I Let TINDER Pick My Makeup

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Okay but why did the look actually grow on me by the end haha

👍︎︎ 149 👤︎︎ u/notkingkylie 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hope she meets Henry irl!

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/Kroompir 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

I absolutely loved this video, I think it's because the way she read the messages plus the little off-camera comments.

Bonus points for "... but your purple makeup makes me think you could entice me into the sea"

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/Helliea 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

I need an update with the Henry situation.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/chemchick27 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

A short summary for the lazy: Mykie more or less catfishes guys on Tinder, asking them questions on which she bases her makeup look. In the end, she takes a picture with the new look to check if she gets more or less likes than before.
Bonus: she actually matches with the brother of a friend of hers.

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/natori_umi 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

off topic, but is she not with Chase(?) anymore? I know she doesn't really have to tell us if she is or isn't, but I was just curious if I had missed something!

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/notmaisiewilliams 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

I fucking died when she matched with that Henry guy. I honestly hope she meets him.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/AlyssaaMac 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like her. She's pretty witty with such a fun sense of humor, and the production of her videos is really clean and so cinematic (which isn't suprising, given her background).

I saw her video where she discussed the demonetization of her videos because of the FX makeup, and I found myself feeling pretty disappointed in YouTube. She's so creative; it's a shame to see her talent stifled.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/CupcakesAreTasty 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else's eyes roll out of their head at the "i'm more of a natural no make up guy"? and she didn't even ask his opinion.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Tripndie 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
My shirt looks kind of like a straightjacket. Hello we meet again. This time with eyebrows! Yes, my hair is purple again, even though I finally washed it out. No, I don't really want to talk about it So we all know the "Google picks my makeup trend" but I was thinking is there a new twist I could put on this idea Of letting something else pick what goes on my face and then it hit me, Tinder. Over the years I've had a lot of people give me unsolicited advice on what I should wear makeup wise How much I should wear, when I should wear it? Majority of the time it has been males Giving me this advice on how to make myself more attractive to males or I've actually gotten some unsolicited makeup advice on how I can be more successful in the field that I was in at the time and While I don't think this is exclusively a male problem and while I don't think this is exclusively a heterosexual problem I do think it is a problem that a lot of makeup lovers can relate to so I figured today I could poke fun at that a little bit just to like make myself a guinea pig and put an amalgamation of opinions on my face. There might be a lot of that in this video though Cuz it's tinder strappin. Oh, well, yeah safe for work.. okay I don't know. It's light-hearted fun. Obviously the end result is not gonna be something that one person picks as a whole and honestly, the guys that I will be swiping on will not even realize what I'm doing for the most part, but you know It's just a fun little experiment. So I got a sign up for tinder Step one. I'm choosing tinder because it in my brain is one of the CDR apps not because I Necessarily want to promote it I heard I might get the best responses out of this one So that's what we're going with it. My first name is Mykie. Should we do Mykie? Should I go by a code name? Um today, my first name is Stephanie, cuz this whole thing is a farce. Anyway now I need to pick my hottest picture Spankie's here (go subscribe to her ) Fell on you take a nap on the hair, is my hair comfy it looks fluffy, but there's no Fluffy it's like a cloud of mystery. It doesn't really move (and seduction). It's like a stiff tumbleweed So you tell me which one you think makes me look the hottest. Well, I mean bikini ohh gurl mmm yess Oh, yes girl I just be swiping all up on that I'm already uncomfortable I should make a bio though. Before we go. Any further Stephanie. Nice. Nice good. You look like a Stephanie. Thank you Sorry too every Stephanie out there right now I'm using you was that an instantaneous decision Stephanie Stephanie has always been my go-to fake name if I feel uncomfortable Talking to someone who wants to know my name. Do you want to know what's weird? Every girl has that - Stephanie? I ligit have a Stephanie gmail account who you still like you have a whole evening like used to manage me for like shows back when I didn't want to deal with like stupid blows you girl that is when the Lie has gone far the lie has gone far when you open up a gmail account with your fake But it's Stephanie. That's crazy. I know Me the bestest of friends. I should probably check her email. I Mean, I just listen. I'm not looking for the love of my life here I'm gonna troll you so hard if you actually meet the love of your life The most epic of all, I mean this is not gonna happen, but I will troll you at your wedding Imagine it comes out in this video What a sad story. I'd never tell anybody Should I should I be like message me for an experiment wink, or should I just be normal you? adventurous Adventurous good word good word. I mean you tell you tell me we have we have a boy in the house Yes boy for some boy opinions. Can you tell me what girls write on tinder profiles? It's like Basics like friendly and likeable. I don't know how to be likeable True they're just gonna look at that bikini shot. I Mean, let's be real all right, so venturous dog mom looking for How do I be honest without being honest? I'm Looking for a man with strong opinions Who knows what he wants who knows what he wants. I? Sound really aggressive and assertive Mm-hmm. I need I need to edit my preferences now, I think Maximum distance we're going all the way miles which are the age range me What do you have right now? 30 24 and 34 4 10 10 10 year age range. Okay somewhere in there. Sure sure All right. I guess it's time to start swiping. Did you see the one? There was a hole and there was a girls face cut out and it said "This could be you"?! All right, I'm making it 12 seconds later. Oh, you're a nice how many was that? They make you wait, Oh twelve two more minutes. Well, we can have some conversations to start with. Oh wait. No that's 12 hours. Oh Hey, let's start a chatting it up. I just adopted a blind dead, dog. Whoa Are these the first line this what happens? Oh my look at all these messages Girl hey shout-out to all the guys that are probably very good guys on here Let me just let me start with that because some of you have very nice gentle openings. That sounds a Lot of you seem like you're not trying to scare me immediately and I appreciate that. Wait. Should I pay for unlimited swipes? I'm getting a lot of messages. Oh boy [spankie] cause I mean you swiped what Like probably 200 100 days 200 if she swipes right on she's getting matched pretty much all of them. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes if only they knew I had cheeto hands then right now like look at that bad fake tan This is the first I'm sweating so bad. Wow, why can't I have holes under here? I need ventilation down here right now. Not on the top of my shoulders. I know what I want. I want you All right. Let's talk to you that's aggressive Sun or no Sun Kobe says Sun Okay, so I think that means we stay tan Gonna need to do somea this [sexy montage of mykie putting her hair up] Okay, weird up in here Welcome to the Mikey show No copay still talking it's getting really hot in here probably because of you, lol Is this what it's like dating is this what the real world has come to I'm gonna become a hermit crab It sounds so cheesy. Well, at least you know (that's when you just unmatch) I don't wanna be a jerk I mean, I'm already being kind of a jerk by doing this experiment in the first place. I'm not even looking for love. Oh My god peanut gallery is on fire right now so I'm gonna make myself Super tan, cuz I still think I'm not tan enough So we'll do some some bronzer to using Patti's new bronzer. I Need a way to talk about my eyebrows so one of my options I feel like is to Take advantage of the fact that I'm on tinder and throw in some innuendo II type questions so it's thinking for the eyebrows I could be like Natural? Bushy? Thick? or like.. (bare?) Bare? (a stripe? a shape?) Do I want to encourage this behavior? Oh, oh, I just got a novel. Let's read this I want someone who is honest about the good stuff as well as the bad I want someone who I can watch a Godard film with and have a thoughtful conversation But also giggle at Parks and Rec because it's silly I want someone who just isn't afraid to be themselves and just [mykie initiates chipmunk reading mode] I want to experience everything fun and awesome in this world and I was going to do it but mostly I wanto raise an animal and only shoulder 50% of the responsibility. I feel like he's the perfect guy to ask this question to. Bushy? Natural? Thick? Bare? (i feel like is there- is there a racing stripe situation?) For my eyebrows?! It's got to stay within the realm of possibilities I am already so excited to get off tinder and it just started if I don't get any information out of these men soon I'm gonna buy unlimited swipes cuz I ain't waiting around all day to put my brows on. I'm buying a month of unlimited likes. do it for the video. (Thanks girl.) No problem. I just bought a month of- ok. [Mykie loses all hope. this is the end] I just swiped right on a faceless man. Why I wish it would not interrupt me when I'm trying to like people (oh ur just so popular. oH MyGosH my life is so harddd. everyone likes me and wants to match me uGH) Oh, you're actually kind of cute oh No I'm stuck. I swipe right? Oh, I got an answer from Kevin Oh Natural and thick if you're talking about what I think you are We're going to try to make them look naturally thicker thanks to you brow mascara seems like The product for the One time I have brows everybody then I don't block them out These are pretty pretty thick but still all natural hairs and things like we're not gonna define what's going on here We're just gonna make them thicker Which honestly I'm glad that he picked that because I too Like thick brows and maybe my makeup will look really nice at the end of all this who knows next eyeshadow Kobe is still going up. All I asked him was Sun or no Sun and he's still going. Oh, oh So I've updated my by I've updated my bio now to say adventurous free spirit looking for a man. Who knows what he wants. Don't just message me Hey so that we can get some more interesting responses up in the house And also I don't want to involve Ripley in my shenanigans any longer There's no way I could possibly meet the love of my life Through this situation because no matter what it started off with my name being Stephanie. Yes, like there's already no trust I feel like there's a romantic Like story line coming out of this though and somehow you are kissing in the rain at the end of this Fast Shade from the peanut gallery. Oh, you're cute What thank you look at this is he green screen in front of a a landfill yes, that's what I'm looking at - oh We're like hugging in the rain or looking at each other across the It's tender on tinder, let's look at some messages shall we your place or mine baby? I Had three cokes today Okay, so so last we heard of Kobe he said and maybe we can play some iMessage games you are really pretty Can we meet up like right now? Lol. I'm really bored and we can Netflix and chill probably now things go Well, there will be more of chill and less of Netflix. Oh He's an ENFP Scorpio He's basically me i'm an entp Which means the only difference is he's feeling instead of thinking so he's sensitive. He's me but sensitive Do you think you girls can get away with saying weirder shit and guys just like play along with it Craziest tinder hook-up story I went over in this guy's place like without really vetting him and before you know it I was strung up on a meat hook so that's probably the craziest Up I've had it was very Texas Chainsaw Massacre though, which is pretty hot. You think I'm scaring this guy Was he a leather face type yet? I didn't work it off Is it weird to ask someone on tinder if they cut up bodies I feel like we should just get this out of the way Kobe's still going oh, he's still you haven't replied back either. I have not replied since Sun or no Sun its amazing he's able to type like that much with one hand You stop I didn't I was not mentally prepared for the back. Ok black So I asked that question to see what color I should put in the crease of my eye and he said black So this is gonna be a pretty subtle Look, I think I'm gonna use this black from Manny's new palette this one this one. Yes So I feel like this black is a little intense and we need a transition color So in order to pick the transition color, we're just gonna call these 1 through 14 1 2 7 in the top row 8 to 14 in the bottom row and whatever number our next man picks Will be put your addition color. Oh another match. Hey, I'm Christopher The 7th Prince of Ireland. How are you tonight? The 7th this Oh the 7th. Ok, so the seventh color which is drumroll That will make a beautiful natural transition shade I Want to get as many colors on my eyes as possible just so that we have a good average of what the men want So I'm gonna turn this into a cut crease it's got two different colors on the lid. Oh Please library when almost my brains, please vibrate He's like, yes. All right, so we got a guy here whose? Profile picture is him with fries all up in his mouth. Let's talk to fry guy Yes, fry guy fry guy just sent me a question though. Nope Fry guy says before I could ask him anything The suspense is killing me he messaged me and said right off the bat I gotta let you know, I'm just here to Oh, Pick a color sir I'm not here for this. This is getting demonetised Jesus Christ. Oh wow, listen, uh this opening line I want someone cool and fun to show me around the City of Angels didn't realize I'd get a chance to have an actual angel Be my tour guide them Fry guy has said green Okay, thank you. I Agree it is Fry guy said this was probably the tightest combo. I've had thank you. Why am I getting mad with 19-year olds tinder? I didn't want 19-year olds. He's very colorful actually mate, perhaps we could talk to him Did you play in field or outfield in Little League? I played bitches. That's it. Oh Thank you for your contribution, so are we getting down to business or what Yes, let's I really need to know if you played In field or outfield if he says that he played in field. I will put the green on the inside outfield Clean on the outside No, I didn't mean to the black that I put in the crease was so black, but now my eyes are just Minty, come on, buddy. You said you wanted to get down to business. Let's get down to business. You're a team Jesus Christ. Oh, Look at him. He's a child We can where is your mother? What are you doing? Stephanie want to smoke and make out in my car? Infielder outfield All right that works green on the infield coming right up We need an outfield color to figure out our outfield color I'm going to ask What I should name my dog based on the names and manny salad This guy's tried really hard first. We got hi then we got Hey then we got my picture with hi then we got how are you doing? Let's play. Hey The one thing I said not to say, okay help me name my next dog. That's cake face Fishy like a pageant queen. I don't know. They're they're just all so good for dog names Please for the love of God you've been so persistent, please just give me an answer All right, we got ourselves an answer. Our man picked kai kai. Oh This is gonna be great perfect You're perfect don't ever change Oh boy those two just don't go together do they There's just no good transition from pink and the green TBH I genuinely tried to blend the side and look it it's just like a that's not good Hmmm let's ask someone if they're a dog or cat person if they say dog person I will do regular eyeliner. If they say cat person. I will do a winged cat eyeliner He ruined it You should have left a good thing. Perfect. You're perfect. Don't ever change. Okay, lol question mark Can i BEEP All of this is gonna have to be bleeped Censored why? Why why this is the one that was like hey, hey, hi. Hey. Hi also, then you could ask that Milady what does one man needs to do to get your attention and the pavement I just need to know one thing my king do they approve most of canines or the domesticated house cat Good. Oh Wait, I got an answer. Yeah I got My lady canines and felines are a must BARK (in background) My lady canines and felines are a must in my day-to-day life WOOF(in background) ripley i swear to god My lady Canines and felines are a must in my day-to-day life as royalty. I own a British bulldog Okay, you chose both I need to I need to We're gonna go dog close enough. He basically said dog We need a colour for underneath my eyes though, it doesn't look complete. There's so much going on up top This person's profile picture has a lot of colors in it pick a color any Color. Oh Come on This dude has a rainbow profile picture I tell him to pick a color any color after referencing his profile picture and he goes blonde. Yep No, okay, but not a hair color. Give me your insta first The guy that has implied that I'm an angel has picked blue. All right fishy. We're going fishy finally very subtle very understated trend-setting experience never been done before Completely original never to be repeated again. I'm sure yeah Because she can't replicate this. You probably wouldn't want to even if you could so don't try this at home I'm funnier when I'm headed it, aren't I? You were supposed to say So I need lashes This is the lash book that I will be choosing from so I need someone to play a numbers game with me again I guess this guy says I know exactly what I want. Great pick a number between One and six four row four. Okay, bro four. Okay now a B C or D We like a responsive queen Why is this ila kind of growing on me though? It is exactly that I started good Yeah. Oh this guy's my soul mate. Whoa All right picking my eyelashes being my soul mate his job description His assistant to the regional manager at Dunder Mifflin paper company. He's in a prom pose with his military Friends and he's saying he's do I shoot I'm in love. Okay, but pick a B C or D Let's get on with it. Come on Dwight. Come on. You were the love of my life? You think he's giving up on me why do all the good ones leave I Don't need this. I don't need this. I got a few other matches 243 waiting I'll ask them so he picked a row for but I'm moving on for what pair of lashes it is Well that man was very cute. I mean matched a creep Henry talky soon Henry Can't tell if people are getting better-looking because I've been doing this for too many hours or I'm finally getting look good They're like this girl's desperate. She's swiping on everybody. Cameron just messaged me Stephanieeee Cameronnnnn A B C or D Cameron picked C. I should have known that was gonna happen because his name is Cameron with a c' excellent choice It's like he's like a fun game fun twisted game applause. So row four one, two, three four Pair C C. Oh, yeah, they're quite pretty where aare my sissors So remember remember I was like all about that Henry and I was like Henry, I will talk to you later Henry has messaged me Stephanie. You're adorable. Let's look at how cute you are All right first picture looking looking cute in that London wait Come on okay. Second picture is with a friend of mine Who I was supposed to get lunch with this week, you know Charlie from charisma on command Wrecked yeah, you know Charlie from charisma on command Maybe he'll be the one person I'm honest with in this whole experiment Maybe some good could come There's gonna be a great conversation starter when I see Charlie though. It's okay T, you know Henry from tinder Mmm, I do he thinks I'm adorable infinite London and like he's gonna think I'm just fangirling over Charlie He's not gonna understand it. This is much funnier and involved than he can even imagine He says he enjoys sipping red wine and going out with friends and playing guitar. I know Charlie plays guitar He might actually be friends with Charlie not just like have met him and did like this guy I watch on YouTube Charlie Yeah, plus they're like out at like a concert venue like they're pals cuz I need an answer out of this I need a resolution. I'm Friends with him too. He's gonna send my picture to Charlie and be like, you know, Stephanie Know they'll be like thank you Henry sent me a message. I guess you could say that. He's my brother Well now I feel like I have to be honest now, I feel weird I'm actually just gonna sound really I'm actually just filming kind of an experiment also. My name's not Stephanie I'm sure I'm making a great first impression He replied. Oh wait, that's the reaction. I always hope to get from a boy. Jesus Christ laughing crying face Are you trolling people on tinder for the video? Trolling is a strong word Catfishing he corrected it too catfishing. I mean, well, it's my real faith since you're the only person I've been Straightforward with and I'm at the end of the video I'd be honored if you'd shows my lipstick color. Gotcha I could have swore this video would be on the horrible shit that men say to girls on tinder Sure, my fav color is blue he knew I was picking lipstick and he went for blue This will be a great finishing touch, you know, what else is Deb I see Charlie twice a year Twice a year we catch up and we have lunch Go figure yeah, are you still up lol? Yes, Josh I am what's up? Why don't you have a profile picture? Josh Josh, I'm concerned with your lack of face. What color hair do you have see where we're going with this? Blond hair blue eyes. All right work on blonde who? Curly or straight? Do you have snapchat? No, bitch. I don't Henry says me and Chuck live together, Chuck Oh, they're on a first name Niq name basis because they're brothers to me and Chuck live together So maybe I'll see you this week. I'll let you get back to your trolling. I've got important babes to find I think that makes me a non important, babe It just went down so many levels I like you Henry I liked you before I knew that you were Charlie's brother Good luck with me important babe hunting I'm not mad. I'm not butthurt. That is the wrong word choice for this video When Josh say straight six feet tall European. Okay, so blonde straight hair. That's the way we're looking for Done and last but certainly not least Blue lipstick chosen by machine. Ooh Look and Babli, this is my final form. This is what men want make no mistake Thank you for the input men of tinder There's been ups there's the downs there's been lulls there's been moments of excitement and there's been shocks Twists and turns at the end of the day. I'm feeling pretty foxy So I think it's time for me to take a new profile picture for tinder and see how many matches I get now hair flip slow-motion I think you're going up there We've picked the winning picture. Let's start swiping see who likes me an instant matches me now. I actually got a match right away So it seems like men don't know what they want Because they pick this and then I get swiped right les You'd like to see a more riveting content like this, please hit subscribe hit the bell notification because they don't always work But if they do they're your best shot of knowing that I uploaded I think the moral of the story is to continue doing the things to your own face that you would like to do for yourself Oh
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 5,875,968
Rating: 4.9640818 out of 5
Keywords: I Let TINDER Pick My Makeup, i let tinder matches pick my makeup, i let google pick my makeup, glam and gore, glam&gore, mykie, mikey, mickey, tinder, tinder makeup, date makeup, i let pick my makeup, google makeup challenge, tinder makeup challenge, mannymua, life's a drag, lifes a drag, lifes a drag palette, lunar beauty, sugarpill
Id: 5vhpgWQiujg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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