Winning with Hyper-Aggressive Openings

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five four three two one zero yeah I do like bughouse by I don't usually play online I'll play over the board if there's some opportunity okay let's play let's play a walrus I'm gonna play the a walrus in a while this is not a good opening kids if you're watching go to sleep also close your eyes also don't try this at home actually this is beginning to look fun I'll put the bishop here I think there's some compensation I guess md5 looming I wanna play h4 Oh white plays h4 I mean I could play d5 I mean I got five these squares look tender some idea of Queen e7 I don't know if I'm getting much I'm trying some idea of this - hmm there's some bishop move coming I'm gonna double think lol I think this makes more sense if visually g5 I might have to play f6 185's coming that's kind of scary it's hard to deal with - I could take but I might have to take oh and the night takes fall yeah white sweating some good news know what to do this is not an easy position because the problem is 95s coming and the combination of Bishop g5 9 697 it's really hard threat to stop my knight spins look thanks for subbing masterminds I can't even play this because Bishop here if I play Queen g8 I guess Queen the AIDS or maybe I'll play f6 I don't know click Wendy it first it's such a sad move ideas after this I played f6 to stop a ship g5 Bishop f4 I'll play d6 and like barely survived oh that doesn't even survive though I'm just in huge trouble here hmm wondering if I can just castle I'm gonna try that there's now a fishery bg5 I have have six and one of the points after Bishop f4 this my Kings not on he ate so there's no like Knight f6 takes and double attack so I think I'm okay here even though I'm still much worse I'm drinking I'm like some fruits herbal tea and I have to sack the exchange some d5 idea there c6 - I mean a3 is expected there should be six just gonna lose the exchange we're not dead yet it's actually good like when you're down the exchange you want ox of Claire Bishop's give you kind of some hope to fight back I think all the light squares are potentially in my control I'll play 94 and 96 kind of hangs I defend the night if castling I have this move I'm also sneakily attacking the rook which I'm hoping my opponent yeah my opponent misses because I played c5 it looks like I was just defending the Knights but the diagonal opened up that's why you always have to see the whole board I win both rooks now that's so great yeah don't mess with the walrus the dirty game White has one legal move but probably just trying to control the totes no I'm okay like just taking a break letting the German settle down I cry like a Grand Master yeah I mean saltiness is I think a normal reaction a few weeks ago I went to the Dead Sea I've never seen anything so salty because the like when you go in you just start floating it's so salty it's like 40 percent salt you have to be careful that like it doesn't get in your eyes or your mouth okay so just killing some time here well um yeah we'll probably end up taking something of some sorts why it might actually take the pawn try and destabilize my night's clean victory yeah okay save time that was nice yeah kudos to leech us for having that so that option it's also it's it's so nice that like they allow you to claim the draw to if you feel bad I don't feel bad how do you become a GM you have to work really hard play a lot of tournaments and beets meet other good players consistently why do you think most top chess players have unstable tempers I don't think that's the case most a lot of top chess players like are very just neutral but maybe you're just thinking of a few people that represent the overall population of top chess players okay so we have symmetry okay night here is a move if Bishop h4 there's a really cool move for black yeah this is on this is stock fishes novelty I discovered this a couple years ago and this is one of the top computer moves ideas simply f6 and drop the bishop unlike the previous game this opening is actually sound like this is just a best approach and so far I mean it's basically computer preparation so now the idea is g5 and if takes takes the knight moves I trap the Michelle if h4 I just take and play g4 White's kingside structure is in shambles and the Knights gonna have to go to a sad place maybe c5 yeah because I have the ID of the bishop pair I want to open position and G's the Jeep on is kind of a weakness so there's some idea of Queen c7 and attack the G pollen guess who's in first after two games oh it's diamond cuts good job diamond cuts also can i play this move play this move hitting the pawn I'm threatening mean in one I'm also threatening this pawn hopefully my opponent plays before and just ends a pain yeah so the goal is to catch up to diamond cuts Wow opponent lets me even the poem and this move is coming it's made I'd like to III Queen Daisy three mates unexpected me haste this game is gonna be a miniature yeah I caught up the diamond cut let's go those 12 moves wait where am i I catch up oh there I am I'm in first place he's playing and dude something something oh let's play E for I'm gonna continue being aggressive so far the openings have paid off I'm gonna play a hillbilly attack I first saw this years ago Carlson was playing it and having like decent success you just want to meet the opponent or just went out seven g6 I think is the most popular move an idea is not necessarily to win back the pawn it's more to play f3 and then get some get some compensation so it's again it's I'm gonna play d3 probably hmm let's play d3 and some idea of I'm just attacking wow so black is castling into the tack I'll start with this I could even just Castle kingside and get the roof data I file team should be safe on g1 that's a decent move it's like casting first I have a lot of potential to attack I'll play Knight g5 so now basically the knight is tied down to defending h7 oh also good morning to Thomas Thomas was here earlier so I assume you slept and then you woke up shoutout to Thomas welcome back oh wait one too many A's ok so I lost my bishop that was actually one attacker but I still have a lot of things on the kingside very soon I'll need to calculate there's one check the rook here first thinking about g4 at some point it could be interesting the problem is the stuff maybe King h1 I think I'm still down upon but there's so much pressure and black I'm thinking 94 if we trade then I'll have rook takes our six possibilities also just want to take no I don't want to relieve the tension too soon okay I officially have all my pieces on the kingside I think that's a good sign I'm trying to remove a defender basically the key defender if takes takes I'll be threatening this be threatening this this looks nice oh it's 7 a.m. in Norway it's 12:30 nan and st. Louis so it's officially Thursday but it might not be Thursday for the people watching in the future a shout-out to those people I guess there's a one in seven chance that's Thursday for people watching in the future ok so yeah that's a move thinking G for now oh except the bishops bishops no hunger defended so I should take and then G for I mean each six might happen it's getting messy at the very least I'll win back upon I think at the very most maybe I'm meeting or maybe I wouldn't apiece maybe I have actually have night h3 it's an interesting or treating move but the ideas after in that have 6 IV 5 there's Queen d5 check I complain that f3 but that walks into metaphor okay let's think I left three nineth for the nice XIV five so this this there's g5 there's e5 even I'm not sure if I take this way takes oh there's h6 first and then takes let's do that because I was scared at first I just saw this slide queen x g5 work h8 which is also interesting because I do have a 5 but let's say h6 first the intermezzo or Lord chunga's taking off goodbye to the Lord let's take you just move back McQueen's gonna plant itself on a good square I'll move back this way keeping up on defended Queen d4 hmm yeah the problem is if we trade Queens I'm gonna lose the pond then they'll just be down upon so I guess I don't want to trade Queens I don't really want to do anything else takes air takes this is a difficult position Queen uh four I don't know what to do here okay I'm gonna play a very risky move basically Gama ting some more pawns because eventually I want to play this and sac and meet somehow it's probably not working starting with this move yeah Queenie five good move I probably have to take Oh remind me later yeah I'm gonna be down like so many pawns I lose this pawn I'm down two pawns I I need a miracle to win this anything this pawn I just want to activate the rook found three pawns here and I'm down like thirty seconds to draw thanks for the bits let's go Jim I'm trying I'm trying it's not easy being down Soni pause okay now I can activate that's a small success it was a rock can do stuff from behind she's on passant bees I'm a passed pawn now that doesn't last okay but I get the rook to be six and then T cells ooh let's take first I'll see four I see four as a bad move okay defend the pawn on time that's nice ya dirty flagging coming let's take their sorry opponents you played so well I'm not quick enough yeah well thinking so I survived long enough it's down three pawns for like the whole engine yeah my tack didn't work black played well to kind of neutralized I I went a little bit too crazy probably my queen move the dirty flag yeah but staying clean at least in terms of points another caro-kann let's play something new let's play um whatever this is Oh II 525 the move okay we're having um will have a Marathi mind that's a pleasant opening I'm very easy to develop and just control the center yeah b5 is a move I think I can just kind of ignore it b5 I play a three preventing d4 and keep developing like Queen c2 rook d1 I think is a the completed seven I don't want to do too much with attention and try and confuse black I'm realizing I may have no if I plundered may have given box some opportunity here that's more worried about takes in c5 Bishop d3 is a move and d5 some of them I think d5 makes some sense try and close things down grab space yeah cuz now these pawns make the bishops and there's my c5 there's that move - don't play queen bee one I want the rook to be on see you want hmm actually I don't know if I feel direct to be unseen one let's start doing maneuvering things like Knight g4 a3 idea to improve the bishop - maybe the Bishop B belongs in c2 all blacks Bishop is coming in I have to allow it that's an okay trade for me so I want to get the Knight to f5 and then jisuk could maybe weaken the darks where's also take with a pawn here open the file yeah let's let's just control the file I'll play griff d2 just preparing the double-up these are gonna be the major targets we could even play rook f3 maybe my knight should have come on first it was a big opportunity I'm just envisioning the the triple battery I've not won I mean 92 what to do I'll play 92 scurvy you're learning from the legends I can't can't blame you thanks for the bits kriby what to do here because Mike G fives coming yeah these pieces I don't know what these pieces are doing but my knight wants to come here to attack the pawn it's a it's very nice position but it takes a little bit more work so restricting the Knights yeah attacking the pawn now it could have come into G for I guess the g5 is expected but g5 I play g3 we trade the mine that comes in yeah the square is so juicy for the Knights yes this makes it to YouTube YouTube people can say hi to scribble in the comments you've uh you've made your mark in history yeah blocks in big trouble because these squares are so weak rook G to some idea the night really wants to come to f5 Oh people saying hi to YouTube YouTube can say hi back in the future oh I'm not in first anymore some people pass me what happened was a diamond cut or diamond cut still on a streak good job to the diamond and Bishop see it's a good move I before me attack the knight I'm trying to make the knight move away okay unleashing the file getting ready for this I'm just trying to build a pressure like these pieces can only defend so much King g7 really like to remove my pawn 9f5 I think what I'll do is this rooks not doing anything I'll put it on F - maybe this rook will have some x-ray vision there might be some H four possibilities there's some night c4 idea but knife yeah knife f5 has finally come and the H file yeah I was trying to use a the F file and then the G file but now it's actually the H file which is open and free to use this Knight has no legal moves I'll work g7 my knight is not worth the rook the knight still like just trapped a triple battery if I'm planning to take the night I'm probably threatening this Wow plaques pieces with the blacks pieces that's so fun where's my wind just play a simple move come on just a simple move well I lost a pawn but now like everything's trapped for for a flag even the Knights the night has no moves I'm threatening me as a funny game yeah you to people I mean at this face sudden I think I might just want to put this whole tournament on YouTube but we'll see if I don't you people hope you enjoyed that playing Pembina I'll play another afore ye e six I'll play a two Knights attack I still owe you tuba what does this move f5 gonna say I still owe you tuba a two Knights attack video 5 hmm I think I can just take either way hi d4 and this this square is very weak Finn sack thanks for subbing and G Sansan chezj also thanks for subbing appreciate the the new and returning subs play this move yeah this is like very nice positional game so far I like the Queen on each three because they can't really be attacked it applies constant pressure I mean 92 ideas c3 and f3 one hectare per bit hahaha just kidding hi oh hi - dirt boy soft thanks for the that's it's 100 bits oh and thanks for leaving out the 100 pots play each five I could also preserve my mission Oh actually there's a small trap it takes I can take with Queen cuz I might just win a piece might has to move back you want to play in that a for at the right points I think I'll play each five firsts I'm trying to eventually check means like each 5 9 F for Queen g5 okay we're gonna have a end game late middle game not sure what stage of game this is once the Queen's get traded it kind of feels like an end game but this is pleasant cuz I have a passed pawn it'll be supported by a rook at least Wow 94 did not see that coming it's a playable move we'll just take and play g3 but the point is I lose back a piece so I'm holding on to my Knights the Knights are precious I'll play this move the Bishop's going to find the square I bumped us on here hmm no g5s coming oh if g5 I have a ever nice idea to play this in this except I can't play this right away because there's a pin let's start with this yeah once the night comes to f6 it's me very very nice play it now I think the King doesn't have anywhere great to go if you're here I take with check looking a chains yeah Brooke each one's coming Brooke h2 is coming also this is coming yeah blocks just losing oh that's a tricky move maybe it locks not losing okay King D - the point is to get out of the pin if this I can just take it if this I pin I think the bishops just trapped yeah the bishops just trapped I can just take because it rooks not defended well I can't take back then I defend 0 I'll bring my knight back at 6 triangle which instructs I'm eating that this is kind of risky because I'm allowing black to promotes by this better just be winning allowing black to promote 86 idea rook f7 mates it's actually kind of a nice finish yeah it takes takes it doesn't make a difference that was nice Kiyomi yeah you're kind of late but you're actually like halfway through the tournament's also back to tournaments okay I'm in second place oh no you're um you're only like 37 in the slates so I'm staying clean I have five wins trying to catch up to Rosario 90 it is important like for these types of tournaments to win games efficiently and not have everything go the full distance any plans for a varied stream not entirely but I mean let me know what variants you want me to stream play nine oh six I'm gonna mix it up in the play and limbs Oh cuz why not yeah Bishop d2 is not the most active move it blocks a queen so d4 is a bit more tender can I win anything b5 let's try b5 it's already getting kind of spicy take take again there's no e4 cuz I can just take I think I'm starting to take here now I want to play d5 yeah I'm complaining with this opening atomic and crazy house okay I'll keep that in mind let's see with Queen not sure what this accomplishes I mean there's Queen h6 I'm Biju's attacks okay so let's castle oh these pawns are so majestic I'll play Knight c6 rookie aids just keep applying pressure ooh opponent did not identify my threats everything crumbles now the Queen's hits queen c3 ideas the rooks undefended and aligned with my queen king is a a sitting duck yeah 92 I I can take on de to also take on e3 this actually looks kind of more fun because 94 wow everything stuck for a white guy reminds me of a previous game I've see three year I could take nine of three there's so many ways to win in 3 c3 is probably the most gruesome yeah just so many different directions also officially 6 is now a threat I got three mates Wow one of mates oh that's so nice White's pieces on the back ring okay doctor turn it okay I've reclaimed my my spots of glory I have to just keep this spot for the next hour and 20 minutes playing chooce I'll play you for again before has been serving me well I'll try another two nights attack okay we have a what is this run steam sort of something what to play here Queenie - makes sense ah so black wants to take and then the other night on that six which I might have to allow wondering if there's any any alternatives I actually see something crazy involves sacking a queen I was just looking at this this and then this do I dare sack my queen it's not called for I don't know if I can stop myself little cuz I sack a queen and a knight I can't stop myself I'm sake I'm sacking all my pieces oh it doesn't oh it doesn't work it doesn't work oh that was so bad I forgot I forgot ninety five spot possible I just lost a queen and a knight for nothing that's so bad now I have to justify my terrible decisions that was really bad at least the Kings on e6 maybe there's some there's some hope I have about 500 rating points above my opponents I have to avoid trades let's play g3 stopping anything from coming to f4 I'm preventing the king from running away this way of course the King runs away the other way that's put the rook in this is so bad oh it should you gonna be one always play king b1 and save my king don't attack me I'm down so much material I could I could play b3 actually b3 so risky I'll play rook c1 some idea of c4 top ones playing quickly and strongly undeveloped time mmm I've three such a sad move each threes a move so I'll do this stuff Bishop c1 f1 is playing really quickly but it's justified coming down so much material mmm also many regrets this might be a move actually it's a nifty move the pawns gonna save the king even further the scheme is so safe it's protected by so mental things can redevelop the Knights I could undeveloped my mission I did this ship g2 also over defending my pawn so I can redevelop later yeah c4 is just terrifying around yeah b4 is terrifying thinking about legacy for what else to do I should have played 83 actually it's not a great move to allow I guess I have to take I grew up d1 okay let's play this move preventing Bishop f5 which could have been played earlier you're really just hoping for a miracle I don't know what to play running low on time too don't need me please don't need me okay redeveloping my Knights trying to keep things complicated - I feel like that's one hope they'll just put the rock random ch5 doing anything to avoid trades 1.95 this is so bad I don't know why suck my queen like that it's getting late people can tear me apart in the future YouTube comments what does 91 91 I mean I really want to play Bishop d2 let's do it made this bow to stick with a rook no I can't do that to do this taking a bishop hmm it's really nasty that's a really good move Oh what to do oh dear it's trying so hard to survive - it's not it's not gonna end well but I do have a few cattle training a fork I always have to look on the bright side of things what a what a bad decision what to do wait what about durians and miss something in the chat there's some discussion Nigerians okay so I didn't this month I'm in the second cuz regrets III didn't see 95 I was I was calculating like all these King move lines I got too excited okay let's play a dragon there's some discussion about dragon earlier I'll play accelerated oh thanks so much compact buffalo ah d5 yeah I could never so right saying I could never use too much good luck okay so this looks reasonable rook e8 attacking the pawn there's Knight f4 potential it's a nice kind of dragon position you play e5 preparing that of for hitting the bishop preparing Queen g5 threatening to win the bishop and the Queen I will say it's really nice having a queen on the board it's so much more potential it's also nice not being down material leave this move what to play okay this is kind of a tricky move also white I think White's in trouble here because if take stakes I win the bishop it takes I um I win the Queen yeah okay now now I get to see how it feels like to be up a green all the minor pieces are hanging mmm maybe this move this is a tricky move like counter-attack the bishop if white takes the knight I take back and hitting the rook also the Queen is aggressively placed I forgot about that move okay everything's still hanging like even I'm threatened threatening my g3 are threatening this sagnik a royai asking how did he miss at even if you saw I don't know what he was supposed to do let's take this I can go back to that pointed show hoping for Ritchie one it's already made here feels close to me oh there's no night g3 actually I'll play on only this month oh there's there's a cool idea hoping for this also Condor thanks for subbing and the ship is kind of annoying let's keep attacking it I'm just trying to chase the bishop off this diagonal I think I'm succeeding the bishop I'm controlling all these squares now if rook d1 o there's g3 but now I can counter-attack I was gonna say if rook t1 I have this move o the counter counter attack this preparing for meets the bishop still attacked at Bishop a3 I just play Roxy - oh why not yeah I should have taken the bishop because I had Queen f1 mates I forgot about that but okay I'll get out of the pen and then mates coming yeah it's so focused on like bringing the rook into play okay works out and ends so I'm chasing I might have to start buzzer King more it's chase first an hour and six minutes it's still not even halfway through the tournament much coffee have I had there's no caffeine in this cheese so I'm getting more tired as we speak as I speak what's happening on the counter what you mean by counter like the countertop or the timer the one who counts oh that's okay let's play this mu I played this opponent many times before we're gonna have I'm gonna have a Halloween happy Halloween let's just invite back I mean don't try this at home kids I just want to meet there should be threes a move I can take and take on b2 there's Queen g3 as well yeah I don't know how white defends the night I mean I could take but then I take and chop the rook I guess there's King f2 if I can play d4 problem with d4 isn't it takes e4 so let's just move that I can I'll take on me - hmm am I not and then one more check can't hurt but now once this is kind of risky but the Queen's tied down to the rook it takes I might just Castle first you want to take back with Rooker Bishop in Leyte four so I'm down the piece I'm sacking another piece it's a spirit of Halloween Bishop g4 on the horizon if this move this is really risky I don't think this is paying off but it might I don't know jack King was here I have this move there's that move well I can take okay so I'm trading Queens I'm still down a piece I got some pawns for it I got an open that file let's start with g6 I guess II five maybe uh maybe be 65 or be 65 I want to be like as restrictive as possible wow that's check take a look on I dare you Wow white accepted my dare and now is about to get mated but how knight c6 King e6 it's so weird I don't want to let the King slip away but okay like 96 there's also just Kings he's Savin quiet move he bring that came to c6 and me there's also the concept of dirty flagman Knight f5 it's desperate move I'm looking for me I should just look to flag my opponent or meets there's a mate okay can you see six coming Wow okay threatening me than one again threatening me than one okay so weird game Halloween paid off let's go it's still in second place so also znation I don't know if I said hi to you welcomes you nation maybe you've been here for a while we have some like original like some of the longest time viewers like z nation Kiyomi I've been watching the stream for at least the last two years I think okay I playing another two nights attack we'll see what this player does so far I've run into take and f5 at Lisa's tournaments [Music] opponents perplexed not used to seeing so many nights okay have the main line maybe yeah the difference between this and the advanced French is that with this line whites happy to trade off the center pawns advance French usually like place e3 and holds on to the pawns Oh double comic yeah that will come welcome back it's another knee twitch has this new feature where you can see how many messages people have sent in the chat curious who wins Wow yeah Kiyomi wins out of number of messages I have been sent znation a close second I don't know if people in the chat can see I think only I can see anyway okay we have we have one of the main lines h6 is kind of suspicious but sometimes it's played to prevent the Greek gift of casting I could have taken a on each seven wait you you barely talk in chat you've sense can I reveal the number I'll reveal a number you sent over 900 messages but over the span of two years so I'm barely talking can Anna I don't want to give up my bishop and call I'll just go back and then a3 yeah so a3 Bishop d3 Oh Thomas Thomas beats everyone Thomas has sent over 999 messages I think it stops counting once you surpass a thousand a shout-out to Thomas hmm f6 is interesting I wanted to play Queenie too I'm also attempted to sack I don't know why I've always tempted to sack let's take I could play Queenie to take with the bishop I could also just take in Bishop g3 let's do that play this move so black has to Sanger cons I have zero Center phones also bicycle how's it going you weeks back in the states a wifey please go very nice that's nice to hear enjoy your time I hope I hope life is good I hope life is good I take yeah let's yeah I'm being passive blacks playing pretty well so far but taking a lot of time I have a secret threat though Bishop e7 it looks purely passive but it's actually it is attacking something the threat it was this I think I can do this maybe maybe not but maybe no probably not the problem is after it takes lock can take here and I take the pawn takes takes it was Queen e6 blocking the check and counter check so I think I'll just trade everything like we need to we'll trade here and I'll be slightly worse I don't think it's too bad though this Bishop is solid it's hard for a block to advance without giving me stuff shifty for a while it's just taken castle I'm okay to play this position I want to play rook d1 she had the good thing about this situation with the pawns as I have the two half open files so the pawns are kind of sitting ducks always play King me one I try need to take probably not but can I take if I take take take and the King moves I take here look here that's probably no good yeah so but I can never move this pawn without losing this pawn and the goal is to just started tagging six maybe Bishop g4 coming three pawns for the piece yeah but like when you have three pawns against the player having two bishops it usually doesn't end well it's a play I can check have sex okay just applying pressure there's some idea of no burka for the King moves back maybe I'll play f4 like we have a situation where we both have LightSquared bishop and in this case you want your pawns and darks where's cutting all the pawns on light squares I see three oh I'm giving luck some opportunity you think I'll take and play g3 if I could have taken first and then rook c8 you always played Bishop f1 the other idea is to target g6 okay I'll find it sir in the Chopin after focus first there's Bishop eh I'm still better for whites but box kind of holding on no no John this is not easy to play this with so little time okay finally one upon wanna win another pawn ooh tricky not so tricky okay good game I'm still in second but only by one points first place lost the streak I got my streak let's go also welcome oh Scriv e says good morning from Alberta what's Groovy's been here for a long time also shout outs it's all the people from Alberta and elsewhere 20:56 yeah that's all buzzer I'll play aggressively blunder let's play just play a Grand Prix mmm yeah I'm gonna try and keep up a string and try and play quickly Tim if we're preventing b5 all these moves are are very typical Grand Prix moves I just want to attack I might end up gambling this pawn this looks fun let's hold on to the pond for a little bit there's some idea of it should be 191 then c3 and then this and then this and the bishop comes to life that could take a while but it's possible I'll be aggressive that's my goal oh I can't do that hmm oh do I'll do this move if takes I I just Sackler Brooke I think well it's a raid a it's are we supposed to thanks the weights I have to focus if you're just joining I got wrapped up in playing this tournaments shoutouts so the wizard are we supposed to yeah I was watching I was actually lurking earlier I was watching some of those those blitz games hope you had a good stream oh let's play this move well yeah if you're just joining I have 30 points in second place neither has 31 I've been chasing this person for a while and this might be the game okay let's take with Knight this Bishop is such a such a dud okay let's do this soon to be a dude once the diagonal opens up okay no I can't play that like g4 lead school thanks for the bits 299 I I can't take what to do here g4 doesn't quite work I actually don't know what to do I'm in trouble and I'm down a lot of time I think I'll just sack because why not because meets GU and then like my h3 sad move but that night was annoying me in 51 seconds f1 is considering taking the night or just flustered that I'm I'm sake material it ones very flustered trying to figure out my hidden idea I probably would move quickly if it was known my hidden ideas and I teach three yeah maybe I'll have to mix in a Smith Mora at some point smooth [Music] okay so there's there's some potential because this this Bishop is is having a lot of potential sort of this d4 could ruin all my happiness but then Bishop a2 actually so it's not that bad and yeah opponents taking a lot of time d4 bishop a - now e6 is of targets find IG one idea of Knight f3 and I just want to control ePHI oh I lost a queen no oh that's so bad I come down on time why did I not see I guess I wasn't expecting the Queen's I come to h4 that's really bad it's another like just unnecessary queen blunder that wasn't even a sacrifice test cabbage is haunting me this is so sad I'm trying to know don't know what I'm trying to do you win a pawn I can't move that I'm completely stuck this is probably payback for all the opponents I previously tortured I mean I'm not gonna give up just yet no this mission never came to life to do 85 no tricks oh that's so disappointing if I didn't lose the Queen if only but that's I guess the nature of karma maybe there's still hope I mean the first place is now first place has been renamed stirring off almost as high rated than or almost as high rated as me one point behind okay I need to I need some dessert the rest of the games I guess this could make or break oh I'm playing stirring off by berserk probably not there's still enough time play dragon thanks for the condolence bits yeah we have a whatever this is ROTC bind might see to might see to I think a5 a4 include d6 and Queen e5 should be six I was looking at some similar position earlier I was doing Q&A earlier answering questions about the dragon we saw we saw some game where black was doing this stuff play Knight c5 we believe in you marry Oh Thank You Sonya I'll try and believe in me too oh the queen was attacked I keep forgetting my Queens attacks like various places I think I should be seven and a six it's a little bit unpleasant what to do here king of AIDS just trying to hold on I can't plate you sixes it's too beginning maybe Brooke a six now if I play a six there's no night p6 there's my f6 each six I'll go for this or no no no no no I meant to play e6 first but I guess that's fine now I play you six I played the like the second or third move in the variation before the first move Emily's opening repertoire could not be more different than mine I'd losing material here take stakes who might be in trouble I'm in a lot of trouble actually it was a good move but it's still kind of weird night the night has to find a square and now and despites along with both rooks we he owe me heat so London I might have to consider unknotting but that's ok I understand a lot of people hate various things but they're ready I mean the ready is just two moves away from transposing to a London okay I should stay more focused there's a lot riding on this game well this there's a whole cluster of minor pieces Amira pieces are just like kind of attracted to one another I guess oh wow okay I I mean I don't really have any other choice you don't hurt me okay so I'm down I'm down two pawns not sure what to do you could try it with a pawn back okay let's try night before some idea of this my dear probably not taking me - yeah this was this was my worst piece board so get rid of it now I could take a to take a - an e5 coming trying to make like some progress on the licking side around the Queen sign I want to win B - maybe some idea of maybe three good sack let's not say all pieces on the queenside now hmm interesting play this move so now this pawn is probably just a goner I have six or if defense Wow so I'm winning both mom's back there's Bishop c4 injure meso I don't think it matters too much my knight controls a one so there's no Rock a one let's take Knights vs. bishop the knight is just chilling oh my pawns weak okay Roxy two takes d3 play g5 first play g5 first the Bishop g2 I have rook c2 a bit up here I haven't seen one surprisingly now the promised king there's a crazy line let's start with this Guinea - I'm looking at this okay one I may have just like messed up completely I think I just messed everything up I can't please no I can't play that move from g4 maybe try g4 to try this idea this is not looking good I have the time - okay let's move back why didn't I see three at some points now's the time it's a tricky move because it's forking if pawn takes Bishop takes like when the bishop I also prevent rook B - I'm down two minutes have a feeling white might not some not take Zack the exchange to get ready for the time scramble ooh it's unexpected hmm see - I don't see it try this I just didn't see the win okay no that doesn't work let's bring the king in ooh this doesn't work either I'm trying them okay yes let's go well the game oh that's what it takes to take down first place oh okay ooh okay I'll play d5 Oh noose well things bicycle back yeah I was down a minute I was down material but somehow I came back but I'm still still trying to work my way towards first place also this is a really dubious opening another opening not to be tried at home but okay I have some in some developments down the pawn that's to 128 a.m. tournament ends and just over a half hour okay got some time they have the chance I want a castle here's my my next several moves castling rook e8 h 6 Queenie 7 I have to take with Knights if Queen e2 I Castle tricky move what time of day do you feel like you play your best chess probably not at this time but I'm having a decent results I've got some dirty games okay rook e8 coming do you have any other job than just streaming chess YouTube I'm putting streams on YouTube actually it's turned into more of a job recently let's take a free pawn also I'll be I'll be doing reporting and social media for st. Louis chess club during the upcoming events starting tomorrow actually actually later today is opening ceremony play this move let's just move back I'll try and manage my time to here Brooke Yeates let's play rook e8 here I play this move and I could take with the Queen it's funny everything looks hanging but nothing's really hanging the Siam I checked the road the Knights always pumped I'll play Bishop d3 this is looking very good right now as I was getting ready to play this forgetting my bishop is necessary to pin the lights ooh it's a tricky move I can take the Knights and now like why can't take either bishop this bishops curing the Queen yeah I'll just be up at least a rook in the end so a win in this game will make me like right behind first place I think I could take the this is nice I'm just simplifying basically it takes I have this move ooh I plundered yeah I can't really wow I guess I guess the best move is just to take here ooh that was nice I think my opponent remove this okay so this is completely winning now it could have been more difficult to win yeah so it's just a matter of winning efficiently let's do let's do this move on this move okay so the goal is to meet without promoting okay never mind my mother promotes get back to tournaments let's go 35 points to people with 36 right above me but neither of them have streaks this could be very important next game bicycle thanks for the bits ok trying my best here yeah I kind of forgot to address chats there's some discussion about the ready and who is a sky and it was up there was a super super spy and tried us ok mmm let's play this move thief d6 so slightly past the opening yeah I'm happy with this next several moves are very natural for lights I think I had this earlier in the tournament to play play f3 like king each one there's it b3 Queen c2 a lot of kind of slow improving moves okay Knights like C - maybe no need G now that v was a move I should have considered a-and I say special-ops gifting subs thanks so much Leon Dyke and dog emits appreciate that okay I have to remember that I desserts because I don't want to get too long time playing a decently hiring the player okay the position is still kind of playing itself play Bishop f1 because always played this off on some nice x-ray vision super spy thanks for the bits the goal is to put them on indieformer d4 and then maybe i-5 yeah now if takes takes a this should be comes pins Knight has to move away the queen is now lost okay it's nice when the opponent hangs our Queen adjacent double pawns the game continues if Brooke takes her knight takes Bishop c4 if this takes I have Queen c7 she thinking about just when I have six in her but it's just taken going for the kill okay does that did that do anything for me that did something for me okay at 40 points it's still chasing leader who's also berserk Inge and who just started another game oh thanks bicycle I'm gonna have to try and keep it up I have to stay awake there's only 22 minutes left it's not much time for more games I'm really rooting for this player and this if white wins a scheme then yeah they keep the lead let's play e4 yeah there's irking all the way let's play b3 French I have 64 yeah it's not so common still it's a very nice kind of dynamic way it's also a nice way to get like an open position from the French a lot of French players prefer closed positions at the right moment I want to play g5 gotta play g5 last move let's play g5 and then take it secret them like defending the pawn unleashing of bishop if casting I'll have lots of fun with attacking mm slightly unexpected I'll start with this it's kind of a patient move I'm just being flexible I'm just seeing what black is up to let's play this move the Queen and the bishop control Z squares so there's no night move to attack my queen and I want to develop my knight here or maybe here because that way I'll H 5 H 5 H 6 oh there's 94 this is some idea it might see 4 I'll just play this move so e5 what to do slowly improve okay I want to bring my knight in it Queen here yeah pressuring the pawn also over defending g5 to play h5 h6 also unleashing the F pawn they might just want to play f4 castle and open that file soaking wet sigh welcome back or if you've been here already hello don't think I said hello to you okay let's castle or no let's play let's play this move first yeah c5 is coming Lucy if I drop submission oh but 9f5 but neither five Queen f3 hmm you know play this first just trying trying to puncture some hole in blacks defense I might actually play b5 soon if I make some sense trying to River just win this pond if not if I'm just Queen each - yeah we could be trading a lot I take the bishop first takes takes let's take first again down on time that that's typical okay so I got rid of darks for it if Queen takes I'll trade Queens if pawn takes I'll play f4 probably or Queen at for probably Queen us forward actually if Queen takes we trade they'll play Bishop eform I just want to take him in the pawn these pawns combine very well with this Bishop which should come to life yeah cuz now their works attacks not like king d2 made cool thanks for Selena I grow up I want to be like Eric Rosen that's so nice yeah I hope I'm a reasonable role model let's play play this move can I win this up to win the pawn this should be pretty simple simple win it takes some work start with this Lykos to play d4 and then keep walking the King even Ricki three balls for this move oh that's it's not a good move that might be a good move actually oh that was probably just a bad move baby six not good okay I'm going going into blacks position I don't know about this but Kings finding some activity I'm gonna win the pond probably and maybe one time to locks getting low laughs for yeah so Bishop c4 I always have rookie seven it's a good move or no it's not a good move cuz I'm in the pond now let's push him let's keep pushing yeah this is uh this is a pretty simple wind now but I still have my work cut out for me Keeney six and then this is me okay 45 to 46 oh but um this this guy didn't pisser so there's a chance for me to at least tie if I'm bezerk win the next game bicycle thanks for the bits how much diet or how do I have so much chest stamina if to sleep in absolute stay fit to work out I went to the gym Lee eats 8 to 9 p.m. yeah this is it was like I have to dessert to fight for first oh that's a good sign ok thanks for dessert you know back components this is my first in London of the tournaments and maybe of the stream the opponent doesn't know what to do against the London which is great to see this move if 97-90 okay that's a very pleasant position here I want the Queen's would be on each three and then push the Jeep on and then meet hopefully this will inspire the London haters to pick up this opening it's such a great opening like the pieces are so happy they're so well coordinated like Queen Queen h3 it's basically the same thing I can jump in and jump into each six I could play Bishop h6 should be 697 you know f6 is coming they go I'll play this and then I'll move like maneuver around perhaps think with f4 I might be inviting me five though ooh take the rook take the role so well then just sack the exchange for questionable compensation let the Queen back and maybe push the H upon this move yeah let's just trade stuff I don't know if attacking is the best strategy but it looks nice against this pawn the rook belongs in d1 there's a smooth oh yeah Queen c2 is met with rook D - ooh wait oh no I can't play I have three leave this move go and then then let's start with that three I might trade Queens but I might just go for me I'm not sure how oh that move taking doesn't work just g4 ephors a movie for g5 a g5 s coming regardless I'll c4 is nice g'bye chief I'll lead SKU yeah let's go oh it's love HS love HS have you been here this whole time Wow almost as long as me let's play this [Music] mm okay it's kind of getting annoying I don't have the thing Oh G five pounds about to be distinguished or extinguished not distinguished uh what to do before maybe oh that doesn't work this I want the game to be on d3 let's attack the Jeep on I want to play off for though before it's getting complicated one's about to flag though oh it's me it's meat that's funny okay let's go let's go in first place is still playing I'll have time for one more game this could very well be the last game ready for the staffing meets GU thanks bicycle okay we have complete symmetry I'll copy catch s ok deviating from White's shenanigans yeah III think just helps me put the bishop on them a better square okay let's play this move and then maybe this move yeah bleats Koo okay d5 coming d5 threatening to win a piece because Fork potential defy wins ookies frames I think d5 wins apiece opponents threatening sneaky snack or sneaky sack sneaky snack wow so sneaky but I don't think it works better not work takes takes takes there's money for though maybe let's start with this 94 it doesn't hurt me don't think oh that was the best move though I see so I was gonna forth the bishop anyway okay so I'm up a piece this is very good there's seven minutes left in the tournament let's just try and convert this cleanly the Queen in want to play this move get into h2 and me also attacking before hoping for a rookie one my own messes other threats Wow so let's play before just unleashing the Queen and nineth one was expected I'll just keep building up the position also the G files half open so I have rookie eights move over yeah let's move over first lights defended and yeah I might have for coming in let's take first and 9 F for still coming Oh 2nd place still still within reach and ok so I want to win the skin quickly ideally I would like to win this game unless somthing minutes and then have time for one working waste pieces not really helping defend the King like g3 might come thinking Knights ih4 so just so I have access to f3 the more centralized I'm trying to calculate taking or even taking first even let each five there's a lot of ideas this move I honestly didn't calculate I'm trusting intuition because takes Queen h2 takes okay let's take here and then I can just keep taking stuff F Queen takes 99 I take on G to probably just take the rook at time is running out for the tournaments oh yeah it's a mini mug its o know how to like it's it's smaller than my hand don't have a banana for scale okay let's take I don't even know if we can call it a mug it's more like a teacup but thanks anyway I want to just made on G to Bishop a sudden opinion okay now let's sum it should be something to learn anything unfortunately okay thanks for that let's take their okay the bishops are coming to life check I'm in the Queen even the pole if the pond stalls I still I still get the tournament points no please don't stall I want one more game the Queen each to Chuck yeah Queenie choo the King with a variety of a brand I played the way I did to win material okay oh installing so yes we can watch the scheme [Music] it's actually a fascinating game that's not looking good Buddha's dollar he yeah what to do done my job for the tournaments and like I can't claim the victory because opponents on the line like the rest of the game I can pre move basically ooh the scheme that's still going interesting oh it's not gonna last okay this could be a very close finish that's a tournament opens are closed so I got I got my 50 Oh starina have lost Oh Serena was on the worst side of that Oh so I think I won no one else can catch me let's go let's go we don't need to to be mad about the Staller it didn't affect things so the light keeps falling what a tournament thanks so much yeah I want a trophy i won I'll be winning like a virtual trophy well we'll wait for the confetti thanks so much people have a good night thanks so much bicycles yeah enjoy enjoy the food in the gym and the being home Congrats thank you Alexander's horse still have 40 seconds left of the tournament woof HS ah maybe there's something to starting the stream with geoguessr oh it's a thousand dents whoo-hoo well geoguessr was earlier I ended the stream earlier with geoguessr rosin let's go rats thanks so much this stream has to go on YouTube now right yeah I was I was talking to the future you two people earlier thanks so much are we supposed to hey the tournaments the confetti so much happy confetti I could put myself in the confetti yeah I feel like the Spelling Bee champion looks slightly happier okay that was nice yeah so people watching in the future on YouTube hope you enjoyed that oh thanks again oh-oh-oh Alexa didn't want to do it but yeah before before sweet oh it's very it's very sweet I'm gonna sign off for the future you two people before we have copyrighted content that's quite action-packed well thanks so much sagnik hey Roy yeah future YouTube people I'm gonna try and remember to leave timestamps in the video description maybe the comments so you can you can search for specific openings or moments feel free to leave timestamps below too and I'll see you in the future
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 858,164
Rating: 4.8656034 out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, gambits, chess gambit, London System, Caro Kann, French Defense, Grand Prix Attack, Sicilian Dragon, Halloween Gambit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 23sec (7283 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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