I turned my home into a Halloween WONDERLAND... in March

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hello zombie oh hi this week I just wanted to do something for the zombies that message me or comment that they'd like to watch my videos when they're upset because I make them laugh and smile I get a lot of messages like that and I feel like they are my favorite comment to get it's never something that I try to do but it's the thing that I'm happiest to accidentally do I wanted to do something for use on vaids this week that just makes you feel good because there's a lot of bad [ __ ] going on in the road ran out so I asked you on Instagram what you would like to see most and honestly the common themes were Anthony dogs and me just having fun not even mention some makeup just doing whatever it is I want to do and in that case we've created a monster because what I decided I want to do is I want to turn - you spit I want to turn my living room into a Halloween Wonderland in one day tonight I want to do it right now it is the middle of March and in the middle of a pandemic but that's what I want and that is what we shall do I am Beetlejuice out for the occasion I'm in my Halloween spirit and I have some things at home already that I think will help me transform the living room I have Anthony's muscles to help me transform the living room but we need some other things I need like cobwebs I need spooky things so there's luckily a all year-round Halloween centered store in Los Angeles they are open during this pandemic appropriate and we're gonna look for some [ __ ] before they close I can't take you inside the film cuz that's a no-no there it's really cool it's a shame you can't see it alright ready to go see you soon okay so ignore all the dog hair but we've made our purchases there's a lot in here we have a lot to do with this stuff I think it's gonna be good this is a lot of stuff I spent twice as much as I was planning on spending but to be fair Halloween stuff is a racket it is so expensive this little bird in a cage which is super cute it's $40 and at the last minute I was stupid and I said we need an entire skeleton and this thing was 130 all on its own I should have looked at the price but I did it could be a good centerpiece though you know what my favorite thing in all sales final oh great we're gonna have stuff to decorate for Halloween for ages though oh I just started recording I just spoke for the last three minutes to you guys except that I didn't what was I saying God basically what I was trying to tell you is that I was cleaning up briefly and creatures litter box by putting their poop in the toilet and flushing it I do that every day or so to keep their box nice and tidy Marie condo-style and I clogged the toilet with bear poop so we need to go to Home Depot now before we can self quarantine again and then we were talking about how much we just missed Halloween right now yeah it was like god I really am getting nostalgic for Halloween and then I was like wait why are we waiting for Halloween we're gonna bring Halloween to us today yeah yeah and we have a lot to decorate so we better get our asses to Home Depot and back are you excited to help me hang stuff forever yeah I love hanging stuff okay Susan [Music] I really like that Ripley like walked away from you wait all right so here we are in my domicile this is my living room obviously I live in it obviously you know it's cute I did it myself you know I like like a little bit of industrial a little bit of live plants those are fake the O's are totally alive they have worms straight up that worms escape out of there and I find them dead all over the places it's really kind of horrific these have seen better days creature it loves the plants exhibit a these used to be fully formed beautiful leaves like so and then someone discovered you could get up here and just no on themselves check out my room tour if you want to see more of my stuff it basically looks like this in bedroom form by the way I know that those legs are really ugly but let me explain something this is how you know I'm not lying about these giant totally real plants they're grow lights because they don't get any Sun which is also partially why they probably look like crap I don't know how to keep playing Sondheim okay so anyway it's cute in here it's classy but I want to make it more fun and spooky and colorful and exciting also if this pandemic turns into like a zombie apocalypse I want the zombies to look like they've already found this place so they don't even bother that's the goal you know can i floss clicky their manners he will go with anything good job honey you nailed it let's get decorating are you oh we're here and obviously Anthony still here why don't you join me for this thing I don't know you just started no is like should I be part of this and I don't have my shoes on when I didn't look as classy is this is a no-shoe household yeah you're breaking all the rules but you can't wear this outfit without the shoes you can wear this long without shoes let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes really [Music] it's a delicately place - mm-hmm I just found poop behind that planter hmm there's a reason why creature has no freedom when I'm out of the house now and that is why I can't believe there's a turd back there no it's just it's dry and singular it must have been a long time though they haven't been allowed back there in so long oh my god you're right about delicately placed like he must have been all the way up against the limo squatting to get it back there hey pictures of the tree right now I'm getting footage of the sensors they'll be funny to put a little pixelated blob on the screen though like you tried to save it people are gonna think I'm gross you smelled anything no there was some hesitation there are certain times where I said it's smells like [ __ ] in here and you said both their litter box are outside house yeah you're right it's not common your dick I couldn't see where she was looking still they're still feeling it's still there [Music] [Music] excuse me ice up here oh you're the boss no I meant to play Halloween some but I also don't when I get copyright truckin are those three for thumbtacks in your mouth my Halloween dreams start with lights most of my dreams start with lights to be completely honest I couldn't wait to plug in my favorite like that I was looking forward to it's so cool is for outdoors the only kind of spiderwebs la oh you do honey don't eat it she's goes right for it best thing the smell occurs hey yeah that's reasonable I like forget how to do this [ __ ] you know I forget to and thanks for use carefully untwist the webbing pull and stretch the super webs as tight as possible spreading the stretch to the length designer to fit your design twist and stretch accordingly be careful a little portion goes a long way ha ha ha now they tell me it's very soft like creature [Music] that's very coarse right beautiful never in a million years would Ripley let me put a ladder over her and then I get on top of it but this one sat up for us to put it on top of him and then went back to sleep there's so polar opposite I almost want to just test it to see the point sit good girl stick girl and good boy we so calm I know honey laid your little head cuz you ran into it I'm sorry that I hit your head cuz you ran into that sounds like gaslighting groove in there what happened where were we y'all gonna take three hours it's gonna be somewhere [Music] why didn't you tell me it looked bad you could see it I got down I was like sounds like a you problem [Music] somehow maybe it has to go somewhere else entirely turn around and show it's on the screen this is gold right now the most valuable thing in the world okay you're gonna have it for five easy payments of seven thousand twenty one dollars I'm kidding it's a big movie point out Oh oh my god a ghost what is that how is it happening wait wait look oh dang it it was like climbing up my leg a psycho to get out not trying to make the ghost happen okay it's not going to happen buddy no it's not a decoration but it will be on my plate I'm really excited to use it it probably sucks like everything so all the decorating that we're doing is just on the ceiling apparently that's what I planned for and they have these things it's gonna look just like that the quality is gonna be exactly as good as it looks make no mistake pretty cute what it's a spider on the couch Harry Harry I'm scared door I was really impressed by the dedication so is enough gamble to fill you guys in trying to order food because there's a you know pandemic going around the only place is their opener charging insane amounts of money there's one Asian fusion place to order from which would be the ideal but they're too busy and then there's about twelve pizza places that all sound very different they all have different pictures to varying your marketing however they're all owned by Steve Aoki they all exist in the same storefront it's literally just a postmates store yeah where they have like 12 different types of boxes with different types of pizza but it's all just one place with one of it or something but you would never know that unless you're paying attention to the address and realize that every single one of these pizza places has the same address yeah I don't know how I feel about that is it is it genius no they're basically just putting them in different boxes and they're like buying up all the space on postmates so that you order from one of their choosing really you have no option yeah I already ate it yeah we hate it we have no options we have no choice but to understand mr. robot was right lazier capitalism baby you don't have options so we think we do that's the most capitalist thing in this [ __ ] were in yeah all the grocery stores and empty shelves and all you have to the same pizza place furnace 12 different pizza places looks fantastic it got caught in a trend what they closed says ah we have to get pizza from one of those 12 people places we're going to starve it's either fat burger or pizza pizza pizza god dammit that's it just wine honey we've gotta hit that Bell swinging no no no sympathy people at home I let him out literally 30 seconds ago in there in there just stepped on his old poop in the box he's making more a little Oh what about boy you could have poked anywhere he's growing up we'd had enough poop things with you today get your job hallo hi up get all the way up shake it up oh do we need a weapon yeah I think it made a piece of his toy because it's only half way out and that's why we have toilet paper hey hey be careful with that too much yeah look I'm gonna wipe the dogs but I don't want to wipe it with anything other then you still try to pull buddy it's gonna hurt it wolf yeah that's gonna hurt it Kreacher don't use your toys anymore he's so chill though you didn't even think of he's a character the worst part is he was pushing the whole time oh look at what people are home to think that like I can't take care of a dog there's tons need things like that but there's a vicious visceral reaction to feeling the strings come you don't even throw up no I almost wish I could right now do you want to get it I should show tonight you know I'm just you know I'm just gonna leave it for now I need to wash my hands because I just pulled I don't even want to describe to you sing happy birthday oh you were washing your hands dummy oh no I don't think happy birthday I sing the thong song it's way more fun and I think it's the right time anyway Collin Hanks posted it Collin check you name one cake Collin he looks like a Collin you name one catch it looks like a check I'm so sorry come here I feel like we need to bond about what we did we did just fine are you okay that was traumatic for me was it okay for you okay I used to have to pull stuff out of Ripley's but sometimes cuz it would do that when she would eat stringy toys until she stopped doing that as a puppy it's never been that bad that must have been up in his intestines pretty far and I felt every bit of friction we're done here I just want you to know why I'm freaking out okay I want you to know it's justified and I'd do it again if I had to every day if I had to I'm his mother and I love him you're really cute look at this curly tail is so perfect it's so curly yes my two perfect children my two perfect children yes okay so spooky claw really into this you're using the Collin of being the Chet and me to relax well this table runner and I was trying it I mean I bought it in these no returns oh my make it work okay looking sexy what happened you hear that no oh yeah I felt it yeah that's electrified it was hard work [Music] let's see if this is a magical Halloween palace thank you Oh guys this looks so much cooler in person than a dozen cameras it's a shame in the camera the backlight just takes over it's so in real life excited let's see okay I don't trust you at all get out of here I don't check for Millie this is officially your four million yeah steve aoki makes the best pizza with his bare hands sponsor Oh sir we're gonna include all the other stuff in this video it's gonna be a little hard to train for my bikini top and the apocalypse it's so true I can't find the stuff that I'm supposed to eat it's all sold out yeah the more I read about people's experiences with coronavirus the more I'm convinced that I had it and I gave it to you it really doesn't let you have it we couldn't test it they wouldn't test us it'd stay safe everyone wash your hands and your feet no one's talking about washing your feet when you're right you're right thank you this place is sick I want to play video games something that's what we do best tasting scam ever don't get too comfy over here she's cleverly bigger yes happy Halloween and March happy Halloween no more I do get nostalgic for Halloween probably like four times a year for what what is so little I mean like every three months I'm like damn I really wish it was Halloween every single day which really yeah man spooky by through the boss zombies I don't decorate your spot with what you have don't go to a Halloween store and pay for way overpriced super cheap stuff but decorate your space to make it more fun build a fort I don't know do whatever and send me pictures on Instagram at Mikey but skull buddy my kie tell me how you pandemic in style [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Peter why do you let them do this to you don't like you may be the countess okay just this one time look you guys I swear to god we're using Wyatt it's a very intense moment with the touching in the ears you felt something in your ear yeah come touch my body I didn't touch your body Peter was talking you're silent let it be known that we offered to give Peter a chance to play and eat in which that music I'm a soft pack rat so it's whatever you want oh just put her on music for this play [Music] yelling at Andrews what does he know [Music] I'm quitting and I'm restarting with nothing [Music] we're gonna turn the advances of future thanks for watching guys if you're new here to my channel please subscribe you should I've done it like this video if you're stuck at home like like this video if you wish it was Halloween ollie around like this video if you're watching this around Halloween time and then people get into this way too late yeah big booster likes in October or rewatching also cool tell me if you like the stand in the comments and send me pictures of what you do that's it for this week see you next week okay bye of course creature doesn't play Pony by Ginuwine [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,661,654
Rating: 4.9714079 out of 5
Keywords: Self-quarantine, HALLOWEEN style, Halloween, decorated, decorate, march, in march, self quarantine, style, home, home decor, halloween decorating, anthony padilla, mykie, glam and gore, home makeover, room makeover, oculus quest, arizona sunshine, beat saber, ripley, creature, dogs
Id: e5inyskrTC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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