Beginners Chess Opening TIER LIST with Hikaru and Levy | Part 1

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some some absolute abomination of a chess coach  taught this to his students and at nationals   kindergarten nationals a school  prepared the following variation   e5 white oh i i know what you're gonna say but  go ahead i think i've told you this go ahead   go ahead yeah yeah yeah yeah so and you  know white got scared and did this and lost so in the next game they prepared and they  said hey if that happens take the pawn great   you know what and then well hikaru  knows but uh in this position   the kindergarten trainer prepared this  check g3 and the absolutely savage move   bishop issa and the kid with the white pieces  took the queen and got made it anyway the same kid   so this is the accelerated dragon  black brings the knight out and   pushes the pawn and moves the bishop here so uh  unlike when we were doing before we're doing this   uh as a beginner level opening so what  do you think lavi oh man um for beginners   it's it's not something that i would necessarily  recommend uh it you know the thing is also if   you're if you're talking about from from from  the white or black perspective um i don't know   if i can give it a legit title uh maybe maybe we  keep it we keep it in more of a really bro it's   definitely not something that's tricks only uh  but it's i don't know and dare i say uh might even   just be too complicated in and of itself to put in  the garbage category but it's got to be really bro   for me uh for for beginners the accelerated  dragon is just a little bit too complex   uh folks shouldn't be thinking about you know  fianchetto and lack of space in the center but   yeah so i mean i i guess for  me what i would say is that um   i kind of agree i i don't know like i i  kind of agree i think it's got to go in um i think i think it grows in i don't know if it's  garbage i where do i put it this is actually hard   i think i put it in really bro i don't think  i don't i think there are too many issues with   it objectively um to place it anywhere else  so that's that's why i put it in really bro   um because to me i can't i can't really think  of anywhere else to put it so next up we have   the um the the advanced car con so the advanced  cargo con of course is pawn to e4 pawn to c6 d4   d5 and pawn to e5 here well look uh if you're  if you're a beginner and you want to play e5   uh i recommend it if you're if you're a new player  uh two pawns in the center is not too complicated   to follow and then if you get a person playing  d5 i think e5 is the way to go uh it's as long   as you follow it up with natural space taking  moves so knight f3 bishop e2 bishop d3 f4 maybe   you know all these different i was gonna say on [  __ ] about five just play knight c3 g4 and knight   g too okay um yeah there's also this tricky one  where you try to trap the bishop and this one um   right or something like h4 because you can win  like this so there there there are some there are   some tricks i think it's i think it's quite good  i think at this level it's either unbreakable and   it it does have the potential to be legendary but  you need to know what to do against this you need   to know that you can't just play c3 and knight f3  like you should take like you need to learn that   sorry yeah so you're saying you need to know  what to do against pawn to c5 you can take the   pawn on c5 right yeah yeah some people don't they  like play like this right no no i i totally agree   um yeah i think for me i would rank it pretty  highly actually i think i would rank it   i would pro i don't know if it's legend it's close  i think it's unbreakable i think it's very high   up i don't want to say it's legendary because  it's it's it's good but i think it's not quite   to that level so i would say it's it's uh it's  it's unbreakable uh for the next two considering   we have we have the entire batch there oh  right we do have it yeah i would say advance   with knight c3 g4 knight g2 i would put it up in  unbreakable um and then the advanced car regular i'm just going to put these two  down uh down here in garbage   and i'll leave the advanced car claw knight  t3 g4 knight g2 and unbreakable how's that   i think that's reasonable right so  the regular advanced caro is where   it's in garbage okay because i don't think it's  i don't think it's systematic i don't think the   ideas um where you try to develop normally like  bishop e2 and so forth really make a lot of sense   personally like i mean i i can understand it like  bishop f5 playing knight f3 e6 bishop b2 but a lot   of the ideas involving like knight e2 knight b3  and c3 they don't feel they don't feel like um i   know it doesn't feel thematic it doesn't feel like  something where you have a straightforward plan   yeah that's fair if you're going to play advanced  caro with with h4 it's definitely definitely great   because it's pretty straight forward you just  try to take as much space as possible but um   yeah i agree like all these meta ideas with  a4a5 etc not not good for beginners right   so so i think that's why those two specifically  um they belong down here in the in the garbage   bin specifically um because like each four is not  practical regular's not prior h4 is playable of   course um but i mean but but yeah all right let's  keep going so next up we have the advanced french   which is a very exciting opening um this is an  e4 e6 d4 d5 pawn to e5 so what do you think levy well um i guess if we're talk white  has the option to push this pawn here   so it's it's probably from white's perspective i  at a beginner level again i actually i actually   like this because if if black isn't super  familiar with how to take advantage of all these   like different you know weaknesses that white can  have on the green side with c5 knight c6 queen v6   if you play just solid c3 knight uh as c3 f4 or  even knight c3 knight e2 like there's different   setups where you can like consolidate your  center i'm a pretty big fan um i don't know   i would probably put it in legit i know i don't  know about unbreakable because if black knows   what they're doing then well you're not yeah it's  tough i mean i hinge on both i grew up playing   the advanced the advanced french is white pretty  much from this time i started until i was about   seeing sometimes about 2300 maybe i or 2200  i only played the advanced advanced french um   i don't think it's legendary but i think it's  i don't actually you know what i think it is   legendary i think it's by far and away the best  setup as a beginner so i'm trying what are the   other steps you can do you can play this which  is way too complicated um can you try to build   a pawn chain anyway um you can play knight c3 but  the winner wire is just too impractical i think   so i'm going to put it is as um as legendary  because i think it's a very thematic setup   and you can follow it straight through so i think  for me it goes in legendary okay because i just   think it's the best setup for white because  you learn the basics of the pawn chain and i   feel like you learn how to develop but it can be  risky too so i would say the advanced i think it   is legendary for me well then this next one's  going to be a fun one too the alok and sicilian   yeah so again the alopecia for those of you guys  is the sicilian defense e4 pawn to c5 and white   plays pawn to c3 on move two um the yeah what  do you think straightforward idea of trying to   take two pawns in the center uh well look uh  if you know what you're doing and you know the   lines where black either has to bring a queen out  early something like this or you know excuse me   or has to play like this i think for beginners  these are very non-traditional positions and so   uh if a person playing with the black pieces just  plays natural moves and you take the center like   this a very very legitimate weapon now the problem  is that if black does know what they're doing at   a more intermediate level you'll play a lot of  positions with an isolated pawn and that's where   i can't really recommend it at a legendary level  but definitely unbreakable or very high legit   i think it's it's quite good for beginners to  just play c3 and put a second pawn in the center   i yeah i don't really disagree um i i actually  agree i think it goes like right up near the   top of legit i i think it's just a very  solid very very good approach and i'm   yeah i i don't know if it blogs on breakable  i think it totally belongs in in legit though   all right so it'll take the top legit spot okay  so next up we have the aliekins defense which is   pawn to e4 knight to f6 which i assume  since this is uh an opening that black   chooses we should be thinking about it from  the black perspective so yep what do you think   oh man uh it was garbage before i mean i might as  well make it garbage again uh you know when you're   a beginner you're kind of hoping your opponent  just plays knight f3 here and you win this pawn   because people are pre-moving in the opening you  know uh but other than that i for beginners do not   recommend not having a pawn in the center because  if you don't know what you're doing you can i mean   very natural moves here by white even knight f3  bishop c4 you can land in a lot of trouble so   i don't know hicaro i it's either tricks only or  it belongs in the same dumpster bin as last time   yeah i agree i don't even need to think clearly  garbage not not even a question the lack of   getting pawns in the center as a beginner  it's not what you want to do you want to   uh put pawns in the center so the piece play  is very straightforward that the ideas in the   aliekans defense are very complicated and even  for grand masters you can end up in a lot of   trouble very quickly if you don't know what you're  doing so i totally agree it's absolutely garbage   so next up we have the banco gambit which um  which as we know is named after the late palo   benko the american hungarian grand master which  goes d4 knight f6 c4 c5 pawn to d5 pawn to b5   c takes b5 and black plays pawn to a6 gamuting a  pawn and then eventually fianchettoing the bishop   and playing for a lot of activity on the open  a and b files down the road so levy garbage at   this level garbage that's that's all i have to  say uh too theoretical uh relies way too much on   a very precise set of moves which you will not be  getting up until you're maybe 17 1800 when people   actually start using d4 c4 in their prep very good  opening if both players are up to the task but   i mean like i said if all you know is  the is the is the benko and this happens   you're going to play b5 and like no no okay  yeah well that's very conclusive i really   don't disagree i think it's i think it's garbage  or trick i think it's i think it's garbage it's   definitely yeah where is it it's um i think  it's it's in the middle of the garbage pile   um so next up we have the benoni um again very  similar opening d4906 c4 c5 d5 e6 knight c3 pawn   takes d6 e4 so you reach the setup where black  is pawn to d6 and c5 and white has pawns on e4   and d5 here's what i'll say about this uh you if  your opening repertoire against d4 and c4 and all   this stuff is uh is to go knight f6 followed  by c5 if we really think about it you can get   it almost any time right like true even against  the london if you know what you're doing and then   you can actually use that as a pretty good london  antidote because you can play positions like this   where you play you know that that surprises a lot  of london players this is definitely not garbage   but it's in my opinion uh it has a little bit  more merit but it's still a little bit too i mean   you should focus on center pawns so e6 d5 you  should really not look too much for c5 because   the chance that you get a bononi main line before  you're 1500 extremely low so i'll let you make the   call but yeah and just to be clear those of you  who are watching um when we're talking about these   openings before we're tied at a grand master level  that sort of perspective as a serious professional   as um as a beginner the whole the whole thought  process all these openings is completely different   so um yeah in terms of the bononi i think it goes  in tricks only but i think it goes at the very top   okay yeah it's tricky i guess you know dark square  diagonal bishop on g7 there is some merit i i   don't i don't think it's like i i don't think it  falls in really bro i would say it should be in um   it should be in the uh i think it should be  in that tier that seems like the right tier   because it is tricks um so next up we have the  berlin defense um which of course is the e4   e5 or sorry 986 e45 knight of three knight c6  bishop b5 knight to f6 so lovey thoughts well   i i like it i but here's the thing you're  not gonna get a berlin end game at this level   uh i'll tell you why i like it i mean i i i like  it because you're just developing to the center   right and i mean there is a chance  that something like this happens   you know you get you get this kind of thing so  i don't necessarily recommend studying deep rue   lopez if you're like 800 but right i do recommend  pieces in the center and upon in the center so   it's not legendary at this level but it's it's  up there i mean is the berlin taking on e4 well i   i mean i actually i i don't know where i rank  because i think it's very risky as a beginner i   feel like there's so many dangers like you could  take and forget take with a b-pawn and lose the   pawn like takes 95 22 um like dc6 let's say white  even castles like i think it's very intuitive just   take the pawn allowing rookie one and then then  blacks i mean okay at the gm level it's different   but like sort of as a beginner i think it's very  very risky to play this okay so for talking about   the early pawn grab on e4 then um yeah it could  be well i'm just saying can you really prepare   someone to play this like what would you play  after castles if you if you're if you're a   beginner or you're you're relatively into the game  what would you play in this position after all no   i would uh i would i would tell what i tell folks  all the time in e45 is like if a piece hasn't   moved get it out kind of a thing but if you don't  know that and all your prep is to take the e4 pawn   yeah you're gonna lose you're just gonna lose  so it's gonna be very bad i i feel like the   concepts are very deep you have to use the two  bishops it does to me i don't know i i'm actually   i don't know i i actually don't think it's  a good opening because i think there are too   many chances to make mistakes okay like  i i actually think it's very risky um i think it goes in really bro one second sorry my   phone is ringing give me one  second all right sorry hello yeah you can let them through thank you bye hello are we here yeah that was yeah that  was that was fast that was just my that was just   my sushi um all right okay so yeah i think for  me it goes in the really broke category because   um like i don't i feel like it's so risky it just  feels too risky as a beginner honestly um so it   just it just feels too risky let's do it all right  so next up we have the um next up we have the   birds opening so the birds opening as we know  is um is uh pondi f4 on move one correct thought get this [ __ ] off my screen okay i want  to tell you a funny story really sure uh   some some absolute abomination of a chess coach  taught this to his students and at nationals   kindergarten nationals a school  prepared the following variation   e5 mm-hmm white oh i i know what you're going  to say but go ahead i think i've told you this   go ahead go ahead yeah yeah yeah so and you  know white got scared and did this and lost   so in the next game they prepared and they  said hey if that happens take the pawn great   you know what and then well hikaru  knows but uh in this position   the kindergarten trainer prepared this  czech g3 and the absolutely savage move   bishop issa and the kid with the white pieces  took the queen and got made it anyway the same kid so here's what i'm telling you do not weaken your  king as a beginner bad things are going to happen   and that's that yeah i i agree 100 not even a  question definitely garbage i think it might   be actually like the worst of the worst for  a beginner um maybe one second i gotta get my   food so i'll be right back uh yeah it's uh it's  an absolute disaster opening um was i playing   the kid no it was it was not me come on uh i also  have to say that at a scholastic level to prepare   you know adult title player coaches  preparing kids like that that that's just   it's a it's also an ethical question because  it's sort of like what are you teaching these   kids right so um yeah i totally i totally agree  i mean i think in general uh king safety really   does matter a lot if you're a beginner so  playing stuff that doesn't um doesn't sort of   that weakens your king at the start  is very very risky and not the best   idea that's that's definitely for sure oh i  have to show food apparently um let's do it   you know can you guys see it uh i think that's  oh that looks aesthetic oh my god yeah um so yeah   yeah i got some unagi where's the steak i  couldn't order outback steakhouse wasn't open   sorry you guys um all right okay that  chat's gonna go insane uh next up of course   is the bong cloud as you know very  special opening very near and dear   to many of our hearts so it goes e4 you say  black plays pawn to b6 and you go king to e2 yeah well look at the grand master level this is   legendary but if we're actually trying to  be instructive uh yeah don't do this um but   that's all i really have to say don't you  okay yeah feel free to disagree with me but um   okay i agree right off i think for a beginner it's  a very bad opening it goes at the absolute bottom   yes we we we watch the bond cloud speed runs um  potentially with our bongs and our clouds but   do not actually play it okay it's too complex yes  that's really the problem it's not that it's bad   it's just too complicated so just wait until your  gm then start playing you too agreed agreed okay   so next up we have the um you put it in garbage  yeah i put in the garbage and a lot of garbage   yeah so next up we have the uh budapest  gambit which is d4 knight to f6 pawn to c4   pawn to e5 um white grabs and black  moving knight to e4 g4 thoughts levy   i don't i don't hate it you know i feel like  a gambit repertoire actually does make chess   a lot of fun you will get it a lot and it  will throw people off uh but there's still   some issues with this because gambit players  don't like their regular opening principles   take a step back when all they learn is gambit  so probably probably a tricks only opening uh   but you can win some very nice games gambas are  pretty fun especially when you're starting out   yeah i tend to agree um i i think it definitely  is it's a reasonable try but i think it's risky   because white can also play knight f3 to  stop it on move too right so i think for   me it's got to go at the top of tricks only  yes i know do you think it goes higher no i   think i think it's strict so it's got it's got  to be higher than benoni though i don't know   right so okay okay good so next up we have the  karo khan which as you guys know is pawn to   e4 pawn and c6 so now we're looking at it from  the black perspective not the white perspective   um now you of course are an expert on this opening  levy um so what are your thoughts i like it for   beginners as i've said i think you can uh you  can learn the kara khan in in 10 minutes or less   and you can just find the very simple  approach you either put that pawn on d5   and you take the pawn when it stays there uh  we also saw this get taught well let me finish   my first sentence you can also you know play a  simple exchange variation your biggest nemesis   could be the advanced if you don't know how to  play this but there's this c5 and if you know how   to play it that's all you need to learn um we saw  this get talked to pogchamps participants see cars   so it's got to be a legendary beginner's opening  or unbreakable yeah i would say i i tend to agree   um i think actually for beginners it's it's or  i think for beginners it's got to be in the um   i think it's legendary i think it's just one  of the best openings you can play as a beginner   i can't think of a better opening because it's  just straightforward you play like generally the   same idea um so i think it has to be at the  top um definitely a legendary opening and um   at the beginner level also i think when you play  on the light squares as a beginner with the black   pieces you actually i mean this is going to sound  funny but you cut out a lot of the crap like you   cut out a lot of these bishop c4 queen h5 barbaric  mates because i'm sure yeah that beginners who are   watching get hit with these queen you know sorties  right sort of right this is true yeah i think just   yeah the fact that you put the pawns on c6 and  d5 at the very start certainly uh prevents a   lot of these trick ideas so yeah i agree i think  certainly the carl khan it's definitely a great   opening it deserves its status as a legendary  legendary opening so next up we have the catalan   which is uh d4 knight f6 c4 e6 knight f3 pawn to  d5 and pawn to g3 thoughts levy okay so here's the   thing much like the berlin uh you're not going to  get you you will not be able to fully uh reap what   you sow here you you will not get the different  ideas that the super gm's employ however however   it is a very solid setup it really is and it  is unbreakable at the beginner level and it's   you know the only question is are you do you know  what to do when they take your pawn on c4 that's   it do you know how to deal with this and you  know how to punish them do you know how to use   this diagonal it's a little too advanced but it's  so solid that i don't hate it so well i'm going   to take a different tack i'm going to say that  in terms of the car in terms of the catalan um   i think it's okay but i actually don't  like it because i think there's another   is the other opening on this  list still let me look um let's see is it yeah there's another opening  that's on this list that i like a lot more so   while i do like the catalan as a setup there's i  think a much better setup involving this d3 and c4   or sorry non-d4 so you know what i'm gonna say um  that's on this list that i would prefer so i would   say catalan i think it goes at the top of really  bro i just don't think it's a beginner opening   uh okay so i think that's where i would put it cuz  i think there's another set of involving knight f3   and g3 and so forth that we will catch up with  later on that is that is much better all right   close sicilian right so yeah the closed sicilian  is a whole different bag altogether so it's e4 c5   knight c3 let's say black was knight six and you  played g3 with bishop g2 knight e2 and pawn d3   celebi thought i i like it i like it a lot  i think at the beginner level it's another   um it's it's a hey i taught it to box box uh  so i i have taught this to other folks as well   a good way of dealing with the sicilian defense  which a lot of people play because it's the most   popular opening probably so unbreakable or legit  for sure i don't know if it gets legendary status   but uh definitely the top definitely a top opening  yeah i think um in terms of where i would rank it it ranks high just because it's a setup does it rank higher than legit oh i don't know i want to put it at the top of  the jitter in the in unbreakable somewhere but   it doesn't feel like it's open enough for me to  put it in unbreakable so i'm gonna put it at the   very top of legit it's definitely not legendary  for me but i think it's at the top of legit   sure and yeah i i look it's it's hard to  put a rating number on this right because   we want to say beginner is sub 1200 but if you're  12 23 like you could still benefit from this so   it's not like oh true it won't under 1200 i  can't watch this right yeah so i i don't know   all right so next up we have the danish gambit  which is e45 pawn to d4 pontics pawn pawn to c3   so thoughts levy i love it i love it this  could be i've taught this to students   i've thought this to adults uh kids alike um  and and i've taught you know this one as well   obviously and uh they win in less than 10 moves  now at the same time look this is the one drawback   cheap opening tricks where you get quick  leads in development chess enthusiasts can say   that it's not the right way to learn chess because  you're not learning you know how to convert in the   middle game middle game concept it's just quick  advantage from the opening big attack but chess   also has to be fun it's a competitive game at the  end of the day so it's not an unbreakable opening   but at the beginner level oh it's it is people  don't know what to do against it it it's scary so i go i vote unbreakable i um as someone who has  had an affinity for the gamuts for a long time and   really likes the opening um i think i i think it's  better than that i think it goes right up here i   think it goes towards the bottom of a legendary  i think it's a legendary opening i thought   you were gonna say as a person who's had an  affinity for gambits uh i vote this is garbage   but if i like if i like gambits why would i say  it's garbage i just thought it was like where   the humor was heading but you were being very very  serious so legendary it is you guys are witnessing   history should we teach chad how to defend against  them no of course not okay but i had a discussion   one of my mods actually i remember when i was at  his his he uh he was living with my trainer at the   time maybe like five six years ago it's some or  maybe it's longer ago than that we had some big   discussion about this um there was some line it  was a d5 takes and um i think we had some logs   or it's something like cakes takes knight f6  takes takes queen d8 bishop before queenie two   bishops two knight d2 rookie f3 and we had some  long discussion i think about this oh sorry i was   on the wrong scene sorry let me go back then  um we had some long discussion on slime with   takes d5 takes knight f6 bishop 7 king f7 queen d8  bishop b4 with the fossil on the king and the rook   queen d2 bishop d292 rookie f3 and with  this long discussion um about this variation   and whether it's uh whether it's this end  game is good for white or not good for white   and i i wasn't sure what the conclusion was but  because we had this discussion about this uh this   end game i actually played it in a game uh and i  lost very badly i think it was against ibrahimov   quite a few years back so um i i love the gambit  i think it's great but i do think there are   drawbacks as players get better and better yes  exactly they're they're gonna know what to do at   the same time if somebody's playing e4 and then  responding e5 uh you know well then you begin to   wonder if the e4 e5 even the bus reply for black  oh i don't think so actually but so i i will teach   that potentially here and there in in in the pog  champs but but i will uh recommend that folks   learn more like kings indian kara khan uh but  for the absolute beginners e45 is tricky because   you gotta you gotta really defend early on if  someone knows what they're doing right i agree um okay all right uh so so let's move on then so  the next opening is the drag door um interesting   so there's an opening we did not  look at before this is uh e4 c5   knight to f3 pawn d6 pawn d4 takes knight takes  knight f6 knight c3 pawn to g6 white normally   we'll go bishop e3 and now instead of playing  the normal dragon with bishop g7 black plays a6   so you try basically to play the night or  but then you also try to play the dragon   by fiona kettling your bishop so it's a mix of  the night or from the dragon hence the name the   drag door thoughts i'm actually going to go to you  on this wha what are your thoughts for beginners this is tough um i think it's too much to remember i think it's too  many i think it's too many complicated ideas like   knight c6 or knight d7 um with b5 i mean like  you have to know the ideas of both the dragon   um but you also have to know the ideas of the  night or i think it's too much i don't think   it's garbage so i think you can probably  play it um but i would say that in general   for me it would be uh i think it goes in sort  of the bottom of really bro i think it's just   a little do a little bit too complicated  i think it's too complicated it is it is   way too complicated even even we've seen gm's not  even handled these positions correctly so i don't   think it's garbage cause i think uh for beginners  you can't teach in a way that they will be able   to understand some of it so i don't think it's  garbage but i think it's in that like really bro   really really you're gonna play that um that's  your defense when there's so many better options   so that that's where i would rank it um sort  of the bottom of really bro so next up we have   the dutch defense which is pawn to d4 on move one  and pawn to f5 so what do you think of this levy   since it's black's replying after white's first  move right uh i actually don't hate this as much   i don't hate it as much i'll i'll tell you why  because somehow uh all these responses where you   can play like aggressive gambits just don't get  played because people who play d4 they play london   they play knight f3 uh from what i've seen in  teaching beginners in teaching uh intermediate   players the dutch defense especially leningrad  when you just kind of fianchetto um can be very   good it actually can be very good it's sort of  it's sort of funny but with when you have the   white pieces on the first move weakening your king  like that it's a little more dangerous because   black actually can go for this e5 so i rate  it as legit or or yeah let's go with legit hmm do you think that we have to also put it  in the same category as the birds opening   no but i mean the fun the reason that it's  weird to me is because i grew up playing   e4 okay so e4 was what i played so i didn't  really play d4 and then around like when i was   23 2400 i decided to switch not switch  but i started playing d4 too and until   probably i got to about 26 50ish the only line  that i knew against it was e4 pawn takes pawn   knight t3 knight f6 bishop g5 yep this is what  i play against the two right and my my opinion   is that most people who are not relatively  strong players unless they're really strong   they're not going to know that knight c6 is the  best move and i feel like if you play any move   except knight c6 you're actually going to end up  significantly worse so to me i don't know where   it ranks i feel like all these gamblers like this  knight c3 or even pawn to f3 are quite dangerous   um so it's hard for me to judge this is kind  of the issue yes so so if we know that this   that this option exists that would be very  dangerous but like okay from from experience   i've probably seen these kinds of aggressive  gambits in less than less than five percent of   games huh really so they don't teach kids the  way they used to is what you're saying yeah   they don't teach kids or or intermediate players  so uh you know older players potentially so i i guess i'll put it in i don't even know where  it goes i have no idea it's definitely not garbage   it's definitely not tricks only um so i'm just  debating between like really bro and legit is it legit or not i mean based on the setups like because you can  play leningrad you can also play stonewall   i think i think i'll put it at the bottom  of legit i i think i think it goes legit um   so that to me seems like a reasonable  spot so all right next up we have the uh   the english right yes so i don't know why  but for some reason let me go back for some   reason our graphic the english has a picture  of samuel l jackson instead of the union jack   i'm not really sure why but but anyway um  it is what it is that's from the movie and   then is his uh character named i don't  know oh english do you speak it oh okay   oh oh okay okay oh yeah i forgot it oh the famous  line english mother quacker do you speak it yes   actually wait can we can we swear  now and then they'll just edit it out   okay i i don't think so union jackson right  exactly yeah um yeah yeah yeah of course uh i   i forgot obviously i know we cannot so the english  opening pawn to c4 um well what do you think lovey   uh i oh kind of think jake is watching oh man um  oh is that one of your students are you told to   play this no do you remember the sub battles he  played c4 total pandemonium broke loose i told   him to start playing e4 look c4 is good uh if you  play c4 with g3 bishop g2 it's fine it's all fine   the four nights with the two you know with the two  knights coming out it's all good but the truth of   the matter is it's a little too mysterious i mean  you know what i mean are you really gonna play   like rook b1 b4 b5 like come on so it's legit  but it for me it doesn't get any more than that   yeah i i actually have nothing more to add i  completely agree i think you can play it um but   i feel like they're better set up so you want to  play pawn g3 bishop g2 and bring the knight out   there are a couple other subs i think that i  think are much better like the closed sicilian   um or even one of the openings that's coming up  later that i think i'm gonna put in a pretty high   highly ranked tier so for me i think it um yeah  i think it goes in legit but it's kind of at the   bottom um you know i might even just say it goes  in really bro because i feel like beginners when   they get hit with c4 they actually audibly just  exhale they just ah oh maybe maybe yeah actually   you know i think you're right i think i think  actually you're right probably goes at the top   of really bro just demoted it yeah okay next up  we have the england gambit which i believe is what   is it d4 e5 yes e5 d6 takes bishop d6 the black  cam it's the two central pawn no no no all right   um oh oh so so oh hikara let me uh yeah let me let  me help you rummage through the the garbage here   um this opening actually for beginners is is  unbreakable or legendary i'm not going to lie   to you but it is d45d e5d6 right no it's not d6 so  there's this line i had a student lose like this   in nine moves at the state championship  oh so knight c6 yes knight f3 queen e7   bishop f4 queen before check yes bishop d2  queen here and then now white has to play   knight c3 because if you go here you get hit with  bishop b4 with the pin and sometimes white goes   queen d2 all right yeah and oh my checkmate  on move eight yes checkmate on move eight   ggu right right so stronger players  play d6 but you're right knight c6 is uh   knight c6 is the um is the the more appropriate  way of playing it i agree yeah so listen um what i   always taught my students here it's i i nicknamed  this for my students who played london i just call   it london poison because you can't play bishop f4  here i'm like just don't do it it's the one thing   just put your knights out you'll be fine however  first time witnesses of this opening with the   white pieces almost always do something ridiculous  and get a terrible position vanish for that reason oh let's put it in legit that's my  i vote legit you can vote otherwise where do you think it goes in legit um i think it  actually goes really high i think it's just really   i don't know here's the thing i think that you can  win a lot of games with it but once you get to a   point it'll never work again and then that's when  you either quit chess or learn the new opening so   that is true yeah so i think okay  i'll put it in the middle then i think it goes in the middle okay so next up we  have the evans gambit which again more gambits   is um pawn to e4 pawn e5 knight f3 knight  six bishop c4 bishop c5 and now pawn to b4   and usually black will take waiko's through and  plays for castles and d4 right away to attack   in the center so what do you think levy  i love it i love this opening i think uh   any any gambit in traditional theory  like the same as the as the danish i   i think this one is fantastic probably unbreakable  or legend i mean the thing is it's also not that   bad like i mean are people really gonna know the  theory so and even if they do white is fine so   i like it a lot somewhere at the time i think  evan's gambit it's weird to have both these up   there but i think evan's gambit is is is legendary  i mean it's it's it's um how legendary is it   i think it's really legendary i mean look at  the i think i think it's the the the og for the   moment i think i think it's just not legendary  wow i just think it really is that legendary   because if you try to decline it it doesn't really  work very well if you decline it like you can't   really decline it and there's so many ways to lose  oh is this supposed to be again on antonio's uh   favorite opening that line oh i didn't know if it  is but anyway yeah i think it's completely legit   i think it belongs at the very top um for sure  even even at the grand master level you can play   it it's not considered great but it's not losing  so the fact that you can even play it at the   grand master level um and that's like when people  really know the theory and it doesn't lose it's um   yeah it's definitely legendary no doubt dude  did you know that alpha zero plays this opening   not shocking i mean it leads to i  mean it's probably just a draw but yes   again it's it's a gambit but it it's always  doing well so for me i think it goes at the top you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 1,598,654
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Keywords: chess, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, tiermaker, Hikaru and Levy do tiermaker, Tiermaker for chess openings, Hikaru ranks chess openings, Hikaru ranks chess openings on tiermaker, Chess tiermaker, chess tierlist, chess tier list, chess openings tierlist, chesscom, tournament, best video ever, best video, gothamchess openings, gothamchess tier list, gothamchess ranking, gothamchess hikaru tier list, gotham hikaru tier list
Id: M9CwH47r6og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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