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please did you see that no time I swear to God I see police officers just like a seventh chord [Music] you'll love zombies no this is a creepy place look at how creepy the creepiest we are any spookiest of hotels this week the Holiday Inn Express terrifying coast-to-coast in Salt Lake City Utah but we can explain there's a reason why we're here let me start out by saying this is Spencer Spencer does my hair and he is a cult leader which is so Spencer has a podcast called cult leader which is on Spotify iTunes and ER with a podcast Ervil and on it he talks about cults and the cult leaders and murders and things which is very appropriate for Utah because there's a lot of culture it's true right yeah I mean yeah you were though yep and I sent him a link of 50 haunted hotels across the United States and before I could even look at the list he goes I want to go to the Holiday Inn Express in Salt Lake City out of out of everywhere on that list out of these beautiful historic buildings and really creepy places that just look haunted he wants to go here and here we are anywhere so we just flew in we just got into our hotel room and there's a reason that he wanted to come here that I want him to tell me about there's also a cult leader episode on this place that you've done one of your early ones number five number five so you're gonna tell us the whole story I think we could we need a little judge will judge love volume [Music] it's me with just a shower curtain on my head unfortunately Peters not with us this week so I wanted a third person and when we brought Anthony along it's me because I'm the resident ghost expert I don't know everything about God I don't if you are an OG Sande you know that we collabs like five years five years ago it was my first collab ever now that you know that we're here which you actually know from the titles this is a waste of your time let's explore a little so what thing happened here the Spencer's gonna tell you about what I want to say is I don't know what room had happened in but I do know that it happened on the 11th floor guess what floor we're on why'd you just say oh I was saying I'm scared because what if I became possessed like thank God the windows are drilled shut what if I became possessed we got like Amityville Horror like the DA just loses it maybe that's why the windows are all broken because people keep getting possessed and then trying this game maybe the windows are broken because somebody threw their attacker family off the balcony here I don't know oh yeah we should talk about that when do you want to tell that story whoa thank you my bag yeah it's fine yeah I was guess it's gotta get spooky July 31st cue the music 1978 cue the black and white Emanuel David dude slow Utah Ian cult leader the cult leader like a Christian cult leader former mormon former mormon foreman foreman basically what happens is on July 31st of 1978 he took a borrowed white pickup truck and drove up to a canyon in Utah filled the truck with carbon monoxide and committed suicide but that wasn't like the part that really shook everyone because there was what happened two days later at this hotel in potentially this very room that shook Utah becoming one of the largest murder suicides in its history so yeah we moving around the room so that you don't get bored how did we go from the canyon to the Holiday Inn Express so David his wife and their seven kids lived here in this hotel back when it was these Suites and they were about a hundred dollars a night but he was running into significant financial troubles because basically he had been extorting money from the churches and doing all kinds of stuff which is what ultimately led to his suicide in the canyons so now he's gone and about two days later his wife's here with their seven kids and she's just like put into this predicament of I can't afford this to pay this room let alone keep staying here like I have no opportunities and nowhere to turn so she kind of comes to the conclusion that something needs to happen and her and the children need to go and be with David again and the way to do that is by everybody dying and so yeah which moves us to this balcony right behind Mikey but it's it is it's it being horrific starting with the youngest the mom as well as one of the oldest daughters began some of the children were willingly going some of them were pushed but basically the mom and oldest daughter made sure that all of the children went over the balcony so all seven kids they fell to their death potentially here the oldest daughter I've miraculously survived the fall and I would love to say that it was one of those situations where you come out of it and you're like well what was I thinking like I'm gonna take this path in life now however she's still to this day from what I've read and from articles and interviews that I've seen of her believes that her God was a prophet of sorts and she still fully believes that he's going to come back and she is living with relatives and other members of the cult that still to this day in Aurora Colorado believe that her father will come back I want to be sensitive because I know that this is obviously horrific and sad it's terrible but this cult I read a little bit about it and I read that the cult is interesting to say the least it's sad because she was a kid when it happened which means she's are always brainwashed and that's inevitable tragedy well and I don't know about what you read but it's a did it talk about any of their beliefs yeah what are the specific movies well I mean the values I think are just kind of off basically really ignorant to another majority of society yeah not the loveliest people yeah but extremely sad for kids that have no choice in the matter goodbye because it probably happened right here yeah do you think it happened in this room I do oh no I don't work yeah let's go what yeah at the the room it's not gonna be open I don't know Oh God though I hope there's even just a significant that falling in us all going a ghost [Music] if you come to the Holiday Inn Express located in downtown Salt Lake City you'll find this room on the 11th floor which looks very nice always something that I look for in a hotel room is to make sure that all of the locks have been broken in the windows central shot following me this way there's something else I really really want you guys to check out mmm I decided when we got back from the airport I said you know what Anthony you know what Mikey I'm just gonna rest my head for a minute and you know what happened when I did such thing I looked up and that's probably deep blood on this it's like splatter formation over here yeah so it's let me replace these but not the moon then I can't let's not wipe cut - Anthony getting something from that shower curtain yeah and yikes is there a way to like collect samples and test it I don't want to do that I do I need to know if that is should we call it it seems like all signs point to yes [Music] they conic police did you see that no damn I swear to God I saw it what is it one of these we push it did that just open ya know what it just opened by a bow you keep it I literally like how does it stay shut at all okay and then I was like and then when you catched on the camera we don't know I'll play it back I don't know a few moments later I looked at the footage and I missed it I'm sorry I wish you'd be willing to take a little bit of videos just across the sir go for it and then we're like did you see that you guys how easy is that drawer to open you have to pull it so once it once it gets pulled it slides open but you didn't pull it reenact it dramatic reenactment you didn't touch it at all oh well this time you have this well yeah obviously can you I saw it can you shut it and pick up the phone again maybe like you picking up the phone was enough to well I think that's all today what did you dial a phone would you dial 13 right cuz it's 1103 and that's what I was looking at and that's what I was noticing when I was looking at this is when the door opened that's why I went 13 yeah huh as a 13 year old piece I could tell by the way you say all right let's go getting banned from are you gonna move it no I bet there's a man who lives in LA I've seen enough Lifetime movies oh there's like old popcorn ceilings up here like this is what the place used to be back when you know it's relatively clear you're about to touch the button with your chin oh well that's really close to me hey nope that doesn't look suspicious you have a little plaster on your show though definitely look guilty oh we gotta use our EMF meter's our dowsing rods our thing what what they were my favorite thing last time can't bring them on a plane why cuz there's a long needle thing alright guys don't don't come at us that's why they're not here he's the worst cancel him leavin me comments about how he's just freakin worst excuse me you didn't bring the EMF readers listen or the dowsing right mother ah demonetised but he did bring the laser which he shined in my eyes are great your eyeball right now you write that just to harass me I don't understand why ghost hunters didn't want to bring us on as the new host yeah it's weird all I know is you gotta get to get let's get to it wait what why the whole cult mentality is just crazy and it's so impression of well and I always think like that was such it like the 70s 60s were such a big time for cult today I feel like it would be so hard because I feel like people aren't as impressionable today as maybe they were in decades past where it's like I think it'd be much harder to start a cult I mean I did it but mine's like a fun cold but really I mean think about it would be so much harder to start a cult today because if a guy walks around and says I'm a prophet people are a lot less likely to believe that man than they were back then I think they do it look differently now though now it's digitally they're spreading messages on the Internet you don't know you're part of a cult because the internet it all looks like facts did you guys know you're in a cult it's called zombie face Dom face I feel like we should take the stairs to the roof and see if we could get up hey I think that's a really good idea I think we should just look we should put some shoes on go see get a view up there since we can't go on our well Beneatha let's do it we're gonna go look I feel about that so we're really trying to go to the roof right is this pi rhetoric you closed but it's a green exit exercise I'm ready to run [Music] but if I push this am I gonna end up with my vine there'd be a warning sign how about fire door keep closed three whoa whoa that is not a good Nelly really further than it seems when you're in the room looking out whoa that wasn't her Pete I hate that well but they actually went over I mean hasn't ever been in trouble once do we want to try going into this well yeah seems like there's me what looking back on them yeah Oh getting that perspective it didn't feel real until then yeah like I mean seven kids it's real well are you surprised I don't know after hearing it I'm like oh of course you survive a fall like saying it's a lot higher than you think yeah it didn't it doesn't seem that high looking from our room it's because you just see if you can't see down at all drinking colds man [Music] we should see if something happened here we want to know what the blood is because even though we're looking for ghosty things we keep ignoring the fact that we have blood on the ceiling immediately which is hella weird so so and it seemed fresh so we are looking up if anything happened recently at this location crime wise or other what if it is just on the ceiling what if someone had a freaking field day the creepiest part to me is that if there is stuff on the ceiling I don't know I don't care what it is but just liquid in general it must have been everyone you would think because in order for something to get on the ceiling it stick there how to drink water I know what if it's just at the sprinkler 100 wait is that blood that's blood - well that's really thick I think people would it could be food my only barbecue sauce is what is that it's not rust right we decided that because it rust doesn't come off like that well it doesn't look like that either can you put your iphone light on the one on the sprinkler put it closer to that actually kinda looks like rust you think can you grow well looks so thick can you grab that white yeah with okay we're way too light for this town yeah yeah oh why is it I'm telling you if somebody just straight up on the ceiling that looks like old blood does it not don't Oh what do you smell this Mike swear to god it smells like I can't tell cuz this wipe is so I'm gonna use on the ceiling I don't know the sad part is that no matter what it's not good no it's better than death I guess no no I promise would you rather have poop or blood I'm gonna get a regular piece of toilet paper that doesn't have any scent to it with water and wipe it and then I could smell it cuz right now all I could smell is this weird that makes me upset I look right here there's time okay alright I'll wipe this down - okay smell that you know [Music] what is the smell like snow yeah my hand salon cleaner yeah it smells like blood to me what no it does what you smell it - no it smells kind of like metal and grantees who are what you're not metal but well there's paint over that metal [Music] it smells metallic really but it could be for the metal but it also could be divided it's probably blood now I got we got a white Internet no piece of metal and see if that smells that was on the ceiling I just smelled this like where is she isn't this thing mm-hmm oh my god Oh oh you're doing something private in there is this vibrating yeah [Music] well we made it out alive [Music] I know I know I was I see you in there hanging out with the ironing board yeah how's that turned out for you you don't see that Walker there's a walker right there why are you talking about like they like I'm the walking dead they call walkers about you are you messing with me Walker yeah I'm just calling a person why are they Walker they walk there right there okay that would be pay that's an it that's a sign that's Walker on it and you can't call that a day for context they were trying to spot if anyone was still awake in Utah at 12:00 a.m. and they were saying that persons walking there's a jogger and then I found a walker there's more than one there's literally more than one Walker one number one Walker number two Spencer threw this pillow full force at my face feeling really attacked right now those are my lips there's my nose and there's my eyebrow Mikey why are you in there for real did you summon any did you have caffeine Oh guilty are you scared Spencer I'm like scared of like you know like that oh that's a stain of some story story some stories but it's right next to the window where they go with the broken latch and the broken latch could it be but yet those locks broken I don't know I think there's no reason for so hey I don't know police yeah ally I I mean I it wasn't like I never hear fellow man uh okay okay that's that I could do 20 minutes later a ghost I didn't see him but you said he was a creepy guy what I'm saying ghosts aren't scary people are scary yeah I never scare the people in this place nice are you recording him Spencer yeah oh so tired of ghost hunting and where again I just set up a night-vision camera let it record until it runs up tape see if we see anything we will update you in the morning I can't be anything we don't never let her walking away [Music] [Music] beg for mercy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so it's the morning we made it through the night barely I'm fine no hold on hold on you didn't athlete find some spooky things happen in the night including bleeding and weird sounds cut to the evidence [ __ ] so it's the morning and I'm just making the bed by myself and I know I didn't do this Spencer's been going for like an hour maybe it's because he got smacked by a ghost last night and he's bleeding profusely somewhere in a hallway maybe I should go look for him [Music] what the Frick is that blood you were also in this bed last night so oh do you think it was just on there it seems like I mix of drooling blood you have some explaining to do no keeps the sauce good it's a sauce in this bad that doesn't but it doesn't look like a fuss I really don't know we need a second opinion a third opinion Anthony what the is that does your mouth hurt no Jim a nosebleed I mean wouldn't I know yeah what if a ghost beat you up I bet it goes beat you up yeah no he's probably no we heard a noise last night from me no from a ghost I mean I sleep like this you know should I just showed me or we're doesn't use a pillow yeah I don't see what the pillow I sleep like this show me your arm very pin just a bunch of sick tabs so then that's not yours that's what you're saying it has to be though it's next to all your spray tan brush your teeth tell me how it goes how'd brushing your teeth go I strip completely naked there's no blood anywhere on my body and your gums didn't bleed when you just about like even like I like brushed aggressively and what's then there was like no blood then oh I don't know and I wish I honestly think it was my blood because then I'd be like oh okay I slept with my blood but I slept life love knowing there was blood on my dad and weird sounds hmm I'm not good if subtle sounds no the sounds were real so at the same exact time you and I what how would you describe it creak were the same time like something's definitely not it was getting here for sure okay so this is where the sound came from last night here this is general direction but there's nothing here conspiracy conspiracy you just need these like three times repeated the know by he does he watched the video who's Peter was sneezing in the last one gesundheit when Peter sneezes there's a ghost oh oh oh test that spot we are the best Ghost Hunters wicked what what why so much well yeah he's human you might human another floor that's the cold tile oh you're a human oh we're so good at this I heard doors in the morning and they don't sound the same i sat up right away I was like did you hear that and luckily music yeah and then you had a different angle on that corner than I did yeah I thought that I saw something move in the mirror oh you said you saw something in this mirror that's freaking creepy it was so dark I couldn't tell but I was also tired yeah so I didn't really freak out about it why am I have a skeptic I'm not saying it is anything other than its dream but it sounded like a weird rattle and almost like something fell to me you also were shocked every time the door closed and every time the air conditioning came home [Music] cassia's on motorcycle are you sure that is true [ __ ] you've bled overnight I leave you that's impossible there's no blood on me there's no blood on me sure as hell ain't me wait we don't know that you think I crawled over into your bed yeah bled absolutely anyway I didn't really sleep it was really really really hot in this room all night well I know why did you get up to change the temperature because once I heard that noise I got all freaked do you think it got really high yeah you of all we know capacitor wait I want to show them the weather too this is the weather and what it 141 degrees and raining it was really hot like Queen Mary 2 and I couldn't sleep all night maybe it's a ghost thing if you're new here subscribe if you're lurking subscribe if you don't know who this guy is subscribe if you don't know who that guy is subscribe all their stuff is down then the things with the stuff and the things like this video if you think some [ __ ] went down in this room oh yeah like this video if you think it was blood if it's not blood what is it yeah tell me it's rust or something please I want to be able to rest would be already on the thing but what other liquid is like a weird dark red barbecue sauce barbecue sauce we could talk about this forever I didn't expect the Holiday Inn to be so eventful but it's not staged I swear this is not stained it's the express I just want to point out it's a very different kind of holiday that's true you check in fast but you might not ever check out see you next week we just wrapped filming and what did you just say to me should we record it I just found more blood yeah what is that or is that more barbecue sauce wait wait wait that's blood why is there blood everywhere oh you got to tell me works I can't see it I can't see yet bulb let's try it we go real real loose here real fast and loose that's what she just got it give it a little you judge I knew you were gonna judge I like the word judge Anthony Anthony you missed your cue what's over here at the Holiday Inn Express and I'm ready to see someone ghosts you ready to see some ghosts yeah so when I think just okay dad we're not two missing
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,378,807
Rating: 4.938992 out of 5
Keywords: I STAYED OVERNIGHT AT THE MOST HAUNTED HOTEL IN UTAH, haunted utah, overnight ghost hunting, ghost hunting, ghost hunt, ghost hunters, mykie, glam and g, spencer, henry, anthony padilla, emmanuel david, david family, holiday inn express, salt lake city, utah, halloween
Id: YI1qRUsA8_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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