She Trash Talked my Stafford Gambit

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okay good luck good luck you too wait white moves first oh wait it didn't start it we may have broke the clock oh wow oh bigger that sounds like we should do an intro though yeah i'm here with the amazing how do you pronounce your name dina last name do you know how is this announced in russian i could try it bellankaya bean and crab billing usually i pronounce it in english like bellingtaia okay yeah so we're gonna play a three plus two game um and i'm gonna beat you have we played before no i don't think so i don't think so also nemo welcome back if you want to join in like offer some commentary cool just did the commentary yeah just well beating eric but i i i am responsible for that um wait you didn't give me this option you just made me play your wife wait this clock is broken here's your pond oh my god how did you do that oh my god did you guys see no what do you do i did the magic trick oh it's where i take the pawn i place it oh my god are you familiar with such a move i've played this a few times okay are you familiar with the staff or gambit uh not really but here we go with uh four knights and you don't three nights oh my pawns i'm taking it oh my god what's that oh so you're not familiar with the stafford gambit oh i saw you from hahaha well that doesn't sound fun i actually have not watched the staff again there's a rule in chess when you're up material you should trade okay then i will not oh this is a solid solid defensive let's see your point development first so you are being impressed i just want to be hyper hyper aggressive okay whatever you wish for i'll be solid my wish is your command or wait is that the quote your wish is my command or your command is my wish is your wish wait what no this is just not correct this isn't now these are crips okay i just invented this bishop doesn't want to be on d4 no it does not three plus two oh you know that is a bad um it's a bad hormone bad um i want to say that okay you actually it's your wish is my command so whoever said that you have to google that we had the right words just the order was off let's go here sounds like me when i speak english and now we push wow yeah i like dina's playstyle this is different from when you played the blitz match against me yeah i'm wondering what is my style in fact there's a weird thing on a3 which yes let us put it away this uh weird thing is called uh initiative and a phone up i'm trying to distract you i'm scared you see your knight you're about to hurt me and your other knight is attacked and i'm pulling up and plus i'm trust talking the more pawns you're on the more open files i have are you actually attacking me i'm just looking on the right side of life wow you are fearless you know there is no threat there right my king is not on g-1 so you won't meet me but how are you going to get that's true i mean usually in the opening you're supposed to castle protect your king now seems like a good time hmm how am i going to castle i'll figure it out later i'm down two pawns oh chester bonds but i'm up to open files let's see what you want in fact switch ones okay do i get rid of this one do you know what the rule says get rid of what you can get rid of your queen absolutely that's my wish my wish is your command but don't go um according to this oh i'll grant you one wish okay if i go here oh i see your point they're being really oppressed you know what forget about everything we said i don't want this night and i do not want this one either wow yeah that's the spirit that's the russian chess school your grandparents should be familiar with this one great friend it's true i'm sorry for your parents i think i have russian blood i've never really went to a russian school though i'll just keep giving away material wow this is a morphe chest school wow there is more for american style so i have two options wow you are giving me everything you're giving me a nice time advantage it's just a time you know yeah yeah yeah it's all right don't worry so um they say oops called bishops are close to draw but i do not want to draw just kick away your most active fees and then uh life will be easier for me 24 seconds is nothing when you have two seconds increments are you feeling disturbed i'm disturbed you didn't take my free night no because you knew there was my queen and i was worried for it it's true but i'm still disturbed yeah that's that's okay that's normal incredible trade good always good to trade that's the peaceful approach uh-huh i'm a peaceful person oh my god that is actually disturbing i'm more worried about dina's time than i am about a position okay i think we're all disturbed here it's true time is running wow i see the that's my point i see my point that's not the kind of position i i wished for with all the material you gave me on the way i tried to grant you a wish but you didn't take it how did you say my wish is your wish my wish is your command my wish is your command yes my wish is your command my way your wish is my no your wish is my command yeah that would make a lot more sense i don't know what's more confusing this position is figuring out the english language i'm actually gonna strike it of course on english like vocabulary because i want to come up with more creative ways to like roast my chats oh that's the that's a very smart plan especially after everything you've been through here they are going to roast you as much as they can so um you should prepare some backup plans that's a big sacrifice right everything's from the chit chat oh my boy what is your plan i don't know i don't see any idea thank you for the bishop no no no that's not how it works i didn't know that's not how it works don't get me dude what are you doing there he's taking your bishop what are you doing there oh my god oh my god what's that you tell me ah i don't like it just calculate if that's winning and points i don't like it no no no thank you that was actually amazing that was actually really nice good game good game thank you that was a that was a good fight eric rose's tactic okay i mean you should have been better there yeah your trash talk was better though you you yeah you were you went on that front you were very vocal with your words so when i played queen a4 i guess me and just when i played queen a4 instead of taking my bishop you should play b3 yeah take with b-pawn and then i'm down a piece and pawns and your king is safe yeah yes yes i got greedy i got greedy yeah i got reckless but yeah it paid off
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 813,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, rapid chess, chess 2021, stafford gambit, dina belenkaya, sochi, world cup chess, chess hustling, chess trash talk
Id: BoaflUenko4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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