The Funniest Minecraft Challenge Ever...

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according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video hello guys carl hello hello why did bad leave why call leave something stop nap yeah wait what george i'm actually leaving the stream right now if you don't put me in the first or second spot in your title you put snap not bb-8 so you have to replace one of them yeah it's only one of them you have to replace one of them with me all right let's see it's i'm actually leaving i'm leaving if you don't put me first hi guys first quarter has been crying quickly he's been crying he's like oh maybe first in the title or i'm leaving just put him first yeah i am just wait i want to let the record show what are we talking about you wanted first or second quackity guess what if you go look at my offline stream you're already second oh my god and it's probably gonna move up i'm not gonna lie it's probably going to move up because oh my god oh my god my birthday it's literally my birthday which is the greatest thing it is pretty cool george i'm not even joking put me in first or second right now why oh my god i can't put me on twitter no you said you were going to be in the stream yesterday all right listen listen listen i'm going to be honest okay um it's [ __ ] good who let the wrestlers get his rats back to barcelona go around just in time let's get started let's get started you know what i've i've given you a hard time already george let's do this let's do this yeah [Music] please please it's happy birthday quackity it's your birthday yes it is happy birthday thanks dude [ __ ] your dog turn the rats off i don't know why it's not working how do you not understand that there are other rooms you could just place it out just dude i gotta put my dog in there's another room that's right what dogs do they walk into other rooms and move it elsewhere no ask them to chat if they want rat or no rap guys no no everyone knows rad is literally such a gemini dude oh my god what do you want rat barking all stream yes no guys vote that's all that's pretty biased let your voice be heard she looks so happy you have no idea like her hungry face looks so happy all right listen who's not on the server we need stamina and we need bad join the server guys let's go oh it's my birthday it's my birthday it's my birthday happy birthday alex thank you my it's my birthday as well guys guys it's actually i didn't want to tell you this no it's not it's a secret but it's actually mine oh my god guys i'm not even getting fertilized about being colorblind and now his birthday like okay but listen guys it's my birthday not too far a little it's my birthday colorblind no you're not color blind oh my god i am i am but i bought you that colorblind t-shirt yeah that's just a gray t-shirt bad no the guy told me to add something no i like the idea that the guy is like yeah yeah colorblind people can see it and you're like oh rap [ __ ] we just bought like a regular t-shirt rat won 66 george george explain to the stream what we're gonna do today okay t p i a george oh wait quackity uh bad and quack bad sam nap you're not on the server i am on the server i think we just do uh yeah i mean i mean you guys can leave we'll just do it if you want we could just do the we have sex gang we could that's true we are the sex we are the sex have a game game yeah second you're the sex drivers oh my god turn the rat off the people voted they lied they lied i've unbanned you something up really yeah [Laughter] let's go okay oh my god oh my god bad you're right it's annoying let's have a nap just have that stop messing around we're doing a challenge yeah we want to do a challenge you want to play the games like just it's a challenge here rat have some more besides i really said if this isn't valerian i'm just going to mess it up okay [Laughter] chloe [Laughter] hey guys hey guys i don't think you guys know this but i don't think you guys know this but the guy's police originated because sapna was being annoying just like this on my stream do you guys remember that oh oh i just saved the game i just saved the game i just saved the game oh yes okay i i just saved the game i saved the game i saved the game i saved the game i just saved the game oh my god samurai was about to spawn on weather no longer a server operator three times it said it just over [Laughter] his name is literally panda's backwards no wait really you're being so violent it literally is that's a dumb name all right everyone everyone line up we're doing we're doing we're not even getting this we're doing it we're doing an intro guys we're doing an intro we're you guys running skeppy's name backwards is literally snakes wait no that's a good point that's actually snake backwards oh my god wait bad where are you wait wait bad i'm here i did send down where are you real quick are you dead are you dead okay dream backwards is literally cream it's [ __ ] weird no wait wait no cream cream is me and dreams ship name wait really think about it oh it is cream cream sounds a little um all right check this out guys check this out in guys look guys guys guys guys guys look you want to see james name backwards oh oh my god guys actually i was gonna say too far but him not joining our streams today is too far yeah yeah that was too far emerson is developing his next client that's what he's like [Laughter] still not enough going to join right now wait he's george george look at me look at me oh actually joe's going to be dreaming george what yeah yeah wait stand up stop [ __ ] stuff he's going to beat me in a fight oh my god can we actually just start george is going to do another shirt he's going to do another video where he puts on and off his shirts dude wait what does that even mean sign up what do you do george please don't take your shirt off all right look sub goal for george to take his shirt off i got you guys chad i got you no no george you have the world paused yeah i know because there's one set of five gifted ones being so violent let's just play without him i actually don't care i'm done with zapping up all right guys sorry son i've ruined it but we're gonna play without him oh my god guys um george actually hates snap nap like actually i'm sorry i'm having a hard time right now so we can actually do this stream yeah that's actually get the stream going so this is just the way it is it's blame stamina i'm sorry um anyway now let's go play some valorent ballerin [Laughter] [Music] can you just stand still just come over here we're like playing you know what you know i'm gonna ruin your highlight [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's actually not cool oh yeah i forgot he uploads these that's not cool that's not cool man said i don't make enough money don't worry it's already it's already been like 15 minutes because i'm not taking so long so it's it's fine you saw are you all right let's get started let's get started do the intro george in this video okay no all right all right i give you the opportunity to start your stream and you [ __ ] it up you deserve everything that's happened to you up to this point exactly listen stop being so violent why you said why is bad just like staring off into nowhere just like wrinkling something i want everybody all right listen so guys wait really quick before you start i just need to say one thing i want everybody to think back to today whenever they're like why why do they make it seem like it's so hard to get all the feral bites together like yesterday was just a miracle okay just don't ask for him anymore just don't okay mwas 42. thank you for giving 10. thank you i'm bad what are you like scrunching what is that huh who are you freaking out what is wrong with bad look at him why he's eating rats toenails wait look at me your dog looks all right everyone's made a free sign up sign up are you gonna behave [Music] all right listen we're starting the video so here we go the stream snaps aren't meant to be free [ __ ] this i'm not right listen the people voting [ __ ] join the server yeah i'm doing better hey thank you for gifting five wait i'm leaving if quackity doesn't say no i'm coming back i'm coming back right now say my rat is adorable no no no i am i am determined to make sure george doesn't upload this to this highlights channel what am i you just looked i don't know i don't care what's wrong you said she was ugly all right let's get started let's get started fellas let's do this what is that let's go let's go i'm determined to do this challenge stop touching my bum then come on look at quacky why is there a skeleton why'd you get such a hot skin all of a sudden look guys i've been streaming i've already been streaming for 18 minutes okay wait today i'm going to i'm gonna do elmo please mentors that's a call back that's a call like let's go back guys all right turn the rat off please please keep punching george she's not all right guys guys i i can't even do an intro i'm just doing it ready boom boom boom oh yeah okay okay guys whoa what's happening what is going on guys we're constantly guys we have to beat minecraft whilst always flying okay it's the only way okay okay george how do i go back i believe i can fly all right guys guys guys we have to beat minecraft but we're always flying okay i think is that not trying to kill me guys oh who's that up there it's called i am flying with my dick out this is awesome [Music] sam took time out of his day george prison to raise he just saved me yo he's actually arrested 180 kick crack just gifted five subs let's go oh that's a sign stand up stop attacking me please this is you know before the stream started i was like oh this setup's just going to be annoying let's not have him and look he's being annoying it was predicted i i should have just said no i don't know how he uses my hands look george look at my feet looks like weiners looks like two massive wieners where are you sorry if you keep killing me i'm gonna ban you permanently okay i just want to kill you once you've killed me many times i mean just ban i know get over it just get over it kill me and then you're gonna be okay you're gonna behave after you kill me yes yeah all right kill me kill me just do it just do it just kill me that's it if no one's gonna do it i'm gonna be the one [ __ ] the ender dragon today just kill me you're right you're killing me please you earned it okay there you are are you happy signing up yeah bad's here i see you back again okay scrumptious for donkey done just give it five thank you stop it it just actually took me like 15 minutes just to freaking break one tree no but it's easy i'm doing all my stream look look at me you just have to like work out the angle to stand hey george oh bad please please don't attack me and please tell them sorry please turn your rat off wrap it i'm glad to hear that your rat has been disabled where did my uh what should we call it go your what your rat my my what's your name i can't place crafting tables george what place a crafting table all right try now it's right now okay there we go i play song okay stand up already chloe getting 20 thank you chloe thank you no problem man oh that's right call owes me subs oh i do actually owe you subs guys you can be like colin you can give subs well i'm about to give fifty dollars worth of subs but i'm gonna wait until they match it actually so tell me when they match 50 or i'm stuck i'm stuck sorry i just want my friend to make money sorry i care about my friend you know what i mean no that's respectable that is respectable wait i'm dying i'm sure you're gonna stop feral boys what's up fair twitter this is your main man and today we're playing minecraft but we're but you're always flying this video we coded it so that you can't stop flying and every time every time george breaks a piece of stone he has to take off one layer of clothing this is that's true that's true he already did one just like that to be fair debbie thank you for getting five set up stop killing everyone please i killed one other person why are you so bossy dude sadnap sapnap i'm gonna say it right now is this a bit well you're not funny i'm sorry i'm sorry bro i'm sorry i'm just lost why'd you choose the worst challenge distractions thank you hannah thank you yo press e press press e dude it's really funny oh it is actually funny guys press we made minecraft a thousand percent funnier by pressing e look wait that's actually so true sum up why are you here wait what was that what was that that noise bad laughing what is that oh garbage oh my god george give me some wait wait hang on put the dirt back no go back out go back out go back out go back out the hole go back just swim out the hole and go out the hole are you out of the saturation what do you mean okay wait oh i messed up hang on hang on hang on go back out really go back out all right guys no one saw this no one saw this no one saw this all right stand up okay i'm like saw it come back all right all right let's play the game let's actually play the game why is everyone saying e i was like that meme all right guys guys guys what if we what if we fly around and look for stuff yes yes it's a good idea debbie thanks for giving me my impatience thank you he's handsome and smart i took care of rap you're welcome thank you oh my god he actually what are you doing he took care of him wait no like she she shouldn't be you need all that that oh she won't be there she's gonna be barking for a while yeah he's like he is no like i i took away the thing that she was barking at life your life rat is dead not good rats dead bad unlike these monsters i don't i don't promote the the death of rat rat you literally said and i quote he's looking for a garbage can to put her in no she was barking at a plate she was walking down the wrong street she was barking at a plate this is why i'm a cat person dude she barked her life away that's where they're going on a plate you'll never catch you'll never catch a cat barking at a plate i'm just like yeah that's true you would know that's the cat knocking the plate over wait guys guys where are you me and stand up like working together for once where are you guys where dream oh my goodness dream is here dream is here dream is here oh my god dream is here crawford i'm on like crappie george why were you talking to other people he's like george i heard carl call you handsome just want to check in guys we have to beat the game together where are you george we're still on for movie night right rachel loves quackity gifting five i think you type it in your name but i think it was so quiet what i thought i actually thought you're telling me to find you guys i literally thought you banned me from the discord or something i was like so confused i was literally just getting very nice that's a good idea i see dream dreams flying i don't know he's trying to catch him obviously he's flying we can't stop flying i know but he's like flying really good how are you guys flying like this actually would have been a good video periods of time yeah but you guys decide to ruin it but it's fine no i mean this would have made for a good video if you did a recording session oh i already i i've already done that but okay oh have you i found call dream how to perform it did wow i got a dream i didn't have an original idea so i'm reusing an old idea i'm seeing like a little pond that's not a bad idea look at carl's carl's like swimming in the tree yeah i've been getting trees from the top from the top i've been making a drop yeah wait where's dream why is he in the game but not in the discord i don't know daisy thanks for gifting five i think he's gonna try to beat the game before us how much do you want to bite that's what he's doing that's what he's doing he's got his like sweat bands on that's what he's doing all right guys we need to hurry up then where are you guys um george what are your coordinates i'm minus 180 minus 250. but i'm actually i'm just going to run away i'm going to look you went so far i literally went to minus 180 0. we can literally we can fly we can fly look you can fly that's not far at all you guys guys look at my stream if you're like confused look you can like literally like if you hold space you can like bounce off the ground and like fly properly you know like look look at me you can like get oh i messed it up but you can like gain ground like yeah yeah yeah i've been hopping from tree to tree yeah yeah you can get some nice height okay um so i'm going to i'm just wait i just doing some steak from start up wait wait wait let's talk about this give it away i just i just did some highway robbery hunts thanks for the steak muffin all right i'm looking for okay now i'm looking for a cave that's why rats secretly hates you oh my god that's true i actually said that that's actually true why would you say that george it's true where are you doing when you did come near oh i just found a cave uh i'm i'm in it i'm in a cave at minus one fifty one one two george teleport me to you why one fifty just you feels like it's wrong with opposition george tb me too me too no shut up i was eating now i'm done i was eating dude tb me too no you weren't what yeah you found dreams you were eating rock pony me again you [ __ ] i have a torch i'm oh no you you look like a fish wait can you keep it tp your house i'll tp your house later did i say house what yeah this guy's actually i don't think i said house you didn't wait get away from my irons you know t feed you get out of here guys this is my iron this is my iron this is the freeze iron i've ever gotten guys give me the iron oh my god oh my god you should you should eat some spinach but you're iron deficient is this spinach have iron in it bad say sorry that's an anemic joke only anemic gamers will get that one why are you killing bats something like that tv me i'm dead oh my god you mother [ __ ] muffin language i guess we know how much a life is worth just to cook steak that is exactly how much to be fair he took the time to dreams here guys jim's here should i kill him yes yes oh let's man-hunt him we won that oh my god all right guys i'm going to start no you ruined him you just ruined wait he was really just trying to be our friend wait you actually just trying to talk to george wait you actually just ruined the the stream something up leave wait seriously wait something jokes aside jokes aside that was messed up like i'm not even yeah like jokes aside like that was messed up like jokes aside like actual jokes decided like if i was gonna if i were to put the joke somewhere it wouldn't be here there'd be a song it would be a sign he's gone he's gone let's go look at me george let's go he's gone look look i'm standing again dream had something for you wait i'm sad okay let's just kill georgetown if you said like what do you have for me are you standing up callahan that was probably killing him are you standing up george i've beaten the game i understand the laws of physics i don't have to fly anymore i took dreams wings and i made them my own but i think he wanted you to have that oh that a puppy um yeah i've learned it's a bit where you're not interesting yeah you're doing so well today wait wait guys we're having law this is law sign up so he escaped from prison i had to do it oh my god this is not some people like he gave me this puppy stream actually went to prison in real life he broke he broke out of prison just to give you that poppy and i said you take his final cannon life and now i'm standing against this wall and you killed him at the cave i did i killed him and for why why am i taking damage and for why because i promised him i would now i'm leaning because i'm so sad that's actually tragic [Music] hey don't worry wait george i just realized you're fine one spongebob reaction image where it's a woman taking her daughter away from whatever is happening george don't worry guess what guess what he was in your stream put him in the title hurry you're good it's a good idea wait i'll get extra viewers yeah but he's not here anymore that would be clickbait but that's he was here oh we might be coming back you see what i mean he probably isn't george look at me look at me look at me george [Music] just know that it you we both what are you doing george we both know we both knew that it had to happen give me a hug what the [ __ ] is going on yeah yeah angry if you if you joined the the thing you'd maybe know like i'm trying to figure out is this the boot where he's funny but you can join the screenshot join the screenshot carl and quacky always think they know what the funny jokes are but the funny thing is that this is the bit where they're not funny whoa that's too far okay that was too far actually guys that is really deep george let's fly off into the distance you want to fly my fiance we'll remember a dream for not who he is but who he was who he was i agree let's fly off sounds like a good idea who was he this is actually this is sad he was one of us he was in the gang he got corrupted you had to take him out it was for a reason i promised him on that day i visit him in prison that i would and you you kept your promise i kept my problem or some [ __ ] like that i think what hey we're going to beat this game we're having a moment we're making like no progress just for the record just for the record rough george oh do you want me to get rat back yes no no no please it's not enough now it's all the time can you come over here and bark somewhere no it's not now is all the time for right me and son are having an allure market george please right here at the top of this hill where am i going it's been two minutes sparky george please this is dream's tombstone let me make a sign holy [ __ ] i can't not move okay this is dream's tombstone this is where he will lay the poppy lay the poppy let me get in this corner so i don't fly away oh oh sevens guys dream had a place in all of our hearts oh something's flying through the champ beautiful what do you think of the sign george it's beautiful guys if you have a twitch prime now's the time to use it in memory of dream he's really trying to monetize this is just so sad but i know it's what dream would have wanted guys if you have a twitch prime i don't know you just simply click subscribe and then click prime i don't know if this is what dream wanted to be this is exactly what dream would have wanted guys i don't i don't know on a record i don't know guys a hundred percent sure dream would have wanted this it's for the best twitch prime to pay respects to dream hurry i'm trying to actually play this game and george is out here doing this and in in in respect for dream i shall read the twitch primers gracie p [Music] endless kid shiver short stack eva rose liza wait liz kerr i mispronounced your name this is so sad subscribe in the name of dream yes oh my god can you guys check the vc chat all right anyway let's just go get the game sure guys if you sub with prime you you will you will have a blessed day for dream will be with you for eternity okay so uh just check check pc really quickly i have it open on my screen okay it's actually my third screen i have a third screen guys i invested in the third monitor because now i can look over here and i can look over here and i'm so cool okay um all right guys it's time to beat the game do you know how to do it because i don't that's what i've been doing this entire time i have 13 iron ingots wait really yeah okay that's progress that's cool so we need to go to another oh you got a case of the sniffles yeah oh that's cute something was tickling my nose like tickled my nose i don't know why sniffles okay okay hello streamer okay so the sniffles wait i should get like oh that's epic hello george hello wait oh you stand up's here sup knob hey sam here there's there's iron down here oh there is all right i'm going to place this crafting table down boom bam wait can you teleport me to you teleport me to you teleport me to you are we really just like gonna cheat no but no we're not that's not really cheating it's just more like just bending the rules uh in our favor in a way that the game wasn't meant to be done all right there hello it's me i'm going with my dick out god he's just i mean it's like he gets better looking every day i don't know what it is look at george look i'm right over here what update what update are you going to be allowed to place torches on the ceiling pointing down i know right that's in the 1.99 update actually that's that's that's defying the laws of physics in real life you can't do it oh that wouldn't work carl are you an idiot he's an idiot he's an idiot guys because the fire would like point upwards and it would burn the torch like that yeah that wouldn't work but these stones that are just hanging in midair are absolutely not defying any physics oh you've never heard of god castle in the sky a studio ghibli classic clearly you've never heard of it apparently you guys remember that song was like oh yeah yeah i am a little butterfly whoa cheerleader no no i don't know i think that i found myself yeah you guys literally you guys are great at singing thank you thank you so much you're not you're toxic masculinity's showing you're actually so toxic george george is for all those watching right now george is actually so toxic yeah explain like behind the scenes actually okay can i just say it do you mind if i say it alex no i know i don't mind if you say it okay we were going to release a full-fledged song of us genuinely trying and then george told us that we stopped at singing oh no yeah yeah no me and we didn't release had an entire song planned and we're going to make like a joint we showed him the demo i'm not even kidding either yeah it was actually really sad how george just really shot all our dreams down and it's just really really really depressing how george said that like you'd think like if you have like enough core people that are just there for you and not toxic and then just one yeah no absolutely one comes in and just totally agree i totally agree actually you know you know what else happened we had the whole marriage arc planned and george and then george saw it and said it was stupid and that's why he said he was stupid yup we both said at the same time that's how you know for a fact that that's true i was there yeah all right so he said he said he doesn't know how to defend himself you're just making stuff up it's just made up no okay did you just hear him he said our music crew is made up like wow really really actually okay you actually have no shame in it wait wait don't move quickly don't move please please don't move look at my stream ready don't break it you [ __ ] oh you're crying all right listen stop that was my pork chop you dig [Music] is i'm actually almost finished with beating the game wait stop did you switch to creative and just like literally wait wait did you just lose everything in the lava you lost everything pretty much wait i have a great wait look at what's on my hand look at what's on my hand george look he's gonna find that funny don't you george wait what is that over here george we're here [Music] where's your body i'm gonna drown you you can't drown me your honor your honor he drowned himself he drowned himself your honor i was here i saw the whole thing i was [Laughter] you're actually toxic with your name on it oh god yes yes this is flying forward no no no no no no no no no no no no you're wanna i beg you i thank you can somebody draw me some food oh my god oh my god oh my god oh he's dead he's actually dead he's actually dead he's actually dog water don't even dare teleport back to me because bad things are gonna happen to you everyone's spamming out is that actually the correct spanish for toxic el toxico yes it is oh yeah it is [Applause] read the sign what does this sign say what does the sign say is a toxic oh my god let's go let's go oh my god oh my god okay i have raw chicken you do not want to make some crap carl what are you doing with this george heal me now kill me now oh my god oh my god that was actually too far like i don't know i'm sorry keeping me back dude that's actually cool come on we're having fun no because i have two of them here take one take one call carl take one take one god oh no wait okay you guys got a fair heel for everyone george you're going to want to have uh oh come on nice heal bro nice heel nice bro nice heels bro do you need an iron one here i'm getting uh i got iron an iron pick do you want to come join us in the fights yes as soon as i get diamonds back because i've been mining armory it's my birthday as well it's my birthday as well look at him going so nimble let me give myself let me give myself more armor okay let's restart let's do an actual game let's do no no guys no no no let's do axe wars let's do axe horse yes axels i love axe walls i don't know what that means sex wars sky manhunt all right guys all right who's going to be running who's yeah give me give me diamond everything and i'll beat the game before you guys get me okay and if we beat you the stream ends yes true are you guys still chasing me you guys don't even chase me look here's the plan i'm gonna get myself full diamond okay oh my god can we reset could we just reset i really like go back to spawn and stuff wait we might have full lines no i i like the mountain area hey wait wait wait guys i have footlong okay and the challenge is your oscars go on who wants to participate me me i do i do i'm in okay bad ow sometimes killing acquiring the goods right now okay sign up uh call quacksie so it's you three okay everyone gets everyone basically but i'm the king of the hill wait stamina keeps killing me okay i have an amazing idea let's play king of the hill and uh the do put like a put on a diamond um a diamond helmet and that's like the crown and every time someone dies whoever picks up the crown is the next king of the hill okay i have to die i have this five minute timer set a five minute timer by the time that timer's out whoever has a crown wins that'd be sick right wait i don't even have an axe anymore okay yeah no give us all axes okay game rule game rule keep inventory true so we get keep on stopping up's the king of killing people when they can't defend themselves oh what do you mean when i killed you and you had an axe oh yeah you're right wait because we were all setting up the game all right guys guys guys let the games begin get them get them wait i still don't have an app no i have two hearts i have two cards two calls can you you can't run indefinitely wait you can't have you can't have uh you can't have the uh armor okay fine firefighter point of that all right fine go he's once someone dies you want the helmet you're gonna kill whoever gets it next yeah yeah yeah okay george oh keep inventory in the helmet doesn't make sense you're right epic music put epic music okay this feels like some harry potter stuff this feels like some harry potter let's go george hey where are we starting we're resigning here we go there we go there we go oh my god okay oh my god he's going so fast your honor [Laughter] [Music] no okay if you die such give yourself an iron axe yes yes he has it i see him with it he's waiting i'm actually looking i'm actually looking a call my thing is broken look at me i actually went in creative to give myself a higher neck get carl get caught he's right there wait did stepping up another right ax is that what i just saw he i think he does it's not you have to get an iron axe everything's broken help me i can't do anything well like the flying thing all right i'm back to where we started back to where oh what the hell okay i'm sorry i'm sorry can can you reach on my house [Music] look at him go oh i hit him you guys help well i gotta go i gotta go gotta dash oh snap oh that was an actual clean hit oh my god come on come on where are you guys he's flying so far you have to go [Music] there is [Applause] i actually don't have it i literally don't have it when i actually don't have it this time cool got it who has it yeah i'm kill me where are they because i don't have i know i'm just getting on my axe and stuff [Music] who has the helmet has yet to help that was the helmet get him get him get me out of this go ahead stay with your full chest [ __ ] kill him wait whoever kills sapnab gets five gifted i just fed panda's twit panda twit whatever it's called panda's twitter come on george get in george do you think you can defeat me just because you have a netherride axe oh that's exactly what i think coming up get him get him get him he's right there i actually just went past him i actually you know i just went past him do you know what axe i acquired from the halo he has a diamond axe he took my hair where is oh you're dead too wait stop and i literally won't play with the regular axe to save his life what's going on i got it from bad you're dead wait you sound how you you guys can't defeat me i'm too good you can't hit you guys can't defeat me you can defeat me you can defeat me you can defeat me yes you got i got it got it got it got it back got it bad no i don't i don't he does for sure being muffin head it's fine it's fine i was like in the middle of nowhere where am i supposed to oh yeah okay i know tv to the george no no no wait wait wait listen i'm sorry i'm sorry no who has it who else what am is doing someone picked it up someone picked it up george has it for sure but he's under where is he where is his yeah gogi killed me wait i don't have it he's right away get it how do you get all that iron armor oh that's my check give me my chest like you muffin head kill him come here my chest plate if you guys want to fight me just play fight me on fire oh i'm getting roasted i'm literally stuck okay come on george get him where the [ __ ] is sapnap oh he's right there he's right there come on get him boys get him where'd he go where'd he go george he's this way song is epic this song is happening who has it george you can do it oh oh why do you think george is gonna have to do it huh oh i see i see quietly oh i don't have it somebody has a quacking hazard for sure i haven't i have all of it no regrets okay no no get him where is it you can't prove anything no no shut up shut up if you're not you're not going to get away wait you can't hear the music i'm actually a fish how can y'all hear it i'm a sky fish oh no foreign yeah you can't defeat me carl are you gonna hear it okay wait who has the helmet who has the helmet get him wait oh he's so fast holy muffin i see him because i defeated him i found him follow me through lava oh i thought he did something he thought he did something he thought he did something no oh god wait there's hell on the way i don't i dropped it i dropped it i dropped it who would it you got it i don't have it [Music] is [ __ ] i this way i'm taking a momentary break keep going guys i found him i found him he's by the river ben thought he could hide george just wait just keep going keep going hang on just wait just wait keep going okay no stop now it's so quiet i'm just putting the music back on because it's so quiet this game going quacking you just found them we just found him he just we literally just found him wait this is your chat where'd he go wait that song was epic i want to put it on but i just found him again oh he's right here oh my god i just found him too i just found him he he has years of training with this freaking mod oh yes boom we did it okay guys so running stuff now i'm sorry running we have 10 minutes okay at the end of this 10 minutes whoever has a crown is a winner gets a hundred thousand dollars from george not found guys guys when this wait okay here we go here we go ah guys when this timer reaches zero whoever has the helmet will be victorious we have 10 minutes and a mission for a hundred thousand dollars oh my god i just found carl i literally just looked on it he's in the ravine get him you know what dude george gave george to do you absolute call you're get him get him sat nap you got this i just found carl he's cracked i'm actually a good finder oh you're so s annoying he's gonna say he was so [ __ ] oh am i wearing armor should i take it off i was gonna just say nimble but i didn't want to repeat myself yeah that would have been terrible donated yourself i will never repeat jokes wait where'd you go who has the helmet to run around the corner who has the helmet bad boy yellow took it for me [Applause] that's fine that's fine it's fine are we playing with no armor because like we should make some more rules huh it's fine get him i'm gonna kill you regardless oh oh my god stop hitting each other oh my goodness no the water who has it i have the helmet guys i have to have the oscars okay come on [Music] wait i found him he found him oh my goodness george really said let me swoop back into him he's so fast how are you so fast you're muffing him did you do it did you just heal yourself yeah he did no no no no he did no but listen because it's because he killed him i have a good reason oh my god take the good reason to the bank you're gonna die [Applause] oh [Music] leave it alone oh i found them ah no i hit the trees oh got it no get out i got it you literally could not catch me [Applause] i will keep this helmet until until the timer runs out i will i will i will i will i will no no yes is [Music] all right i dropped it he has an egg fan stop swimming and die no die here take it take it okay we got it i dropped it there you go your honor he's dead your honor i dropped diamonds and muffin heads get back here i'm actually getting away i'm actually getting away no no you're not you know what's that thing george always says i'm i'm cracked your honor [Music] you're so close george you're so close no wait please stop please please get back no no stop waiting what you did you need to get this guy please son don't kill me four minutes left there's four minutes oh no no you cannot let him keep the helmet you cannot let him keep the helmet come on you can do this bad bad man you can't run forever that's like i'm kind of can right now oh cried oh my goodness oh my goodness we're so close we literally get so close oh my god wait wait wait wait wait let's talk about this no he's actually he's actually screwed he's actually he's yeah yeah he's done he's done out but the corners got the corners i'm trying oh my god where is he i lost him wait no tv to remove it he has a quack [Applause] he's wearing it right now oh i really thought that quackity had it it looked this is a terrible spot to get it dude yes get him come on come on oh i've done it i've done it i've actually done it i just found you i just actually found you no i'm not found i'm not found i'm not found but he literally just got found and it literally just sounded like he was just bad come on come on come on yes you never never fight me in the open fields no no yes yes yes one minute no he's so fast he's so fake he's teleported me me stop i just [Laughter] stopped stop did you switch sign up stop what's up okay stand up why is your friend stop now kill everyone's in here this is the most famous going on oh my god i'm a fish i won i bet you just won that i won i'm a leaf on the wind watch how i soar oh my goodness george you go so fast if you get high oh my god we get how high you get badly relaxed we don't have a drug oh my god [Music] i actually don't have it oh george has it no i oh i do now wait i have it i have it okay go no cheating no cheating no tp did you add more time or something it's impossible to catch someone if there's no tping no no no them to you like what you just did whenever you're in the planes by them it's like op that's not my fault you should go to the place we spent the whole ten minutes it was close and then the last like 20 seconds you just ruined the game sound now i won i won you want to cry yeah i won you ruined my moment but you know what george doesn't george i feel bad for you i have to win googie you might have to win i was going to win no you know what yeah yeah george yeah yeah you won you won george george you can't win george give it to me so get muffins no come here cokey i'm gonna kill you a rule should be that we can teleport to everyone except except the person who has a healthcare i got it i got it i got it no i got it i got it i got it i killed him okay you can keep you take anyone that doesn't have the helmet do we stay on time there's four minutes and 20 seconds who has the helmet who has the helmet unless you lose them unless you lose them unless they're fully lost badass it bad has it okay this is it yeah like b yeah just don't tp every five seconds but i think we should be able to tp to him yeah or like i won't be don't immediately hit okay let's agree i won round one i run yeah yeah yeah whatever you want jordan stop stop i won everyone knows no i mean george you won come on come on boom boom boom what are you going to do george oh fudge footage wait wait wait wait wait wait oh no oh i almost hit this is so much fun george i love this why can't i catch you because you're a muffin head george oh what do you want wait wait no tv in here [ __ ] wait this is actually going to be like a competitive sport this should be like a mcc game to be honest this is really cool wait who has it bad still hasn't catching me i am a professional wait wait are we allowed to tp god get him please come on all right me and god we'll get to meet all of you we're going to get away no you're not bad i'm too quick oh my god that's too quick nope where is he george fine just tv tv wait wait wait wait george store church let him go ahead oh i already said it oh come on oh my goodness papa perky just to start up it doesn't matter no i just muffined myself that's right you got muffins come on george there we go later as long as you don't hit me like right away i have momentum i have momentum all right there's one minute there's one minute left oh my goodness i'm gonna win i guarantee it's gonna be so we're gonna kill bad and then it's gonna be a scramble that's what's gonna happen no no no no no no no no no we can't even catch up to him because he has all the momentum i'm so fast it's over she's impressed i literally just died 30 seconds 30 seconds come on just kill him he has too much momentum because he's been in the planes i am a professional oh he's gone he's gone he's listening to me guys how many seconds how many seconds left huh nine seconds twelve twelve seconds left come on please there's still vanilla jesus christ oh i'm like lightheaded holy [ __ ] you just screamed your lungs literally off of you please god 10 seconds five seconds five go on three three two how many more hits did you avenue i have half a heart right now we hit you like five times you're joking though i don't know how to crit when we're just flying oh my god i can't like like my oh my god that was insane this is so much fun how did i'm telling you this should be an mcc game how did bad get so much momentum yeah every time you have to do just there's no chance oh you're eating food oh i picked off off of battle halo's corpse oh i see [Music] his health was rejected i don't think that affects like fast hugo no no no i'm saying savannah's health was rejecting that's why he won he's on his right now i know i just wanted to i felt like we were all going to lean into it but i mean yeah we're going to lean into you're so many people and then i just didn't get the helmets yeah but you ruined my victory moment i was gonna win oh my god like you're victory royale yeah you've ruined my epic videos yeah about to get down live you're here just in time for my stream let's go let's go george's stream let's do it james is like oh i hate george now [Laughter] george this is a certified oh my god what are you doing they're on the same wavelength oh my god my head because we like george waiting i have already switched the title quack and he's still second let's go i just moved george down i just moved george down wait you know what quacking for your birthday all right oh my god my throat is like memed oh i'm like sweating sweating certified something moment yeah why did you say that dream what where is it say what are you talking about you're imagining things oh okay i'm imagining things okay okay it might be the way oh oh okay might be the one everyone's dead it's a scramble to find the helmet go go go no one knows where it is i know it's this way i actually haven't oh i just found it i found one hey i found many wait wait we're winners we're all winners wait let's all be winners together look yay like we're all winning how's your stream only been an hour and a half long it feels like 10 hours i know doesn't it that was an intense because he has like this stream it is just that was very fun good job all right i'm emotionally drained all right well i guess we're all leaving now all right this is the last stream of the night i hope you guys later on have you guys enjoyed the stream train guys guys that's the end it's been great make sure to use all your primes right now because then no one else is going live afraid me george these are your primes please i know okay call us streaming call us i'll be i'll allow it guys call streaming what do you need a little lounge i'll you can go live if you want wait actually yeah go for a call wait really we should go now should i actually go now yeah go now go for it buddy go go have fun go fun but oh you need to give me something oh that's right i have to give you this oh you have to tell me what to do as well i am only going to do it whenever other people match me i'm doing fifty dollars worth of subs okay what is that 50 dollars that is subs is 10 subs 65 dollars worth of subs let's be real here like we're not rounding down to the nearest 50 yeah that'd be strange yeah i need to see a 10 bomb and then i'll be able to gift them george guys call me money please george george was advertising the whole time during my stream so guys my stream is open if you want to donate me some subs i will read them out loud i totally forgot about that okay yeah you guys do that during his stream i'll be right back okay also like with the ten bomb let's go all right you know what george didn't thank me for seven months i didn't see it like actually george i no but listen listen carl subbed and he was like oh no he was like you just went live what notification do you see i'm like what do you mean like i thought he was thinking about my go live notification i was like what do you mean i thought something messed up like what you didn't see it like oh this is messed up i thought what you guys everyone with the subs thank you thank you so much why are you leah thanks thank you so much scarlett aubrey jones [Music] suck on these nuts oh wait bad bad all right um did you reply to dee's message it's really important yo you care about me thank you for the five bomb i'm not even gonna finish it thanks for watching oh my god an acid thing it was so funny yesterday though i got george one night to enjoy this like yeah because i'm tired i'm tired mandy thinks we're doing um what's his name dream got who was it bad and quackity no no no no no he's now yeah george both start laughing before i even say anything laughing then we were all like yelling together it was great just to be clear when you got me dream i was like half asleep like literally half asleep i got you pretty good i oh i oh my god i'm not even gonna tell the full story because it's kind of weird but you're like you guys were being weird yesterday when i was asleep when i woke up and i and you guys you said rachel loves quackity messed up stuff they're like you know do you just say it you just say it so tell them what you did true buddy with the five months tell them what you did dream tell them what you did what do we do when i was when i was sleeping and i woke up and i was still in the discord well we were telling you to check twitter and saying you were canceled is that what is that yes like i like wake up because you're like you wake up we're like we're like george like talk about breathing twitter like oh my god like there's no there's no way this is actually him like george is like what what happened i was like dude like you need to check twitter right now i literally fell asleep in discord and i wake up and they're like oh george fell asleep and i'm like no i didn't because i actually didn't think i did but i did and then you're like oh you need to check twitter and even bad was in on it bad was in on it oh no dude you said this you said this like just just search up george on twitter you're ruined i think no could be fair we said search of george george d.n like these nuts that's what we were and you weren't you didn't do it though oh i thought it was dm no it's called live i don't really care actually i'm not going to rate them i'm just going to go to bed yeah i've seen more people to sub you fell asleep on discord yesterday i did yeah probably what right at the end of the stream thank you guys so much thank you pink fire flower gifting five sugar abyss gifting five as well thank you so much guys we hit the sub goal very epic thank you so much carl's live um i don't know what's he what exactly he's doing um but he is live can i read him or do i have too many viewers raid you have too many viewers i have too many viewers guys which what a flex what a flex pass download thanks for getting five and emily flower and uh how do i start moaz typing i don't know thank you for the subs thank you guys um this stream was kind of chaotic i it was kind of just a massive meme hope you enjoyed it though um yo ray ray ali thanks for the five bomb on my channel sapnap just by the way i don't know just wanna say thank you thank you for all the subs i don't think wait i think i think i forgot to uh put my donation limit back so i don't think i got any i didn't notice a donation or i just ignored them all i think i i think i forgot what was your donation limit i think it's a thousand dollars i think that would make sense why i didn't get any donations oh well um and kaitlyn hq thank you for the five and mandy pags let's let's see what carl's doing how's it going he's playing road trip like why is he doing that anyway um oh just kidding wait should i play mask oh okay can i oh play it play it wait guys guys you don't even you don't even know you don't know you have the unfinished version you don't even have that's gonna be like basically identical no no it's not wait wait guys guys guys check this out it's not no no no no no no no no no no don't actually i thought it's not fantastic i thought it's not finished i thought it wasn't finished it was not i thought there's a massive difference it's there is there is but don't but don't i'm showing them i'm showing them no you're not allowed oh my god i am i'm showing you're not allowed i will copyright your life that's what i will do i'm so scared he's not gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it no don't actually actually don't actually don't actually why wait you're serious i thought that was a bit yeah george don't do it wink wink no there's no winking there's no wink wink wait you don't want me to wink yeah no i don't don't don't yeah george if you did it that would be terrible yeah you don't even i just checked yeah no listen the last thing i have is v3 that's so old that's from over a month ago i think i just leaked it i think i just leaked it why did you play it you muffin ed oh no the current version is v11 you have v3 george that's that's an old version it's a current version george i believe in you i think i just wait dream did it leak did well like did i leak it ow i think i leaked it he did he leaked it it's not even me me i watched your stream you didn't like anything oh my god i'm sorry oh my goodness george how could you you must have had a stream muted dream no i had an unmuted dream yeah i think i people are saying i leaked it oh you must have been and people are saying it [Music] i didn't mean to it's okay oh you didn't sir no but i did oh my you did it i like i like showed the thing i showed i showed the thing showed one thing the thing nice he actually did kind of leak something to be clear well no i almost did it again i almost just leaked it again all right wow you're gonna leak gonna leak the well i like the length or something yeah that's what he did that's already that that already one that's already been tweeted and two it's not even the same length as that version that version's like 10 seconds shorter or something i don't know how are we never mind should i just play it no you're not allowed to play i think i'm just going to flip guys should you just i'm just going to play i'm just going to play it i'm just gonna play it dream it's fine like it's gonna come out like no anyway i'll just play it now give them like a sneak peek no it's not okay it's not fun i think i should play it jim i'm playing it no guys if i see ten people type one i'll play it nobody type one there's only one dream i'm gonna play it no
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 1,364,789
Rating: 4.9657454 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, The Funniest Minecraft Challenge Ever..., minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: emNscP5IYe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 52sec (5632 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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