Winning Quickly With Opening Traps and Tricks

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
is time for some blitz I just joined the blitz shield arena this is a monthly tournament and the winner gets the unique shield trophy which I'm not going to win this is a six hour long events I'm joining with about an hour and 45 minutes left but hopefully I'll play some decent quality chests maybe I can break 2300 I'll play a two Knights attack someone one of my favorite openings to teach against the French so play is pretty fluid for whites and the point of this opening is white doesn't really reinforce the center too much at least with the pawns it's more about piece play and there's a few traps that black can fall into one of the traps is taking on b2 yeah this is already very good for white I've had this multiple times before Knight d5 not only it tries to trap the queen but threatens Knight c7 if black castles there's a great gift with bishop take h7 so life is good hey it's a sabzi nation chess 13 months in a row most loyal most longtime subscriber welcome back things e nation's only person who's been a sub for over a year I've had this position at least a few times on stream over the last year usually people Castle this guy is probably realizing castling walks into Bishop takes h7 but the other threat is I think something like Bishop d2 and key e7 is kind of funny the Bishop g2 maybe it's Queen e2 first yeah Queen e2 threatening rook f b1 reinforcing a 5 ah Queen before maybe the Queen's escaping Bishop g5 there's some funny line Bishop g5 f6 some line where I throw in Knight c7 and then win d5 let's start with Bishop g5 because if f6 I can take and then I'll play Knight c7 this is just a massive fork I'm threatening this this and then this Queen takes c6 is actually made in two threats unless maybe he can play King d8 but okay there's so many threats in the position between his rook his King his Queen that defends something but not everything because I can take twice that pawn is pinned now I'm still threatening this I'm threatening this threatening this let's just win oh I can take the other route - I can take either rook or I can take the Queen is there any mating ideas Queen g7 he just resigned okay that was a nice finish sixteen moves that's one of the reasons why I teach this this - Knights attack against a French it's so venomous like so many players will play Queen b6 not realizing what they're walking into so maybe I'll have to do like a whole whole video just covering that opening because there's some other traps too but for now we're gonna move on play another another blitz game let's play e4 again mmm would be hard to mess that moving the King on the first move hello - people in the chats is this a free pawn looks like a free pawn maybe he wants the scholars meet me he's gonna play like Queen yeah he's gonna say Queen Queen f6 or Queen h4 d 4 is probably most principled defending attacking covering F to be five so if I take the bishop he takes a night what does be five though can just take the pawn now at sevens attacks I don't want to be mean but I feel like this guy's playing much below his rating but as I've learned in the past I could never let my guard down do I fork maybe I fork because that rook is just trapped is this gonna be another quick win hello to car Mar and hello to everyone else I didn't say hello to Raphael Ito a bikes so I can okay I can play Queen f3 it's a fork so many black pieces are loose I can take the knight for free this feels like Christmas just so many things what's Castle King safety first now I'm attacking the bishop he's attacking my queen let's just trade Queens I just wanna like prompt resignation or maybe all mates maybe rook e8 will be mates or if he plays g6 Bishop h6 is mates there we go okay that was nice so a couple quick games so far want to break into the top thousand over 2300 people playing this tournament Nathan F Nathan F is back with a tier 3 sub one of my only tier 3 subscribers Nathan same tog at first I thought that was pug got excited nine months in a row almost catching up to znation so I this is my third game in a row is white and try and keep up though the momentum two days till Carlsen Cara Juana that's true Ashley today's today's Wednesday wait two days until I fly to London okay so I have a Grand Prix this guy logged in is a screen can never tell if it's green or no lost connection now he's back so I'm just gonna do typical grand-prix stuff Queen h4 f5 Bishop h6 don't be aggressive at six Wow look at these pawns five in a row oh now I don't know if I want to go for an attack maybe I'll play slightly more positionally let's start with this I just want to see what he's up to if he's not up to anything I'll just play kind of slow improving this could maybe no I play rook b1 first b3 f5 maybe I should play rugby one first usually the the positional plan is stuff like this where it just restricts the queenside is there an actual Grand Prix coming up I mean there's a Grand Prix opening and then there's a Grand Prix like fidei events rook d7 let's do this just a matter of slow play usually if black plays this I just ignore it and I continue with my plans because it's slightly weakening to c5 okay so he plays out 595 is a made threats but then h6 so let's just keep keep plugging away my plans I have no idea who's gonna win I think Carlsen is probably a slight favorites but I'm rooting for Fabiano howdy 5 so there's a lot of pressure now I don't know if Locke has any threats but I'm tempted to just play this close things down because he has a bishop pair when the opponent has a bishop pair if we can close apposition down the bishops both bishops are not so happy and the Knights are happier like this knight can do stuff this Mike can do stuff ooh ok so this is kind of what I was waiting for because now it's it's gonna be purely positional look at this pawn I don't think I was about to say I don't think he could defend it but Queen d5 proves me wrong I think the goal is to bring this Bishop to a3 but there's no rush let's play this first toilet noggin saying hello toilet noggin usually says Heil this time he's just using a normal greeting suspicious oh the problem with box position like there's so little active play there's no great pawn breaks a c4 can't be played any a pawn push can't really do anything Knight g5 is a fork another nice game is that three games in a row less than 20 moves yeah that's three games in a row the first game was 16 news last two games where 18 moves it's nice to be white like a free game I broke into the top thousand I'm gonna try and keep up the aggressive openings it's called the shield arena because the winner of the tournament gets a shield and they keep the shield until the next shield arena ocala berserk because he's busy working let's play over versus London this time I'll be a bit more solid than usual but I'll still be attempting to be aggressive there's a squirrel on the roof the other day I saw there is a squirrel on my neighbor's roof jumped off the roof and just like landed on the ground it was like a good 15-foot drop and I just kept running okay let's not get distracted let's play h6 this is another kind of slow play position because White's not doing much I mean White's just trying to move quickly and flag me so I have to be slightly aware I'm just looking to gain space improve the pieces maybe do something on the queenside I won Connect four maybe I can do this create some weakness I'm gonna put the Queen here just a more useful square covering the night preparing to castle let's take mm-hmm okay so now I have some space and the goal is still probably to focus on the Queen side but I could look to play on the Kings side too I don't know what to do but I have to move quickly let's play let's play this someday I might want to break with c4 I think one goal is to control the f4 square because this isn't White's main pawn move and if I can stop him from playing f4 it'll be annoying for him I take on g3 win three pawns probably another good idea I'm just gonna go for more control over f4 maybe I'll play f5 myself I put the Queen on b7 pin the e pawn play a five put the rook back on f8 he's attacking the pawn maybe I can play h5 always play off six always play g6 this bishops kind of sad now wasn't my intention doing that let's put the Queen here I still want to play out five if he plays Queen age six I can probably play Knight g5 everything's covered kind of I want to play nine f7 kick the Queen away I should also maybe move a bit more quickly wait the queen is trapped cos he played f4 Queen has no escape that's nice so he's gonna win something for it but no I'm up a queen and if he takes f6 I just want to trade also a cold player thanks for this up I don't think I thanked you four times in a row four months in a row g5 and it's play 95 first okay let's not get careless I just have to play quick and play solid and win win anything that's free that's a good move I play this ooh the rook is defending I was a terrible move but he didn't see it okay well the my Brook was hanging to okay this is turning into a fight but I'm still up a queen for a rook and minor piece Bishop D or Bishop c4 will come and we'll trade I'll get some attack knife at five will come or he'll just flag okay not the cleanest conversion but conversion nonetheless I was a much longer game than the first three the Queen trap was quite helpful my final move was nine five five fine gold would be happy so I'm top six hundred clean score first place has a hundred fifty three points that's hard to catch up to but I'll try my best I'm not gonna be zerk only if my opponent berserks while I berserk back can you play English or Sicilian I can pre move c5 and see what happens okay we have a Sicilian I'll play the UM I'll play the pin variation not so useful effective opening against low rated players pin variations dubious at higher levels but while the players just don't know how to react to this and then they start thinking at Bishop g5 it's like Queen c7 applying a media pressure on pinning the night so the pawn is attacked if you take some have six maybe I just take on c3 Queen c7 is very typical move and these these lines Queen e5 looks attractive attacking everything things could get weird though the very least I'm threatening Queen takes e4 so if he takes on f6 maybe I could take with check the one problem is there's Knight c7 in the end the Queen takes e4 Queen e2 we trade I take back on f6 and then there's 97 so I guess I don't want a pawn but e4 still attacked we'll see if he sees it I'm also threatening a6 probably remove the night then maybe win c3 I also want to go for like maybe i5 ideas or d5 I don't know so he's still thinking I'm expecting something like this and then probably a six she a six is winning material I was thinking he has f4o he plays a three this is calculated light still trapped maybe just Bishop c5 Bishop c5 yeah the night's still trapped near von Raymond yeah I got I got the email I've been so bogged down with messages lately there's like a whole backlog I will say my schedule is so hectic but I'm still going through them all probably reply by like tonight or tomorrow it should be six my still trapped I might continue as a counter-attack with my day four and then at the very least I can take on f2 wait let's go got weird 9 9 84 Bishop takes f2 no King takes f2 pawn takes b5 and the Knight b6 hmm so maybe I played Bishop to Yates it's such a sad looking move but a white still in the predicament because if you play as might be c3 I have B 5 I still want to win the Knight f4 what does this variation Queen D for such a weird variation like we keep counter punching each other but I think I'm getting the last laugh or the last punch because there's no oh is there a counter-attack you complain 92 what is this oh he takes them b5 okay this is nice now I think 92 would have saved him mmm really tempted to take on the affor and play Bishop b6 let's do it those lips will be powerful there the idea is now he has to play b5 I play Bishop e7 and threatening this and then this okay hey another game less than 20 moves I think I've played humming game so I played I played five games so far and four of them have been wins less than 20 moves zalem Bora thanks for the message I don't think I have too many Iraqi viewers so welcome I wanted to ask is there anyone from Africa watching anyone from Africa or Southeast Asia because I'm going to both of those places like the next few months I'm curious about the the chess scenes because Europe has a good chess scene but other places I'm not so sure of so now I'm playing another opening opening trick see what happens yeah III mean I could be zerk but well I beserk sometimes I forget that I Berk I get along one time and that's where bad things happen I'm just trying to break 2300 and not embarrass myself and also when I have more time it's easier to explain things sometimes it's not about who he's falling for a trap I played this line a few months ago against John Bartholomew and he fell for the same thing it was during one of his his chest calm streams the problem for lack okay hole likely take on f7 maybe he wants there's three legal moves here okay so he takes yeah the problem for black is that the Queen's are now aligned and white will likely win a queen like if gee 696 check I win the Queen if King e6 94 check and I win a queen if King f6 I won't win a queen but I'll still have a massive attack so there's been some successful openings today doesn't happen this uh like this consistently so ki6 trying to escape I'm still winning a queen it's thinking about pre moving yeah it makes sense to pre move hey nine move game that's the shortest game of today back to tournament yeah the average length of my white games so far have been like 15 moves deadly opening traps so I'm top top 350 21 points only need like 140 more points to to catch up to first okay new game I'm black I'm not accepting challenges if you want to play me you can join this tournament and you'll have like a 1 in 2300 chance of playing me let's play knight c6 I found this to be an aggressive response to Knight of 3 maybe not the most high level response but the idea is to play e5 and then what what what what he wants to play the bond cloud what is this how do i punish him I want to punish him to the maximum efore immediately let's play d5 ok this is this is bogus he's gonna play King c3 where is my mate Queen Queen f6 as a move Bishop b4 as a move maybe Bishop Bishop before I'm taking this seriously I should be for thinking about d4 first now let's just take the knight first because now d4 he won't be able to take with this Knight now 95 people these days the c5 gonna be mate that was nice this actually reminds me of something I've seen before well let me give up a puzzle just a funny like brainteaser puzzle for the viewers let's go back to the starting position so the puzzle goes like this white gets to make seven moves in a row from move one black makes one move and it's checkmate now I'm gonna go ahead and show the solution and I'll probably post this on youtube later so if you're watching on YouTube feel free to pause the video and try and figure out the solution white makes seven moves from starting position black makes one move and it's mate in one the solution is d3 King walks one two three four wait D three was one so that's five moves and then white plays d4 and a four and then black plays c6 meet so that kind of reminded me of this sort of meets the discovered check with the pawn that was eight moves that's my shortness game so far back to tournaments top 300 now yeah that's how you recruit refute whatever opening that was not a difficult opening to refute was that all theory maybe that was all theory I don't know so I have 25 points ok let's play I'm gonna be aggressive I just want to continue the opening momentum Center fork trick yeah the student other day who's saying that's boring playing like these symmetrical four Knights openings but the the Center for trick is essentially the solution to to all the boredom okay this feels like a Halloween gambit where I haven't I haven't sacrificed material no I just want to I want an artificial castle and then control the F file he wants the castle okay well both castle ooh one passant or Bishop don't know if I want to give up my e pawn she probably played Bishop d6 mmm but then queen h5 yeah I think I'll take after Queen takes King g8 and I'm attacking f2 I have 95 ideas like 95 Knight g4 can be strong I still have some Center Knight g4 immediately maybe c6 first so conflicted let's play c6 first Knight g4 and Queen h4 well maybe come someday yeah like right now c3 is kind of slow now the queen is not having access to the the third drink and there's three attackers on f2 yeah the best player the best player I'd beam I mean online it was Carlsen if you can count that as a real game in a tournament I beat Ivana Savitch who's I believe the top player from Serbia he was ranked maybe a hundred in the world when I play them okay so I'm turning mate it's really only one move four lights which is not nine of three so to say the one move was a ch3 okay he just resigns yeah I wasn't actually sure what to do after a ch3 probably just take on f2 and then take here and then we trade on that fade up upon okay that was another 16 move game so many miniatures I think I'm tempted to just end everything right here upload upload this to YouTube and just call it like chess miniatures how to trap your opponent in the opening but not all my games have been traps like it's just a lot of early blunders and some long cloud my moves zero-one thanks for the Sun 2 months in a row Wow all the subscribers so far have been subbing for multiple months in a row thanks guys okay he's buzzer keying all beserk back I'll have a faster game let's play the same opening I played in the first game g6 he wants to play a hippo h4 is a quickest way to attack now h5 prevents me from playing h5 but it is a bit weakening to the g5 Square let's just continue development at some point I might want to play e5 but for now I just want to play restrictively I'm very tempted to play Queen off four let's do it while castling right into my attack I'm not gonna hold back I just want to control this square and also now I have the D file Wow 95 so the Knights I mean the Queen can be taken at the very least I can win upon I don't want to win more than upon hmm I take oh wait we we double berserk I shouldn't move quicker well maybe I'm winning two pawns yeah it's this is not the most exciting variation because we trade Queens but I mean I'm winning two pawns I'll play like Bishop III next or a5 next expecting rook the eights oooh figure out about that it's play Bishop e2 I'm losing another pond am i doing he doesn't take it though okay so now I'm up relatively clean pawn if he takes on that three I probably take with pawn I just have to move quicker play a5 rely on instincts what's up comrade how's it going he's forking me oh let's defend stuff I mean he could take on b2 and then materials equal but then at least we'll be easier to play and I have a passed pawn here and I see pawn is a passed pawn so if we trade stuff on me to play rugby one okay nevermind oh now I just want to play a B 3 C 4 well I come today I might come by once it's 251 I'll decide in like 10 or 15 minutes is there a meeting today if if people are meeting I'll come by P 393 let's play C 3 Karma are 100 bits thanks Karma what's up super major pain I should probably stop looking at the chats and focus on not flagging even though I want to read all of these these nice comments okay let's move quicker keep the time advantage activate the rook what works e6 could be blunder Asst just double up slowly mmm that's a free rook I'm gonna sack the rook back because I think I'm meeting a g8 he could have taken the g5 on it wouldn't be mates but okay time is a factor let's go back I don't think we've gone to the point where we need emote only mode if it gets to that point maybe all points and mods 9 f6 let's play let's play this line I'm expecting d4 yeah this is a fun variation please take on b2 okay please take on anyone let's get four Queens on the board this is one of the few openings in chess where you can have four Queens on the board by move seven Oh what a buzzkill it's so annoying I mean objectively this is probably a better line for luck but come on I was hoping to have some fun let's play Bishop Bishop e5 does that work there should be five Bishop d7 queen g4 Queen a5 it gets complicated oh let's just play it anyway I will play Knight of three we're gonna have some boring end game probably have to play c3 my kind I play d5 probably not I might end up losing a pawn then it's gonna be annoying now he's playing well castling we take a bunch of times maybe I'll have some comp blacks winning upon here but I'll have some open c-file half-open be file stick with bishop throw in the check okay it's gonna be a fights pawns don't tell the whole story because it comes down to who attacks better and defends better f-7s attacked that was a good move maybe rook here threatening probably threatening Knight takes e5 so Knight takes e5 gets weird I think it's okay though Queen h3 would be a great gift wait I'm actually I might just be winning here for our knight c6 is a major threat if Queen d5 I play knight c6 trade Queens and then take on d4 this could be ending unexpectedly I might be overlooking something though like the targeting of this King side is slightly scary given that both f2 and g2 are only defended by my king but I don't see anything for black like this is a mate threat and this is a main threat but neither of those moves really work I don't think sacrifices work either Sarah nilly oh thanks for the bits so I assume I can just capture and if Queen f5 I play Knight f3 I mean maybe I'll go crazy and take on g2 but I'll still find some shelter hopefully wait you sent me a message what where did you send me a message was an email or text or leech us so I don't see any messages wait I'll meet us [Music] when did you send it because I don't think I received it if you'd give donations and my king will have shelter it's a great comment pretty sure I can build a shelter without donations okay so now I'm just up a piece are there any threats I just focus on attacking I mean rook takes g2 could be a little bit annoying just looking for some simple move maybe you just ripped you too never hurts to prepare the double-up this is probably going to be my last game unfortunately I honestly was not planning to stream today I was planning to spend the whole day at Starbucks but then I realized I forgot my charger and my battery was just low okay so g2 is attacked so maybe just g3 how's that Starbucks earlier was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me like I got my I got my London Fog which has recently become my my favorite drink on top of my favorite opening and then I got a sandwich so before having the London Fog I had my sandwich so I got half hour after I was sitting there the London Fog it was still completely full I went to get like a napkin or something and my table was wobbly when I got up the table was wobbly enough it just knocked over the drink and it spilled everywhere luckily it did not get on my laptop but it was all over the floor and it was like a packed Starbucks - I felt so bad but the barista was so nice cleaned it up gave me another drink for free let's try and convert this before I flag I just want to play this or do i maybe I can profit it with this no I'm actually threatening force meets rooks e6 is expected Roxy six Rosie aids betrayed King c7 Queen d2 I mean everything is pretty much winning as long as I don't blunder or flag let's just trade Queens gonna be super boring can I go for some mates check check check threatening meets who's going to take on you too I'm looking for mates but I'll be using a flag first I prepared night b8 mates okay that was a slow finish but I finished nonetheless I'm sure I had other options there why don't I take on f7 was a7 hanging 7 was hanging yeah Queen digs f7 would have been very fine move I guess it would have opened up a file for black but I mean when you're up a piece there's so many things you can do to win anyway yeah that game could have been a lot more exciting if you only taken promoted to a queen how many times does this happen only chess I play them I played this before I've had games in the past where like Bach takes on the a2 I take on age seven and black makes another queen and white makes another queen it's pretty fun anyway um I gotta take off I have so much to do I'm leaving the country in two days I have to pack have to buy stuff I have to respond to messages but thanks guys for watching I'll be back in the future my next stream might be in London I'm hoping to do some like collaborations there's going to be a lot of a lot of famous people in London so we'll see what happens but yeah thanks again and I'll see you guys in the future
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 2,025,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, chess openings, chess tactics, chess lecture, chess tutorial, chess thought process, chess analysis, how to win at chess, attacking chess, how to play chess, international master, chess instruction, chess tricks, chess brilliancy, chess stream, twitch stream, chess traps, chess explained, chess commentary, chess miniature, chess blunder, lichess,, blitz chess, e4
Id: wu-iqXj8GYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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