I Sacrificed My Queen 39 Times Against Alexandra Botez

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anyway hello to both chats and hello to my chat as well yeah hi everyone in Eric's chat I'm guessing people who are watching you are cheering for you and people who are watching me are also cheering for you because that's the way it usually goes in my channel it's hope so yeah I mean they have to cheer for the underdog right yeah do you want to tell people a little bit about the format yeah sure so we're gonna be playing a first two 20 wins the most important rule is that I have to sacrifice a queen before move 10 which should be interesting you you can sacrifice your queen whenever though it's more than welcome thank you I just wanted to clarify that on my end yeah so first first two 20 wins will be playing 10 blitz games to start out and then the rest of the games will be bullets and yeah it should be it should be interesting have you prepared at all or you're just going on to it give you that information okay mr. Rosen let's hoping to have some some secret Intel but I know I'm not gonna say anything let me keep it all in here okay fair enough and we are going to be playing for a $500 prize fund we're gonna be splitting it 70/30 so you know at least we're gonna give Eric something for his really sad not a valiant effort to be should see you and my friends momentarily oh okay trust me uhm Chesapeake and I also start the first game for us oh sweet okay perfect all right so I'll talk to you later okay fine everything you know bye good luck meeting myself okay all right thanks everyone for the supports all the new Suggs let's let's focus okay this is my my first opening prep I'm gonna try the Aman Hamilton gambits unbeatable opening I think this is the best way to sack a queen hopefully you got two pieces for it I mean Bishop f4 is a main move I'll be disappointed if she plays something else and then just trades and then waits for the Queen sack I'm very happy five hundred dollars I'm not sure talkie it could be someone anonymous or it could be a combination of donors yeah this is actually really nice this is a triple fork I feel like I feel like I'm on Hamilton right now now this what if she if she plays Bishop c3 Bishop before Queen d2 takes takes okay she's playing Knight c3 so I'm very happy with this cuz rookie you want I'll take on c3 or I move six are you I have four more moves to sack my queen there we go Oh Tess gambit number one and I'll take here starting like c4 oh let's develop I was squad stream did she accept my I sent her the invite but maybe we'll work on that later I have to stay focused there's money on the line Amman Hamilton actually played this in a st. Louis Invitational Tournament against Steven's ER with black like raid a feed a rated game and almost drew they got to like a table of a strong position and a four-four kind of scary let's be safe I'm on eventually lost in like over 100 moves I want to put the bishop here dark sorry Bishop is actually quite quite nice in this position III is weak I have ideas 95 yeah maybe night 95 anyway need Bishop here I'll develop I'm trying to align my mind bishops with whites more powerful pieces c5 may be coming but c5 I can take it now f5 ideas a5 is a major threats I'll so I'm up a a minute this is good start mmm I 5 immediately I have time to think here I mean at 593 I promise of white wants to play a 5 to be a little bit cautious not if I doesn't work mmm I could do this she looks reasonable if this I can take it I think at this point it's just about not getting mated for the next like minute or two I still want to playing out of five it doesn't quite work maybe this move I grass would move yeah G choose a target at five is still a threat I'm also dreaming of like meeting along with rook h6 eventually oh oh there's so many moves oh this looks so fun let's play this move because now III is attacked and I'm preparing the rook lifts with hopefully eventually checkmate c5 ooh c5 okay I can just take that I'm still dreaming of this hmm okay D files nice there's a lot of nice things here play this move okay now I have ideas of meeting all this could be so nice I'm threatening Nate in 1 2 3 let's take a pawn and then here oh no that hangs and nights oh wow she tricked me but I have this move and then this move ok life is still good now life is very good I could take a pawn oh the rook was hanging but Knight is powerful let's play c4 toss pawns meant to be pushed I know she is fast she does play a lot of bullets well then go for mates oh let's take a look ok ah let's do this move ooh wow ok takes and then takes and then where's my mates this is a move okay Wow okay that was a good starts happy with that it shows the score right here so it's 1 to 0 let's play okay I'm gonna play III this is part in developing ok this is no longer opening preparation wood bit I don't know what this is it's moved 3 I have to sack the Queen somehow I could turn the meat with Bishop c4 but if I I can't meet before I sack my queen okay I'll develop I mean the goal is to get like two minor pieces for the Queen but I mean g4 okay I don't want to take too much time here as well I was hoping together rook for the Queen okay I think I'll do this in a second b7 and then I'll treat it like a hippo kind of Bishop coming here upon coming to d5 okay let's be a bit more solid she's playing very quickly okay I have to keep up the pace so I have a queen for a bishop or I have a live a bishop for a queen not the best trade ever I've might see six ideas this could be nice yeah the thing about being down material is I think sometimes you just have to pretend you're knock down material and try your best 96 I have the option here I think I will play Knight c6 even black at SAC I'll have a rook for the Queen another thing about being town material you just don't want to trade like that much so it probably makes sense for locked maybe sax on something back okay my knight is doing work at 95 so I'm not trading got away with winning upon there I don't like f4 soon yeah I mean I should probably avoid trading again play this move as I'm sneaky maybe I can attack like the previous game mmm that's a good move I could play g3 I don't want files to open maybe i5 that's playoff five and this is another strategy is just keep the position as close as possible I'm I think I'm happy with this I was just moved to idea at six mm-hmm promise c-4 is coming don't play this move first I'm trying to be flexible and then II for most likely before it's anti positional but I think it's necessary 94 well it's what you for I know c4 will come I'll just try and weather the storm yeah let's play a g4 soon before let's put the Ohno and let's not do that let's do this first in c3 as possible hey I won Kinect for this is gonna be a time scramble but I'm not so disappointed in the position wow what a position look at this position she wants to play Bishop g5 preventing Bishop g5 my whole my whole Queen side is gonna fall it's kind of sad mmm let's play this oh dear okay I'm losing a rook play this move there's still attacking potential though kind of don't play off six never play off 6f6 just kills my whole attack okay that's also difficult to deal with takes takes takes g5 do I do it I'll do it for the emotes yeah we're trading yeah this ship goes back Brooke here whoa it's it's bits this g5 bits this is difficult long time please maybe three yes when the Queen back the counter votes a scam it go in ooh good move I'll try and stop the thing yeah still me ah this checkmate wow what a game oh I had my chances that game good good game boat s it game well I won the Queen how many times in this match boy I win the Queen don't think it'll happen too often well the game okay do I repeat the same opening not sure g3 smart move let's play mmm I see six okay I have an idea I'm gonna say take on on b2 with the Queen uh-huh she doesn't let me let's move five I'll play this move the very least I can take on he too waiting for the night to move oh she's gonna play d3o d4 okay let's play yeah Queen takes e - coming I feel so wrong to do this so wrong if I did it each five okay Queen odds time let's play let's play a five a four I can just Castle I'm trying to be solid Lulu can move play Knight g4 if f3i Fork Wow Connect four but I have an outpost string the Knights I mean I have some squares to work with maybe bring the Knight to f5 again time is very relevant I'm gonna try and get up on time I have an outpost it should be for interesting well I could no I can't take twice because there is a pin but the bishop also defends my planners rooked Yeats and then takes let's start with rook to e8 watcher take on g6 if takes on g6 I fish about five and end trapping the Queen who takes first I'll take with rook ooh the grass would move what did you I mean I can probably make sense to take first ok sneaky threats well she wants to meet me oh let's play this move and then this move my bishop defends well position still feels kind of solid I'm down a queen my Knights pinned to the h8 square should be three oh good move did this move my Queen side is crumbling attack the bishop I want to win the pawn maybe maybe take first it's with night hmm why not if I first keep the tension idea in 93 also g3 is weak it's gonna be another I feel like it's gonna be another time scramble interesting let's take this what comes to the fifth Frank I'll be very happy takes and rookie - okay I have I still have a night for the Queen but I have lots of counterplay this is looking nice Rick do you want prevented rooks defend each other even though clean attacks both rooks pawn and boots thanks for subbing okay let's attack Wow if this move just have to watch out for counter play but does this take stakes let's pin trying to win 38 mm rook t3 again this is nice Queen Oh Queen check I move here threatening this yeah Knights pinned Oh where's my mates check where's my mates looking for mate I could take this looks so fun I'd have three coming plenty of time I can take here oh look at this mates oh it's not me yeah the Queen defends from a distance but oh she didn't wait that's not me oh this is me okay Oh Queen takes g2 as possible but um okay two two one that was nice III kept pieces on the board and got the attack eventually let's play this again she's not giving me fun stuff h4 win bits the wing bits thanks for the win bits hmm no this I should have done more preparation in this phase cuz I'm not sure how to sack my queen maybe I should get the dark squared bishop mm-hmm thinks people I should develop let's develop okay I'm sacking my queen like this oh she didn't take it wait I tried to sack my queen I I want the bishop not the Knights um I guess I can do this move ten is approaching I really tried there okay I guess I'll sack it for a night this is move nine well that's so sad I liked how she premisis she pre moved Bishop takes c6 I knew what was coming okay let's play this time is very bad I spent way too much time in the opening phase okay let's play this move I'll push a pawn again I don't want to trade pawns trading pawns will open lines and this is this applies to any position where you're down material you just want to avoid open lines keep the position closed the bishop here and she's going for the tack rightfully so i king h2 g4 is a weakness g5 on g5 good move let's play they this move I mean it looks so grotesque but maybe I'm I mean I'm kind of this is my bomb shelter don't play the bomb isn't strong or so strong but okay I'm still defending 94 trying to avoid the trades you see for coming connect for just got here you can see the score right here so it's two to one I do have light square control my nights are relatively happy 95 eventually afters covered I mean it probably makes sense for her to play rock up to Limerick g2 I'm very happy with my nights also this is probably a really good move but one of the issues it's easy for black to just be materialistic so hold on to all the material and with that approach that you can be harder to find plans all right look I've won but I'll have to trade off a pair of rooks okay let's play this move along with the king d4 now let's play this move maybe a 5 and she's seeking time know it's hard to find a plan for luck oh that's her plan mm-hmm it's hard to find a plan for me to probably just have to wait I'll try and discourage a six draw okay why play-fi myself I got the diagonal now let's do that we'll tack this is gonna be a dance-off like neither of us really have plans but now okay she's doing something on the queenside Oh Fork okay the fork Knights has emerged I'll take and then take here I want to do this in this that's hard to do let's do this move a five keeping the time advantage let's play this move okay open file I want to play rook f1 so I'm working both sides of the board I'll good move what you do I bring the rook back let's bring oh I have a knight Knight check not sure what that does didn't do anything play this move I'll dance around for a little bit ooh kini what is this later smooth transition to the Queen side I'll play this move Oh skewer Oh and fork now my bishop is strong I don't want to trade that off oh but there's rook takes a five okay tin plates okay pass pawn over the queen sac okay okay survives all right I'm building up confidence building up confidence I was funny of that game she's in tears take my queen the first time and kept the bishop what's the playing it's not f3 all the time starts running it's 96 leads h3 the hyper-modern lafawn oh it doesn't take it what's okay I want to UM just take it okay fine I'll take it oh let's play this okay hippo time brace yourself for the hippo yeah okay so guaranteed close position she's gonna do stuff let's undeveloped avoiding trades with all costs three interesting okay read Zavala hmmm I think it would benefit me if the diagonal opens this is like the whole point of why I wanted to trade the Queen for a bishop a smart move well okay I'm fine also closing the position I'll probably play a c6 and yeah my bishop will be sad but my king will be cozy any eights okay I think she forgot about this move yeah let's develop a castle yeah what wants to push pawns hmm yeah b4 is coming it's very hard to stop an e4 b5 so let's play c6 and just whether the pawn storm thanks for the Sun far far far welcome back for three months let's play Bishop to c4 outpost for the bishop so what's material oh I have two minors and two minors for a queen that makes me slightly happy let's play lyric b7 or carrying double-up good move play this move it b5 I can take it I think c4 bad Oh 95 oughta move okay at least I'll get the d5 square for the Knights ha this is difficult though and b5 so strong I'll play this move my minor pieces are not really doing much apart from this Knight forgot about that I have this move on developing again I want to take the pawns a week let's see four is gonna fall at some points Brooke Burke b7 I have to trade interesting there is a queen bee fives a threat Queen B 5 rook c7 as I've rook not sure what to do here like King age 7 any 5 yeah mm-hmm h4 this is difficult I'm trying just have to create like some defense some fortress like 97 and everything defends everything that's by h4 I only get a night off for in the 93 yeah that move hurts me play this move it's still alive okay I'm going for the King side attack because what else to do yeah okay should be seven this is terrifying please take up on AHA let's play this mmm oh I can take this and I lose a thing I have to go for this okay tricky idea uh check check let's try this and then g4 and Knight f3 I'm so close to meeting but not quite am I getting made in here I think I'm getting mated house it's so sad um Bishop here only try hoping for stylename now aha another queen how many queens you need uh I'll check know how the pong is pins oh I guess that was technically a queen sack at the end okay good game botas is it oh it's three to two okay so I still have a lead I mean the games are closed like every single game there's no Givens to change at the opening a little bit I like this idea though how she's countering mind you whoa it's mop rail with bits okay let's play this move thanks so much more peril 5,000 bits well let's not get distracted I have to focus g4 I could take the thing immediately let's play in s3 mm play well maybe I can do this stuff let's try this stuff move six and thank you a squire is 94 subbing she's not giving me any counter play um like g5 I guess I'm trying to be aggressive trying to orchestrate some kind of Queen sac I probably should take ya taking upon takes there's not expecting that okay we're gonna have a post set up again I lost several Tempe moving my queen but it's hippo time I five five probably good move its castle play did this move preparing before okay I'm just trying to be solid I have a knight for a queen have all my pawns yeah I don't want the position to open up a five good move let's play okay let's play this move trades are coming they're very hard to stop I'm calculating takes takes Bishop f5 Bishop g5 what's the boat s candids Lotus gambit is when you sack a queen for questionable conversation there's a Wikipedia article about it I think this is uncomfortable let's play a four idea of rook lifting her on on him thanks for so Eric I am not here very often but love to watch your content oh thanks so much welcome to twitch yeah if you're just joining I'm not interacting with the chat too much I do appreciate the new subs oh but we're having a match I need six preparing it's very hard to defend the pawn actually another strong move c3 okay I'm gonna play c3 it gambits a pawn but maybe my rook will be happy on the open files I think it's better oh that's a good move - whatcha do takes and before as well let's do this first this move okay so I have initiative I attack the bishop in the pawn if the knight comes here I'll attack both these pawns ah I have this move okay I feel some momentum to watch out for ninety three and my three really hard to stop both of them should move the bishop there should be three down a little bit of time Rick do you on coming oh this this position is much better than it was a few moves ago mmm yeah this move I did before or bishops III played before first question the existence of the night all good move aha okay Ricky - yeah I lost a pawn I want to win this pawn though another good move Bishop c4 coming now the king is actually a little bit unsafe for black I've uh I've a bishop for a queen bishop for Queen and pawn but two bishops white squares we idea this this and then this and then this check ooh let's start with makes you five takes takes oh it looks so fun I've heard you sack so many pieces oh I can't resist like g5 coming mmm check oh look so much fun where's the meat though I'm almost other pieces okay idea Rick h1 h1 they are there let's play push me - ah I forgot f cheese hanging don't meet me there don't me me no yes she's so fast open I'm faster okay oh well the crazy game I was crazy position I thought I had meat but I was getting mail it almost but then dirty flag okay fortune - so we played we play ten you play ten blitz games total yeah so this is our our seventh blitz game and I can do math and the rest will be boy games okay she's tilted looks like well does this move let's play this move well it's my first time oh she's doing things it's play in this Muji oh thank you only pong she's giving me so many moves in a row I don't know where my queen is going but it's gonna go somewhere Thanks taggi and thanks lonely pawn lay twin bits the late win is better than no in um let us move anyway maybe I'll sack on f2 oh I have idea never mind she's in play she's confusing me okay I have to take enough - very soon it's interesting like she's not letting me sack for any pieces so I'm gonna have to sack for a pawn Wow not even letting me sack enough to I guess I'll play Queen 86 oh no my queen she didn't take it though wait what let's move eight what do i do how do i sack my queen for something um c5 I guess okay because White's not grabbing space I guess I'll grab space I'm sure there's a random people on chest comm watching this game and not realizing the nature of the match okay now I can take the thing let's play lacy for first idea to play this in this there's already like light square conversation and whites not fully developed before okay let's go for the kill I wonder if before is a mess up because b3 it was more intuitive let's castle let me do this okay check hmm I mean this Bishop is almost as strong as a queen right you just have to get a Knight to e2 let's move back that's good move and g5 when in doubt play g5 v e5 and I'm fighting for his face White's pieces a little bit questionable play this move later I'll play f5 try and win Connect four oh she wants to try my bishop hey there I mean okay I'll start with this deserving Bishop e7 interesting I could play e4 yeah II for cuz now if I for I take on g4 otherwise I want to take and place an Ivor Bishop on e4 yeah I've had a few games where it's been a bow test gambit declined but I basically forced I force the boat s gambit upon the boat s okay I'm feeling very happy like White's pieces I mean the sorrow of whites pieces brings me happiness what should you I mean things are defended a five and six not sure you always playoff six I think ideas to play rookie six okay time is very relevant there's about five yeah I'm not trading G for tricky hmm I want to play off five soon hey she had her chance to play off five down a little bit of time very close position I could trade queen is infiltrating oh this is uncomfortable the night was hanging for a while their house this is very uncomfortable she's playing very well Oh No ah what do I do you still may me ah wow I was feeling good and then man she she went full beast mode okay I'm still up 100 that's so disappointing especially with the way the opening wins ok d3 again mmm okay I'll prevent g6 mmm she might still play g6 and now now I've prepared her in the opening this is great I'll play quick moves she's using same strategy unfortunately so the idea is to sack here mmm hey this first let's move six play this move hey okay yeah let's do this this is nice I'll play the hippo again play a three and a ch3 trying to keep up the tempo each for idea h5 and then rock h4 rock lifts mmm that's like f4 there should be five is a move also this is a move Bishop e5 there should be five Ola trades at some point okay yeah yeah let's push a beep on idea night b3 okay time is good pawns defended its by tagging you can do it thanks dougie let's play always play Bishop that flowing Oman oh my pawn it wasn't actually hanging let's bring the rook back yeah good maneuver what's my plan a for I guess I should've seen one oh good move mmm that hurts to do this move yeah now this is unfortunate all the pawns are falling oh my gosh oh that's so bad I mean I'll try and survive my only hope is time okay let's play this move play Bishop here aligned with the king and the bishop idea rook c1 I just have to pretend everything's okay Bishop a3 played this move she's playing extra safe it's probably good strategy oh good move ooh interesting I have I have this move I just moved two things are heating up let's do this move idea to play 96 later ooh the counter boat s gambit what does this takes I have to not trade too much I should have won mmm play this move skewer well it's getting weird again defend the Knights and this is really bad for me but outside chance of hope I have to believe in myself play play this move down so much the thing like I think that was a smart decision to sack the Queen at the right time I can take this oh this is still interesting well maybe it's just still bad for me take stakes let's take here have lots of Clare bishops mm take here oh oh not getting needed yet I don't think oh good move ah stalemate me please please please please tell me me crazy rook let's go crazy rook I have to be careful though check crazy rook check how crazy Brookes not going to last oh that's so sad ah crazy rook died I'll free pawn which pawn no I got me the Wow such a close finish - good game late well they came off really fought I had a crazy rook it didn't last though go Eric yeah kudos - so I bow ties for seeing the stalemate trick yeah I think even objectively the physician was was lost when I had the crazy rook okay so we have two more two more games play you six this time also thanks for the bits a KD 707 let's go for scholars meets ah she saw it oh let's play this move mm-hmm let's move five and I get the most for my queen oh that's good move I'm gonna have to sack the Queen for a pawn it's second f2 I'll stock enough to so pawn and rook for Queen and night the problem is like some trades so could simplify the bit okay night C for ideas good move okay I'll while the trade so to bishops in to rooks that's gonna be quite difficult always play off six some g5 ideas hmm I'm pawns are smiling who takes takes what b5 I think in this case because I have extra Brooke I do want like an open file to work with everyone I'll play rook c8 I am looking forward to bullets yeah it should be interesting and bullets going to be a mud throwing fest um I can castle never too late to castle connect the rooks close down the position I could take two maybe I will take I think I could take though them takes on c4 okay that's something rook is coming through a 93 I Bishop d6 there's tactics I have to be aware of though what they work on a 4 rook still has influence that's a good move so I have to take and play g5 the bishop here you can take on a - let's put the bishop here first I wanna play see it I'm fine repeating you were k3 let's play this move some idea of Bishop g1 hmm maybe for not seeing a clear plan I'll swing the rook is why not that's when the other I still have time time advantage okay I don't want to take play what to do play g4 turning this it is getting interesting takes takes yeah I really don't want to trade what to do though you got seven I'll just leave the tension see what white does before let's do that ooh drop the pawn okay put the rook here okay free bishop that's still scary let's push play this first draw no draw what's a pond Oh what did you so bad goo free Queen thanks the protest counter gannets always nice to see okay well the game what a game oh man stressful rematch this is the last one yeah this is this is the last one a blitz first uh first 220 I only have five wins I need 15 more wins to win the match now there's a whole arts of playing down material come back this the come back come back okay happy minute thanks for the bits let's play let's play new opening c3 and smooth mm-hmm yeah let's play this move I don't know what I'm doing though um play this move I'd yet to take a night Queen d6 well I can't I can't trade Queens oh this is so confusing let's bring the Queen I have to where it came from if I trade Queens a sign of protest candidates and so sneaky we'll develop a night one mu5 a few more moves to do so mm-hmm okay my dears to do this in sack or queen C to even do you auto forfeit we did not discuss what the realm of what the consequences are of sacking or I love not sacking I guess it's honor system play this move I just want to take a night please let me haha take my queen I did tell her as we were planning this match I told her that if I leave my queen hanging she has to take it okay so Queen has been taken yes I have a I have the dorks for Bishop this is my my one prized possession Alfea and how to it and hopefully it will flourish I'll bring the Knights and this is my square as pond controls c5 and this is scary-looking pawn chain doesn't make my Bishop on g2 happy what are you doing I'm playing a match where I have to sack my queen within the first ten moves I know there's probably a lot of people joining that are just confused apologies for that mmm Castle queenside maybe I'll play I'll play a four before is interesting I'm scared of this move but if it happens I'll deal with it this move also very scary if not not three I'll play King D one okay let's develop I'm staying flexible I don't know what side I want to castle on in my plan is Knight c2 and be solid time is ticking when time is ticking it's always a good thing Brooksie one gypsy three yeah just kind of building my my fortress mm-hmm I don't see fives coming but I have to deal with it Oh see fives coming extra strong okay I'll play this move I'll have might be five two might be five she doesn't even love me okay yeah I'm just trying to hold my grounds also scary oh this is gonna be so painful that's such a good move okay I can take first counter-attack the Queen whoa father of God I saw you on Alexandra math quote as streamin do you played botas gambeson I came here to see once so much father of God appreciate that um let's play let's play this move by 36 seconds okay I can't get distracted have to stay focused it's probably not a I mean maybe will she take the Knights yes we'll see ooh good move let's take here I gave away my prized possession oh good move mm I just want a castle and not getting needed bad move f3 okay solid move yeah oh no c4 she didn't play c4 that's good let's play rook c3 all about time [Music] this is really bad no don't make me use don't 11 seconds Oh dirty flagging coming under for much nights yes dirty flag it's a draw oh what a game as a dirtiest flag of the match so far Wow five and a half five not four now isn't me Aloha Bowl it games coming up brace yourself for more dirty flags oh my gosh I need I need a small break you smell great oh I am playing like a turtle I was trying to play like a hippo yeah I mean the position was very much like some kind of tortoise my shell was completely like destroyed but dirty flag okay so how do i oh she just got a chest Comrie oh okay mmm things are getting interesting channel thanks for the entertainment yeah thanks thanks to everyone for for joining and and supporting um dad we're gonna have a lot more chess with with one minute I can't take too much time in the opening I should just stick with like some I don't know what I should play you go just play like III Queen here and then sack whenever I got the chance how will Eric know how to sack his queen without a time for expert level analysis I'll try my best it's gonna take more focus so I want to play England gambit but she learned her lesson from the first game don't mess with the England it's unbeatable there's no ultra bullets I think it was just one minute did you prepare for the match I so I prepared a little bit okay she's challenging me well the best in rows in tea thanks so much father God okay time starts now you okay I like close positions French structure she's a French specialist but that's okay playing your French anyway didn't move play this move this move yeah I'm being attacked I don't like being attacked ah trying to hold on oh this is so unpleasant let's play this move good move mmm what's my plan well this is so so bad one mating idea this and then now it's not going to work okay I got needed Oh five and a half all oh that's rough it's me really rough okay rematch I have to stick with hippo I didn't stick with help of that that game it got difficult sick with hippo okay I like the structure mmm or do i maybe I don't and now I do again each five good move I'd get some maneuver the bishop here and try and trap the Queen moon for town for town let's go oh good move let's play King f1 okay I'm gonna keep my Bishop Bishop super-powerful let's play not sure what to play mmm unpleasant leave this move I want to win the clean back there's a d5 yes let's win the Queen okay Louisville game ah I didn't win the Queen play this move don't make me I'm turning beautiful mates rook g5 made an end rigged age seven yeah check and then meets oh that's not meets for win Queen takes air aah oh no do I do take that let's go 35 also winning position oh this is gonna be messy okay young children close your eyes if you haven't already London Wow let's get rid of the London Bishop let's take let's take a bunch of times good move Castle just stay calm mmm not sure what that night is doing ah okay let's take okay I'm something things are defending each other by four minor pieces play this move draw free queen thank you okay hey thanks for subbing yay yay okay just have to play quick moves it's very hard to deal with the checks yeah okay yay let's go seven half so five and a half don't mess with fo let's play another hippo all it starts like this yes okay this is what I wanted oh let's not take the rook it should more powerful than your hippo time hungry hungry hippo I'll connect for a freak lon it's next forward destroyed Oh F before coming at for a good move let's deep breath um G for I guess this move I must move align with the Queen hungry hippo let's take this hungry hippo also many arrows let's take and fork mmm I too strong to trade off let's play this and then this I for aha good move let's take up a thing I'm this move I have a rook for the Queen and some plums mmm good okay life is good life is very good yeah and game time Jack i trapped overnight almost trapped g6 good try let's go let's go oh that's not meat where's my meat there's me okay somehow oh she took to u6 I guess okay Eden have five and a half hungry hippo will will be continued hmm how she knows what I'm doing Oh nuts okay this is nice this is just what I want now Ivan the rook - I don't think I'm even worse or down material because I got a pawn for it hey let's move Oh pin him in pinning win ah doesn't quite work mm-hmm almost works I like the position though oh let's take and then pin and win well she's not meeting me good okay pin and win okay time is good let's castle oh let's not castle h5 Connect for a three Oh okay Oh trying to stay steady now this idea of taking on e7 or g7 is quite nice this is my favorite new opening idea it's not efficient oh thank you peppermint biscuits ooh on this week have to defend it play this move yeah the tack is coming I have to brace myself oh let's play let's play this move training open the file 95 ideas this is so scary that's why f4 mmm okay things closed down let's attack the pod defend a pond kick a knight defend another pawn always play Bishop f1 rooks you want open file mm-hmm let's play this move plans hanging of but this one's hanging and defend this pawn attack is gonna be scary though Bishop g4 ship g4 h5 let's do this move ooh good move or is it good enough attack two things defends everything play this scary position I just hung a bishop let's take this again complicated what c7 defended no I get it made it ah oh I'd like my position kind of rematch nine and a half to six and a half oh no adoption yeah I don't think we'll see adoption but I guess it's still possible play the singling gambit again Oh what is this take take care I don't want trades new trades hey let's move b5 coming before okay punching time nice double fiend hello let's defend and not trade yeah the whole the whole idea is don't trade anything um no that's good move yeah she wants to trade let's play this move okay defend attack take a pawn mm-hmm defend everything no more traits play Bishop b5 oh she's attacking let's move again take a pond efile cluttered okay I can take leave this move first mm I don't want to trade but I have to not looking good on the fork doesn't even work let's check her g7 oh no ah no I'm getting made it again I like my position again - what should you I had to hold on got on focus okay good thing this is unrated nine and a half seven and a half we gonna start with B 3 B 3 B 3 E 3 Queen G for a bathroom break okay now I have a what is my break my break is to stretch my hands say hi to the checks you called oh yeah I turned the heel off cuz the heat makes sound okay I'm taking a hoodie break I'll be right back okay who deactivated we're playing to 20 wins I've not in half you can see the score right here I'm sure people will keep trickling in and asking some night I can explain chat people can explain move on one one cansada thanks so much 20 so every win is a point so yeah 21st to 20 wins 20 points it's been it's been intense so far I mean this game what did I do wrong in this game I was playing on instinct like this position seemed really good and then I was scared about the f7 square I should have yeah I should have just taken I should have gone from material because I could win a rook and end oh you've not seen any teeth this was my mighty is a little bit left it's actually mushroom coffee it's for sig Matic it has a lion's mane helps focus but I also have water because hydration but yeah so far I mean I think it's going better than expected why do I have an arch icon on my cuff on my coffee mug this is not my coffee mug this was this was here before I moved into the chest bra cave so you have to ask the chest bras oh yeah my secret potion I mean anything with like with caffeine can help to jimster is studying my openings and they're supposed to be good you know the yeah uh yeah don't don't copy these openings I'm fine well okay the hippo I think the hippo has been serving me pretty well it's been it's been an opening that like just keeps the game going long enough so we can get to the dirty flagging face is it really a bow test Cabot if it's on purpose yeah this is one of these like philosophical questions that I don't know if I'll ever know the answer to okay she's back ooh game starting III so preventing g6 mmm this is gonna be difficult to sack my queen Oh what do I do okay not a good opening I'm in a hippo hippo time at least attempted hippo I was very unpleasant a four in each one yes II four very strong I'm take maybe maybe 495 yeah problem is my whole queenside is like still stuck this is unfortunate I want to play d3 please let me play d3 mmm not sure what the plan is you have to sack back so I'm just down a full/queen in this move I have Connect for my one hope outpost I'm really hoping for the counter in bow test gambit no don't hurt me yes tell me about you scan it let's go yes Wow I was getting meat it I think slipped but I'll take it's dirty very dirty game very dirty okay a turn in the house yeah it had to be a mouse lip apologies for the the trauma that my opponent just experienced so its first 220 so I have 10 and a half yeah the rest of the match will be bullets yeah that Mouse that may have cost some some money there or maybe it was a pre move what's the slow okay no slow-motion replay attack of bishop hmm tricky idea Oh free bishop it's it's before move ten - I'll take this very happily take that and now I'll sack for night okay so we have I have two minors this is nice let's not take anything just yet MMA 594 interesting move not sure what to do that's probably good move play this move this move okay crazy stuff happening oh I dropped a piece no mmm so bad all the opening was so good - oh wait there's hope a little bit of hope still rookie five to be five please please home see it how the opening was so good what did you next game so I'm so up by two yeah c5 was probably a bad decision on my parts yeah rook sefa I was hoping she was pretty moving Queen takes d5 that's life no this opening again let's bring the Queen back around hippo time mmm let's play this okay close position hmm a for Wow f5 wouldn't move let's play c3 she's playing well I won't play rook h1 she's playing very well it's hard to to deal with lyrics eat one oh no play this move it's interesting Jack very little hope here ooh well I'm still knowing time ah oh no okay I went for dirtiness but I spent way too much time yeah she got faster she got stronger too okay play this line again Lucy seven hangs it doesn't take it try and trap the bishop I hung do six but you have to count on the fact that she'll get me stuff I want to go for a pinion win okay this is actually feeling kind of nice hmm lyrics e6 r 9h eights some rook h6 idea what to do check okay when the what's happening here take a queen take a rook okay she gave me everything that was so generous it's like Christmas and birthday on the same day okay for a brief period of time okay I'm being aggressive hog jam let's do this move it's move six let's take a thing let's move seven I still have to bow test gambit at some points it still move eight I'll move ten I'll bow test gambit yeah okay Queen sax back I died once so much material there maybe it's still my birthday and Christmas I'm attacking stuff take stuff just have to be careful with this position I counter-attack the Queen c5 to move there's a smooth this is my winter palace oh good move mm I'm losing back material I'll still have oh no I only have a rook for the Queen I thought I had more I guess I pawns you have lots of Hans this move it's not so simple though hmm oh this is bad no let's try them in the pond yes a dirty flag oh I was a rollercoaster game oh that was a rollercoaster game man yeah apologies for everyone who had to witness ass move 500 I'll take the the Knights oh I want pinning win so badly it doesn't quite work yet please play have five there there there that's castle still doesn't work please yes pin and win I was waiting for the moment oh but it's dull I'm not winning anything I did not win let's play this move hey passed pawn open file Oh I hung a knight mm-hmm tricky move ah she saw it play this move fork don't pay me use Oh Mamie please have mercy have some mercy oh I got needed I really tried it was a time scramble okay I'm down by two also Nicola gifting a sub - ISA nibble thanks to Cola yeah I have to figure out what to do yes okay whoa whoa Nicola gifting greeting 10,000 bits calling thanks so much Nicola thank you so much but I can't get distracted I have to focus on playing moves Oh Nate was trapped that was almost trapped play d4 okay I really have to stay focused but thanks again Nicola oh let's play a nice move no sacking everything I've so many pieces for the Queen shall I drop the Queen on the play room cheat - lets play this move ooh I'm scared okay skewer time Oh let's take okay now we have a chess game take a pawn take a look okay let's lose anything okay being extended 13 and a half please let me take it please no take on F to know how nice off the Queen move seven okay Mike Fork let's take a night do this move is it a six mmm yeah I'll take him take on e5 it looks risky but it's Castle that was really bad he knew seven I just move I want to play e5 so I want to actually sharp in the game play you for one chain I have this move might win a piece it might not though that doesn't win a piece of this move why should i fade first what to do let's play what do I play here King see the smooth defend okay defending down a lot of time though okay let's go some hope no lost stuff whoa it's my pearl with bits with 5,000 bits you still make me ah dirty flag dirty flag thanks so much for a good omen bits Wow dirty flag to Queens deep on sheltered my king for just a moment there oh I can almost hear her rage from miles away oh I was so so dirty yeah it's scary for a white cuz you know on stalemates you're also long time okay fourteen to eleven oh she did she yell and tell her to take a deep breath actually don't give her too much advice okay so we have I have fourteen points to eleven points let's play more hippo hippo time I want to sack on the square okay I'll sack here I'm at three aborting trades take a 4 wou chest me breathing thanks Jess we've shallots a weed um if you're just joining I'm a little bit preoccupied I'm down the Queen I'm playing bow tez free Bishop I enjoy that oh let's play Bishop e5 soon let's go for the four mmm okay I'm trying to trap the Queen it's so pretty free queen let's take a look first okay everything trading also rook is hanging pawn is hanging I'll take a politic the room yeah I'm just simplifying everything ooh okay let's take okay what a game yeah I have 15 to 11 let's go let's play this gambit again all this thing again this move it's funny move what is this woo i sack a clean a mile ah am I allowed to win it back yeah she could have taken with pawn I can win it back okay I think that's like within the rules sly boots has Gama did but she she played the wrong move to take the Queen Oh let's move the rook back ooh okay oh I lost a pawn let's do this Connect four it's still actually a fight you know she's playing very well maybe it helps not having a queen cuz then you don't have anything to blunder except other pieces my pawns doing d4 oh that was a blunder ah I feel I'm overconfident cuz I'm like I won the Queen and I'm down a ton of time don't know okay this is maybe okay push up on Queen the pawn I could promote tonight's but I don't see how that wins check draw oh no I got me that no I saw Viking she ate oh my gosh oh she beat me with the counter botos gambits oh maybe that's that's her secret weapon oh that hurts so badly I think the fight it should have been the draw if I played kingi eights okay stay focus deep breath you know to try and avoid yelling I have a 15 15 15 to 12 play h3g for yes I'm not going to take the row it's a really manage time so we have a thick kind of a hippo type position who didn't want to trade the bishop okay that's life closed position playoff three new for the Knights good move play this move threatening to win a bishop and the Queen play this move please oh don't yes okay almost pre move rook takes a five out of instinct ooh forgot that rook was hanging okay it's still a fight let's take in this kind of five I'll win d6 hopefully or not let's take that mmm it's not pleasant okay listen Knight c3 take the rook in the 95 check whoa it's almost mate I'd f6 we'll need legal move Wow I'll bring the knight back jack okay this move my Knights defend each other such friendship nothing over this hanging Oh but King the textured rook okay I'll defend the pawn objectively let's check Wow Mikey and seeing game ok 1612 still takes work even when I win the Queen back ok let's play footie 5 again fun opening play this move take a pond I still have to sack the Queen at some point play this move I should have taken the bishop ok I'll take this way we have to treat bishops played b5 okay ooh scary scary there there there it's okay yeah it's really scary though play each five now things close down my knife is completely stuck this is not gonna be easy Wow move that's such a good move oh wow I forgot about that hanging so I'm about to get needed let's turtle up turtle time oh maybe I can promote mmm doesn't quite work I was trying the rosin trap but I was too long time okay 13 to 16 I need four more really I just need to play one more and stay focus focus focus oh good move it speaking d1 b6 defend this is unpleasant this is really unpleasant it's do this move okay still down a Queen h4 o gonna move it's still kind of alive another good move I've see four after placing four and d5 oh this is so ugly well I'm threatening rook takes g7 stick on g7 first okay comeback time mmm just keen b3 no there goes my thing aha ah it's brutal brutal okay 14 14 to 16 it's gonna be close I really have to stay focused she plays d4 all I'll play the England again she plays g3 trying to think of a way to be sneaky England time ooh I can take hmm muevate okay c3o let's play this move first the e5 Center is opening up good move oh let's not trade ah trade anyway don't play rook see to check the a5 mm-hmm okay some alignment with the King some g5 ideas no no stop it stop it take here oh no that doesn't work I'm getting smaller made it no wow what a game Congrats to bow tez I got some other made it and I was so unfortunate I was like a real Queen sac okay one point match these moves coming in like bullets okay I like the the structure very closed she's sacking and move more sacking Wow oh that hurts I forgot that's double check okay still some hope ooh free queen I'm only down the exchange we're down there Brooke I'm down the rook okay mmm I'm almost getting needed to which is unfortunate I see four oh no I cannot to go back I'm just made next move this is so uncomfortable huh Wow it's tied sixteen all okay I really have to stay focused opening has not been going that well she's been dealing with my openings okay 60ml the structure she played really well to to break through though I should drink some water okay and the handicap is that I have to sack a queen in the first ten oh she didn't take it ah oh that's so bad this move we traded so much oh no that's so so bad let's try and drop the Queen mm-hmm I only hope his rosin trap oh my gosh I just lost all my pieces this is so bad he still made me g5g five ah oh my king is being hugged by the white pieces okay 17 points I was so bad because I could have taken on Dee to bloom yeah she's she's prepared to lose probably memorizing all your Queens Act lines seven okay of Hippo comfort zone I want to double on the C file let's keep expanding I'll bring the 96 she'd not see the Queen's attacks she saw it play this move okay coming back complicated position plenty of time though very complicated let's take and go for meat okay revenge it's 1717 very very close let's not plunger this time just woke up I did last say 44 hehehehe okay thanks for that I'm gonna try and be solid open the G file play this move push it H pawn okay two bishops two rocks trying my best you can't really take can I take that takes takes clicking b8 first that's what my plan is mmm okay we'll do this oh no no wow good finish oh man I'd like the position to I should have taken on g2 earlier eighteen seventeen hi Eric I was just checking are we playing first to 20 wins or 20 points wait what's the difference like draws oh I just assumed 20 points yeah like geologists gives us both half points okay well just checking all right yeah you later okay see you okay uh yeah twenty oh yeah twenty points I mean I think that was implied but okay let's go I really have to stay focused let's take here and then bring the Knight to d5 your time is very relevant you pick steaks not the worst thing ever hmm okay close position what is this what is this this is weird all the action shifting to the Kings side hmm this is so terrifying if this move I have this move first okay oh I forgot about that so bad okay interesting let's go dirty flag 35 okay 18 18 oh man I should have lost that so nice plate checks I think like the king should have walked to h5 that was probably the dirtiest yeah had my pawn to save me leads go eat school yeah with a game well the game I know she's yes are cool down after that's okay let's um go back to hippos stuff this move how do I sign my queen here move six after sack it for the night hmm not good okay we close the position play f5 be aggressive I mean that 4g5 okay Kings Indian style go seven nh4 to stay defending this is interesting move let's do this move free Queen thank you free bishop very nice so generous sneaky move okay yeah there's the one still me chop it then they're morally okay eat Scoob one more I just need one more win one more win come on No Mas no mas okay let's try and stay focused place quickly probably hippo hippo gang hungry hippo afford the money yeah some game she's playing really well it's hard that other games I'm able to hold on until time gets low okay so much tension okay my hands hands are so cold okay all comes down to this where it might come down to the following game but what to do okay be three again this move don't mess with the hippo don't mess see this movie okay I'll take okay hippo time have no time is she trying to flag you in RL I'm not sure what that means okay let's be solid by 5:00 coming let's win this ho ho thanks people I assume those are people could take take 66 it's risky she's scared of g4 okay good ooh bad stop waking up three only move well she has rock takes out five no o9f for what a move look at 9:04 fork I'm pinned in both directions but she's forked I don't know what's going on okay f5 again let's play this move I'm losing stuff stop taking stuff f6 always play off six with a BAM f7 coming play this move every time oh good move so calm let's play I want to play this move no mr. run no no no no don't maybe stop it stop it no I got I got me that Oh such a cool game okay that all comes down to this wait Otis hey Alexandra quick question yeah it's not win by two it's just whoever wins the next game wins right I mean I think that is what we said yeah that's that's fine son death okay can we can we can we take like a minute before we start uh yeah sure that's fine okay okay thanks okay meditation meditation Oh lux love play some meditation music okay takes okay play that's life Alex a shot mm-hmm Oleg's trapped oh ye oh no it's not trapped I don't know I didn't see that hmm we're both being safe okay fork town let's go let's go no that's so bad soccer queen please please please please no I flags Oh the game what a game oh what a game I tried some so hard what a match match all the final I I have a good position before I lost everything all right I have a reasonable position maybe around here what a game good job bowties yeah can get an F in the chance what to do oh I think stalking no I know I know some people including myself are in denial well it's my prayer it's MacRay oh what an amazing performance by both players thanks so much for Farrell Wow I I appreciate that I'm still in denial oh she plays she played really well though it's uh especially under pressure here cuz I I had so many pawns inside of rook time the light came in yeah I I cracked I shouldn't have taken us six Wow a Nicola Wow Eric cheer will 10,000 oh my gosh thank you so much everyone appreciate like so much support I need what to do it's some really interesting I mean I know if interesting is the right word there were some dirty games there was some I mean there were some interesting positions like matter of getting compensation and I really tried I did try does this mean the boat s gambit is no longer considered sound I think it's it's probably now considered slightly dubious and it's such a close match like thanks AKG 707 yeah what to do some some games to analyze maybe a book on that match oh no it was fun though it was fun I took it pretty seriously like I was trying to be as competitive as possible while chess bay also things chess paid for helping us start the games hi Eric hey whoa hey hey congratulations yes it was intensive end I did not yeah no I I think I was getting like super confident when I was like three or four ahead but then then you started playing you're playing very strongly and quickly too and like some of you some of your attacks were just unstoppable well that is good to know I mean there's definitely some psychology behind playing when I know I'm a piece up that was ya know like a gesture but you were doing so well I tried no I think in the beginning mass oh well thank you I've been studying the the games of nerd its key and and root a hey no I think in the beginning you were playing too conservatively and that hurt you because then the games were just going on too long at some point I realized you have an extra queen might as well like attack open the position and not be afraid to like sack well that's true that's true my child was telling me you were you were maybe having some difficult moments with those dirty flags I I was I was surprised at how often I've been getting flagged I think I've played more Blitzen bullet lately and now I'm getting a little slow again are you gonna continue streaming by the way um that's a good question maybe for a little bit I was gonna do sub Sunday but I need food I'm gonna probably get some sushi first so probably not oh I'll be back later just for the did you prepare anything for this match um kind of so I I was drinking mushroom coffee which is supposed to like help me with focus and concentration in terms of the test in terms of the chess aspects I I had an idea of some openings like I knew I was gonna play the hippo for the most parts there is actually a tournament that I played over the summer I taught a chess camp and I joined the tournament with the campers what I had to give Queen odds to all the campers so playing that helps me kind of know how to just keep the game going long enough to to get the dirty flag got it got it but yeah i was really just hippo and the england's gambits which worked the first game that's a pretty tricky line actually then only three girls say you are so fast and you don't hate it alright well thank you so much for the match I was really impressed yeah I know it was it was fun I think people enjoyed it I know there's this pretty large audience for this and congratulations again alright Eric I'll let you go then thank you so much yeah I'll let you go - take care you as well bye bye bye okay people I think we're gonna wrap it up I guess I'll put this on youtube I don't know what I'll call a YouTube video if I won I would call the YouTube video eating boat Eze with the boat s gambits but now I don't know I'll have to find some other alliteration
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 1,285,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, Chess.com, chess game, chess video, Checkmate, Alexandra Botez, Botez Gambit, Botez Chess, Queen Sacrifice, Chessbae, Hippo, Hippo Defense, Chess Match, Bullet Chess
Id: YMBc2d5HiVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 35sec (8375 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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