Basics of Urban Combat Survival and Assault Pack Setup

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ID on bridge?

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/Stick_Mag 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Mossberg Shockwaves are about to be in every Kit post, I’m excited

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/braveginger1 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

2:05 to 2:40 = Real shit

Solo Op (95% of this sub) = Likely Death

SLLS = Stop Look Listen Smell

Dirty Water = Bad (Buy/Carry Filters)

Ammo, batteries, thermal observing device, laundry bag for downed buddy’s gear, food (calorie dense that doesn’t require cooking), entry/exit tools (lock picking kit/bolt cutters, breaching shotgun), Thermal Poncho, Clothing layers, Socks, Emergency blankey, Nylon, “Write In The Rain” (Dont got one? Fuck you.), Boo boo kit, Medicines, Antibiotics, Foot powder, toothbrush, Liquid IV, Can opener, spoon, booty wipes, battery pack

Mystery Ranch stonks +1000%

Breaching shotgun posts +1000%


👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/ISayBullish 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

RIP Mystery Ranch Bag availability rofl.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies



👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Assai1ant 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Awwwww yiiisssss

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/ShaolinTrapLord 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/moritsune 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheMarmotKing 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Don’t watch it if you’re fat.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kdb1991 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey buddy you okay you've been farming all day you filter your water you didn't filter your water okay where your meds at you don't have any nuts all right man look at them around my packer and get you taken care so the question is what is my experience with urban survival well i served a long time as a survival evasion resistance and escape instructor in the united states military i got to teach it and unfortunately got to experience it in multiple ways both in exercises throughout the united states both civilian and military as well as in real life when i watch the country fall into madness post a natural disaster and you have to understand how quick that spiral is and you have to it's just not what you think it is if you think you're going to be going door to door kicking in that door and raiding bottle caps and trading it for right away you're going to kick in a door and die for my guys out there my g watt veterans who have kicked indoors for a living you know that if you're spending all day kicking indoors with little support if you're not going to live very long probably not a good idea to do it for very long for my guys who don't know we're here to educate you a little bit because in this series which is a direct spinoff of our becoming deadly in the mountain series you have to understand how complex and how large of a subject urban survival is it's going to be really hard for me to explain everything to you in 10 videos so there's no way i can do it in one video but we are gonna give you a really good intro to it and the thing i have to explain to you guys really well is just how brutal it is in today's video when we're talking about urban survival we're talking about a complete breakdown of a government whether it be united states or whatever country you live in we're talking about a superior force has taken over this country and you're trying to win it back and when you're fighting a superior force the thing you have to understand is no one gives a [ __ ] if you're not ready no one [ __ ] cares nothing about life about urban survival about any of this stuff is fair just look at what's happening all over the world right now you might think it's crazy to train or be ready for something like this but the fact of the matter is your preparedness to be at the level of a professional soldier could be the difference between a life of slavery or being able to defend your country defend your family your religious beliefs your beliefs this is serious stuff guys so i hope that you guys will join us as we talk today about urban survival now before we get into it we have to thank the biggest sponsor of this channel the sonoran desert institute a big thank you to them if you're looking to get your start in gunsmithing they are the way to go go and check them out big thank you to them of course we have the sponsors for this particular video we have x computers who makes our gaming pcs and of course arms list a big thank you to them and don't forget the patreon micah patreon it's uh it's busting it's everything i don't want you guys to see posted by the camera guy questions are answered by me and absolutely what rocks you'll get um first dibs on new hats and slings and gear and all that stuff we're coming out with so it should be pretty freaking cool ladies gentlemen i haven't forgotten most certainly not by me guerilla warfare welcome to the channel so glad you can join us today as we talk about urban survival so the first thing that we need to talk about is we mentioned we're fighting a superior force the reason for this is we're coming down from the mountains the mounds are a great place to disappear however if you want to retake a country you're going to need to go into the city centers when we're talking at this point we're talking about a very destroyed environment so you have to understand that there are going to be different considerations and different setups depending on what kind of phase of warfare you're in at the phase we're at we're talking straight up open warfare we're talking destroyed buildings destroyed cities and if you've ever seen footage you've seen videos simply look to europe there are tons of examples of it right now so one of the first things that i see brought up when we talk about this type of setup is camouflage camouflage is very effective if you've looked at a destroyed city a destroyed building camouflage is going to work there's no doubt about it whether it be multicam whether it be atax whether it be muted greens these are excellent camouflages to have now what's going to be difficult is what is your adversary wearing are they wearing a digital green are they wearing a multi-camera they're wearing a ranger green whatever it is it might not always be in your best interest to be dressed like them so consider your camouflage but understand that it is incredibly effective a lot of people say they should dress like a gray man well the fact of the matter is we can't underestimate our enemies at the very least they're going to get your biometrics so if you're caught in the vicinity of where you were just doing a raid where you're just getting into a gunfight where you're trying to retake a city being a silly little goose and you get found even if you drop your gear and you're looking like a normal civilian they're going to look at the patterns of the veins in your eyes and they're going to get that biometric data they're going to look at your fingerprints they're going to have that data they're going to of course swab you for explosives for gunpowder residue for anything you have a cut on your cheek there's going to be a lot of questions and at minimum they're going to know who you are they're probably going to detain you that's only if they follow the rules of war if they don't probably it's going to tell you to dig a hole and they're going to shoot you and throw you in there so understand that the level of warfare that we're talking about it doesn't really matter as far as blending into the population that this is always going to depend on the situations but we're talking all about warfare right here now going from that we're going to be talking about general principles of urban survival and we're going to be talking about pack setup because they're pretty much related now when it comes to a pack i don't want you guys to simply copy what i'm doing that's what you do every time please don't do that there are many packs are going to work well in this case we have a mystery ranch tricep but the whole point of a pack when we're talking about an urban situation is going to be staying light on your feet and being able to move to maneuver with it to be able to fight with it on to be able to have it to sustain ourselves for my g-walk guys out there this is in many ways going to be really familiar except with a little bit less sustainment of the giant united states government for my mountaineers for my people who live in west virginia you're going to understand this these setups pretty well because you guys are used to hardship but in general here are the things i'm looking for i want a pack that is not going to be wider than my body in my kit i want that because if i can fit my body and kit through i want my pack to be able to fit through with me in addition to that i don't want the top of my pack to be going over the bottom of my neck right here the reason for that is if i go prone i want to be able to look up because if you've ever tried to go prone and look up with one of those high frame packs it's pretty hard you have to go into a modified position for an assault pack we just want to be able to do that this is going to be geared towards about four to five days of sustainment and again a lot of that is going to be traveled to the cities and then fading back out of the cities because if you're living in the cities you're probably having a lot of hardships going on there but in any case before we do the thing i want to talk to you guys about is the most important things that you guys can have on your kit and that is going to be your situational awareness this is something that i cannot teach because it's something that you have to begin to practice get your faces out of your phones probably a lot of you guys have your faces in your phones right now that's okay for right now but i want you to start practicing actually paying attention to what is going on around you this is something that is imperative that you get good at and when it comes to that we have a very simple acronym that we use in our recce video that we'll talk about here that is sills stop look listen smell so when you're getting into an urban area when you're going with your boys because you should not be going alone you should have a team with you if you're alone very high probability of death make sure that you have a team with you whether that team be people that you've linked up with after whether it be neighbors that you're training with right now you should be getting out there because there's a lot of people out there who tell you that practicing in your military kit if you haven't served is larping we'll tell that to the civilians in multiple areas throughout multiple times in history who have had to take up arms to defend their freedom wear your kit as somebody who's served in the military for a long time i give you permission who gives a [ __ ] what people think about what you're doing because it could mean the difference between life and death later on should anything ever happen so talking to sills the first thing we want to do when we're on patrol is stop the reason we want to stop is we want to be able to get a better picture of what is going on typically when i have my squad halt or when i've halted with the squad we wait till all noise dies down now to see that might not always happen and that's what brings us to our next point look what you want to do is you want to look around what is occurring around you what do you see on the ground simple things like you see fire on the ground somebody was just cooking you see footprints there was a recent rainstorm you can see the wet prints from their boots what type of footwear do they have on is it footwear common to that military is it footwear common to their special operations forces or is it simply civilians scavenging for food look around what's around you you should be looking for bullet casings for everything do you see helicopters flying those are things that you should start to note because you should always have some type of pad on you to begin to get these things down so that you don't forget them so again you want to look next thing you want to do is listen so again as that sound dies out from your squad you want to look around and listen what are you hearing are you hearing the dis and crackle fire do you hear gunfire do you hear explosions do you hear helicopters jets is it signs of your forces is it signs of enemy forces because if there's one thing that you can tell really well it's a helicopter different helicopters have very distinct noises and these are things you should become very familiar with again so listen finally smell what are we smelling for well if you've been living in the woods for a long time you're going to have a different scent that's probably one of the most interesting things about being out in the woods for a long time is seeing how your scent changes or simply going to another country or a different area you will notice that your scent is going to be different that's due to hygiene that's due to what you eat and what you drink so what you have to understand is these enemy forces are probably going to smell a little bit different from you can you smell them do they use detergents to clean themselves soap that's going to have a certain smell to it you need to be able to pay attention to this you smell gasoline if you're with a force that doesn't have any type of gas powered vehicles because they've been long destroyed and you smell gasoline that could be a good sign of an enemy force when i used to teach evasion back in the day when we'd have a vehicle approaching we didn't have vehicles so it's like that that oh [ __ ] factor right everyone had prone out be completely still and you just listen to that engine coming closer and closer and closer and hopefully it kept going you could hear it fade away or if it stopped it's like that pucker factor went up your heart rate started increasing you have to understand like how kind of amped you might be and you have to learn to keep yourself calm that's why we have to continue to train with this type of stuff so with those things out of the way understanding our most important tools aren't so much what we carry on us but rather your mind now you do need some stuff to survive so we're gonna be talking about several different topics when it comes to what we have in our packs we're gonna be talking about sustainment both water and food we're gonna be talking about mission essential gear we'll be talking about entry and exit tools and finally we'll be talking about michelana's things that you should keep on you but to start off we're going to talk about the most important thing hydration three days that's about the amount of time you can go without water in a military type operation before you're dead i will tell you from personal experience and going through multiple dehydration exercises that after about day one you begin to cramp up to the point where you can't even open your fingers or you have to use the ground to pry them open by the end of day two you are awaiting death so yes you can go three days in a military operation before you die however after about day one you're gonna find yourself pretty mission ineffective it's incredibly important that we have water now the thing that you have to understand about the city is how dirty the water is in scenarios that i've done throughout the united states even in a city that is working that is functioning where water purification is happening and there's no bombs being dropped the water in a lot of cases is not drinkable so in a lot of cases we'd gather the water prior to going into the city and have that water on us and that's a general principle i go with now let me explain that a little bit further for one moment in a jungle type environment you never almost never drink water that's falling through the canopy and the reason for that is animals [ __ ] on that canopy and then the water hits it it will liquefy that it will drip down and you think fresh rain water but in reality it's dripping through those feces same thing with the city birds rats whatever are going to crack on the rooftop that water's going to hit it's going to drip off that rooftop meanwhile you're sitting there with your bag just gathering all that water coming off the roof being like uh sweet nectar of the gods in reality you might die with filtering it's going to be better but just understand how dirty water can become and especially when it comes to groundwater it's going to be contaminated with gasoline is if there's explosives any of that residue is going to be really bad for you you want to try to keep yourself in fit fighting shape so here's how i typically handle my urban water situations it's fairly basic guys i have multiple bags of water that i can plus up water as necessary and what's so great about these modern water containers is they can easily scrunch up when they're not being used and take up virtually no space so i can easily plus up to nearly 20 liters which is a ton of water but there might be times when it can be necessary to hold that much now 20 liters is of course very excessive but you never know when you're going to need that much in any case i typically use a soil filter when i'm doing any of my water purification the reason for that it is simple it can last a hundred thousand gallons it is just what i go for in the case of this msr bag right here i can simply plug it in use gravity and i could purify my water on the go it's also really nice is that at any water source whether that be in a city whether that be outside a city if it's good water there's probably going to be people there and if there's people there there's a possibility of getting spotted by somebody you don't want to get spotted by try to minimize the amount of time you spend at a good water source so what's nice about these bags is of course i can simply run over i can dip this in fill this up to 10 liters i can scrunch it down i can go ahead and shut it and i can take that with me to wherever i need to go and i don't have to purify at the source so yes a lot of those filters that you pump right there in the water are really great just understand that that time spent at that water source could ultimately lead to your death so i definitely recommend something that you can dip and go one last thing to consider too is i have dirty and clean bags you can see right here this thing that says dirty on it and what i'm going to do is filter that unfiltered water out into a clean container such as this hydroflask right here and this thing is awesome therefore you have your clean water bags that you have clearly marked and you have your dirty bags and you never mix them because you don't want to make that mistake and die of dysentery one last note is that i typically carry an extra filter on me they're so small and so lightweight that i think it makes perfect sense to have more than one so that is what how i pack for water we learned that from spending a lot of time on the pacific crest trail and watching how those hikers did their water long term and this is a very simple solution that they came up with mission essential gear they can cover a whole lot of things so we're going to try to keep it as concise as we can but it really depends on what you're trying to do and how much of a silly goose you're trying to be when you get into the city first thing you should always have ammunition on you i typically keep mine in stripper clips with a couple extra magazines i keep this towards the very top of my pack or in the very top flap which is the claymore pouch right there that works really well make sure you have a quick way of getting that ammunition off the stripper clips into your magazines ammunition batteries whether it be for your radio systems whether it be for your observation design devices make sure that you have enough batteries to sustain you for the duration of whatever you're going to be doing on the side of the pack right here in our little spiritus pouch we have this thermal device right here whether this be used for observation whether you're doing some type of recon assault whether you're just fighting you should have some type of thermal observation device again i know this seems unfair because these are so expensive but if you look at any of the conflicts going on right now everybody's using thermal if you don't have thermal you're going to die to somebody who does use thermal please have it on you other mission essential items that we have is a padding for the thermal also padding for my night vision if i'm switching it off of my helmet we have our weapon cleaning kit and then of course i probably think one of the most overlooked items is some type of small bag so i have a simple laundry bag right here this can be used to store whatever whether it be my buddy's gear because he got shot i can add to the amount that i have on some guys keep a backpack in there have some type of extra bag that you can carry your buddy's gear if he goes down the point of the matter is is i'm not going to be able to explain to you everything that you should carry according to your mission because i don't know what your mission is going to be just understand that that stuff should be easily accessible and should probably include ammunition and batteries to sustain you throughout the duration of that operation next up and way lower on the list is going to be food so a lot of people put a really hard emphasis on food but you really don't need a whole lot of food you need a pick-me-up you need enough to sustain you but you don't need a three-course meal the biggest thing here is going to be something you can eat cold and stuff that is very calorically dense a little bit of variety is going to help you out a lot but you can really make do with not a lot typically what i do is i'll carry a bunch of gummy bears a bunch of sour patch kids in my cargo pocket i have a little bit more in my pack in addition i will have tortillas peanut butter with some green powder mixed in that's like a vegetable powder as well as a little bit of emery stuff with me to ensure that i have a little bit of variety but you don't need a whole lot and again for the for those of you who've been operating perpetually in your basement for the last couple of years you probably have a little bit of um extra survival weight on you anyhow so you're going to be fine next up is going to be entry and exit tools and i think this is one of the most interesting parts of the urban environment is that it's fairly easy to get bottlenecked in a lot of locations so due to the vertical nature and the fact that everything's man-made there's going to be doors there's going to be windows and you're going to need tools to get through them entry and exit tools a lot of people think of this as a breaching charge you blow a door you go in you kill it's awesome and you're just hero of the day but there's a lot more to it because in a urban situation there's a lot of man-made obstacles that you're going to need to get through and this might not always be just to get into somewhere this might also be to get out of somewhere having multiple exit avenues is going to be extremely important in an urban situation so having these tools could literally mean the difference between getting away or getting captured or killed in many situations now there's a lot of different tools out there at minimum you should have a lock picking kit there's a lot to say about this i want to talk about this for literally an hour go on youtube research it practice it you should have this in the bag before anything ever pops off just practice it now lock picking takes some time it is also very quiet now there are louder methods that are a little bit more expedient things like a sledgehammer those work very well things like a bolt cutter those are absolutely essential and somebody on your team should have a bolt cutter we have an axe for example if you want to go full firemen on this it's going to depend on your environment and the types of obstacles you think you're going to run into but at minimum bolt cutters now pass there if you really want to have the key to the city we of course have a breaching shotgun so when it comes to a breaching shotgun there are a couple considerations to think about this is an 870 mcs i would generally recommend for most people to have some type of standoff device right here because it can get a little bit dicey if you don't have it but even if not what you should realize is that a lot of different rounds will work when it comes to breaching a door buckshot and slugs can work however there's a pretty high chance of a ricochet you should have some type of breaching round we're lucky that we can get them from great companies like royal arms you can get them from federal the smbs i don't have as much experience with but you have to understand that right now you can buy breaching rounds and they work extremely well practice with them understand the techniques we will have a video eventually about breaching doors and how to do it and the angles that you should be using but for now it just stands to say you should have one of these on you if you notice i also have a lanyard on it this is to attach it to my plate carrier when i need it along with a magnet to keep it out of the way so the pack is simply for traveling with it but it can get right onto my kit and if you're super spicy and you get your hands on breaching charges at some point in the future awesome understand that can't talk about it too much but learn it moving on from there shelters there's a lot to be said for shelters generally we're not going to talk too much about shelters in an urban environment if you're going to be sleeping kind of sleep wherever you're observing getting ready for an ambush or raid whatever have you but if you need to hole up somewhere here's a good acronym for you bliss blend make sure that you blend into the environment make sure that you are low that you're below the level of the eye also another thing to think about is don't get too high or get too low to where you have no avenues of escape make sure that wherever you are that you have multiple avenues of escape make sure that it looks irregular it doesn't look like a shelter make sure that it's secluded make sure that you make little sound and what i mean by that is beyond just talking think about the way you sleep are you the type of sleeper where you toss and turn add cement add gravel on top of that cement and think about the amount of noise that you'll make these are all things to consider when you're coming up with your shelter now beyond that we talked about thermal you don't want to die from thermal so an extra little layer of protection can be this guy right here this is a thermal poncho this is from ralph camo it is two-sided and it is just a little bit of extra in case you're ever in a situation where you need to not get detected by thermal again the thing about thermals it has to see you so this is kind of the last resort don't let this touch you because it's still going to heat up this is the way it goes so you want it to be off your body that is why i have the lines on it so i can tie it up as necessary layers you don't want to just have one super hot jacket that you put on what you want to have is multiple layers so we have both a thermal top thermal bottoms as well as some type of rain protection because where we are it rains a ton in addition to that i also keep some type of rain cover with me this can both add camouflage to your pack as well as keep the water from getting in and making everything super wet don't forget socks always have extra socks i typically will carry at least two pairs with me the socks that are dirty or wet put them right here on your pants let them dry out as you walk that way you take care of your feet because again if you don't take care of your feet you will die whether that be from trench foot or whether that be because you can't run as fast because your feet are so messed up it really doesn't take that long for your feet to get in very bad condition i've seen as few as four days before somebody's feet were just completely done so emergency blanket if things are really really bad this will keep you alive will reflect your heat back towards you i keep this just in case i have one it takes up little to no space on the side of the pack right here i've got tubular nylon i also keep this on my plate carrier if you don't know what this is for go to spirit of systems they have a great video on the many uses of this have it on you have a lot have everybody on your team have it it is an incredibly useful thing but if you don't train with it it doesn't matter all right couple miscellaneous items to talk about first off right in the rain if you don't have a right in the rain [ __ ] you one thing that people always forget about is everybody has a trauma kit on their plate carrier on their you know weapon belt but not a whole lot of people have a booboo kit so like i can't tell you how many times i've gone out with military guys on an exercise or whatever and somebody cuts their finger and they're like ah i cut my finger somebody have a band-aid literally no one so carry some type of booboo kit on you um it's going to be incredibly important with your boob kit what i recommend is going into a doctor tell them you're going to travel to nepal you're going to go on some type of long back packing trip and ask me if you can get antibiotics anti-diarrheals anti-emetics these medicines are going to be worth their weight in gold in a situation where you're not able to get medicine have them on hand beforehand besides medicines you should also have simple things like triple antibiotic ointment band-aids butterfly band-aids those simple things that you take for granted until you absolutely need them because a small cut can easily become an infection that can kill you so have a band-aid important things like foot powder like a toothbrush just brush your teeth a little bit keep that those gums healthy i know it sounds crazy but if you're doing back-to-back operations just out there every single day coming back refitting going back out you still have to take care of your gums you still have to take care of your feet make sure you have that stuff with you make sure that with your foot powder you have stuff that is unscented you don't want to give yourself away at the very top of my pack i always carry little sugary things as well as liquid ivs these are absolutely necessary make sure they have liquid ids you will need them they can be the difference between life and death have a can opener have a spoon always have an extra spoon with you simple items right there wet wipes don't let yourself get swamp ass and uh get infected down there it's a bad way to go if you are running atac or some type of electronic device that needs power we do have some type of charger you can charge these back at your base with solar chargers have some type of battery pack for really bad situations where you need to signal friendlies or something along those lines i do have some vs17 panel i recommend having it they pack down to nothing and you never know when you're going to need it for friendly force identification more spoons just really sucks the knobs but mikey you ever lost a spoon when you're backpacking i've also just forgotten yeah it sucks doesn't it yeah you're like digging into food with like your hands i literally drink like pour the mountain house into my mouth it's disgusting yeah you don't want to do that have a spoon be civilized if you can why survive when you can thrive so that brings us to the end of our talk about basics of urban survival and your assault pack you don't need to copy what i'm doing there are a million different ways to do this what i do ask you to do is have good discussions in the comments and let this be a jumping board for you to set up your own pack to figure out ways that are going to work for you and again the biggest thing about this is actually do it actually pack your pack move with all their gear on how does it work for you these are things i can't tell you these are things are going to be specific to you get out there do it now there are lots of great places to get training when it comes to this bear solutions actually has a bear survival it's actually a guy that i know very well who teaches a lot of the stuff get out there train to it be better make yourself the weapon all the stuff is really cool but the fact matter is that if you don't have any knowledge you're just gonna be expensive loot drop for someone final thing for you guys i'm gonna say it again if you're not fit you're gonna die i'm gonna keep harping on it be fit
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 5,529,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urban Survival, Urban Combat Survival, Assault Pack Setup, Urban, survival, sere, urban sere, assault pack setup, urban survival tactics, urban survival kit, urban survival skills, urban survival gear, Combat assault pack setup, Combat assault pack, 3 day assault pack setup, evasion, resistance, escape, SERE instructor, garand thumb survival, garand thumb, garand thumb sere
Id: rL5wePSjTL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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