Rōnin (浪人) talks over (How -Tu) employ speed & angles (CQB)

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you get lazy you don't want to develop your skills and that's where you'll be that's where you always be in and if you got training before number I told you I went through the military I want your different units and if I had the mindset to hey man I'm good right because the Green Berets they taught me a [ __ ] good skill set but there was other unis that enhanced that skill set you have to break free of the ego and let go of your pride man because this is your life there's no pride to your life right let go of it and continue to grow if you don't let go you'll never grow you'll never you'll never develop anything new as a human being understand height:auto got the COS i'm [Music] as we have to dig deep to understand our spirit sometimes we have to dig deep to see what we have okay you have to channelize the energy sometimes it hurts sometimes you feel the blood it's hard to breathe your legs are fatigued but that's when you know you're alive they've been working your body you're working your body in your mind we're developing the mind here if you haven't understood you develop the mind because you push through the obstacle we develop the body as we're moving through you develop the weapon in conjunction with the body through mechanics [Music] my silver back cover [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right when you're approaching a barrier when you're approaching a door entry points you have to worry about two angles you have to worry about a 90-degree angle in a 45 degree angle 90 degree angle to the door Jeff can you Shawn if you look at the 90 degree angle in the doors once I cross a threshold on the door then I actually break the cover break cover and concealment it's the biggest problem that we have is overexposure when when we're trying to make entry into your room when we're trying to do a slow approach the overexposure on a 90 basically compromises the team it compromises you on entry and when I say that is a 90 degree angle you can see the 90 degree angle a lot of guys they'll come in and they're overexposed or muzzle past the 90 you can kind of see my muzzle overexposed past the 90 as they're clearing the muzzle is already past 90 all right so on an approach to 90 if I overexposed my weapon and overexposed a body part then I'm breaking that 90 degree rule so you have to take the 90 degree rule dynamically or deliberately dynamically taking a 90 degree angle you're kind of coming in blind all right you're trying to figure out the room you're trying to figure out the obstacle as you're taking that room deliver it you're kind of pying off that room all right you're pying off the room prior to entering the room so you want to tie off as much as room prior to entering it and just clear what needs to be clear and then you have a 45-degree angle on the doorway so if you're approaching like an open door you're gonna have a 45 degree angle that you have to worry about so a lot of times whoever trained cqb a lot of these narrow hallways what we're going to do is we're going to over expose base it our foot kind of over expose our legs right so it's all about the angle games when we're talking about close quarters combat approaching if I go center line on a hallway start approaching see how I broke the 45-degree angle he has a shot on me right now and I do not see him it's all about the angles games obviously if he's more on the towards the front of the room go ahead and start moving Oh as Jeff's start moving towards the front of the room you're going to start seeing the angles changed as he moves to the back you're going to start seeing that 45-degree angle change so when you're approaching a room you always want to plan towards the front and you want to minimize exposure in hallway how I do this is I'm a right-handed shooter all right so as I approach and if I keep my my right leg out and as I'm clearing he already sees me I already broke that 45-degree angle so what I'm gonna do to switch is I'm going to switch my base to my right foot now so my rifle is usually back you're gonna start seeing me swishing my base as I clear are you going to start seeing the footwork right you're going to start seeing the footwork and I will start slowly Piracy him on on threat so Jeff do you have me all right the only thing he sees is muzzle right he does not see my exposure and when when the muzzle exposed to the threat love it's too late for him so the 45-degree angle why don't I switch base with my right foot so like so let's just say I come up on a 45 and I move towards the wall one oh I just switched base like this rights are slowly pine because once I slowly you can start seeing my weight start shifting forward so if I'm gonna fall I'm gonna kind of fall into the exposed area so if I come in here I'm sorry pine say my weight sort of [ __ ] I want to move this leg here and pie this way if I need to let's say if I'm here and I take a shot right and it's overwhelming firepower then I can easily collapse back to the wall with this direction here versus falling out into the hall as I'm coming up I'm going to switch out my base and we start pie I see Jeff if I try to take it dynamic I do not see Jeff he sees me my foot is exposed right here he sees that line I broke the 45-degree angled rule he sees me before I was able to get the angle on Jeff if I'm able to switch my base then I'm able to see into the room and get those angles by maximizing cover but so usually when we enter kind of like a narrow hallway or even a wide hall I want to split stacks I wanted to be able to split my teammates on the left and right side first that allows me angles right allows me exposure it allows me to see into things that I can't see if I'm on the left side or on right side right what what I can't see moderate I can see so you want to bliss you want to split stacks also what you want to do is you want to maximize guns right so if let's just say I come out of the room and Jeff is right behind me right and I have my weapon here and Jeff is right behind me well I'll have one gun up okay but if I split stacks now we have to gun up what I can see is this angle and what Jeff can see is that angle so I often get asked a lot about footwork right footwork is is key to CQB right so it's about putting your body and putting your putting your body in the proper position so let's just say I this is the ninety degree rule Ryan then you have your 45 degree angle role so as I come out less you say I have to move to the right I have to move to the right side and then I plant my right lasat I plant my right foot here well I have to put plant my left foot in order to make that pivot move it to the right see because I can't really come here I have to plant and then I have to pivot that movement so what I want to do is I want to have my left leg come out and pivot almost at the same time so as it comes out I want to pivot and I want to crumb come across the hall all right guys the reason why number one man doesn't really do the door check is because we have to contain and isolate the door what you don't want is number one man to kind of do a check and Dan kind of come in and they had to worry about the pistol right he should be already up in a in a ready position so what we do is I'm going to clear across across the danger area to breach point my number two man is maximizing what he's maximizing cover he's maximizing the angles the 45-degree angles all right so when we're here I'm looking at the entry point I have security on the entry point okay as soon as that door opens I'm gonna identify threat or non-print my number two man does a door check if the door is locked he's going to give me a shake that means the door is locked and we're gonna have to defeat the door usually for us if it's a push door or a shotgun it was a pull door we'll blow it up right so on this is a push door all right you want to identify the mechanics of the door if it's a push up or right you can look at the handles you can look at the the hinges or identify it as a push a pull door so this is a push door so upon entry notice how much 45 degree angles right I'm up against the wall I'm not out here in the hall all right over exposing myself I'm minimizing exposure and I'm maximizing concealment what's my number-two man sets I'm basically picking up my number two men on my peripheral vision I'm not taking my eyes off that door I'm picking up Jeff on my peripheral vision as soon as that door opens I'm going alright so it limits the responsibility the number one man has right so I don't have to worry about the mechanics of door I'll have to worry about Oh about defeating that that lock right I'm worried about inner in that room and I'm at the ready position I see threat thing comes down to maximizing cover right so why do you think we switched knees like that right because we don't want knees out on an obstacle the reason why when I'm moving up to a barrier the two angles that I worry about is a 45 degree angle and a 90 degree angle on a barricade I want to abide by those rules okay also I don't want to suck up too close to the barrier of obviously situational awareness right but if I suck up too close to the barrier what happens okay what else huh can't see right because the bear is [ __ ] in front of you so if I'm engaging and there's [ __ ] a bunch of Kim's young news coming at me right I don't see it okay but if I step out do I still have cover but what I have to worry about two 45-degree angles so on a 45 let's say I'm doing our approach on a 45 and they're asking about it so the 45-degree angle line is here see so I want to maximize cover so let's just say I'm coming here if I come out here and I if I start clearing does he have me does he have me okay so if I'm coming off the angle you have to go off a 45-degree obviously if the guy is closer here then is steeper than a 45-degree angle okay so I want to utilize the barrier to PI so if I'm here in my foots dynamic right here on on the outside I lost it he's going to pop me before I even see him all right Paul won't you stay and row over there man right right to the to the side of Jeff right over it right there okay right there right there yeah okay so let's just say I I don't listen to two 45-degree angle rule and I come out tell me when you see me I don't even see him yet right if I come up here even if I start buying do my sequence tell me when you see me okay so there goes to 45-degree angle okay so how do we beat it how do we beat the 45 as I come on approach you'll start seeing me if I come if I come in like this you start seeing me shift my legs say 45 and I'll start pying out I got them did you even see me the thing is is about angles okay so everybody understand the 45 [Music]
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 285,845
Rating: 4.9491239 out of 5
Keywords: Ronin Tactics, CQB, Special Forces, Green Beret, Military Tactics, Close Quarters Tactics, Close Quarters Battle, Close Quarters Combat, Tactical Pistol, Tactical Rifle, Ronin Tactical, Military Equipment, Military Gear, Special Forces Gear, Special Operations, Tu Lam, Hand to Hand, Military Knife Fighting
Id: qNPXSnT_p2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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