I Did NOT Expect My Dogs To React To Water Like This...

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yellow zombaes that's very bright actually i would kind of like this one oh no they're stuck in my hair okay they stay there today i wanted to answer the age-old question are my dogs water dogs because why not i was inspired to do this because it is really really hot like really really hot and i was thinking i wish my dogs were water dogs because we could just go to the beach and not have it be a thing and then i thought i don't know if my dogs are water dogs i have a theory creature has never had an actual real full bath he's a puppy that smells amazing so i've left him alone and ripley has had not such a great history with baths in the past as seen by this photograph that is kind of how i expect things to go for ripley and i'm hoping that creature because he's a big goofy dog will really enjoy the water that is my theory i don't know if it's right or not but that is why we're testing it today so i couldn't do videos like this if it wasn't for you guys being open to me just having fun and playing and loving my dogs as much as i do so thank you and also thank you to our partner for this video vessi which is the most appropriate partner to have for a video like this because vesti footwear is 100 waterproof i am very picky about my shoes y'all especially sneakers but when i tell you bessie's weekend shoe is my favorite sneaker to ever grace my beautiful dog haired covered toes that's really an understatement i am seriously obsessed with these first most obvious the weekend shoe is super cute second their style doesn't sacrifice comfort they are like little mobile clouds for your feet they're easy to slip on they're super lightweight breathable and temperature controlled for all seasons but like i said and perhaps coolest of all they are 100 waterproof soundproof and slush proof so whether you're at the beach building snowmen or playing in a baby pool with your dogs these shoes have you covered and to make it even better bessie is a socially conscious brand they donate masks shoes and for every weekend shoe purchase bessie will donate five dollars to organizations supporting mental health like the trevor project did i mention they're 100 vegan did i mention they're machine washable i could go on and on but in a word they're the perfect sneaker in my eyes and if you try them i really really think you'll love them for one or several reasons if you want to make sure you get a pair before they're sold out click the link in the description or go to bessie.com mikey and use code mikey for 25 off all bessie shoes [Music] here's the thing though they've already kind of demolished my theory because i couldn't even rinse off our pool without one of them absolutely freaking out guess which one [Music] um [Music] so we're just gonna film us filling up the pool because i literally cannot fill up this pool without my psychotic crying dog in the background wanting to strangle herself to be able to jump into this pool free the beast excuse me that's what you've been crying about for the last half an hour there we go there we go she's thinking about it now she's not sure all right i'll turn on the spray so that you have max here i'll come in there with you i'll come in there with you the boy get in here [Music] i don't know why i didn't think about how i'd be in the pool with them so i'm wearing a bathing suit on the top half of me and not the bottom so these pants are getting wet today should i just let you go for it do you just want it in your face [Music] [Music] okay take a break take a break it's a lot for you in one day you know her heart rate's way too high i know yeah relax how cute is she when she's wet he's so cute creature i'm not trying to traumatize you this is your first time we've like cleaned poop off of his feet and that's about it oh my well that god good i wanna i wanna get that in slow-motion [Music] uh [Music] he's curious that's all we need a break fill up the pool look at him hanging out my stuff up do you want to get mushy ready while we wait yeah what's up oh he's getting brave now that the hose isn't loud and intimidating come here oh oh she jumped right in good we're filling it up so that it's deep enough because i want to see if they do the look at you just chilling in the floor who are you what happened to my ripley what did you do with her you are a very wet dog you smell like a wet dog and i forgot to bring dog shampoo do you live in your best life to ripley liking water cheers she's waiting by the spigot so that as soon as water comes out she's ready rippy what are you doing honey do you love water oh my god i think you love water i think you're a water dog look at you're creature's just more concerned with catching food yeah that's an interesting place to rub your face against okay all you found right soap look at him you're such a baby you want to get in the water temper the water [Music] will you do the water dog she swim she's like spiderman yeah [Music] you want to swim look over here okay okay okay okay let's see if you swim oh oh god you're out of water good ready ah doesn't that feel good on your little black fur ah okay we're scared you can get out we're not about traumatizing dogs here good friends that's a great friend look i'll sit here with you oh should i wear a bathing suit come on good girl there's like island there's an island here it's a human island get on in now or never 2020 you're facing all kinds of fears [Music] so we like sprinklers we just don't like pools of water whatever this is come on jump jump belly flop do it come on do it you got extra toes bud help oh hi guys help me nothing okay i guess i would just drown then yeah cool all right so we've done two tests so far one is just the hose and the results of that work backwards of what i expected the body of water test has gone how i expected although i thought the creature would be more into it i really did you're such a goofy dog i thought you would like water the third test will be does ripley's love of the hose outweigh her fear of a body of water will it be enough she's literally waiting by the spigot right now look she wants more water she wants the fun part of water will she go in a pool to get it ready now what oh [Music] it's okay it's okay yeah get some moral support this is an interesting reaction [Music] good job creature she loves it [Music] i don't think it's that she likes water i think she just hates that thing [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] anyone want to join me now is that it is that the end well you know i guess it answers the question are my dogs water dogs wait we didn't answer the question i'd say she is i don't know you know what i've learned water dog is on a spectrum i think ripley is at like 70 creatures currently sitting at like a 20 it's not there and now i'm just doing a baby pool by myself it smells like dog hair by yourself well i'm making one last attempt to get him to warm up to water and if not i just give up oh i fell my bed my back my back okay hold on just give it a second [Music] you know water is one of the most common elements in the world water is used for therapy all over the world it helps people exercise it helps people shut up car it helps people stay calm collected brings a sense of peace you just can't be upset when you're in water unless you're in the movie a perfect storm or titanic or ghost ship or the abyss or 47 meters down what's water work or uh he's like i've seen that one i've seen that one and i have travis he did good though we got him in there for a little while success i have two water dogs confirmed kind of [ __ ] and hoes am i right [ __ ] and hoes where are they water dogs [Music] okay that's our video for this week thanks for watching if you'd like to see me do other dog activities you can let me know in the comments you know i feel like this video doesn't need much of an outro it is what it is thanks for watching see you next week [Music] goodbye [Music] good boy two water dogs two water dogs we did it
Channel: Mykie
Views: 1,076,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup, makeup tutorial, special fx, halloween, mykie, mikey, glam and
Id: nhhQuwaX9xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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