Top 8 Chess Mistakes

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hi everyone this is kevin from the chess website calm everyone makes mistakes in chess even though we tried not to some are easier to avoid than others but every player is going to make mistakes today we're going to be looking at the top eight mistakes that chess players make especially you're going to see these a lot more with beginner players more experienced players tend to try to avoid these as much as possible but without further ado the top eight chess mistakes that players make the first mistake a lot of players make is to bring out their queen way too early in the match they recognize that the queen is the most powerful piece so they play Pawnee for Pawnee five and then immediately bring their queen out to h5 hoping that their opponent makes a mistake you know they could play Knight here to f6 attacking the Queen and then all of a sudden Queen here to e5 gobble up some material and then check the King the problem is if your opponent has any sense of what you're doing they just start developing their other pieces correctly Knight to c6 great development moves Center the board controlling this square here then we see Bishop here to see form trying to trap the opponent with the Queen here to f7 but then all of a sudden pawn to g6 then the Queen comes back here to f3 because still want to try to trap your opponent here on f7 and then Knight to f6 all of a sudden black is developing his board very very easily white on the other hand is just trying to bring his coin everywhere in this queen is now blocking the knight from getting involved so whenever you're playing try not to bring you're coming out very early unless you have a really really good reason to and more times than not you're not going to have a good reason the next mistake I see a lot is players not focusing on the center of the board pani for upon a five-night f3 and then pawn to h5 this is an extreme example but you can see black is not even trying to focus on the center of the board you always want to try to control the center that's where everything stems from so you're just gonna have a much easier time if you focus on the center don't try from the wings you definitely can try to control with your minor pieces but don't start moving your pawns on the edge of the board early on it's going to be very very bad for you the next mistake players make is forgetting to Castle now castling does a few things one it keeps you from having your king and the center of the board just getting chased around everywhere but it gives your King safety it also gets one of your major pieces involved into the action the rook they're very powerful but they start on the corners of the board and you have to try to get them involved into the game or they just kind of sit there and they don't do any good for you so castling that only protects you but gets your rook involved into the game a little quicker so make sure that for the most part you're always castling again there are a few rare exceptions but best practice especially if you're a beginner always castle another huge mistake people make is not protecting their King the pawns in front of your king are very very valuable it's okay to make some moves like pawn here to h3 this kind of stop some of the points like the knight coming here to g4 that's completely okay but you can take this too far some players let's say Bishop to d7 they'll start to push forward pawn here to g4 castle on the kingside pawn appear to g5 they really want to force this knight to move but it's come at the expense of all of the safety in front of this King the White King it's in a corner and it has no defense eventually it will fall so make sure that you treat the pawns in front of your king with the utmost importance they are really there to protect your King at all cost so make sure again if you lose your King you lose the game so make sure you protect your king the next mistake I see a lot of people make is not thinking about their opponents plan you should always have a plan when you play but it's equally important to think about what your opponents trying to do look at this board state if Queen plays Queen here to H for a couple things happening one this queen is threatening this pawn here on H to four check has protection from the bishop here Queen can immediately take here on h4 if White's not careful white may think this is a blunder by the Queen on h4 but white has to keep in mind that blacks plan is really to have all the focus look over here because this Queen is actually protecting the square here on b1 if white comes over here and takes on h4 all of a sudden White's going to lose with rook here to b1 again this is a very simple example but always think about what your opponent's trying to do and not just be tunnel vision on what you're trying to do it'll definitely improve your game a lot another mistake a lot of players make is moving their minor pieces more than once in the beginning without any reason now sometimes you may move that piece because you're capturing a piece or because you're setting up a trap and it's going to end up being good for you but sometimes players just move their pieces over and over without any rhyme or reason so you may play pawn here to d3 Knight f6 moving you're not up here to g5 there's no rhyme or reason right now you're not trying to set up an attack you don't have any other pieces attacking pawn here to f7 Bishop here to East seven Knight involved pawn moving the knight back here to f3 Castle the knight comes back here to d2 just kind of moving your knight around this is definitely going to be bad you can see Black has a much better position here than white why she's kind of moving all of his Knights around doesn't have any of his other pieces developed as a couple moves away right now three moves away from actually castling his King getting King safety so black has the upper hand where white kind of started in the game so make sure you move your pieces towards the center of the board you control but then don't move them again unless you have a very good reason to another big mistake that beginners make is taking a easily one in game and turning it into a still mates or a draw and it may look like this white obviously ahead we can all tell gonna be an easy in game but because they rush things all of a sudden Queen to f5 kind of forcing the King into a corner which is exactly what white needs to do here the King's gonna come here to h8 and then King to f8 and unfortunately this is a drawn game black is not in check and he can no longer move and so this is going to be a draw game white does not win this so need to be a little bit more careful as far as how white plays you don't always have to check your opponent but make sure that if he's not in check he does have a square or remove the he can make so you don't end up with a stalemate because this is very very frustrating the last mistake I see players make is to fall for traps now traps are always fun to play especially if you're laying the trap but beginners they're just not familiar with them now we've all kind of tried the basic ones the pawn to e4 pawn e5 get your queen involved into the game and then after Knight to c7 or Knight to c6 get your bishop involved and then just hope and pray that they play something on the Queen side so you can come down here Queen to f7 checkmate you win very very quickly the game is over but a lot of times they're a lot more subtle Pawnee for Pawnee five we get into the Berlin defense and then all of a sudden your opponent plays something really weird they play Knight to g4 and then you play pawn to h3 trying to just kick their knight back because this looks kind of weird and they play pawn to h5 you take their Knight and kind of chuckle and then they play pawn to g4 and you essentially lose the game and you're just like man I just don't understand what happened there Queens come here to h4 after they move your knight and then you're just going to lose and so you look at this like the fishing pole trap here and say man this is a tough way to go so always important to be familiar with some of the traps one because they're fun to play yourself but then too you just don't want to fall for them and usually if you can stop the trap you will end up with a better game so always want to make sure there are a lot of videos on the website the chess website comm so look at some of those traps and make sure you're familiar with them you definitely don't want to be falling for some of these traps so again these are the top bait mistakes I see from chess players that they make in their own games especially a beginner so make sure you try to avoid these and if you see your opponent's playing these hopefully you can take advantage and win a lot more games thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: thechesswebsite
Views: 2,735,691
Rating: 4.8409605 out of 5
Keywords: chess mistakes, chess blunders
Id: KzG-mJgj-E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2015
Reddit Comments

nice very basic starter lessons, but not for intermediate or advanced.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/SayNoToWar 📅︎︎ May 14 2015 🗫︎ replies

I just realized that thechesswebsite has more subscribers than any other chess-related youtube channel

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Jester_Don 📅︎︎ May 14 2015 🗫︎ replies

So what IS the best response here? Looks like a fairly nasty situation for white.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Managore 📅︎︎ May 15 2015 🗫︎ replies

But I love me some queens gambit

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/temp_jits 📅︎︎ May 15 2015 🗫︎ replies

click link. See stupid King's gambit position. Think: "Top 8 Chess Mistakes to avoid #1: Don't play the stupid King's gambit. Play a good opening instead." But then he talks about not bringing out your queen early. Oh well. Pretty sure John Bartholomew should watch this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 15 2015 🗫︎ replies

can any high rated player vouch for this guy? he doesn't reveal his rating anywhere which makes me suspicious!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Robax31 📅︎︎ May 15 2015 🗫︎ replies
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