I Hosted A Ponziani Chess Tournament

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nine eight okay ponziani arena tournament every game will be ponziani but not every game i'll be white oh i'm playing fm okay oh oops i didn't mean to pre-move that okay so we're gonna um oh this is actually one of the most like sharp challenging lines um black stacks a piece and then takes on f2 it's interesting that we're starting with this um we'll see how prepared my opponent is but bishop e6 is the main move and then queen d5 yeah this gets really really sharp and i think i'm supposed to take on b7 i'm gonna lose a rook after takes takes takes oh castling opponent might be like really prepared here um yeah this is not your typical ponziani like beginner friendly just control the center it's just uh position explodes before move 10. so i'm considering rook g1 actually here but also bishop e3 perhaps the problem with bishop e3 is takes and then rook b8 and b2 can fall yeah i'm leaning towards rook g1 looks kind of scary but i do save the rook i'm temporarily up a piece my king is on e2 and most of my pieces are not developed so at least it'll be interesting yeah this is kind of like a ponziani mixed with a bomb cloud okay now i cut off the bishop from defending the knight the queen is always having a square if it gets attacked yeah i'm not sure if e4 was uh was the best move there because this pawn um i think it's gonna be fixed here for a bit unless black plays this oh okay that's that's some idea forgot that square was accessible [Music] oh my bishop's hit play king d1 maybe there's also no queen e4 would be bad okay so retreating the king um but unleashing the bishop defending this bishop oh some people a lot of people already won their first game good job people yeah this is going to be a shorter arena tournament than normal i'm not sure if i'll be able to win it but the the goal is to have instructive games and uh especially provide some value to the the ponziani fans out there okay now if i take i get forked so probably have to move this way it's also queen d5 actually i kind of like queen d5 just more centralized that way if it takes i can take back with queen c6 is normal and queen f5 now maybe queen here a bit conflicted or even queen here offering a queen trade problem is black can simplify a lot b2 falls in the end i think i'll play queen h5 that way the queen's a bit more out of danger um i still really just want to remove the knight black might go for the line takes takes takes and then maybe i play king c2 i'm probably objectively worse here my opponent's opening preparation was good but it can still get messy especially with time ticking down one player and clear first there's two wins before my first game is even finished logical okay so now it's very tempting just to take and then probably focus on development um it's also bishop no not bishop g5 okay let's take wow that move i didn't see i've rook off one looks logical hitting the queen so both bishops are hanging oh i should have considered just taking threatening mate but then there was g6 a very confusing position okay now i have bishop here bishop e5 uh what is going on i could also if i want to be really brave should i display my bravery allowing a discovery i feel so brave playing this move but my my key pieces are on light squares so bishop can't touch him that's a move bishop four doesn't work i guess queen of three what's material that's scary okay this move so everything's defended take with maybe king oh so i have i have two miners for rook and pawn no i'm up two pieces i have both rooks oh because black didn't take my rook previously i'm just completely winning yeah leech us even tells me oh maybe yeah maybe black went wrong at some point i wasn't really paying attention to material uh don't hurt me i'll just play it safe and i mean eventually i want to win on the king side um play this move first it looks kind of scary but it takes i have takes the time is maybe the bigger issue here but thankfully there's increments i'm kind of botching this okay nice move this simplifies so after takes takes i defend the rook now i'll activate this rook try and win the pawn man i want a game to start the tournament and it don't get skewered there this move and then this move and this move probably oh there's a cool mating idea oh wait it takes maybe there's not have this move check where's my mate i have to play this man this game's taking taking very long it's winning though yeah i give up the bishop and i'll save the knight and then we'll go in for the the kill oh no i messed this up oh no i messed this up no what is this game i'm losing now actually it's still interesting kind of more interesting for black though trying made in one this might be a draw actually there's a funny perpetual queen here and then we draw what's going on here oh that's a good move or is it no it's not yes let's go i'm winning let's go wow what a game i i got the fork wow so that game that game lasts a long time not the best technique from either of us um man that was crazy that's already more than one-fourth of the tournament i'm currently top okay i'm in the top 40. leader has won three games so far man i have to go back and analyze that game at some point if you want to join we have the join command uh which should link you to the tournament okay this time i'm black oh it's my move let's play d5 this is kind of the principled move that um yeah i think d5 d5 and knight f6 are probably the two most common moves but the point is after takes takes there's no knight c3 so queen a4 is playable um i kind of want to play a gambit here i have a vague memory of svidler playing knight f6 against hikaru but i'll admit i haven't looked at this in recent times i think the idea is bishop d6 or is it take as it takes i think it's bishop d6 i'm kind of improvising here um but yeah queen a4 is like the tricky ponziani type move i've played it many times before on stream have some games on youtube um like the the main line is f6 but uh yeah there's a few ways for black to play in the gambit style so opponents taking their time and basically i'm gambling and gamuting two pawns like if white were to take d3 we might even be following this fiddler nakamura game i still have some vague memory of the structure um now i'm probably threatening to take and bishop choose a good move though so perhaps rookie 8 okay now i can consider taking oh i can take and [Music] oh it's tricky though so i'm calculating takes takes takes takes takes takes and then takes takes check the problem is if after kg1 queen h4 there's um queen c8 but maybe that's still playable like just rook b8 d4 respectable about bishop g4 here oh there's a there's a funny line takes and then oh maybe it doesn't work though i was thinking i greek gift but there's bishop f4 in the end defending h2 so i guess i'll take this way and then queen h4 trying to find my my threat here i might just rook lift or i might go for bishop h2 and trying one f2 but i'm kind of getting what i'm um getting what i was hoping for from this opening like speedy development i'm not even down upon and uh yeah light's a bit un underdeveloped on the queen side this move also something to consider oh no my knight i forgot to say that earlier a knight is pinned to the mating square oh oh no my pawn so the move i really want to play is this um let's calculate this this takes takes takes takes if e3 i'll play rook b8 i just want to play this and not blunder my rook happy four months eric hey happy four months thank you rolosus and now yeah now i'm threatening bishop h2 winning the queen on top of that my rook swings in and we're having lots more fun um but am i meeting oh there's a funny move knight h2 so hitting the rook unleashing my rook pinning the pawn threatening queen h3 also threatening knight f3 perhaps and there's just too much pressure here sometimes easy to to miss this move okay so now i guess i'll take and enjoy life this should be three all i'll start lunging f pawn forward yeah now the bishop's trapped attack is raging on that's fun game i guess no matter which color i am i'll try and play oh let's not blunch her rook that's very sneaky uh can i save it let's just play rook f8 bishop's still trapped if knight e4 i take and hit stuff oh opponents being resourceful queen takes would have pinned my pawn love from sudan hey i love you too welcome yeah i'm not sure how many sudanese viewers i have um could probably check on youtube there's got to be at least a few okay um how to do this i just want to threaten mate the knight's annoying let's get rid of it i should make lou for my king at some point because i want to do i want to take on e3 and then sack and mate hard to defend e3 if i were white i would play queen d8 hoping to um separate the queen um okay let's play this there might be some nice queen sack made eventually or some nice flag win okay okay so two out of two but games are taking longer than i would like but okay still having some some interesting fights okay so we're gonna play the same line it would be funny if my opponent played what i just played f6 okay main move yeah this is one of the better lines for black but you still kind of have to know what you're doing because the development is a little bit awkward bishop e6 oh this is bringing back memories um one of my first times playing in an over the board tournament i played against gary and he also played bishop e6 which i don't think is is a great move it's playable but the bishop sometimes ends up being a target i'm wondering if i can play c4 and d5 probably start with c4 just hitting the queen like more often the bishop is better on d7 just to neutralize the pin hola arthur hnn yeah welcome everyone if you're just joining the stream i am running a a ponziani viewer tournament uh something a bit different than usual okay so now i have two threats to take the pawn and to play d5 not easy to defend black's gonna have to lose some material here oh the queen and rook attacked my bishop very tricky so maybe knight c3 hitting the rook defending the bishop hitting the pawn not scared of rook g5 and i'd probably take with this knight and keep developing okay so this knight really defends everything i'm up a piece and a lot of great potential to attack the black queen just given the opposite side casting situation kind of want to play this move let's play this move hit the queen feel like my next several moves will be just direct attacks or initiative now i develop the bishop of tempo i might end up taking and going for knight b5 i think still knight b5 so i'm threatening the pawn oh i could have taken the pawn directly but this is maybe trickier because i'm threatening to fork and then this pawn is also a target that's a move though play this move turning mate so yeah three attackers only one sad defender if rook c6 i fork um [Music] play b4 want to play b5 the knights pin to the c7 pawn and yeah this opens the file you can take this starting mate and bishop block the queen from defending and probably just have time for a few more games after this one um just keep the pressure threatening to take man strong chest mood is so strong 22 points okay there goes all box pieces okay pleasant game had one of those like mainline kind of sharp opening positions um got the early tactics oh goodbye to stokkvis yeah thanks for stopping by you know it's probably work hours in europe right now so a lot of people still uh a lot of people above me yeah first place was played like the most amount of games okay oh uh not too much oh it's my move let's play f5 aggressive move it's it's so it's um it's easy to forget black moves first in the sort of thematic tournament also got distracted from the kind complement play queen f6 so f5 it's kind of a an offbeat gambit but still very playable i think i just win a pawn here interesting develop with check i should maybe should have considered queen c5 there's queen d4 let's slide slide over okay pleasant position i want to play d5 soon this is actually very pleasant even though my king's still in the center i'm gonna build up a a very strong center just with the pawns white still a bit underdeveloped very pleasant pawn chain i also gave room for my bishop to retreat if necessary oh there will be more don't worry i might uh yeah at some point i'll probably do like a longer ponziani viewer tournament i made this one shorter just because candidates are starting very soon actually it starts in about 10 minutes um let's develop but you can still late join that's the great thing about uh these arena tournaments even if you show up late you can still play a few games kind of like this move get the rook involved keeping the pawns together if queen a4 check i play king f8 king is reasonably safe we might see this move i probably just want to keep advancing i have two center pass pawns this is my my fake castling effort i might have very few squares to move to and d3 will come man this is so much fun just keep pushing the center pawns um don't want to get too carried away or do i let's keep pushing oh okay let's get the knight involved jake with queen i wanted to play this but then takes with check um hey it's smothermate let's go okay that was a fun finish not every day you get two pawns so deep into the opponent's territory um pretty early in the middle game too okay playing black um let's play knife six haven't played this yet i thought you cared i do i just uh i sleep at not right now i sleep at different times let's take here i'm gonna play the same line my um my first opponent played against me this bishop c5 variation the bishop e3 it's um probably just a little bit worse for white in this move but thanks for the ten dollars eric's sleep schedule i slept from like 2 p.m to 11 p.m it's hard to have like consistency but uh i am getting enough sleep so i'm awake right now making the european and asian viewers happy let's um yeah let's go for this so if g3 i take because of the h file pin the battery pin if my h5 if the plug was still on h7 the queen would defend the rook effectively but yeah now everything is kind of crumbling for white so i'm up the exchange and [Music] a pawn oh no da i miss that oh no i'm losing too c6 doesn't work or does it i could try c6 just to maybe confuse my opponent ah i'm in trouble don't hurt me i'm worse here if white plays the right move hmm yeah white should have taken the rook and then threatened rook h8 but now i take and everything is a-okay queenside castle here too defend the pawn i was a small scare it's like kind of falling down a flight of stairs but landing on my feet i feel like a cat but cats don't really fall down stairs they more just like fall out of windows and then come out unscathed okay let's go for the mating idea um got two more moves away from meat not forcing by any means but oh actually i am threatening i was running made in two with rookie two ah i'm getting for it okay not the highest quality game oh thanks for the bits nasaki and joshua this is a good thing about being up so much material you can blend your stuff and still be up a sufficient amount okay so now the plan is this this and meat okay running made in two here there we go okay i think we'll have time for one more game yeah not going to finish in first good job to strong chess mood winning games quickly but it's fun um like i actually like the concept of doing a thematic viewer tournament i was inspired by the hikaru staffer tournament so i think i might do more of these because it makes for more kind of specific youtube content as well um okay let's play queen a4 and for future ones i'll i'll try and promote them while i have time this was a bit more spontaneous um okay so this line i can take the bishop and then take on e4 and be up a pawn apply some pressure and keep queens on the board i could have traded a lot of stuff but focus on development so one of the drawbacks with ponziani is like queen side development's a little bit slower than usual but as long as you can get d4 in um here it looks like i can take queen takes i would win that play this move interesting knight c4 there's also this move what to do i'll play this move looks a little bit risky i still have this move i'll play this first hitting the bishop improving the knight get the king safe still debating whether to throw in the check i think now it makes sense because i'll take with night threatening this which is not easy to stop because i'm also preventing oh that's a move well played for my opponent oh no the back rank everyone's considering it that queen here would be a blunder because uh i would take and then rook f1 now i oh it's not meeting though queenie for a good defensive move i was trying to debate my opponent there let's play h3 it's kind of backfiring now oh i'm down a pawn but i do have a slightly safer king oh it's getting a bit messy it's hard to exploit the black king this move check man how to do this my argument will be that the pawn count isn't as important as king safety so lock could potentially be up two pawns actually both of our kings are are a bit unsafe so this this could be a crazy finish to the tournament i might be threatening queen a5 now it's less powerful probably still queen a5 though a simple way to attack the pawn i mean i wanted to play rook a3 but then i get mated it's really hard to judge this position um and black does have to defend there's rook b7 and rookie seven or some queen move queen moves i could trade and win f7 is actually kind of interesting just going to a rook ending this seems wrong because i'm still down a pawn but the thing is it's hard for black to defend the c pawn and my rooks activate really quickly um that's also important i can take and defend which i think i want to do [Music] there is another idea though there's actually a crazy idea in this position to allow takes here now i want to take and defend so i don't give the black black option of taking hmm that's still really tricky though okay there's kind of a crazy line which i'm trying to to figure out determine has officially ended okay here i start with checking and then this move this should be winning for white threatening made in one or made in two i guess so black's gonna have to resort to being passive and then it's a typical end game situation when you control the seventh rank with the rooks but you're not quite meeting um let's take this way threatening made in one i'll put the rock the rook back on g7 to defend and now i win the pawn and everything's safe now king's cut off the spawn's defended life is good thank you shane no nellis gifting a sub okay so we'll threaten this move again yeah sometimes the best way to win a position like this is just patience and slowly but surely i'll march the pawns forward i just want to play h5 the king will kind of find shelter between the rooks and pawns i'm basically guarding the king along the the ranks or the the rank and the file or the file in the rank um so we see the same pattern of it's kind of like a caterpillar like the way a caterpillar moves like you you inch up like you expand and then contract okay that was pleasant a caterpillar endgame technique um there was an interesting moment which i was trying to figure out when i took on c7 black has a move rook g2 engine is just saying draw um which i would probably trust but it gets kind of weird because um first of all if i take then we just trade brooks and this should be a drawn ending but i was calculating uh check here check here and then this with idea that after here here and whichever rook checks i move to f1 and then there's no more check on f2 and i thought i might have chances here to win but engine still just says it's a draw because there's no great way like this just trades oh nice to hear yeah thanks to everyone who played the tournament it is it is uh officially over uh we'll get some more confetti if you ever start your own newspaper you should call it the rows and columns oh wait is that a pun or is that just a genuine suggestion the rosin columns well thanks for the suggestion zan man uh and yeah thanks to the 382 people who competed good job to strong chess mood and bulti bultsy 1796 an intuition pump um oh i finished outside of top top 10. um yeah i had some fun games i'll probably put the whole thing on youtube um nice to have kind of a series of of ponziani games from from both perspectives too from white and black
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 184,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, Chess.com, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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