A Night of Dream Interpretation

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so tonight I want to I want to unpack some things and and I want to talk to you about a bunch of things tonight and we I do want to talk to you also to you about some some dreams that I've had and the way that the spirit law has been pouring out dreams in my life and where he's been having me dream I really paid attention to the dreams that I dreamed when I was in Nepal I was in Dubai and I also had a dream in Dubai that was that was really interesting but pastor Gloria prophesied to me several months back and said that the Lord was going to start talking to me about the nations and he is indeed talking to me about the nations I mean he is he is indeed speaking to me concerning the nations and that hasn't happened before it just hasn't even though I've been going to the nations for a long long time what God is doing with me now is crazy and I want to just kind of I want to share something with you one really interesting dream that I had and tell you some some cool things that happened while we were there we actually had the opportunity to go before the Nepali government and when we went to go see the Minister of Interior right we went to go see him and he actually invited us to his house and I want to share with you something crazy that happened was me and in Liana and it was Steve and Ginny and Tom and I think I don't know if anybody else is with us or not it seems like it was a million years ago and it was a like five days ago and anyway we we were invited actually over to his house to go speak to him and when we finally got into the house and guys on this day the the pollution was exceptionally bad and it was the worst day of pollution while we were there and again I can't I can't tell you how toxic the environment is the the environment is toxic for a number of different reasons number one even though they tax the people nearly to death there's no asphalt on any of the roads even in the capital city there's very little asphalt in so just the dust of all those cars is constant if you want to know what kind of taxing for one thing for all of my socialist friends though those you guys that think that socialism works because you're deceived and I will not back down from that the very first socialist the very first socialist that ever lived was Judas Iscariot he's the father of socialism and socialism is demonic it is it is man's idea to try and live outside of God and it kills people that's what it does and if you think socialism is great go check out your buddies down in Venezuela right now and watch how they're living go to Cuba and go and go and see how those people have to live because of the horrors of socialism I hate socialism I have a holy hatred towards socialism I'm a freedom fanatic amen I love freedom I I want to see people set free and I can't stand it whenever people want to shackle other human beings I just don't like that well when if you buy a car in Nepal they have a two hundred and forty percent tax so that they can keep up the roads that there's no asphalt because the Socialists still it that's all socialists ever do is still it and this they do because they say they love the poor but they do not do that but they do not love the poor they are thieves that's what the Bible says about Judas you guys remember that story it says how come you broke the alabaster box and how come you didn't sell it and give it to me I would have give it to the poor but this he said not because he loved the poor but because he was a but but because he was a thief he's the father of socialism judas iscariot is so clear to me i don't know why you're so round up on that because a millennial about 60% of the millennial generation believes that socialism is a good is a good way to live and we have to teach our children something different amen we have to we have to teach them something different well even though they tax their body nearly to death there's still no pavement on the roads and that's one of the reasons why the pollution is so bad another reason why the police is so bad is because everybody in that part of the world since their dead bodies to all of those buddhist temples and they're burning hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bodies every single hour there and the smell of burning bodies is incredible it is incredible so the smoke and the dust and just the pollution we were actually doing a study while we were there trying to figure out exactly how polluted is Katmandu and there's arguments that it is the most polluted country it is the most polluted city in the world to give you kind of an idea is that they mark it in parts per million right so when it comes to pollution you can tell how bad something is according to parts per million of whatever the pollution is right the pollutant is okay Los Angeles California has a pollution index of 11 parts per million Kathmandu Nepal has 547 okay how many you guys have been in Los Angeles when the smog is really bad okay that's 11 parts per million this place is 547 parts per million okay you guys with me so it's hard to I mean we're not even when you when you see all these Socialists over here telling us oh you know what we're that we're the ones that's polluting the earth they're liars and they haven't been there all you got to do hey come and go with me to China and I'll show you what pollution is come and go with me to the Arab nations come and go with me to Cairo oh my gosh Cairo Egypt come and go with me to visit upon them India when you descend down into this black fog that is unbelievable where you're there for two weeks and there's not a cloud in the sky but you never see the Sun because the pollution is so bad yeah America is not the problem so in the midst of that environment it was it was a day that manda the pollution was just really bad and we made it to this guy's house and one of the things that I always do when I go into a house is I say peace be under this house and the mighty name of Jesus I'll do that in everybody's house right and I stepped into the house and I said peace meeting there's house in the mighty name of Jesus and we were attacked spiritually there was a smell that hit all of us all at the same time that we all instantly wanted to throw up and I've never been attacked like that in my whole life I've never experienced anything like that I've been like we used to go to New Orleans a lot and I used to do a lot of street outreach in New Orleans and there's a projects down there called the Desire Street projects and when I was in my early 20s I used to go down there and I also play guitar at a place so it's called cafe joelle that was actually on Bourbon Street and it was a Christian Outreach Center and I used to go down there a lot when I was in my 20s and I'd there would be a smell that would attack us sometimes but this was this was next level and then whenever we met with this man after we prayed for him the smell completely went away and we witnessed that we experienced that and I'm not making that up these guys will you know Jenni you were there right on ginny am I am I telling the truth I mean this is legit this actually this was something that we actually experienced and one of the things I got to tell this guy was that hey look I hear that you do not persecute Christians and I am so grateful so on behalf of the body of Christ I literally went there to tell the guy thank you for not killing Christians thank you for that thank you for not persecuting Christians one of the things that the guy did that doesn't it's hard to actually imagine on this side of the world that this guy did that was unprecedented is he got a big piece of government land and he gave it to the Christians for a place of burial now that doesn't sound like a big deal but they don't bury people over there so every Christian that has ever had a loved one died they've had to take them down to the Buddhist temple and have them burned well that's that's not what you want to do right so it was a really big deal that this guy saw that problem and said well I'll give you guys a piece of land any given piece of land and that doesn't sound like much but that's a big deal and there was a lot of things like that so on the day that I prayed for him and guys the Lord gave me a word to give this guy and the word was you're gonna end up being the prime minister of this nation and you need to not forget why God has put you in that position and you need to remember the Christians and you do not need to persecute them and do not allow laws to be passed that would persecute the Christians when you become the prime minister and the guy said well I have no ambition to be the Prime Minister and I said God's plans for you are higher than your plans for you and that brother got down on his knees and lifted up his hands and said pray for me yeah in the midst of in the midst of idol worship there's idols everywhere in there and so we left there and I went home and then I went and we went back to the hotel and you're just exhausted anytime that you travel from one place to another place there it's exhausting number one Kathmandu's up 9,000 feet or some crazy thing like that and that takes a long time for your body to adjust and then the pollution is bad and then the roads are so bad it's like being in a train wreck you know everywhere you drive you know and so and then and then we're involved in very emotional stuff you know we're saving kids from sexual trafficking we're saving girls from sexual trafficking where we're involved in big big big stuff and somebody got back I I sit down on the chair and I lean back and I put my head back like this and I instantly went to sleep and I had about a 10 second dream and the dream went like this I saw a wall a white wall and on the white wall was a frame and I could see this hand sticking up just about that far it was like half of a hand and it had already written two words and it had carved the words into the white wall and and it said in the letter the one the first word was the word started with a capital K and there was a little word concessive with two eyes at the end of it concessive and then the next word was the word started with a K knesset and as soon as I saw it it was like a like a 10-second dream and then I woke up there's this place when you first start to go to sleep that is a really supernatural place and there's the kind of dreams that you have that wake you up and in the Bible there's lots of dreams that wake up people and those are called waking dreams right the kind of dream that wakes you up and that's a different caliber of a kind of a kind of a prophetic dream well man I had a waking dream and I woke up in other words when the dream is over your your sleep time is over right and went whoa and so I got up and I wrote down those words I looked at those words and I thought I know what the Knesset is the Knesset is the Jewish Congress if you will right it's the Israeli Congress it's Israel's power house it's the Knesset and I went okay kill so I wonder what concession up the word consent and that is the president of Indonesia never I've never heard that word before in my life I had no idea I've never had any interest in ever been interested in going to Indonesia that's not on my bucket list ago I I've never looked up the politics or the president but it's literally the name I saw the name of the president of Indonesia and I went on the day that I prayed for a national leader and prophesied to him right on that day God Almighty opened up two more doors for me one was to Israel and the other one was to Indonesia on that very day Tabitha who runs all my social media here at open door and Troy Byrd TV and Troy burr calm and everything everything she's like my sister Taylor had a dream about you and she dreamed that you went to Indonesia can she tell you about it and I went yeah yes you can tell me about it like what the heck well in the midst of all that on Wednesday we got up and we were just interested in I wonder what it would take to get to go see Mount Everest and so we got up and we got ready to go to mount we asked the hotel they got us fixed up and in just in a matter of just a few minutes we're like I guess we're gonna go to Mount Everest today Wow and we ended up a Kathmandu Airport and then we ended up on this ancient helicopter for the early 1960s that had no business flying whatsoever as far as I'm concerned and listen guys if you think it wasn't a miracle if you don't think it was a miracle that I didn't wet my pants when I slept 16 hours it was much more miracle I didn't wet my pants on the way to Mount Everest that was a scary ride and it was real the rotor was inside our helicopter and guys we listened he took that thing up to 23,000 feet okay we the pilot had oxygen was I was glad but we did not and when it would get in the jet stream it would make this noise he literally he took right up against the side of Mount Everest when they got in that jet stream he pushed it to full throttle and it was like going and it was still moving into the mountain he couldn't get out of it and ya know that's all of that mess thank you but no thank you been there done that got the t-shirt we went up there and these guys busted out their cameras and we did several television shows and you know by the way guys they flew over base camp and base camp is at 18,000 feet up ok it's it's it's insane and this is what it was like it was like lights camera action hello everybody pastor Troy Brewer from open-door Church haircut all right all right I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready and I'm here at the tallest place in the world this is Mount Everest right here behind me cut yeah it was like that couldn't breathe so when you see it and it looks like I've got my act together that's just because I'm cool I did not have my act together and I had just got off the most frightening helicopter ride of my life and I still had another 45-minute ride back to the house and it was not oh happy today no it was not that I was like and I knew there was no roads back I was like is there some way I can go back without having to get back on that helicopter and there just was it there just was nice so I want to unpack that dream a little bit and talk to you a little bit about that because I want to tell you guys today on this stage we had a brother from the Knesset was here on this stage today and we filmed him and talked to him and gods already opening up this door and there's there's gonna be some crazy crazy crazy amazing announcements I want to be able to give you guys within the next couple of months that I just like I'm so excited about I really and truly am but you don't wanna I want to invite my buddy guys this is Steve Maddox brother Steve would you come on up here man if you would please guys Steve Maddox is here while Steve is coming up here one of the things that I want to verify and also to pastor Otis pastor Otis would you come up here to guys pastor Otis is in the house come on up here well these guys coloring by the way man man you got a busy day today we did a lot of production today doing but there's one on a day around here that isn't really busy is there no there ain't man I don't know they probably don't know you're on the stage yet by there they all know there are there they're look at this way yeah he's like okay there you go so what about you you wanna check your mic and see if it works - yeah okay yeah very good okay so so one of the things that we did while we were there is we actually met the girls a lot of the girls that we that we bought last year and we saved and we're housing it was it would to me it was the best part of the whole trip the girls danced for us they fixed this they had they put on their traditional dress and they danced for us and guys are just so beautiful I'm just telling they're just drop-dead gorgeous and they're so sweet and they're so innocent in spite of all that they've been through they're still so sweet and they're still so innocent well in the midst of those kinds of things our border team is stopping people going across the border and by the way we were trying hard to get down to the border and we couldn't do you know why because I still don't have radar in that part of the world I kid you not so all the airplanes even the jet airplanes they fly by sight through the Himalayas yeah there's no radar there dude it's it's so we would go to the airport our plane was supposed to leave you know at 8 o'clock in the morning and at 1 o'clock we're still there in our drawers they're just looking out the window going map can't fly yet I mean we're going to get on a jet and fly to the border and you can't they're like let me look out the window no can't fly yet and then in about 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon after sitting on a nasty floor because they don't have chairs for 6 7 8 hours they would finally cancel the flight that happened twice oh that was two full days of us trying to get down there and I tell you it was a trip they have these speakers and there is this lady screaming on the speaker non-stop it is so loud you know whatever horrible language that is it's just like oh my gosh and if we were like look okay they finally you know about 2 o'clock in the afternoon they'd say well okay we think we're gonna cancel we were where Tommy Shyvana and they said we've never had that happen before never we've never had that happen before there was just so much warfare on this there was just a lot of warfare nonetheless on while we were there I want you guys to look at what we stopped on the border I want you guys look at this picture of all these little kids those are children that were being smuggled across the border that was stopped by our team while we were there those those are babies guys okay listen I want to just tell you I don't know that we will ever find their parents I hope that we do and I pray in the name of Jesus that we do but if not guys we're responsible for those kids for as long as it takes you you get that right because if you ask these little guys amen who's your mama who's your daddy they say mama daddy right and what it is is since Nepal does not provide a prosecuting attorney since Nepal does not provide that people are coming from all over the world to steal their kids and sell them into slavery because even if they do get caught the parents cannot afford to hire a lawyer to prosecute the guy have you ever in your life heard of a nation that has laws but does not provide a prosecution I've never heard of that that's just bizarre to me it's just crazy we were actually looking up the whole time that we were there that the the the the spike of activity there is rape that people come from all over the world to rape women there because even if they get caught they can't afford to prosecute them cost a thousand bucks so guys the body of Christ needs to step up and and we are you know we're not going to wait on anybody else we are and we're joining forces with very powerful ministries that are already there that we've already got boots on the ground we have prosecuted 14 sex traffickers and yeah 14 and and they all got it they all get a 25-year sentence that saves an untold number of people's lives so I'm I am happy about that well these are six girls one day we saved six girls and then the next day we saved nine girls these are six girls I want you guys to look at this picture so those girls were literally moments away from being sold into slavery they were being taken across the border they put them in a van they take them to a room they bussed out cameras they get them on skype and there are people all over the world that buy these girls mostly in Arab nations and they disappear and nobody ever sees them again we were literally able to save is that I need you guys to be putting that on that you guys helped me out and put that I need to be able to see even less y'all want me to turn my back to y'all there you go yeah that's that is though that's correct so those six girls one day and then nine girls on the next day wow that's a Wow okay all right so guys you guys remember these four ladies you guys remember these these four ladies do you remember them okay now here's what's crazy cool at the last conference that we had I'm trying to think how much money it was like gonna be it was crazy was like I don't remember how much it was to say but does anybody remember how much it was to save all four of those girls what was it yeah it was like 30-something thousand it was I'm thinking it was $33,000 or something like that right because not only did we have to bomb but then we had to set them up and they all had kids okay I want to put that picture back up they're still up there so I want you to look that girl that's all the way over to your right yeah thanks took me there for a minute okay so all the way over to your right okay pastor Daryl is is there in India with Amy Adcock and the rest of the team and they're in India right now and they went and they found these four girls that we bought in January right and guys we set her up her her dream was to build shoes so we set her up with a shoe shop and I want to show you this picture of her front of her shoe shop but she named it after me [Applause] and the greatest thing ever I was like it's true burgers cobbler shop how funny is that oh my goodness I saw that yesterday I'll laugh my head off that's like man that's cool and guys does she look better man that's that's where it's at right there okay I want to go back to that to that picture again those four okay I want you to look at let's see I think it's the third one the third one from your whatever that side is yeah okay okay so whenever we got whenever we bought her we paid off her debt paid off her bond she's no longer slave we freed her and we also freed her children okay her children were having to live in that environment and that's not good she didn't have a place to live so we actually built her a house okay we actually pastor sudhir had a piece of land and we built her a little two room house that she thinks is paradise and it's nice we the team pulled up there Amy Adcock barely got out of the car because she knew that we were coming and this is this is how she she met her I want you to look at this that's her just saying that's crazy okay all right guys yesterday I'm sorry the day before yesterday our border team caught a trafficker with this little girl and I want you guys to look at her she's four we think she's four she's three or she's four but she's no older than four all right okay we caught her she does not know the name of her parents she doesn't know who they are she their mama and their daddy and she doesn't know and she's a village child she those clothes you see those early nice clothes she's wearing those are clothes that we put on her and we literally saved this little girl from a life of who knows what now guys I'm just gonna just tell you we're responsible for her now and it was something I wanna tell you it was something I didn't anticipate whenever we started this what I thought was I thought that the whole upfront cost was the big big big big deal because you know when we buy these girls it cost about three three thousand dollars apiece guys we spent around $500,000 last year on buying human beings okay now now hear me say this to you it turns out though it doesn't do any good to save all these people if we cannot sustain them and to sustain their children and and I thought it was gonna be exactly opposite I thought that the monthly partnership would be the easy thing and the big $3,000 thing would be the hard thing and it turns out it's just up to our church is just so awesome and the the success of the conference's are just so great that we we raised enough money every time to just buy a ton of people because I am I'm just gonna tell you and I'm not ashamed to do this because this isn't money for me this is money for them we are picking up kids every single day now and we're gonna have to take care of them for decades and decades and decades and I want to encourage you that and I just want to encourage you to partner with me on a monthly basis and again I'm if this money was going to me I would just feel like the devil sitting up here and asking you guys to do this I'm showing you what's real and I'm showing y'all what's happening and I'm telling you that if we do not build up the monthly support or my monthly partners that's helping me take care of these kids on a monthly basis we're going to have to seriously say we have saved enough people right that's not God's heart it's not God's will we have a structure at Troy Brewer dot TV we have a structure where you can sign up for as little as 15 a month or go all the way up to 45 a month and I think we have a graphic for that do we have that yep run on so we have this graphic guys I want to I want to just tell you that if you if you sign up at any level it will help I'm telling you it will just help tremendously you get extra stuff depending upon how you sign up if you sign up for the $45 a month level not only do you get to get all of our past conferences but you also get to stream live our conferences our current conferences as well look I don't know what else to do except for say partner with me and let me offer the best thing I have which is my teaching and my videos and my video on demand and that be a blessing to you but guys I'm not teasing when I say this is life and death to human beings this is the most important thing that we have ever been involved in and we saw it firsthand while we were there we saw firsthand you don't serve on e what it means to be a little girl that's an orphan nobody in the world will help her all the way to be a 22 year old adult grown woman who's now stewardess on an airline because a church stood with her all the way through that right so listen I'm not real good at doing this right here and I don't have a marketing team that signs people up for this I don't have a marketing team I need a marketing team of people to grow this into literally millions of dollars I don't have that but I want to just tell you if just a big piece of our church was signed up for that that would handle everybody we have right now so so I am I'm bringing this to your attention and being as real and as honest as I can be and say that's not money for this brother this brother gets a check from the church and it's a good check and I'm happy with it amen this money is to make sure that when we save these girls we can still take care of them so that they you know they don't fall back into that and guys we have to do that that is that's the heart of King Jesus okay how'd I do was that all right you think okay it was actually there was actually a company today does anybody know what the name of that company is that stood with answer international today q are you in here Tabitha are you in here do you know what the name of that company was no well anyway there's a company that stood with us today I'm sorry I don't know but they they gave us two checks for 650 bucks and that's what that's a company did that today again I know what that is its life and its death so listen I'm not here beating you up for money I'm telling you what God is doing with our church and you'd be a part of that however you can be a part of it okay you do whatever works for you and if that if none of that works for you right now man I bless you and I'll call you blessed amen I just this is the calling of this church and this is who God has called this to be and we can't fall back on it and I'm not worried about it you know there's not a crisis going on we're doing everything that God has called us to do and we will continue to do so I just need to somehow communicate to you the need that is growing and growing growing because our teams are so effective at saving people and then once we save them we have to take care of them and by the way guys we only have two bridges and we have eight more that we need to sponsor and we're going to do that it's crazy isn't it it's ridiculous all right well how is everybody how are you guys doing yeah so my weirdo dream of concessive and Knesset had another surprise thing that you brought and I'm gonna let you share it because it was your boom I thought it was brilliant and what did you see in that yes k2 does everybody here know what k2 is it's the second tallest mountain in the world it's right there beside Everest I'm telling y'all there was something that God did with us when when we were there yeah there was something that God gave us in that high place I don't know that there's ever been a Christian that has gone to Mount Everest and claimed it for the Lord Jesus Christ I think that we might have been the first Christians that have ever done that we were certainly I've never seen a TV show I've never seen a Christian take cameras up there and do a Christian TV show I say geez we're giving this place to Jesus right we did dad goes probably some people though I've ever seen yeah and the clearest it's that the clarity is is there's nothing like it lo no I've never seen anything so clear in my life after coming out of the pollution that we were in and coming into that clarity was it was so extreme man it was extremely yeah okay so I have a second dream okay and here's the second dream okay I had a dream that again I dreamed this whenever we were in Katmandu I dreamed that I would I saw a desert and I saw these seven different lines of cars as far as the eye could see going to seven different gas stations and at one gas station it was like it had like Buddhist eyeballs on it you know you know you know I'm talking about I had like Buddhist markings on it there was another one that had like Hindu markings on it there was another one had Muslim markings on it and they had those different kinds of things and all the cars that were on their way to the gas station they were every single one of them was broke down and they had to be pushed and there were people that were monitoring from every gas station they would come out and they had this checklist of if to see if you qualified to get the gas and some people had to jump up and down some people had to ring bells some people had to recite certain things and I was observing all this and then as I observed I saw inside the car within every single car was a person on fire and they had their hands in their face they had their hands over their face like this and they on fire and they were rocking back and forth and they were on fire and then I realized the line of cars is to see if you qualify because they want to put the person out of fire with gasoline and it's not gonna work they're like the answer that they're trying to qualify for is gasoline and that doesn't put out the fire but then the seventh line that I saw when I got to looking at the people that were in our line I saw that the people that were showing up were open door staff and open door people and it looked just exactly like the line of cars at the open door Food Bank and instead of there being gasoline there was these huge water fountains and families were extinguishing their family members underneath these huge waterfalls and I saw that and I went oh my gosh and then boom I woke up and I was like okay that was not a normal dream that was not a Pizza dream that was a crazy cool dream all right so I'm here what do you think what do you think cowboy well yeah just looking at this I was it's it's like both of the dreams mean the same thing it's you know you can look at it and see the obvious you know all the things are the obvious but when you see when you just step back and you look at Everest and you look at k2 you have the largest mountain in the world then you have the second largest mountain in the world you have two kingdoms you have you have the kingdom of the Lord and you have the kingdom of the world Wow the devil so you have Indonesia is under k2 Israel is under Mount Everest under the first mountain so we are the seed of Abraham yeah so God I believe in this God is inviting you to reach the world you know it's you've gone to another level a level that most people don't go to a level that that goes Indonesia is and all I know this because my mother told me this earlier she knows all about Indonesia but of course there's more Muslims in Indonesia than any other country in the world it's the most Muslim populated country in the world which really is the most influential religion in the world it reaches more people even than Christians so you have you have Indonesia over here there they're a force to be reckoned with and and they're under k2 but it's the smaller mountain but Israel whenever you look at the seed of Abraham and all the promises of God nothing can stand against the Lord our God and as as Christians as a seed of Abraham we have the permission to go and take the world jesus said it go into all the world and preach the gospel he said go and all all the world and so he was giving us that power to go all-in into all the world then he didn't say hey go to your neighborhood go to your neighbor you know go you know he said to go into all the world because his intent was for us to reach the world I believe that God has put a mantel on you to strategize in such a way that will reach the world in a big way think so the the other the seven six stations six representing the world representing God yeah I mean not represent God representing the devil and then you have the one station that the one station is all you know everything that everybody in every car needs is in the one station it only takes you know that in comparison to everything in the world that tries to do they jump around and do their tambourines they jump and do their flips and they do all are their things and everything that all the world tries to do to gain some type of relevance it only takes a very small thing on fix the one line to have the answer for all of it and it's Jesus and so they're able to extinguish with the water of the word you mean salvation yeah all all the people that are already bound for so the extinguishes hell out of there laughs a man is wrong and so you know one of the things that we were one of the things that we're constantly confronted with there was up there was a family that was there with us that are just absolutely incredible people there are just incredible people and a couple of a couple of the people that were with us are struggling believers okay and they're young people they're very progressive and they're like pastor Troy we know that you love all these people we know that you love these people we're blown away at how you love people that are not Christians because that hadn't really been their experience with Christians and they're like so how can you how can you possibly believe that the Lord doesn't love these people or that God would send these people to hell when they're when they're in fact good people and I would say honey gasoline will not put out fire and for me to say you don't want to love you so much I'm gonna let you think that gasoline is gonna put out your fire that's not loving them and saying I know what we'll put out that fire and listen I'm not being disrespectful of the long-standing tradition that you have of jumping through the hoops so that you hope to get to the gasoline but I'm telling you the gasoline is futile and what you're in is absolutely futile you need the water of life and the King Jesus came to give us a face of God he came to show us what God Almighty is all about we don't have to try and guess it if you want to know what people will drum up go to the other side of the world and see what Buddhism is see what Hinduism is see the insanity that people will come up with you know why we don't have to try and figure God out all we have to know is King Jesus and he shows us exactly what God is so it's not it's not being disrespectful and not being ugly to somebody that's on fire to tell them that gasoline is not the answer water is the answer amen and I actually got that language from that dream that I had while I was there it was good can I say one more thing that ties into that yeah you you you mentioned the smell and you know when you mention the smell I did a very extensive study one time and research on people that have gone to hell and experienced hell and came back the very I mean there were lots of all over the world there were lots of people that experienced hell did God show them hell and the very first thing the very first thing every one of them mentioned in every single thing was the stench yeah you know so there's that there's a prophetic tie-in to the fire the people that are in hell all of those things here you stepped into your your your mission field that you saw all those people that are doing all their rituals and and they're all in hell unless god save them they're in hell until you I feel very sorry for him to you in my dream I saw and I was just like oh no and one of the things that was in contrast to the people in there were everybody was trying so hard to push their cars when I saw our line I saw all you guys and you guys were pushing the cars and it was like wow I know those people those are my friends look my friends and then I was like oh this is a cool dream I'm having you know there was a place in the dream when I realized it was a dream and I started paying attention to it in a very different way yeah do you ever do that lucid dreaming that's a lucid dreaming and so the the car would represent either your life or your ministry and the fossil fuel is actually gasoline as well yeah yeah comes out of water of life we have so those would be that I would I would stay in that the real basic elements that are in the dream and don't don't try to build something out like Otis makes this look real easy he just brings in the prophetic word on top which is awesome but to stick with the dream if you're just starting with this it's better to just look at okay what is only in the dream and work that out and then and then try to apply it to your life so but it's brilliant it really was the word of the Lord there through all that because I know you were wondering well who cares about k2 right how does that work did you get it after it was unpacked I did so it's it's it's it's complicated but it's very simple really so give us an explanation to all these people in this church are dreaming that they're pregnant what in the world is out okay so what so dreams are symbolic always never literal so if you're having a dream and there's a lot of people here that do you'll have a dream something you know you're in a place you see this person this is sad and the next day you go in and that happens that's a vision visions or literal visions are going to happen they're going to happen exactly how you you see them so dreams are symbolic so being pregnant in a dream would be a gift right gift from God you're gonna give birth to something there's a lot of verbage in the scripture about that so those of you that are having that it's probably dealing with something to do with the prophetic because that's really what's being birthed in the church right now understanding of dreams understanding the visions you're probably gonna start to notice things about people that you didn't notice before and the next thing you know is you'll have a gift and you'll say where did this come from it comes from the Lord but it comes as a baby like in other words you have to go through some things and learn how to grow this thing to maturity so I loved what you said that the visions are literal and dreams are like night parables right so they're symbolic right I love that so guys guys did did y'all catch that visions or literal but dreams are a symbolic young men will dream dreams will have visions that's right and old and will dream dreams because there is there there's just a there's a maturity there's not maturity so you're looking at it different and where most people get it wrong that is you'll take a dream and it's all symbolic and then you get to one part in the dream and you go that's literal and that's where most people run into big problems so be aware of that because it'll happen you'll have a dream and it's a person you know and then all this goes on and you go oh everything symbolic but it's that guy yeah right no it's what that person or girl represents so anyway just a couple of insights well if if you want to see God you have to be pure in heart yes right blessed are the pure in heart they shall see God right guys you guys with me on that so you you have to have you can't have a motive in your dreaming do you know what I mean when God Almighty gives you a dream you're gonna have to let it be whatever it's going to be and you have to be humbled before the Lord you cannot just be you know what God showed me in a dream yeah Gag Gag Gag Gag Gag Gag right no man you don't want to do that you want to be pure in heart so that you can actually interpret it you want to say just lord whatever you're saying I'm saying yes to that amen and be very pure in heart about that yes and and normally about 90% of the dreams you have are going to be dealing with you right yeah and then the ten percent would be about others but prophetic people sometimes that's inverted and it'll be dealing with nations and and people groups and governments and churches et cetera so that's another place that you want to just be careful of because it's kind of like when we listen to pastor Troy speak on Sunday and then we look at the guy next to us and we go man I hope they're really listening right now have you ever done that especially if you're married yes once a very folk do that every time it's Valentine's my wife so so it's the same thing with a dream you you want to say Lord how does this apply to my life is this part of my life and I know this is strange for some of you it's a little bit out there but this is you know the Bible is full of dreams that we own dreams okay I don't know how to meet the whole dream world was was taken hostage by it you know the new age group and stuff and everyone we just walked away from it this is one of the most profound ways the Lord will speak into your life because the Bible tells you how to live but not where to live right so you may have a dream he says okay you're gonna be living on a Miller Street 202 gonna be in a nice little duplex okay that's where I'm at right now okay I had a friend this is a fun one I had a friend who had a dream and for three nights in a row he was he was he got a new hamster how weird is that right so this little hamster is going in the cage he's looking at he can't figure it out but the Lord was showing him he was going to be moving to New Hampshire so sometimes it's a wordplay there's a little riddle so and they're funny I think the Lord has a lot of fun there's got to be a comedy channel in heaven right they're all looking at us they're like okay well let's check in on pastor Troy and see what he's doing he's scared in the helicopter they're laughing but then he has this crazy breakthrough you know what I mean so so the Lord has has fun with him so don't take it take it serious but don't get too you know yeah it's it's just a part of your walk with the Lord just like how you hear God speak throughout the day on anything whatsoever you know what you do is you you incline your ear towards the Lord amen you make room for him you make place for you make place for him and then you grow in the understanding of how God Almighty is talking to you well that's the way you do in any relationship now for all of my fellow Christians throughout the earth that has no relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ I don't understand their Christianity they hope that they're gonna have a relationship with God once they get to heaven but they don't have one right now what kind of relationship is that that what does it mean I know what it means if Lyanna didn't talk to me it means I'm in bad trouble and I'd say I hate it when lianna gives me the treatment like okay well I'm just not gonna talk to you oh no no no and I'll tell you I wanna tell you what's worse than that when lianna says I'm telling Jesus about this she said that whenever whenever we were real young she's to do that I was like hey don't be bringing Jesus into this fight you stay here and you felt me nope I'm gonna go talk to the Lord she slammed the door and I'd be like oh god I repent I repent oh god I repair well well guys look it's about time for us to for us to close up and I want to just encourage you in your dream life and I want to encourage you in how you're going after the Lord men that I want to encourage you to have a personal revival don't wait until revival time to have a personal revival don't wait to go after God in a crazy-cool way amen we've had our hearts broken in a whole new way here over the past couple of weeks and that happens every time we go on a missions trip we have our hearts broken and I've had my heart broken in a whole new way and I'm letting it wreck me I don't want to quit being wrecked I want to be wrecked I'm one I want the Lord to put me two back together in a way that's different than how it was before and I want God to do a new thing with me I don't know if you can recognize this or not I'm afraid to even say anything because I don't want to sound like I'm boasting because I'm not but I'm telling there's a new anointing on me I mean there is there's a new anointing on me okay well that doesn't come from me and it doesn't come because I'm extra holy and I'm more holy than what I used to be no I'm still a knucklehead promise you but I want to just tell you there's something going on between me and God where God has taken me into deeper and higher and further than I've ever been before and I'm saying yes to that amen I'm saying yes to that so I want us to pray over the church that the church would continue to dream and live prophetic lifestyles and know the heart of the Father and hear the voice of God amen yes unless less I don't know if we have time maybe just want a quick prayer for all the people that are having their pregnancy dreams yeah absolutely you like to stand out yeah if there's anybody here that you've been having a pregnancy dream and guys could have those too by the way that's right and I look there have been times in my life I looked like I was in my third trimester allelujah that's crazy I mean come on look look how cool that is really that's neat so you know like we said dreams are symbolic visions are literal so there could be some of you standing right now did you're gonna get pregnant reshoot okay so but I'm not speaking that over anybody I want I want to go on record so that's that that would be the exception to the rule but that's a whole other thing so anyway father we just bless the gift and what you're doing new and these that are standing Lord we discuss for you for this this gift this thing that you're giving them bringing into this joint them empower them to steward the gift and to grow the gift and to use it Lord and and that they would take that that ministry this gifting to the nation's and change people's lives I declare in the name of Jesus a breakthrough anointing on every single person here within the sound of my voice listening on the radio watching on TV here within the house I declare a breakthrough anointing in the name of Jesus for next level dreams and visions and I declare in the name of King Jesus that the goodness of God has made manifest within our own lives and that we were able to know the heart and know the voice of the Father I pray God that we would turn to see the voice Lord I pray God for seeing and I pray God for prophetic hearing and prophetic seeing I pray God that you would give us an eye to see and give us an ear to hear lord god I pray God for the development and the maturity of our walks with you Lord God I pray God that we would be able to discern Lord God Almighty I pray father in the name of Jesus God that we would lay aside the weight that so easily besets us and keeps us God from running the race Lord father in the name of Jesus we invite you into our dreams into our lives into our souls into our spirits into our bodies into our marriages and to our finances into our thinking into our want life Lord God we invite you Lord and I love you Lord God and I praise you and I thank you for it in Jesus name Amen guys let's all stand up hallelujah
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 31,551
Rating: 4.879518 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: cER9l7wds-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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