Tier 1 SEAL Assaulter/Breacher discusses his “LOAD OUT” | The UNAFRAID Podcast - Episode 4

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This was dope !! Thanks for posting

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/tac_tribe 📅︎︎ May 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

That bit about him creating his nod retention system is sick

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/GIANTDADR34 📅︎︎ May 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know what squadron?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Funderwoodsxbox 📅︎︎ May 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey guys we're back this is one that eddie did not want to do i didn't i got to be honest i did not want to do it he didn't want to be johnny seal guy but there's too much of this crap out there i explained to him that there's a lot out there because people love it people love gear guys love gear and you actually used your gear unlike a lot of the folks out there so we're going to talk about it um let's start at your feet move up what did what did you wear would i put on my toesies uh i guess it would kind of depend on where i was like what i wore in iraq versus where i in afghanistan or africa it all kind of depends if i'm coming from the ocean uh i would wear you know my good old chuck tees that i would do just because they dry quick and they don't hold a lot of water so i i wore that i think on one one mission other than that if it was iraq i usually wore my low uh low top salomon like cross like using those with the pool with a little something like that just like that yes and then afghanistan because of the more rockier terrain i would do high tops which would be usually merrell's actually i i probably did merrell's as well i'm a big merrell guy because i got it's a got a wider foot okay so i like those and then thin socks obviously weather dependent if it was like super cold outside or snowing then i would you know kind of layer up a little bit and then moving up to my pants i would wear usually the cry would have that had the belt in knee pads i would wear those on some occasion i would just wear plain black arterix uh it really depends on it really depend on what i was doing do you ever wear jeans like throwback to vietnam seals just for just to do it i don't think so but man i really missed you should have yeah tiger stripe top bottom little red do-rag something yeah uh no i didn't do it but man i really missed out so technically i really shouldn't be talking about gear if i haven't done that right so get the pants and then for belt i would wear riggers belts um which is just a simple nylon just a simple nylon that you have the chance that you i mean you could you have the opportunity to hook up a carabiner if you got to be you know which we would use a lot to lock into a um a helo especially little birds if you're taking off you want to be hooked in just in case something happens it rocks and you fall you're at least you got a point of contact that's not letting you fall to your death uh sometimes i would wear sidearm sometimes i would not wear a sidearm if i did it all depends on what was going on sometimes i would wear an extra belt if i was carrying a shotgun extra breaching charges uh a sledgehammer it all just depend on what i was wearing usually i would not i would just put my pistol attached to my riggers belt like a a hard paddle um not a paddle but a loop through i wasn't big on the paddle because it can easily come out it would always make sure that it would not get ripped off by someone grabbing it or getting off a helo falling down a mountain right which all would happen could happen all things that can happen uh so i did that and then my my pistol was a sig always 226 uh with a with a white light and then i would carry and sometimes i would carry like pouches for frag grenades uh and sometimes i would use concussion grenades so which is kind of the same thing just no frag same same amount one pound of explosive just no frag so it's more for a concussion which is great for buildings right which we know collapsing entire buildings and then we get up if it was like iraq or warmer weather i would just wear a t-shirt with my patches on the sides um if not i would wear a long sleeve shirt candy shirt but it was that thin material so it wasn't like the cami just because of the sweat right you could be breathable but the it would be cami sleeves so it just really depends and then this is my gear setup right here this flag has been with me since seal team two and on so it's like the flag that's why it's all worn out usually carry it always depends i would have one magazine in the gun always three super accessible and it would just depend on i really don't have a it would change all the time like i got one i got one in the back right here going this way i could reach back with my arm grab it out and i would put a couple more in a camelback that i usually carry i usually had a couple different camelbaks or backpacks or some that i would just i would have these little clips i could just clip them in and that would just depend on how many breaching charges i was taking what kind of breaking charges i was taking or if i was carrying something else like a sledge instead of um no no explosives so it changed a lot and this is this is cry as well which i love and that would that obviously had plates in it it's obviously there's no fewer side plates i wore side plates maybe on a couple lops that were really like okay this is really a no joke like these dudes there's a lot of dudes and they have a lot of heavy firepower otherwise i wouldn't wear sides because usually i would have magazines stuffed in here so it would kind of act as a little protection so i wouldn't put the side plates and when you're walking up and down mountains man the extra weight i was i wasn't a small dude so i was about 2 25 230. i didn't want it it was a risk that i it was my decision um could it bit me in the ass of course absolutely i could have but it didn't uh in this i would always have my screwdriver i use this thing more than probably anything pry open gates doors all kinds of stuff lockers anything and everything i'd use it i don't have it here but i'd have a fixed blade i carried a winkler fixed blade that actually dom kind of brought into the command so i he he had it made so i i that would be here i had a fixed plate always on me so it'd be like right here this pouch this is my medical pouch should i put all my med stuff in here uh easily accessible so i could get it i didn't need someone else to help me obviously if my left arm was shot right i might have a hard time but i could still reach around in my zippers like even like this is the stuff that really matters like this is when you know a professional and i'm not you know pat myself on the back but uh just the way we were trained is you have your zippers to where you can get them if something bad happens because if the zippers are back here my arm's gone this one's gone i can't get it i can't get what i need to stop the bleeding put on a tourniquet whatever it is uh so that was and my tourniquet would go i changed that quite a bit too so my radio would go into this pocket and then i would put my tourniquet right here where these rubber bands are so this would hold this tourniquet right here super close i could get with either arm depending if i got nailed in the arm i could get it right there um i would put breaching stuff in here initiators extra stuff for uh applying it to whatever material was extra nails for the good old pickaxe or other stuff that was mission specific it's kind of my like not a dump bag but i put just certain things in there that i might need extra batteries uh it was the kind of random pouch that's kind of the random yeah you got you got to have it you got to have it i would put these guys would be in there my uh flex cuffs all right so these are these are super cool you just pull them out and then these right here would be if these were actually going on a mission there's little holes in them see the little holes you can kind of see the holes right there i put a zip tie or 550 cord so i would just one one tug and it's done and i wouldn't you know fumbling around make sure i was using gross motor movements the whole time in case it was cold or whatever it was so i'd carry a couple sets of these these were very useful even though you know bad guys deserve to be shot in my opinion more but you got to capture the ones that obviously are not carrying a weapon and um the ones that we kind of need to talk so that would be in this one and again this pouch changed a lot it was all mission specific region specific country specific all that stuff so and then here got a little dump pouch i think i would put my maps in here maps and if we were going for a certain target i would have certain information vital information i would need to know about that person uh it would be in there and i would also put a notepad in here and like a waterproof field notepad when i did my interrogations on the battlefield i could write down notes so i could pass it to the intel people when we got back back to base so that's kinda and again this is just bare this changed all the time you know always like i'll use working our gear like i'd be changing stuff like okay we're deciding to go into this wall i might need to change my breaching charges to more beefier stuff um i would also keep also one of my breaching charges in here not that i'm thinking about one of my uh i would keep a charge in here as well so it all changed so moving up i would always wear a petzl around my neck always because always usually have the red light on there uh i this is a newer one the old school one you know with the flip up red yeah that would be on there it always said that because once target's secure and you're internal and you know no one's going to see your lights or whatever and you know the gunfights already happened the people near there then we can go in start looking for what we need to look for uh checking who we captured or killed whatever it might be um strobe would be on the helmet so obviously the contingency group stickers went on there so uh peltors for noise cancellation i know they got a lot of new stuff out there but this is what i wore it's dual so it could run two radios if i needed to so one would be my intercom and if i'm on a hilo i can take the other one i would plug into the internal communications talk to the crew so not only is that protecting your hearing but it's also allowing you to communicate yeah it's one of those like so if i'm i'm talking normal i can hear you normal a loud noise goes off it can't it muffles it yeah so and then the helmets the good old trusty helmets uh the strobe this is the strobe i prefer to use i would put right back here and it was it was a good acting like as a counterweight i'd have a piece of velcro that goes over it so i'd do that it was a good counterweight loved it kept it there because i found that if you put too much stuff on here and you're going into smaller smaller spaces your head's hitting stuff and it's ripping stuff off so i'd go on the back side uh obviously night vision you got your night vision on there night vision would always be on unless we were doing a daytime op it would be in my backpack but then when it starts to get even remotely close to [Music] dusk nods are going on ready to go and i don't know if you know this buddy but this right here that you see on all those all those um video games and helmets this is my invention no kidding like no kidding adventure what does that do it looks cool so when we i realized when we started like i'm a very weird maybe maybe kind of ocd and it would always shake a little bit and i don't want to check i want to be tight on my head so if i'm moving around free-falling kicking down a door i don't need stuff banging my eye like i got banged in my eye black eyes uh i just didn't want it so i just did they had screws before this like hit this cool like rail system came it was just screws so i took a piece of fabric i folded it i put a hole in it like i didn't put a grommet and then i put the screw through that like canvas nylon right it wasn't one inch it was a thinner than a one inch and then i would attach the bungee and it would come out and the bungee was these little hooks from another bungee cord from like a auto store and then i would put on the night vision they have two little uh eyelets where where you're supposed to be for like a string i would put those real small like key holders the the spiral ones i put two on each side and then i would attach that it would just boom so i introduced that to the command they're like this is really good stuff let's let's get this in r d and then we like i went on the outside of the private sector and then you know started doing that so i should if i i was operating the time if i would have known better i would have done patents and i was going to say did you get any case for that maybe maybe a little bit but uh that was definitely eddie's invention i i didn't know it would turn into what it turned into yeah had i known uh i would have gone about a different way but man to be honest with you it's good that it it helps the operator uh not having freaking nods because if you can't see you're not shooting the bag next time you invent something call me i will we'll do that okay so last but not least i've been staring at this tool for like nine podcasts so we talked about this in the book um about how we started started to go through walls because you started to go through the doors they were expecting that and you just tons of machine gun fire and during that my team leader is like hey we should try that let's go through the wall i was like absolutely so went through the wall on the back side and they got in afghanistan they had mud huts so i couldn't just like adhesive really can't stick to the mud the dust it just it would fall right off so i would carry i'd make these like dog ears like an extra tab and i would take nails and i would take the hammer side i would nail them in and if it was crumbly enough what i would do is i'd take the pick and i would kind of pick at it and like pull out some rubble that's a cool word rubble good awesome yeah and then stuff in my blocks and it would give me my little hole that i needed to drop in that concussion grenade that we initially talked about and would make a huge hole that we could get forces in and get bad guys and that's where that the carpet story comes in that thing ever get used for anything else what was that did that thing ever get used for anything else no okay you know what we're that's not gonna go there that's the gear right there awesome well i appreciate you doing that um guys if you have any questions about gear or anything else hit us up and get out of the force to do this yeah i intimidated all right appreciate it guys take it easy [Music] you
Channel: Eddie Penney
Views: 550,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eddiepenney, eddy, father, fitness, penneyspodcast, sealteam, devgru, keithwood, keithwoods, writer, ghostwriter, hunting magazines, unafraid, mindset, theden, eddiepenney.com, unafraidpodcast, world traveler, military, combat, veteran, tactical gear, crye, kit, rig, helmet, eddie penney invention, sig, chuck taylors, boots, armor, pickaxe, screwdriver, maps, intel, classified, iraq, afghanistan, hero, mission, breach, concussion, frag, grenade
Id: ILTMlUoaa_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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