Rōnin Close Quarters Rifle (Shoulder Switch)

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the way of a warrior is found through the basics and through a refinement of one skill through repetition one develops this set of skills and through the basics one can develop oneself and this this is the way of the warrior [Music] [Music] so the next drill is shoulder switch right so when will we do shoulder switch in a house when we would do it when was your shoulder switching the house I heard barricade yes okay so the thing about hallways is that's a danger area in a house right we don't want to take our weapon ready off of a danger area right so and when we move into danger area I don't like to shoulder switch okay when I like the shoulder switches around barrier cage to maximize cover right um our shoulder switch if I need to pull security and door and to look down the hall or shoulder switch to maximize cover in that room okay so shoulder switching is a thing that you need to understand uh and get proficient at especially with kid on okay it's it's to minimize exposure in a hallway in a barricade stuff like that okay all right so shoulder switch clear gun is I'm here on on a low compress I bring it up fire one two safety my weapon okay the forward hand then goes back into the Magwell right here it pulls it away it goes into this shoulder pocket at the same time this goes here and this slides back and it switches to fire or five two rounds safety to weapon this goes back pull it across my body land and shoulder pocket back notice how my body position doesn't switch the weapon moves around my body see I don't want to see this I don't want to seeing all this because that's unnecessary right I'm here fire far far okay um I do throw my shoulder switch so if I'm here I'll throw a shoulder switch with that so if I'm here if I need to throw a shoulder switch throw shoulder switch but right now what we need to do is up far two rounds safety compress bring it over far two rounds safety bring it over and you're going to go over one mag okay eyes ears on demo so you'll see on the chest area those are fresh targets okay on demo shoulder switch two rounds two rounds a low compress shoulder switch shoulder switch [Music] any questions easy day right so when you're around kit right when you're around kids I'm gonna have to clear that body armor space with here okay so this is important with here clearing the body armor space okay no questions on shoulder switch Crystal Clear look at the order of operation can you run through it one time look at when his front hand goes to the center of the rifle first because he can support the rifle there it's not the backhand moving up you've got to support the rifle in the middle so as he does it watches front hand come back to support the rifle all right guys so basically I'm pulling all these different drills that I think is going to enhance you in the house okay so that's why you're getting all these different drills thrown at you because this is what's needed in the house to be more proficient based on the CQB I'm going to be teaching you okay the tactics Jeff line them up all right line one let me go down right what I'm teaching today is gun fighting techniques right so how to center your core how to uh how to uh let go of muscle tension and move towards speed okay how to move with the weapon proficiently around your body and not your body move around the weapon right so all these teaching points that I'm giving you when you go up on online and you're about to take the shot right let's say on a flat range you have to think about what is the task the task is stance the task is Center my body the task is tighten up my core okay and then my weapon movements have to flow around my body and not my body move all right because if my body moves that takes what time it takes time and if I'm here to hear which you guys are in a Close Quarters range right CQB time is something you don't have so your movements have to be natural natural so you have to take what's natural in your daily life and permitted into tactics right the thing about shoulder switch is you got to slow it down in the beginning okay Center present the weapon Drive hand goes back pushes the gun out pockets as this goes back okay as this goes back your unsafety new weapon your firing boom boom this goes safety weapon this goes out this goes forward so it almost happened simultaneous see this goes back this goes forward this goes back this goes forward okay do you think I do this at home a lot I do right so dry firing guys that's like 90 percent of the work and you can do that anywhere right so I do this at home you know until it becomes no mind it's just a natural thing foreign
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 94,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ronin Tactics, Tu Lam, Special Forces, Combat Rifle, Rifle Tactics, Ronin Tactical, Bushido, Special Operations, military Tactics
Id: I5XhrB_Mj8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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