PTE Reading- RE-ORDER PARAGRAPH MADE EASY (Five Finger Strategy)

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[Music] hello guys this is summit here once again from Surrey hub I'm here to help you with another difficult type of question it's called reor a paragraph in this particular type of question what you're supposed to do is guys you have some paragraph so in other words some sentences jumbled means first sentence could be at the bottom or in the middle second could be anywhere else as well but what you are supposed to do is you're supposed to organize this in a sequence you need to find the first sentence the second sentence the third sentence the fourth sentence and the fifth sentence and after finding these sentences you need to organize them in a proper sequence now there are two different types of questions in this particular topic for this particular type of question the two different type of questions are so one is based on referral devices and the second one is based on information provided in your today's class organ in this today's lesson I'm going to be helping you with the one that is based on referral devices this is a little bit easier than the other one and therefore this question guys I'm gonna explain the mocking as well sometimes students have up there they've got the first question correct but the second one wrong the third one correct but the fourth one wrong and the fifth one correct and they think their score they've got like three out of five correct that means their score is gonna be three out of five but the reality is guys their score will actually be zero because the way you get marks is a easel is on the basis of pairs so if your first pair is correct you'll get one mark for this if your second pair is correct you'll get two marks for this if your third pair is correct you'll get three marks and then if you fourth pair is correct you'll get four marks if you've got last one and second last one wrong you'll get two marks because your first pair is correct and your second one is correct third is wrong and the fourth is wrong so that is how you get marks in this particular type of question now as in your today's class I'm going to show you a strategy for this particular question this particular strategy is called five fingers strategy and this these five points need to be on your fingertips at all times and I can promise if you remember these five tips or five this particular five fingers strategy you're 50% of your questions are already sorted the ones that are based on referral devices so what am I gonna do is without wasting any time I'm going to come to the point and I'm going to show you this part of the strategy but there is a tiny problem the problem is before we learn the Fivefinger strategy we need to know some basics what I mean by basics is we need to know a little bit about noun and pronoun as you know there are different types of nouns there is common noun there is proper noun there is abstract noun there is collective noun definitive now on indefinitely noun possessive noun countable noun uncountable nouns singular noun plural noun there plenty of them we don't have to worry about all of them try today we're gonna be worrying about we're gonna be learning common noun proper noun no common noun guys common noun are used common nouns are used to refer journal things rather than specific examples for example be sure to pick up pick a top university now top university University it could be any University guys these are definitions I know you've learned these common proper and abstract nouns and I also know that you can't remember them very well so what am I gonna do is I'm gonna explain these things with the help of an example so when I say example I'm gonna make sure that you're learning this properly so let's let's have a look at this particular image now in this image we have a person teaching and then a lot of students or quite a few students learning so for this particular student his name is Sam so Sam um let's say his name is Sam but can I call him a student of course I can can I call another student whose name is John let's say so can I call John a student of course I can't can i call another student whose name is Rima can I call Rima a student yes I can't call her a student so student is basically a common name for all the students and that's why student is a common noun we have city for example Melbourne is a city we have Brisbane Brisbane is a city Adelaide is a city so city is a common name for all the cities that's why cities a common on we have chairs so this is a chair this is a chair this is a chair that's the chair that's the chair chair is a common noun for all the chairs however Sam Sam is a proper noun why Sam is a proper noun because I can call this particular student Sam but I can't call John Sam I can't call John Samak I have to call him John so Sam is a proper name given to Sam similarly John is a proper name given to John and if I talk about city melbourne is a proper name given to melbourne i cannot call sydney melbourne because that's a proper name given to Sydney or Melbourne in fact so Melbourne is a proper noun Sydney is a proper noun Sam is a proper noun John is a proper noun this is a little bit about noun guys and then there is third type of noun which is your abstract noun abstract noun relates to ideas and emotions so things you cannot see touch or in fact smell so abstract noun guys except strict noun for example if I talk about love hate fear jealousy happiness those sort of things are abstract nouns for example let's have a look at an example in the example it says the night was shrouded in fear in fear so fear is the abstract noun can be see fear no can be touch fear no we can't can be can we perhaps smell fear no we can't smell fear either there is what fear is an abstract noun if I talk about happiness can you see happiness is it sitting anywhere no you can see person being happy but you cannot see happiness itself right that's why happiness is a is an abstract noun as let's move to the next part and next one is called pronoun I'm gonna try my best to make this video as quick as possible as sure as possible I know nobody watches long videos so guys organizing a paragraph in a sequence is it difficult yes for some students it is quite difficult because see on the second part second part is pronounced do you know what is a pronoun pronounced is a bird that is used instead of a noun so he she it they we they are all pronounced there are different types of pronounce up for example there is personal pronoun he/she/it which refers to a person person place or thing and then we have your possessive pronoun which is used to show the possession of something for example whose computer is this this is my computer whose mobile is this this is this is hers or his he is her mine they are but they are possessive pronouns they show the possession of something and then we have demonstrative pronoun for example this TV or this keyboard this means when demonstrating at this these those that's demonstrative pronoun that's moving further they've got two sentences Alice likes cooking and she can cook delicious cupcakes now which sentences pronoun if we look at this one Alice likes cooking Alice is a name so there is no pronoun there she can cook delicious cupcakes now in this sentence we have she and she is a pronoun that refers back to a female or a woman basically right so she is a pronoun no which sentence should I use pause the video on and look at these sentences and tell me which sentence should be used for second one or first one well that's right we should use the first sentence first and second one second why because she is a pronoun and a pronoun can only be used after a noun right in normal situations so we use a noun first and then a pronoun Alex Alice likes cooking she can cook delicious cupcakes so she is the pronoun which is referring back to Ellis but similarly let's look at another example and in this one we have it's a beautiful tribal and then we have Alice boar a white table now Ellis what a white table it's a beautiful table which sentence should be the first sentence pause the video and look at it awesome so be sentenced number B should be the first one and air should be the second one why because a is introducing the topic saying Alice and and there is no pronoun in a it says Alice for a wipe table and then sorry in sentence number B there is no pronounces and it's for a white table and then a says it's a beautiful table so it is a pronoun which is referring back to white table so what we are learning here what we have learned here is we use the noun first and then the pronoun now what I want you to do is I want you to learn these this Fivefinger strategy and I want you to note down these points and then I'm gonna explain them one by one so sentence number one point number one is first sentence is always a free-standing sentence that introduces the topic now what is a free-standing sentence a free-standing sentence is a sentence that doesn't have a pronoun in there if the pronoun is there the noun it is referring to must be present in the same sentence I'm going to explain this in more detail a little bit later in this video what is a free-standing sentence a free-standing sentence is a sentence that doesn't have that is no dependent on any other sentence and then it says the sentence that introduces the topic introduces the topic means this particular sentence is introducing something right now I'm going to show this part a little bit later as well but I want you to write down these points first then the second point is pronounced should always be used after a noun the third point is last phrase of one sentence provides you a link to the second sentence so the last phrase of one sentence that gives you a link to the next sentence normally your sentence which has a subject verb and object and next sentence when you're when you're working on the next sentence the object of first one becomes the subject of the next lesson next one so rather than working on subject verb object I'm gonna give you the easier way the easier ways last phrase of one sentence provides you a link to the second sentence and the fourth point is guys finish talking about one thing before moving on to the next one I'm and next one now I'm gonna explain these points with examples and the fifth finger guys first point I'm going to show you a little bit later in this video so as let's have a look at this example we've got about seven sentences roughly let's count one two three four five six seven now what we have to do is we need to find the first sentence now these examples that we're discussing are easy but the ones that I'm going to give you after this are gonna be difficult ones right and then if you've if you want the answers I want you to try them out and after crying them out if you need answer the video that has the answers for everything just send us or send us a text message saying please send me the answers or not a text message I'm sorry in the comment section just write please send me the answer video and we'll send you the answer video as well so we are supposed to find the find the first sentence so first sentence is a free-standing sentence that introduces the topic so this laptop is very fast this laptop now this is a pronoun right which means this cannot be the first sentence then it says jumper was quite expensive now is it is the jumper right the jumper now remember we live not common noun proper noun and abstract now why did we learn common and proper noun raised because common nouns sometimes work like a pronoun it refers back to a proper noun for example if I say yesterday I went to Melbourne and then I'm gonna say the city was beautiful the city refers back to Melbourne so it is actually working like a pronoun to refer back to a proper noun and that is why this is not gonna be a free-standing sentence coz it's dependent on another sentence the jumper and we don't know which jumper is it right my friend Alice is a Shopaholic now this particular sentence my friend right Ellis is a Shopaholic are we introducing someone yes we are introducing my friend Ellis who is a Shopaholic is there any referral to us in there is there any pronoun in there do we see any discourse marker no we don't right so this is a free-standing sentence and it is introducing something but I don't mean this is the best centers there could be a better sentence let's still look for look further and it's for a white at least were a couple of things the first one is an electronic device and it's more a couple of things now this is a free-standing sentence but the problem is it is not introducing anything it says L is for a couple of things but do we know who is Ellis no we have no idea who is Ellis so it is not introducing the topic right and then it says Ellis also for a white jumper also is a discourse marker right also means you have to buy something before this particular thing before the white jumper so this cannot be the first sentence analysis and it went to chat soon shopping center well yes that's fine it's a fleece ending sentence but who is Ellis we don't know that and then it says it's a it's a Toshiba laptop right but it's it is a pronoun as well so the first sentence has to be this one which says my friend Ellis is a Shopaholic now let's look for the second one in order to look for the second one we need to look at the last phrase of first one so the last phrases and this is a Shopaholic right Shopaholic so we need to find the next sentence which is linked with this one so the next one says this laptop is very fast is there any link there no the jumper was quite expensive do we see any link no and it's boring couple of things the first one was an electronic device Shopaholic and buying a couple of things make sense maybe maybe and then it says and it's also bought a white jumper also when we can't see also because she has to buy something before buying a white jumper because there is also Alice went to chats and shopping shopping center can this be the next sentence maybe and then it says it's a Toshiba laptop right now there's no link so there are two sentences Shopaholic bought a couple of things and went to chat session presenter so that's when somebody Shopaholic will they buy something first or will they go to shopping center first I believe they'll go shopping center first right now in order to find the third sentence we need to find the link with the second one chat so shopping center this laptop is very fast the jumper was quite expensive there is no link there with chats and shopping center then else for a couple of things the first one was electro into us so going to chat so shopping center and buying something there is some kind of link there right so can this be the third sentence maybe but let's still check rest of the sentences and it's also boring white jumper no it's a Toshiba laptop no so iris went to chat soon shopping center and then she bought a couple of things the first one was an electronic device now we have to find the next one by looking at the last phrase of the of this sentence it says the first one was an electronic device so we have to link it with an electronic device so this laptop is very fast is this an electronic device yes it is but then it's a demonstrative pronouncing this laptop and we don't know which laptop so laptop must be introduced first right so can this be the sentence next sentence well maybe unless we don't find unless we can find something better right the jumper was quite expensive not really unless the jumper was electronic no it can't be the next sentence and it's also whatever jumper no it's a Toshiba laptop not Toshiba laptop is that an electronic device yes it is so can this be the next sentence it can certainly be the next sentence and now we have to link the next one with the Toshiba laptop so this is a Toshiba laptop and then it says this laptop is very fast should I say it's a Toshiba laptop and then I say el is also very wide jumper can I say that yes I can but the problem is my strategy says finish with one thing so I'm still talking about laptop I have to finish with laptop before I start with the jumper so this laptop is very fast so this is a Toshiba laptop it's a Toshiba laptop and then this laptop is very fast and then I'm gonna start the next thing called jumper so the jumper was quite expensive with jumper we don't know that so Ellis also bought a white jumper and then the jumper was quite expensive so did you get to see how it is linking as long as you know this guys that I'm going to share the next strategy with you as well and that means not try the same thing on a difficult paragraph not just one but multiple paragraphs that I'm sure if you have understood this well you will love this class and you'll never have this problem with referral to ask questions yes right so let's go further and let's try the next one so the next one says tricky sentences now I'm not going to go too much into it tonight just to save a bit of time I'm gonna go further first finger guys concluded sentence that uses phrases like not only because there has to be but also after not only now sometimes we have not sentences for example the real reason behind the favor is not mere cold weather merely is just so the real reason behind favor is not just cold weather well if it's not just cold weather what's the real reason in fact the actual cause is being in contact with stuff someone has coughed or sneezed on so whenever you are not the reason right you need to have what's the reason after that as well so for example the reason I'm making this video is not because I want to share this content but actually because I want to help people right so I can't just say note because and I can't just finish there I have to say the real reason as well and in other words guys the reason although or the reason I couldn't attend yesterday's class was not because I was like well the actual reason was that crams weren't working and I was not able to come to the class but I cannot finish the sentence by saying the reason I couldn't attend the class is not because this and I can't just finished here now you'll if you understand this if you understood this fifth finger strategy I'm going to explain this more with examples and if you understood this properly I'm sure you will love this class and this is one of the biggest mistake that students make and I'm going to show you in questions not just one but many questions how this strategy is being tested and how do they check your how does this particular strategy helps you in the exam right so let's move further guys so there's let's look at this first link it says so first of all what we are supposed to do is it's supposed to find the first sentence it says there you will see how women are constantly portrayed as weak and in need of male protection there you will see can this be the first sentence no it can't be the scent first sentence because it says there you will see where you will see we don't know that and then the second sentence is this acceptance that men were superior gender had not developed by chance well this acceptance which acceptance so this is a demonstrative pronoun as well is it introducing anything no it had been the view that had been socialized into them from the moment of their birth it had in the view well what had been the view we don't know this this will become clear if you look at any girls magazine or popular film of the you know this will become clear what will become clear so this is a pronoun there and then it says in the 1960s the greatest obstacle for those who wanted to organize woman was said to be women's conviction that they were actually inferior to men can this be the first sentence well it looks like so it says in 1960s the greatest obstacle for those who wanted to against woman was said to be women's conviction that they were actually inferior to men is it introducing something yes it is introducing the greatest obstacle for people who wanted to organize woman was said to be so this is the first sentence it's a free-standing sentence right and now how do I look for the second sentence in order to look for the second sentence I need to look at the last phrase of this sentence so the law says sir phrase says women's conviction that they were inferior to men now I have to link this part right I have to link this part with the next sentence right how do I do this how do i link it with the next one so I have to find something similar it says there you will see how women are constantly portrayed as weak and in need of male protection well there you will see there you will see means where you will see we need somewhere to see this acceptance that men were superior gender had not developed by chance so men so acceptance and then men were superior gender right is then a link so women's conviction they were actually inferior and acceptance that men were superior is their link yes there is a link and then next one says it had been the view that had been socialized into them from the moment of their birth do we find the keywords match them no we don't this will become clear if you look at any girls magazine or popular film of the pier period is it making sense yes it is but my strategy says I have to look at the last phrase and match it so which one is matching the second was it one is matching the acceptance that men were superior gender so the first one has to be this one and then the second one has to be this one right and now I'm supposed to find the third one how do I look for the third one so in order to look for the third one I have to look at the last phrase of the second sentence so the last phrase says so this thing had not developed by chance it didn't develop or had not developed by chance well if it didn't develop by chance how did it develop so this acceptance did not or had not developed by chance well if it didn't develop a chance how did it develop we have to find that and this one says there you will see how women are constantly well this is talking about seeing but we have to see how did it develop this will become clear if you look at any girls magazine or popular film no it had been the view that had been socialized into them from the moment of their birth so it says this acceptance did not develop by chance but it's the view that had been socialized into them from the moment of their birth so is that the link yes there is a link there a third one and then fourth one this will become clear if you look at any girls magazine or there you will see now is there anything to see in the third sentence it had been the view that had been socialized in them from the moment of their birth well is there anything to see here no there is nothing to see but is there anything to see in this sentence let's have a look this will become clear if you look at any girls magazine or book oh yes magazine and popular film of the period can we see this yes we can so fourth sentence has to be this will become clear so it had been socialized into them from the moment of their birth this will become clear if you look at any girls magazine or popular film of the be here so this is the fourth one and the fifth one is this one there you will see so where you will see you'll see in the magazine that there you'll see how women are constantly portrayed as weak or in need of milk production guys this is how it is done now in order to get second third fourth and fifth and to see how they work very well to solve these questions what we need to do is you need to just write in the comment section send me the video second video and we'll send you the second video and all if you liked the video please share it with your friends as well and guys everybody who's commenting let us know how did you find it if it was helpful if it wasn't helpful everybody who's commenting where I look at myself well personally look at all the comments and if there is any requests that you want me to do next I'll be looking at them I'll be responding to them personally this time then guys good luck with your preparation thank you very much for your for looking at it and I wish you a very good luck for your future guys thank you guys one more thing and if you really want to know it's away it's not really possible for us to make like all these videos separately lamp or Facebook group we have another website : study up online now on this particular online website we've got multiple courses so we have we have taught all the strategies like strategies for information trap questions referral type questions and different types of questions there are total of there are a total of three classes in which we cover all the types of reorder paragraphs as well as other things writing reading listening there are about 700 people who have taken our courses online courses and they all have absolutely loved it and I'm sure you gonna love these courses as well guys if you need some if you need to know about these courses here is the screen short the website is called study up online and in the next video guys I'm going to show you how study hub improved a score of student from a 48 sorry 48 to 94 speaking section a lot of students say well in speaking sections girls don't get good score girls go don't get a good score or boys don't get a good score guys I'm going to show you multiple videos how what type of technology do we use and how we were able to improve it students call from 48 to 90 and 37 to 72 and then a couple of recent scores as well how we improved speaking and you'll be surprised to know this guys you'll love this video I've spent a lot of time on this making this next video with all the research and everything and I'm sure you can all of it guys thank you very much and if you need any other help any other type of video wise let us know in the comment section and we'll be happy to help you out and if you liked the video less thank you you
Channel: PTE Training Online (study Hub)
Views: 405,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE Reading, PTE Reorder Paragraph, PTE Training, PTE Coaching, PTE Review, PTE Review Australia, PTE Coaching Melbourne
Id: 41GPBzdQ-Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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