My DNA Picks My Makeup

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rip like a hole rip is your saw right brother died thinking you control them before no one you were so into this a second ago yo wool zombies welcome back to my channel it is I your new host Ripley I've killed Mikey and I'm here to take over sub-lethal today we're going to do DNA picks my makeup now a lot of people think that I'm a palm ski but I'm not today the test results will prove it Pomeranian we're not the father this is top-notch entertainment start over thank you for letting me use you by the way her mouth is fine she just got kisses earlier that's all that's happening she's an Alaskan Klee Kai which is code for mini husky oh and best girl in the world thank you all that saliva and it's not even going in the DNA test what was that instant replay DNA is picking my makeup today what does that mean that means I'm gonna spit in a tube make a test tube baby and get some results in the mail about who I really am Who am I who is Mikey I got asked quite a bit Who am I especially when I hit the training tab everyone's like who the fluff is this weirdo and I agree I don't know who I am I believe I am German Irish and maybe a little bit of Welsh but that's all I know and that's my best guess I must be Irish because ginger AF I'm pretty sure I'm just really frickin white but today well not today but soon enough I'll know for sure I got this here test wow it just looks like a white box which is great because this is not sponsored so no free promo for you no it's a its ancestry coms that's like a magic trick wow this is starting off great this is ancestry coms DNA kit I've never taken a DNA kit in my life I don't know how these work I wanted to start it off with you guys give you a tutorial on how to spit in a tube and then we'll continue when I get the results back in a few weeks so let's see what we got here the inside of the kit comes with the science a collection bag am I supposed to pee in this a box to send it back in very convenient and instructions let's learn do not skip this step you cannot get your results unless you activate your test okay got it go to ancestry DNA comm slash activate oh we got to go on the computer for this what can you go on slash activate so you can figure this out together oh boy oh this is exciting I can't spit very well is that gonna be a problem I feel like rose and Titanic I just don't know how and I'm waiting for my Jack to teach me oh oh and by the way I picked ancestor DNA over other things like 23andme because I figured the smartest way to have it pick my makeup would be to look at my genetic makeup where I'm from what regions look up the folklore of those places see if there's any monsters or creatures and either pick one of them or combine a few elements to make my own genetic monster and since this one is focused more so on regions then like health medical type stuff seemed like the one to pick I have had this kit for almost a year waiting to do this video I wanted to do this video for such a long time but because I knew I had to spit and wait I've put it off because I'm an instant gratification kind of person and in turn that has left me was the longest time between buying this kit and getting gratification the irony all right we're activated I feel activated do not eat drink smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before giving your saliva sample perfect I haven't eaten breakfast yet today it's 5 p.m. I'll get around to it listen then intermittent fasting and then being busy and forgetting about life fill the tube until your saliva not including bubbles is at or just above the 80 line it's easy that's less than 1/4 teaspoon do not over bill okay yeah that's a lot he wants me to spit up to there all right you can cut this part out ah we're leaving it really minute you guys can't miss it turn tonic part 2 oh boy I feel really close to you guys right now can I help you Peter what's so funny we're leaving all this in all of it we're not even gonna cut anyone get it on this highly interested not including bones it's all bubbles this is the seeds of Titanic it's causing the same like visceral reaction in my chest I think I'm getting lipstick in my results what if they don't come back right because I'm like it's tinted pink I gotta be careful how you doin over there Peter great dad hasn't get some dog DNA in there come on who said that I should film this today while you're here I did say that you did I want to know what's the most amount of Spitz it ever took to fill it up to this line you're like guys would be like 1 or 2 for me it's gonna take 2000 I'm dehydrated I definitely have flakes of makeup floating in there this might burn the test results I can't wait to cut to the second time I'm doing this test mmm you know what I should have done at the beginning talk about brownies I'll make my mouth water we'll get there faster mmm oh it's actually working there's a lot going on in there Wow it really look like that it's pretty gross you can't see it but it's not pretty I think we did it okay no it remove the funnel from the tube screw on the enclosed cap tightly to release the solution that will stabilize the DNA in your saliva isn't it crazy that my entire genetic code is in this disgusting vile of spit ready for science Ripley Oh science is happening can you see yeah you can see that's science Jake the tube for at least five seconds this will ensure your sample mixes thoroughly with the stabilizing solution so our lab can best pose your channel okay watch out Akashi place the tube in the collection bag ooh very CSI this is an exciting day I like it been waiting so long for this moment and then you just put it in this little prepaid box that's going to Utah and they're gonna tell me who I am or what I am or where I came from and the secrets to life all right she's fully sealed I'm ready to go to the mail one thing I'm really curious about is if there's going to be any Russian DNA in me because I've been asked a lot in my life if I'm Russian nothing else specifically but Russian and as far as I know I'm definitely not so I want to know a why everyone thinks I'm Russian and B if I am at all I used to walk around the casino with my cocktails and I only spoke in a Russian accent and I did convince a table of maybe two drunk men one day that I was Russian to the point that when I dropped the accent and started speaking like an American they were laughing at how poor my American accent was so you know expert over here maybe I am secretly Russian you know what's not Russian me to spit in that vial to get this video done by the way everyone thinks that she is the Pun dog does not things look a lot alike oh I love you anyway you perfect little specimen many months they did oh I clipped all of that audio back and so excited oh wait Ripley I need you come back you know what's crazy just real quick this is crazy it is months later you guys like many months just like the title card said and I went to pick out what to wear to film and then I was gonna go for this black top I have it's like fishnet it's pretty cool I've worn in a long time and as I went to touch it I was like would it be crazy if I picked the same shirt to wear as I did months ago I haven't seen the footage in months I don't remember what I wore and I was like I'm not gonna pick this shirt turns out it was that shirt that you just saw me wearing crazy but it doesn't end there then I'm watching the footage back beforehand to know what I already said so don't repeat myself more than I already do and I kid you not I talk about Ripley's face with the lipstick and the kisses but before I saw the footage that already happened I don't even do this to her everyday this is actually kind of a rare occurrence just a little love and at the same time I was watching a video on YouTube about the time that redditors felt like there is a glitch in the matrix aliens that's what it means anyway we're back I'm very excited to read my test results because I can't pick the make up until I know who am i what am i let's find out I got my test results October 3rd and you know how hard it is for an instant gratification person to wait to open the results cuz I wanted to film it genuine reaction on camera but I was in the midst of Halloween madness so it didn't happen until now just mid-november so let's see what's my password I don't know that wasn't it nope okay well I don't know my password to get into my account to look at the results so this is a failed video goodbye just kidding is that in the Edit cuz that would be funny or I tell you that I'm gonna forget the password a password a special character I guess the thing that's recorded on camera cuz I'm gonna forget it and we have to look this up moment of truth I just busted into my account Wow okay wait at first I thought this is exactly what I expected and then it wasn't listen to this my parents got some splainin to do this isn't gonna surprise any of you but it does present how many times have I said to you I'm a redheaded Scorpio German watch out I thought it was like half German like 45% Irish 5% Welsh I'm 5% German that's it well these results are really boring I'm sorry I'm white as just as we all suspected 48% Irish and Scottish 46% English Welsh and North Western Europe so maybe that that is completely Welsh maybe I'm not English at all but I've never heard English you should be able to touch it Oh touch it primarily located in Belgium Channel Islands England Wales so I'm English I don't know that it's kind of fun but mostly Ireland I man Northern Ireland and Scotland Munster Ireland Oh appropriate Munster we're gonna make a monster huh I love Munster cheese it's in my genetic DNA and to say that I like monster cheese and I'm 1% Norwegian no percent Russian not a one primarily located in Iceland Norway I like home so excited that 1% of my DNA comes from Iceland it's my favourite place cool but I'd like to come up with something a little cooler I mean that that part of the world is pretty old in terms of history I feel like they have to have some pretty dope folklore even though ultimately I'm still just generic white bread Wow I'm kind of sad this is it I was really hoping for a little bit of Russian I thought I was way more German than I am not texting my mother you know what now I'm calling them but it's kind of late now she's awake oh hey if you had to guess my ancestry what do you think I am where he's coming from did you do an ancestry thing he's a smart man yeah I did German I'd say it's the biggest maybe 35 40 percent Irish maybe 25% and there might be some Welsh I'm 48 percent Irish and Scottish I'm also 46 percent English Welsh and northwestern Europe I'm only 5% German Wow I'm not surprised eventually thanks for your reaction ma you did not record this again I'm filming and I and I when I realized I'm only 5% German I realized I had to call you you're cheeky so that's what I is we've solved the great mystery of what an ambiguous face I have and now you know that I am truly a ginger just because my hair got lighter with age does not mean that I don't have ginger blood coursing through my veins blue eyes freckle if I allowed the Sun to touch my body which is never because I'm also a vampire even though I have no Transylvanian DNA in my blood and carrot top red hair when I was a baby anyway let's fast forward in time once more to when I've gotten all my supplies and I figured out a plan to make myself into some kind of Irish Scottish English Welsh Germanic Noir Weejun Icelandic monster so much data that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new what yeah well it is so many months later again from concept to execution this video has gone on over a year now we're finally here it's the day you can tell it's been many months because I have different nails and all three pieces of the video time has elapsed I'm not gonna preface this anymore let's get into it I know I know this video is already like 15 minutes long honey we're on time for this but do it anyway okay can I you after doing all the research on all of my family ancestral folklore heritage stuff I've decided to make myself into a hairy fairy fish hairy fairy fish and I will tell you why starting with the nose this is an alien prosthetic nose you might have seen it once before on this channel and no there are no aliens in my ancestral folklore however there is this angler fish looking guy a marrow is a mermaid or a merman from Irish folklore the lady marrows are like pretty sirens the mer man's her man's mermen are ugly guess which one I chose to be we're throwing out gender norms in 2020 if I want to be a merman or man I'm gonna be a merman I've done a pretty mermaid enough on this channel time to be an ugly one so I got this nose because this is kind of the correct profile and it is the closest nose I could find I also got this forehead piece because my reference picture has a pretty intense forehead I tried to make my own and I wasn't thinking it so eventually decided to go with this marrows supposedly have a magical cap on oh that means in order to travel between deep water and dry land but that's from Wikipedia so maybe don't quote me on that just trying to educate you all you know okay not not my best right there but we'll fix it one of the earliest depictions of Amero describes him as this grotesque green creature that kept a fisherman company at his home under the sea wait so is the fisherman able to breathe underwater did he kidnap the fisherman and take him to the marrows home wouldn't even be wrong card be cut am i right are you snoring on my lap girl yeah you are it's adorable and you dreaming about mermaids I thought you said dreaming about murder likely she's murdering mermaids and then to finish off the Romero aspect of this look and made a little chimp prosthetic which has been a whole fiasco because I finished this after an hour of making teeth put a blow-dryer to it forgot to put it on the cool setting and melted the front teeth again let's see if I can peel this off without messing it up and glue it on my face hopefully it's dry so after I blow dry blew dry blew blow dried glue dried no after I dried it the first time I decided I was not putting it under the blow dryer again no matter what don't look at you weirdo oh that almost stuck to my face already cuz it's still kind of wet on the inside I just painted the inside of the gums because I know that once it's on it's gonna be much harder to paint that's bother even the comments down below what your ancestry is and if it's more interesting than mine chances are good that it is oh wow that really well that's just suction cup to my face okay it was gonna be such a weird combo of things oh yes yes baby that is the profile of a fish oh I was smart enough to think to paint the inside of this cuz it was gonna be hard to get to but not smart enough to think to paint the inside of my actual lip all right cool the last piece to actually make it more of a merman are these their little ears but I cut off half of them I'm gonna stick onto my face like little fishy gills they're kind of cute actually oh I like them okay yeah I'm just gonna stick them on and then blend them somehow something like that hello hi mom our fish yeah first I know there's latex in there mallet so I'm using a thicker latex and some cotton to fill in these holes on the side and then I'm using a really thin balloon latex to try to smooth over it a little bit I mean I didn't have to be perfectly smooth it is a monster after all if you like stick a cotton ball behind this one could it doesn't stick out as far there we go that obviously worked Oh cute look see if I can get away with that without it being so visible yeah yeah good party trick she's a little asymmetrical but she's not trying to be cute so that's fine now I'm gonna try to airbrush my own face which I have never attempted before I have airbrushed many people's faces just never my own we're gonna try I'm not gonna be able to talk through this because it sounds like this it's just annoying I need to keep my mouth shut and if I get near my eyes need to get my eye shut so how many I forgot I turned it on so how am I gonna do that and not okay you know what Jesus all right I guess we're ready oh it's not on its residual Wow I forgot that happens time lapse time I should pause to tell you that the reason I'm not painting this guy green is because I'm also incorporating the Lady of death which is an Irish folklore fairy that we will talk more about later but like a dark creepy character in my head anyway this might be too dark but I want her to be dark and spooky so soon [Music] [Music] [Music] hello million hours later things were going well womp till I put black in my airbrush and some reason the black paint even though it's made of the same stuff as all the other colors clogged up both my air brushes I cleaned one completely and then it clogged it up again before I realized it was the paint and not the airbrush yeah yeah that was a joy and this isn't quite what I pictured but it's what's gonna be because I'm not going through this anymore this video took over a year to make I'm ready for it to be over where's my it's fishin o'clock up I feel like that's exactly what time it is oh oh oh a tooth is trying to jump ship do not do it sir I cannot afford it any more issues with this look all right I'm not gonna touch any more teeth I don't want it falling out that's it that's it we're moving on what else can I do all right I'm taking the jawbreaker pallet and Wow and I'm gonna put it around my eyes maybe also let me drop to pull in the yellows on the tips of our little things and I'm taking licorice and suck to brighten up and blend into the rest of the prosthetic not sure how I feel about any of this decision currently but you know we'll see I'd be back to the oppression okay so like I said I chose dark colors because in Irish folklore there are also fairies and one fairy in particular it's called the Lady of death and she warns families when someone's about to die so this creepy fairy with quote loose hair and red eyes shows up to mourn the death of a family member I guess before it happens creepy not a great time basically you don't want to see me in your house wig fairy ears fairy horns British folklore the right man of Southend he lives on a bridge he's the son of a mare who committed adultery so he was born as a rat I don't know why that's a thing but it's a thing and for whatever reason this Brightman and our reference picture has morons like this so I don't like the rules I'll make the folklore I didn't pick my DNA and then lastly to put the hairy in our hairy fairy fish I am taking inspiration from the Puka they are one of the most feared mythical beings in Ireland they are not hookah shells from the early 2000s thank god they're little goblins and they dress up and go out at night to terrorize people which sounds a lot like me so it all makes sense it's built into my DNA they have a long wild mane and their eyes are sulfurous which means yellow eyes but I already got the eyes covered and they are at least in some of my reference pictures they are darker little goblins which is also partly why I chose darker colors but the biggest thing we're taking from the Puka is its mane I'm gonna had some hair all around myself but I'll spare the details and I'll show you right now because it's montage time this is the future human error [Music] this is the future wow I'm really pretty I would date me you know I've done a lot of looks on this channel but I will say this one feels like it's in a league of its own genetically I might have turned out looking like I do on the outside but I feel like based on my DNA this is what I really look like on the inside this is like the most nightmare feel like that I've done in a while and it's funny because I avoided doing any German related folklore because it's such a small percent and also because the coolest German folklore is Krampus turns out I just kind of looked like Krampus okay well happy 2020 good way to bring the New Year if you're newer lurking please subscribe because I look like a demon Krampus hairy fairy fish you definitely look here in a death metal band very worried this is what a year and then making ends up looking like like this video if this is the last thing you expect him to see when you found out that my DNA was white as it gets kind of like the exact opposite although it's not the exact opposite if you consider I'm a ginger this is exactly what I would expect given that and hit the notification bell even though it shows up as often as the percent that I am Icelandic okay see you guys next week thanks for watching bye the cameras really far away today I know how we're gonna do this I'm just gonna I'm just gonna zoom zoom pretend I'm brush your teeth kids it's very important if you like them nice and white shine make sure you brush in the back especially because those are always harder clean we neglect them often and we really shouldn't they're just as important for a good oral hygiene [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,400,127
Rating: 4.9737625 out of 5
Keywords: My DNA picks my FX makeup, my DNA picks my makeup, ancestry test, dna kit, mykie, glam and gore, FX makeup, picks my makeup, sfx makeup, halloween makeup, folklore, Irish, english, ancestry
Id: ol1JkllHBiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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