pretty good doctor but it didn't appear to get that deep at all or to hit anything that was terribly vital I mean it cracked sternum I'm gonna do a side shot right there so I'll fire through the sternum side shot because a lot of shots are not dead on we'll see how it does in that case yeah this is typical for certain neighborhoods too because they'll just start and people running away and stuff so a lot of people get shot in the side so the cool thing about the 22 as well is that unlike a traditional nine millimeter recoil operated weapon if you press a muzzle into something with a 22 pistol it's not going to unlock the breach and so you can actually fire at contact distance which is pretty cool that's actually super quiet so I guess the real suppressor the entire time was a was a human body so you actually see the uh how the round traveled right there so it hit the rib and shattered immediately but the larger part of the slug if you want to come around here in the back actually it was stopped by the PVC stand right here but likely would have traveled to the spine so certainly 22 is lacking a lot of the penetrative qualities that we're seeing from like nine millimeter yeah it still has it I think it's certainly still a killer weapon yeah I mean there's a couple scenarios one you get shot then you got like 17 hours to get to the hospital or you get shot and it hits your spine and then you're doing an Ivar the Boneless to the hospital but like almost like either the Boneless in the show you know he's all walking around in his hands because he couldn't use his legs so next up what we're going to be doing is we're going to be doing a contact shot at the back of the neck there might be certain opportunities presented where you have to dispatch with someone where they're not quite aware of your presence we do in the back of the neck and we'll also be doing one at the back of the head to see what occurs ah that just sounds gross I don't like it at all foreign hit the spine it blew apart the spine you can see right there you can see how it shredded it then it looks like it exited to the uh what would be the esophagus so that seems like a fairly terrible death I mean on it if you're letting someone walk up that close and do that with it but you're not aware you're turned away you don't have the eyes on the back of the head or anything I mean there's footsteps there's feeling the gun pressed against you there's like and what type of Hitman is using a 22. a lot of them actually to be clear if oh yeah you know a lot of Hitmen no I mean I've watched a lot of live League I'm sorry I had a lot of internet access as a child it wasn't good for me at all to be clear this uh Abe Lincoln shot that way out let's see if if it exits yeah let's see if if with a if they had suppressed 22s would it have caused him to what do you say six Emperor tyrannis uh is that it yeah six simple terrain is Dash six semper tyrannis oh God oh no look it's way worse than Abe Lincoln oh he's a unicorn almost yeah that actually uh the slug uh exited the skull and uh kind of lodged in there Brave Lincoln actually got trapped in the brain did it yeah because he was wearing a big old hat dude ready oh so it's not exiting the brain it's just uh what's that adage about the 22 just scrambling the brain oh like uh like a like a juice of dots and you're just trying not to like take it out yeah yeah you're not yeah you haven't taken your meds or whatever and it's just kind of going bad so if you remember they actually did the same surgery on uh in that movie Master and Commander right there and then what you can do is after you got after you got the little bullet right there on the knife you do a little Hunter Biden well so what we're gonna do right here is we're gonna rapid fire into somebody's face because I imagine if you have the opportunity you're probably not going to take just one round so we'll try that in both the chest as well as the face we'll start with the face because because why Charles because that's where you're supposed to drop them there you have it let us know when you're ready Charles recording all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was bad there's another way to say it that's terrible oh it's popping out the back oh get this get this no come here come here shake it a little bit so we're going to empty into the chest point near Point Blank and I'm interested to see if you know what the performance is like we're actually going to cut into it at that point to see if we have any good uh impacts on the heart I mean obviously he's already dead but yeah I don't know what to say let's let's get it again dude let's get it again so uh next up we're gonna do the uh not contact but pretty close range with the um the on the chest and yeah I would say dead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've done a lot of ballistic testing on the 22 pistol at this point I was nothing a little skeptical as far as how its performance would be but I think it's definitely proven that it has the absolutely has the capability to kill like compared to like a nine millimeter or compared to some other caliber it certainly has not as many things going for it but again that kind of takes me back to the the survival aspect right yeah in a like end of the world type scenario I I do see a lot of Merit in the suppressed 22 pistol as a pretty good all-purpose all-around kind of firearm to carry it's still very capable it is a psychotically quiet gun because like a 45 is also a subsonic weapon however a 45 even with a suppressor is still significantly uh more decibels because there's just a lot more powder and a lot more behind it compared to the 22. so with the 22 it's definitely going to be that shot placement that is going to matter but it's got that dog in it man it's so lightweight and another thing to consider is how um ubiquitous parts are for 22 how ubiquitous 22 ammunition is um it is a fairly easy weapon to upkeep and to and to have on you you can keep that thing on you and you can know that um discharging this even in an urban setting or a Suburban setting that more than likely you're not going to be heard the point is there's a lot to be said about the 22 pistol especially with the suppressor on it it's a very interesting concept and I'm glad you guys could be here as we tested lethality I think my favorite shot was the under the chin I've always wanted to do that yeah that was pretty I mean it gets through it it's just uh who who's going to be unlucky the guy and the guy pulling the trigger in shot placement or the dude getting shot I mean well I guess if you get a shot you're pretty unlucky yeah it's a pretty awesome day overall uh I'd rather walk away shot than live Sleek shot and with that guys that brings us to the end of the video thank you so much for watching um we appreciate you guys so much and uh as always guys uh train dry fire get out there have fun with the buddies but uh we got nothing else for you final thing for you guys dad advice with Charles unfortunately I'm very worried okay Charles actually isn't that yeah not gonna brag I like girls spend time with your family and do it now don't plan on doing it and you just never follow through uh because I would I would bet for all of us or most of us I would bet my non-goldback Fiat that you're going to regret not spending more time with your family down the road what's the uh saying the only person who remembers you working late as your kid yeah he's gonna fire me
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 7,213,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how desdly is a 22 pistol, 22 pistol vs human, how deadly is 22?, 22 vs human torso, 22 vs human, 22lr vs human
Id: uSrWpH-nLmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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