PUPPY Picks My FX Makeup

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yellow zombies like the title says my puppy will be choosing my FX makeup today and by puppy don't mean Ripley tomorrow I'm getting you a brother you're not gonna be an only child anymore I'm gonna need you to be a big sister you'll always be my favorite don't tell him I mean my puppy you're both so heavy creature yes his name is creature they were both very sleepy right now they've been napping oh yes I have another dog oh if you follow me on instagram you already know about this little guy but he is the newest addition to the family Ripley is now a big sister and creature is her new little sleepy brother wake up honey honey wake up you kind of address this on Maisie can't me it all sleepy like this oh my gosh he is just not having it creature is also an Alaskan Klee Kai the same as Ripley but he's new to Earth I asked you guys on my Instagram at Mikey my kie what questions you had about Ripley or about creature or about Alaskan Klee Kai Xin general because I get asked stuff about them all the time they're a fairly uncommon breed so people always want to know stuff like how did you shrink that husky so I will be answering questions in this video good morning also if you'd like to see more pictures and videos of the two of them as creature grows up you can follow them on their Instagram account at lamb underscore and underscore growl glam and growl oh and you're such a naughty bi a lot of people have done the dog or puppy pics my makeup trend I am by no means even close to the first all the greats have done it nikkietutorials think kathleenlights did it I think Jay Kissel was the first that I saw do it James recently did one with Finnegan his puppy and today we're gonna do it but FX style creature are you ready to turn me into a creature he's not even awake don't care at all I'm gonna enjoy this while you still let me do that because when you grow up you're not gonna let me do it oh my gosh I love you there we go okay sleepy bear do your best I'm giving him two options for each part of the face and you must make the ultimate decision alright first up we have an elongated forehead or a caveman forehead [Music] good yeah good choice Annie so the first choice made by creature is this gigantic forehead I would argue this is an eighth head 9 head I thought my forehead was big but this is gonna take a lot of pros-aide so let's get to it goodbye brow it didn't work as good as it used to and suddenly my forehead looks a lot more like our prosthetic all wrong so while we do makeup I'll answer some questions from Instagram the most basic question is what breed is this floof Alaskan Klee guys are not palm skis they are often called many Huskies but technically they're not many Huskies though they are their own breed but their own set of you know like Brede requirements and bougie crap like that well I was just spilled pros-aide all over Peters laptop huh they have their own temperament and personalities and things like cutely don't worry Rick please getting plenty of attention and love through this process as well because she is such a jealous queen and she would have it no other way but you won't let me kiss you he lets me kiss him for hours that sounds weird you know what I mean flashback to a second ago well I thought thanks buddy gages smell gross don't they almost as bad your butt anyway uh hell yeah I'm just gonna leave it like this okay don't fight the whole time now a lot of people asked about the name they wanted to know who thought of the name creature they wanted to know what other names were in the running I started calling Ripley a little creature in the past few months and I thought that that was such a funny name for a dog and I told myself that I was gonna name my next dog creature but then when it actually came time to picking out a name I still came up with the list of other potential names that I liked and might want I was thinking along the lines of creature and thinking maybe going with a whole theme of names like creature monster ghost so I could naturally say gulps all the time alien was a front-runner because Ripley is a character in Alien and I thought that Ailee would be a really cute dog name to go with that but then I was also thinking about a theme of last or first names of classic horror villains or characters so I had a whole list of potentials like Torrance or Jack because I liked Jack as just a general name but I would name him Jack Torrance after The Shining I also liked the name creepy because I just think that's a hilarious thing Nicole dog I could shorten it to creep call him creeper which is creepy is cute but the biggest frontrunner besides creature was the name Voorhees where he's obviously Jason Friday the 13th so much so that when I got him I thought I was calling him or he's and I tried to call him Voorhees for an entire 24 hours however I came to realize that Bohr he's was just not rolling off the tongue and creature kept popping back into my head so I just felt right he feels like a creature to me I think I might name a dog boy he's eventually because it's really badass and I do love Friday the 13th the irony is that now that I've decided to call him creature I keep accidentally calling him for he's doesn't matter he is creature you know what he's creepy creature boy he's that's his full name that's not the short answer is I came up with the name next we have an elongated chin the butt chin juice jag antic chin oh oh oh you know I've always had a really round face shape and I've always wanted a longer face today I get it in all directions it's a nice fat chin implant oh my Wow that's up profile answer another question for you guys now that I'm looking extra well can't say that demonetised Oh bleep it for your ears oh god we better a lot of people want to know if the dog goes are getting along well and the answer to that heavily I honestly thank God is yes very well Ripley has been a very very very good big sister to him and that was a giant problem that I was extremely worried about in getting a second dog which I will go more into in a second but the short answer is yes and here are some adorable videos of them being absolutely so freaking cute together [Music] [Applause] Oh next up we have lip options we have these Joker s clown lips or we have a very simple cut split lip go okay clown lip it is are you just picking everything on the left side Amy okay it's like a giant moustache we got lips Joker e lips I'm just gonna look like the Joker at this point while I'm waiting for the bottom left to dry a lot of you asked me what made me one to the second dog the first reason is that I always grew up with at least two dogs at a time always sometimes three but I'm used to dogs in pairs as buddies keeping each other company when I got Ripley I only got hurt first always assuming I would get a second one in like a year or two but things got crazy and honestly Ripley is a crazy dog however Ripley is an incredibly intelligent dog and I have a dog camera so that I can see what she's doing when I'm away and the more I watched her on camera and saw how just insanely bored she seemed while I was away the more I realized she really needs a friend she's not home alone often since I work from home which is good but any time I was out it was apparent that she needed a pal also click eyes are extremely high-energy and I know that a very good way to exhaust her would be to get her a little friend especially a little friend that has as much energy as she does another question I got a lot is why don't I pick a second click I over other breeds the very short answer is that Ripley is extremely difficult to deal with and I mean like kind of a nightmare with every other dog I've ever seen her with accept other click eyes so after a lot of searching and wanting other options for the second dog I ended up getting a click I ok nose we have a pig nose and a zombie nose you are choosing everything on the left is very consistent well let's just took a turn about to get real weird up in here like it wasn't already linked Wow this is a look creature wait up pick it so like I said I did not expect Ripley to get along great with this puppy she has a track record of not getting along well with other dogs and I'm very very happy to that they were getting along very well I'm hoping that creature can teach her some manners when it comes to other dogs because he will show her that other dogs are a lot of fun too she gets along okay with Calvin but like Calvin does not like her Kenzie Katie's other dog he's terrified of Ripley because she's just so energetic and hype and like gets in the face of every other dog big dogs think that she's prey because she's so intense and they go into like attack mode right away when she runs up to them and little dogs hate her they're afraid of her or they're bothered by her so luckily creature is also supposed to be a bit bigger than Ripley is in size when he's fully grown and he's not gonna take [ __ ] from her all right everything's on time to seal the edges and then paint what color shall we do creature I'm scared okay creature I need you to pick between a rainbow color palette and a zombie color palette go always the left wait would you pick these even if they were in the other spot creature come here oh you sniff that one okay work two for two I think James had to do the same thing in his puppy video where the puppy kept picking the same side so then he moved it and the puppy's still picked that one creature you won Finnegan should be friends whilst I blend the edges a lot of people want to know what Alaskan Klee guys are like I'm gonna give you a quick overview of the breed they fully-grown are anywhere from seven pounds to about twenty-two pounds which is pretty tiny Ripley fully grown is a whopping 16 pounds right now although I think she's putting on some weight for the winter height-wise she's between a mini and a standard sized sleek high if anyone's interested but they get a small as a toy size which I thought she was gonna because she was so tiny when I got her but she's filled out nicely temperament wise they are super energetic they are very vocal like a husky if you've seen any other video of mine with Ripley in it you know she's a talker [Music] and not just like barking I mean like full-blown conversations I feel like I know what she's saying to me when she talks to me and I feel like she understands me when I talk to her it's very weird they're highly intelligent dogs because they're so smart from what I've heard and in my experience they're very easy to train earthly has been super super easy to train command wise a problem is that partially because they're so smart they are also very willful Ripley is very stubborn she does what she wants to do when she wants to do it but I know I know she knows what I'm asking her to do 100% of the time so it's tough I always say to people I have a very well-trained dog I do not have a very well-behaved dog it's honestly kind of frustrating considering I've gone through two trainers with her I spent a lot of time socializing her as a puppy I know she's trained well but it's getting her to want to do the things I want her to do that is however they aren't meant to be companion animals which means they are extremely extremely loving very snugly they are very loyal to the humans that they like you know this doesn't go for all of them obviously but in general they tend to be antisocial to the humans that they don't know or like it can be worked out of them but it is darn difficult and they're pretty free of health problems in general and I got Ripley initially because I wanted an easy first dog that would be low and health problems and that would really be a companion animal to me because my anxiety was at its absolute worst around the time that I wanted to get her and I really wanted a dog that would want to be by my side all the time and she is definitely that dog she's helped me a ton with my anxiety any time I'm having a bad day I literally just like dig my face into her fur she reminds me all the time to just be thankful that at least she's healthy and she's alive and she's here so I'm having a really stressful day I like use her as my measure of how bad is my life right now it's not that bad she's here we're all good they are a relatively new breed I think they started coming around in the 80s they come in three different colors I have two of the three now obviously it's like I'm collecting Pokemon they can be black and white they can be gray and white or they can be red and white sometimes they're also fully white they can have brown eyes they can have blue eyes they can have bicolor dyes which means like half of one I could be one color the other half of the I could be another color they could have two different color eyes ripley's eyes are like a light brown but some are really dark creatures are both blue and they will stay blue oh and they're kind of like cats or at least basically a cat dog she's just weird cat-like stuff not limited to going in a litter box which I'll talk about a second with all that said I feel obligated to remind you guys that if you are interested in click eyes getting a dog any breed is a really really giant decision they take a lot of work there are a lot of responsibilities and they're gonna be around for 10 to 20 years and you need to expect that you need to expect it especially when they get older they're gonna cost a lot more money because of medical bills they cost a lot of money as is it's it's not a small decision so do not get a pet if you think you will ever end up giving one to a shelter or abandoning it do not get a pet oh my god I think Anthony's here I can't wait to show him how pretty about it thank you very clear eyes are great watchdogs she's not gonna do [ __ ] if an intruder comes in cuz she's a she's 15 pounds but she'll let you know if someone's there now we dry hey honey hey Thank You creature picked it out for me I'd kiss you but yeah mmm I'm sure you felt that right no not at all hey are you happy with your decision so far it's been a rough day today want to hear a story first thing when we wake up I'm trying to get him to go in his litter box I'm sitting next to his litter box in my room and I'm saying go potty go potty go potty Ripley is real hype and it's like she's trying to show off that she knows what I'm asking for she hops down puts her front paws in the litter box and pees immediately on the carpet walk next to me yeah I'm washing my hands from cleaning up her pee he pees all is well with the world he poops like a lot to the point that I was talking to him about it I was like are you okay this is a lot this is like bigger than your body yeah okay but that's important I swear because then we go out there this is like all happening within at 10 minutes I feed them what you know is a feat in itself because they're a little psycho right now about who's getting fed first and then I'm getting my airbrush ready and I see him like sniffing up a storm behind me and I'm like what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing and then he just not in his litter box which is right next to him just starts to [ __ ] again within 10 minutes of the first one and when the first one was already Sheila said well I don't and I picked his little butt up and I said no no no I put him in his litter box and he finished in the litter box cool there's a whole series of like washing my hands cleaning the ground washing my hands cleaning the ground chasing after them Wow felt like a stick gum yeah that's what it seems like hey my life who did that seem like a precursor to how your day was gonna play out I mean look at how my day is playing out what do you think yes they're doing great now he's been real key right now you are being real cute mm-hmm you're so fluffy still in love it really wants some attention would you like some attention really rightfully doesn't clean my ears like this anyway you're clean this is a test how much do you love me how much you love me clean it she's she'll know Wow see look one more point here for a second instantly into it well disappointed disappointed I taught you better put the pad back are you the first boy it's pretty good he's a pretty good boy oh you know what your bias lies the sounds of my next 15 years and really thrown yourself to the tiny wolves everything love each other these colors the color scheme is bright I'm gonna give you an a Peter if you're not careful they probably love that keep it up guys the plans working I'm gonna do all bright colors but if I need to use white and or black to darken or lighten something I will I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna do with this I didn't want to tell you this all the airbrush compressor was on because it would be annoying to hear it in the background however we have our own little airbrush compressor going at all times now that I have two dogs time lapse time I'm repairing some edges that didn't come out so good while I do that and in between all the noise a litter box let's talk about that if you've seen pretty much any other video of Ripley you might have heard me say that she is trained to ding a bell with her pop when she wants to go outside and then she goes in a litter box I mean she knows how to go outside like she pees outside just fine actually it's hilarious because she'll kick up all the grass to make sure that she's burying her scent I guess but she does a terrible job and it's the funniest thing I've ever seen but she also knows how to go on a litter box which is extra nice too especially being in an apartment if she rings the bell in the middle of the night that way I don't have to go out in the front of the apartment building by myself at 3:00 a.m. and Walker so it's a nice easy access option how did I train her to do that well I trained creature to do that I will definitely train creature to do the same it wasn't that hard to teach her she was a very fast learner but for me it was piecing together a bunch of other things first you needed to know how to use the litter box that's not too hard to teach a dog there are like paper pellets designed specifically for dogs so yes litter boxes for dogs is a thing litter box training is extra useful for puppies because they can't be walked outside until they've had all of their shots otherwise they risk catching parvo so litter box is a great option they tend to have to go to the bathroom right after they eat after they wake up from a nap and after they play if you pay attention to a puppy you'll start to notice they have certain tells of when they're looking to go to the bathroom mainly sniffing circling so if you see them do that you just pick them up and you put them in the litter box you say go potty and when they do it you freak out with praise and you give them treats do that enough they will be litter box trained then to get her to go outside first I taught her that the litter box moved from inside the apartment to outside the apartment on a balcony I put the litter box on the other side of the glass door I put a treat out there and I started with jingle bells around the door handle I would hit the jingle bells and I'd open the door and I'd let her get the treat and then eventually she got tired of waiting for me to ring the bell and she'd Boop it with her face and then I'd open the door and then you watch for signs of when she has to go to the back when she's starting to exhibit those signs you bring her over to the door you tell her hit the bell she'd hit the bell go outside go to the litter box then we transitioned to a desk bell where she uses her paw to hit the bell which i think is way funnier and the rest as they say is history anyway back to the colors I'm making like no progress at all this video is gonna be 75% me answering questions with half the makeup done and then all of a sudden it's gonna come together whoa you just unplug the monitor you fool thank you pretty impressive as a Peter as [Music] pardon the squeaks but this is the puppy video so I don't really care I feel like a tropical pig like the kind of that bite tourists in the ass I'm not gonna shoot a cap in my face this video job yeah I'm from number six uh-huh turn on the machine yeah I am shut [Music] like I want to be a clown Pig yeah the only way to go yeah a sad clown pig yes you'll see some pigs very healthy emo sad clown pig yes like that it's a little redundant yeah I took the cap off this time make no mistake good job applause still very powerful enough [Music] all right sunset birthday pain clown that's what creature picked I'll make the rules I just follow them take that back because I didn't making you anything no not you abruptly wait what Ripley do she was doing something crazy so I said what does he do and I ruin everything she was just something no she was just how big creature there's siblings that's not okay you're a big sister no humping your little brother demonetised and messed up no just really going to town it's like she just laughed at me with her freaking toy you're a birthday clown Ripley oh my god shut up I thought you were murdering him oh you guys know you don't sleep with a boa is enough oh my god this is a picture of what's currently happening he fell asleep with a bone in his mouth precious we must protect I tried my best to repair that that's the best I can get it a splatter a color on ah uh one of my eye oh god yes but they're alcohol-based paints not a disaster note to self do not splatter alcohol-based pants on your face and if you do close your eyes what actually helped a little bit just to give it some texture break it up a bit I should be talking through this but I'm not someone asked what treat do you love most about your dogs well creatures personality is still developing but I can already tell this is gonna be true for both of them I think my favorite thing about them is that they're so freakin funny like there's something about the personality of a click eye they're tiny psychos they're so strange and weird and funny and they're not like dumb funny like some dogs which is also the best but they're so uniquely strange I think that's my favorite part he's really into hiding under stuff and using it to get the upper hand with hopefully she's a little smarty to like I have a double layer coffee table and he'll run through the bottom layer I think literally get rid of the things that were on the bottom layer cuz he would just get up there anyway he'll run through the bottom layer to shortcut Ripley in a chase or to hide from her cuz you know she can't fit it's Friday hilarious Wow I wish I had never done what I did on these eyelids thought I was helping something I just need to stop I think that's what I've learned I need to stop that looks like crap we're just gonna ignore it that ever happened I was just did it again this is officially still my good side I gotta come to pick contacts okay very enthusiastic purple it is goes with the theme it was between green and purple good boy you still picked the left am i right but they're left all right I think we need teeth fourteenth we have you know these nuggets or these what they're calling gravel teeth like a demon rabbit I don't know Jim honey you always go to the left all right nuns it is wig Ripley dig away again anyway yeah [Music] good job good job Smee hi montage time you've never seen me an FX makeup before how do you feel Ripley's not afraid of me doesn't even care you look like you care a little bit oh nothing you go boy you chose this do you like it I'm getting tender picks my FX makeup by this hardcore I feel like a Jim Henson nightmare I feel like a muppet on acid are you gonna have puppy dreams about my face so my dogs wanted to turn me into a super glam clown pig and this is the creature the creature decided on good job did I do you justice like this video if you like dogs I want to know why you cat people are right away I'm so so so so so happy because she seems so much you can't just lean back I'm so so happy just because Ripley seems way happier having a little friend so mission accomplished alright you're both too heavy get out of here that looks like it's his tail but it's not answer please if you're newer larkin hit subscribe because we do lots of this weird stuff on here that's up party are you okay honey are you alright there's a lot going on can't you face out of my hair bro hit the notification bell even though Ripley finishes out speak you heard her folks follow them at Cleveland growl on Instagram if you want to see more of this cute little baby and Ripley awesome a cute baby thanks for watching bye ah you do cute I look you buddy oh you're so adorable oh good boy you're sorry hey creature hey hey creature thanks for turning me into a creature tots you're a star
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,063,618
Rating: 4.9807491 out of 5
Keywords: Puppy picks my makeup, puppy picks my fx makeup, glam and gor, mykie, dog, creature, ripley, alaskan klee kai, mini husky, q and a, puppy, fx, sfx, fx makeup, halloween makeup, clown, pig, glam makeup, airbrush
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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