Prophetic Word for the Year 5778/2018 by Pastor Troy Brewer of OpenDoor Church in Burleson TX

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I guess welcome everybody welcome my friends blessing a piece on you and listen while I'm gonna I'm gonna let this build up just a little bit hey would you please do me a huge favor and would you please share this over to your Facebook page that'll make you a rockstar evangelist man I appreciate you doing that yeah man it's good to see you guys tab our people chiming in yet over there very very good you know what guys you guys can go ahead and you could chime in and say hey I'm here if you would appreciate that hey guys welcome welcome welcome welcome my friends - Profeta Quincy man I love prophetic whiskey I think about prophetic wins y'all all week long and like Lord what are some cool things I can share because what's real is man we do the prophetic and the way that God is increasing the prophetic is so crazy and I'm like yes I'm like yes yes yes and so every single day man we're just blown away with stuff like I just now got through literally just ten minutes ago I just got through with my pastors and leaders meeting we're filming stuff for my school of ministry and school ministries on Troy Bertie V and I was talking to them about the power of leading through brokenness because this is a year of great brokenness and man prophetically whenever we whenever we're in the year 2018 I want to tell you man Luke chapter 20 verse 18 is a scripture that says those that fall upon the rock will be broken and those that the rock falls upon well they're gonna be crushed and guys III want I want you to know that to be broken literally means that this is a great year for you to say man I'm following up on the Lord about that I'm falling that's just that's just part of the language that you and I need is I'm following up on the Lord about this I'm following up on the Lord about that any time man that you're trying to make a big decision any time that you're about to move forward any time that you're thinking about stopping any time that you're thinking about changing your velocity this year man be somebody say let me follow up on the Lord about that well there's two keys and falling upon the Lord that go with the Luke chapter 20 verse 18 scripture in the year 2018 and one is this following up following up on the Lord and being broken what does that mean first of all it literally means trust that you're trusting in his character that you're trusting in his presence that you're trusting that it is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom that you're trusting he's not worn out to be your father this year that he's trusting that that rather that you are trusting that man God is happy that you're seeking him right on that's the first part man you just fall upon his character you fall upon his heart and then the second part of that is total abandonment one of the things I just got through telling to all of our leadership here and it was so good man God we just had such a rockstar meeting it was just so good and I told him I said look guys I know that all of us or all of us are tired this is the this is the third day of our conference and of course Saturday was a huge outreach day Sunday of course we had three services then of course Monday Tuesday and Wednesday we we are now doing all this this conference and I I tell them I said guys I recognize how tired you are but I'm not gonna make a big deal out of how to out of how tired you are I'm gonna make a big deal out of what awesome overcomers you are and how you guys are gonna bring your a-game no matter what that's what I want to make a big deal out of and I was telling them listen guys we don't count the cost as soon as you start counting the cost as soon as you do you will decide that you have paid too much now every time I preach this somebody says well what about the scripture where Jesus says nobody nobody builds a nobody builds a tower or nobody builds a house without first counting the cost what he's saying is he's not saying is you need to determine if you have enough money that's not what he's saying because in the kingdom that's never never never the issue in the kingdom you always have enough when when Jesus is talking about counting the cost he's like be sure that you're willing to pay the price before you start it and let me tell you how you do that you do that by simply saying right here right now no matter the cost I don't care what it costs whenever we're whenever we're falling upon the rock okay whenever we're falling upon him we're just saying I don't have a plan B I don't have anywhere else to go I don't have nothing else to do I am all the way in and I can't be in anymore so guys I want to encourage you guys man to think about that and fall upon the rock this year follow up on the rock big-time Luke chapter 20 verse 18 hey that's a good prophetic word so how is everybody you guys doing good man this week has been an incredible prophetic week for us and we're I'm right here in front of stages here at open-door Church and our amazing dream team in the year of the dream has fixed up our stage amen there it's it's actually a dream theme and then last night guys we actually had brother Caleb Caleb barley and you can find him at Evergreen missions dot-com ever meet evergreen missions and that brother got up here he talked about how God gave him this incredible dream of this amazing musical instrument and how that he created this musical instrument and God used it for him to reach an entire people group that has a hundred thousand people in it my good friend Kip they're sending over here right now by the way Kip do you got a coffee right there can I have that coffee I'll be a best friend oh I'm not a cinnamon guy no I'm not a cinnamon guy I'm a honey guy okay that's on time I thank you so much mmm what I got here oh it's it's Davy Crockett quote you may all go to hell but I shall go to Texas Davy Crockett I love Davy Crockett I love Davy Crockett's attitude but I bless him and I call him blessed Davy Crockett has made a huge difference within my life i bless him and i bless his memory anyway man brother Caleb he got up here last night and after he gave his incredible story after he actually did that he actually played the Salemba and then we released dreaming into the house and guys he was incredible it was ridiculous and one of the things that Kip texted me last night I call I call Kip weirdo Kip weirdo Kip she texted me and she said hey if God could cause one people to reach a hundred thousand people what in the world is he releasing in this huge group of a thousand people man that was a great word I was like man praise God Kip really that was a great word man I was like dude that's that's awesome I'm like hallelujah so guys we did that and it was we'll have it invaded earth last night heaven invaded earth that are really cool what do you think tab did heaven invade Earth in here yeah I mean really and truly when the sound of heaven was presented to this room I was looking around and people just bawling and squalling you know why he's actually gonna play that again tonight and that's gonna be really cool and then on Monday night and then on Monday night I brought the word for the year now guys we've already filmed the word for the year and we're gonna be releasing it here within the next couple of days so be looking for that and every time whenever we put it on Facebook there will be a link that goes to our YouTube page and friends if you have not yet signed up for our YouTube page man be sure and do that what I'd like to do is right now I would like to I would like to show you part of the word that God has given me for 2018 and I would like to focus on this being the year of bread now guys the Hebrew word bread is actually the number 78 and friends this is a year five seven seven eight boom yeah yeah this is a year of bread like okay what does that mean whenever we say that it is the year bread well it's a year of fullness because bread always represents fullness but guys bread has so many different layers of incredible prophetic revelation and if you're gonna walk in the it's a car anointing this year if you're gonna be somebody that walks in the Imps and I'm mourning and if you don't know what that is man you need to see my conference for Monday night or you need to get my you need to get my notes if Zen is the brother from Judges chapter 12 and he had 30 sons and he had 30 daughters and my friends he came into a place of barrenness that had been bareness and he was so fruitful I mean the brother had 60 kids okay this is that year why because if zan is a 78th word in the Strong's exhaustive concordance boom there it is again the number 78 so guys whenever it comes to whenever it comes to the Year bread bread represents fullness bread represents abundance and guys I'm not just talking about fullness and abundance I'm talking about a double portion I'm talking bout the double whammy now guys this is your five five I'm sorry five seven seven eight and this is a year of two zero one eight we have the double eight an eight at both in both calendars a Gregorian counter and also the Hebrew calendar converge at the number eight this year and that is a double portion for you that is so important and then guys just to verify that the Lord gave us two full moons in the month of January the double whammy one on the first day of month and one on the last day of the month so there it is again the beginning and the end bringing a double portion of new beginnings into your life in the year 2018 hallelujah received that right there where you're at guys I get excited about that okay this is also as I've already as I've already expressed to you this is a year of miraculous birth boom oh my gosh what you talk about I'm talking about Bethlehem Bethlehem the place of the miraculous birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and Bethlehem means the house of bread there's the convergence again it converges means seventy eight is the Hebrew number for the I should say well it's the gamma tria for the word bread oh my gosh okay here's another one the Lord is about to give hidden manna to those who overcome the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitans I want to talk to you listen Balaam is idol worship okay Balaam is when you is when you include other gods with God okay Balaam is also I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this out there to you Balaam is Islam I don't know if you guys know this or not but before Islam was Islam it was literally bell worship so all this stuff in the Bible where you see the moon-god worshipers and they're throwing their babies into the fire and their sacrifice and all that okay that's the predecessor of Islam is what that is but do you know what do you know what the doctrine of the Nicolaitans are the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is this the hierarchy of the church are somehow Marvel Comics superheroes they are sainted and canonized in such a way that laypeople are dominated okay the Nicolaitans believed that people that that pastors ought to have special parking places and the Nicolaitans believed that pastors are somehow a different breed then than all the other volunteers within the church then when you overcome the doctrine of the Nicolaitans what you're saying is this dude we're all the same you've got something to offer I've got something to offer and by the way we're all better if we are together that's how we overcome the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is this there are these people who had the supernatural Jedi juice and those are the people who get behind the pulpit within the rest of us well we're just poor poppers and hopefully we can receive some crumbs is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and it must be defeated man it must be defeated and this is what Jesus Christ promises us in the book of Revelation in Revelation chapter 2 he says I will give the hidden manna the hidden manna to those who overcome bail worship which is like Islam and then the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which says people that are high up in the church are better than people who are in a lower demographic within the church can tell you something Jesus Christ does not see that so we should not see that so that's a really big deal pickle alright here's another one the Lord which I love with all my heart declares that bread is the return for the spiritual investment that's Ecclesiastes chapter 2 the value of diligence where it says keep on casting your bread upon the water I don't anybody remember Jani Graham from the 1970s I can't believe I just thought about her do you guys believe her listen I got to meet her she she passed away I don't know maybe ten years ago or maybe fifteen years ago or so and I actually got to do a concert with her and I was like oh my gosh I saw you when I was a kid I saw you at the Bronco boat does anybody remember the Bronco Bo and Dallas dang go and hear about Jesus and Bowl it was awesome all right so cast your bread upon the waters for you a five-date many days and then check out the seven and eight this is a year 78 give a serving to seven and also to eight for you do not know what evil will be upon the earth he says you better not do it one time everything that you think you ought to do one time this year for the Lord you probably ought to do it seven or eight times because brother you need a bigger return that's what you need you need a great big tremendous return it even has the prophetic numbers of seventy of seven and eight in the year of 78 what yeah that's the Bible Ecclesiastes chapter three but you know what there's well there's a couple of other things so so look bread is associated with miracles of multiplication this is a year bread this is not the year of addition this is not the year of division this is a year of multiplication praise the Lord okay bread is manifest presents the table of showbread hallelujah bread I should say this healing is the children's bread that's what Jesus Christ Himself said hallelujah bread is the body of Christ big huge year for the church bread okay this is the year and I want you guys to watch for the kingdom to be needed into every single part of society okay Matthew chapter 13 33 that's a 1 333 scripture okay that's really really big okay by the way are you are you a three three three person hey if you're 30 33 person time in and say hey that's me there's some of you crazy to to to listen to to to people are the craziest people on the planet they see they see 2:22 everywhere but nonetheless here's a one 333 scripture for you it's Matthew chapter 13 verse 33 the kingdom of heaven is likened to 11 which a woman took and hid in three measures of mill until the whole thing was actually eleven what does that mean it means this you take the kingdom and you need it in and need it in and need it in and people are operating by Kingdom principles and they don't even know it hallelujah in every single segment of society I mean this is a year bringing the kingdom into your workplace into your finances into your marriage into everything hallelujah into your business life into your politics and all that need the kingdom into every single bit of that but guys I want to show you my very favorite one is this bread represents overcoming and crushing the enemy it doesn't just mean barely defeating the enemy it literally means crushing the enemy well get in brother has a dream and Gideon is seen as a loaf of bread that comes in and crushes the enemy oh I love that so much and then also numbers chapter 14 verse 9 only do not rebel against the Lord nor fear the people of the Lord or prefer the people the land this is a year the land grab by the way this is the year of the land grab say that to you in Jesus name for they are our bread Alleluia the breakfast of champions this year are giants the breakfast of champions this year is any devil that will stand up to you and say no no you cannot you cannot move forward the devil is a liar guys I want to just tell you this those are my favorite those are my favorite parts about bread this year this is the year of bread and I would encourage you guys that if you have not yet been a part of our conference then you can still come tonight and you can be a part of it and also to guys this will be up and available our entire conference will be up and available at Troy Brewer TV in the month of February amen I didn't say February I actually said February which is what you're supposed to do man this television and the thing is refining me it's it's I've got a whole new culture and I'm upgrading in every way it's incredible okay so so February I think it's the first time I've ever done that in my whole life I don't know I even know why I did it all right it's incredible Steve did you catch that bad okay so guys this is gonna be available at Troy Brewer TV and at the end of this week if not at the end of this week that's certainly by the beginning of next week soon and very soon guys we are going to have my entire ward for the year that we've already filmed and it's going to be on our YouTube channel so find me on YouTube and be a subscriber to our YouTube channel all right friends I'll call you guys blessed I hope to see you guys out here tonight 7:00 p.m. our live online are right here live on Facebook at 7:00 p.m. Central Time I call you guys the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored of the Lord I bye everybody
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 3,834
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetic word, Year 2018, year 5778, year of bread, biblical look at the new year, prophetic teaching, prophetic school, Baal Worship, Islam, Doctrine of the Nicolatians, Revelation, end times prophecy, prophecy, opendoor church, church in burleson, texas church, fort worth church
Id: B4SqONJcR-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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