Cindy Jacobs "The Year Of Joyful Increase"

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everybody say 2019 is gonna be a green year amen I don't know about yours mine's gonna be a great year and I just want to prophesize somebody stand the keyboard please and weird and I you go I said I had a word for you come here here we go I'm gonna do a little more I didn't have time to do proper sign last service but you forgot to prophesize on this service thank you lord [Music] there's some things you're reaching for says the Lord and the Lord says this is the year there's some promises I've made you and the Lord says this is a year and the Lord says I you're going to make a CD I see literally your word and your name written on the front like in script nya and the Lord says I want to make this voice heard around the world you have been faithful since the Lord and the Lord says I'm giving you the increase I'm going to give you the increase of your gift a prophetic scene I'm gonna give you an increase and being able to hear my voice and the Lord says I'm gonna give you an increase of healing in your voice and the Lord says people are gonna be healed as you sing the Lord says I'm taking you to a new place where I'm in Suzy infusing Wow infusing your refuse your voice says the Lord my man come here Gabe it's your birthday it's birthday birthday thank you lord Laura come up where is she come up with her yeah let's welcome the Rumba team they're going to be doing the Rumba for hope mansion I understand and they're really good I mean they're very good at Evangeline hi Evangeline thank you Lord and the Lord says I'm gonna make you a team not only if I made you a team in this in this Ghana that's coming but the Lord says I'm gonna make you a team in ministry and the Lord says this is a year Laura you hearing me this is the year for open doors this is the year you as a prophetic team I literally see you prophesying together I see an increase of the word of the Lord I see an increase of the sound of the Lord I see an increase of you in prophetic worship game the Lord says you have been pulling in that direction but the Lord says this heart of a David that I gave you so many years ago is about to be coming into a higher level that you cannot imagine says the Lord and the Lord says Evangeline I have called you to be my worshipper and the Lord says you're gonna grow up and you're gonna be a dancer and you're gonna be a worshiper and Evangel and I see you scene on the platform for Jesus I see you taking dance lessons I see the Lord training you and doing that but I've got to use your voice also says the Lord I'm gonna give you a pretty singing voice is the Lord and it's going to be so beautiful man you're gonna be blessed by this voice and father I just pray for Laura now loose that prophetic gift open that door in the name of Jesus yea yea yea the nations and nations and nations and Nations we thank you for this shift in Jesus name the Lord shows me open doors to Mexico for you that the Lord is going to open Latin America in particular and father I thank you for the love that the Latino people will have even though she's a little bit of a coconut doesn't speak Spanish the Lord says don't let that intimidate you because they're gonna love you anyway and so father I thank you Lord for this anointing to prophesy to the spanish-speaking nations even the mantle that you have given me for that in Jesus name Amen [Music] evangeline do you like that see she said see there you go okay love them amen thank you Lord this gentleman right here God gave me a word for you we stand please when I saw you in the word was increased the Lord says I'm getting ready to do a doubling in your life and the Lord says that you're not gonna go down you're not going to diminish your net worth is not going to diminish says the Lord you have a gift of giving and the Lord says I'm gonna increase this gift of giving in the coming days the Lord says dream big dream big because what you're gonna be able to do is twice what you have been able to do in the past says the Lord and the Lord says I'm going to give you twice the influence god it's gonna open up the Isaiah 45 gates to you the treasures of Darkness the Lord says that you even had some dreams I see 20 years ago 30 years ago that you have not seen the full fruition of but the Lord says you're gonna see it it's coming and it's gonna be amazing and you like that word amen amen a young man right back here you come here let me pray for you thank you lord thank you lord come up here [Music] [Laughter] when I glanced over say the Lord said a revivalist the Lord says the past is the past and now he's doing a new thing and God says it's going to be so amazing and I see God opening doors for you for Street evangelism I see God opening doors for you and you're going to be able to talk to people in a way they're gonna understand what you say and the Lord says you've been going through some challenges and they're hard hard challenges but the Lord says that I'm doing a new thing it's gonna pass away and you I see you even say to well I've made some mistakes Lord I'm not just proud of everything but the Lord says what things this is your new now father the anointing for souls in Jesus name Amen [Music] where's the man that got healed Tommy tell me name was Chris Chris Taylor are you here nailer neither Chris nailer come down fast fast fast Thank You Lauren even as you're coming this is a man that was healed today he came into such pain and he was prayed for up here and it was like I heard that is me wasn't it right that you come in as if something happened is that true yes whatever was out of alignment moved back in and all of the pain that was in my back so I can melted well the Lord says to you Chris I'm giving you a healing anointing and the Lord says get ready because what I did for you I'm oh my goodness I can feel it right there right there I love my sure's when they work with me Father I thank you hard and the Lord says light-bearer you're a light bearer of God and the Lord says that the stress you have been under I you know wherever your work or whatever I see that you've been under a lot a lot of stress and that's part of what's happened to your body but the Lord says you're moving into supernatural blessing you're moving into the new thing but the Lord who wants to give you a healing anointing so right now Holy Spirit Wow yeah more of that Lord more more MORE their days their days their just let that go all the way all the way into you and Jesus name thank you Father amen go do it go do it come here Tommy thank you lord and the Lord says I have brought you here to release a supernatural blessing on this house as the Lord the Lord planted you here the Lord did it on purpose and the Lord says it's going to explode in 2019 you have been waiting you you have been pushing you have been seeing a trickle but yours been saying Lord where's the flood where's the more I want to see more and the Lord says I want to do with you what happened with the Argentine revivalists I want to do with you what happened with Claudia Friesen and some of these others and you are really that revival is at heart but the Lord says this next year is the breakthrough year this next year is that season says the Lord so father what you gave me in Argentina Jesus name put your hands together she's really cute come here let me pray for you what's your name Cameron thank you Lord for Cameron dreams do come true I see like you're like like a princess and and then Satan has tried to take your joy and rob you but it's a time for great joy it's a time for great blessing and the Lord says I'm gonna cause you to be a blessing to many people I see you have such a heart of a nurturer you have such a mother's heart you have such a kind compassionate heart and so father I thank you Lord for this one that will be a mother of Nations I thank you for this one father that your anointing to be a mother of compassion that will work with poor children that will take care of the needy that will take care of the poor and I just release a blessing for that in Jesus name come on Holy Spirit come on Holy Spirit there it is amen amen pastor Jimbo Becky please come pastor Becky pastor Jim the server service I gave a word for the church and this is a word I'm giving for them the Lord says this increase of father and mother of Nations the Lord says my son there are not many fathers and all over the world there are sons and daughters that don't have a father and they don't have a mother and the Lord says you're gonna find them and they're gonna align which you are spiritual parents and they need you and there's something that's been stirring in your heart but the Lord says there's going to be an explosion of this anointing and it's not just church planting it's about fathering it's about mothering the nation says the Lord it's about being nurturers of hopes and dreams and the Lord says you prepare because God says oh Asia Asia Asia Oh Becky this thing with agent is so big on you and father I thank you for the favor you've given me in Asia enormous favor and I give it and I give it in Jesus name I see Debra's arising out of Asia and I see you being the mother of a movement that will move and bring many I just see here your love for the poor and your love for the bird that marginalize and the Lord says oh there's gonna be many girlfriends the Lord says you go tell them and they're gonna believe they're gonna believe you could you have a mother's heart and the Lord says my son this heart of a father that I have given you I want you to make Psalm 2 8 a reality asking me for nation says the Lord and the Lord says these nations are going to be so real to you Russia will increase Siberia will happen big increase for you and Ukraine the Lord will open the door see the Ukraine and the Lord says watch and see even the Slavic nation says the Lord and father I thank you Lord in the name of Jesus they will say to you I've never had a father I've never had a father you be that father says I've given you a father's sized heart [Music] hey man the Lord said to me Jim you think you think priest and Sheila oh it's nothing compared oh I just feel this big anointing it's it's nothing compared to what is getting ready to happen you also have a father in anointing and father I thank you the Lord says to me find your Elijah's find your Elijah's thank you Lord and Sheila the best is yet to come oh the best I'm giving you a sabbatical but after that get ready girl I'm gonna shoot you like an arrow out of my quiver I'm gonna use you to mentor I'm gonna use you to call young women in your gonna have a mothering a19 for them and I thank you for this it's a time of increase not decreased says the Lord amen put your hands together hallelujah what more I heard that Tiffany used to be Ramsey I'm so sorry I repent right now that I can't remember your married name Tiffany are you here where are you oh there you are come here come here right now you come with your husband too and I'm repenting for not remembering the married name even though I went to your wedding I think I heard you drove in from Waco how about that good to see you this is your child oh the miracle baby Isabella and Joseph yes of course thank you Lord the Lord says over this family it's gonna be a time of prosperity I see another house I see a dream house that the Lord is going to give you and the Lord says you have dreams but you don't know how you're gonna get those dreams but Joseph you are called Joseph the Lord called you Joseph for a reason he spoke that when you were in your mother's womb he felt that God had felt like you were gonna be blessed and be a blessing so there's no failing in you there's only prosperity and blessing and you says the Lord so father I thank you for new open doors the Lord says I've shed a few doors but I'm gonna open double doors for you says the Lord and the Lord says daughter you must sing you must sing I gave you a miracle voice and I never took away that miracle of voice so the Lord says then open the day the gates will be open but you must work and it also says the Lord take your harp off the Willows and this is the time to rejoice and sing with that magnificent voice I've given you and the Lord says daughter you're gonna preach father I thank you for this anointing to give the gospel thank you for this anointing to speak God's words and I just praise you for this miracle you're such a miracle you that I mean you shouldn't have been born but God gave you and you're such a miracle child and you're gonna do miracles amen love it when people cry when I prophesy okay Wow oh-oh-oh you come here I can do without music watch me go okay you're young plugged your plugged all over the place aren't you Thank You Lora Wow the Lord says I have given you many talents and you have a servant spirit but the Lord says I want to increase you and I want to bless you and the Lord says even as you've served your gonna see that you're gonna come into a time of season of blessing and the Lord says to you watch and see what I do in relationships it's going to be so special and the Lord says I have that special relationship for you I have that one that's going to complete you in every way I should ask you're not married are you okay I didn't think so but you know I did want to like go on and on you know and the Lord just says to you watch and see this person is going to be so perfect and you're going to walk hand-in-hand and the Lord says I'm gonna give you a place to live that is a beautiful place and I'm gonna give you beautiful children says the Lord and these children are gonna be giants in the kingdom and the Lord says I have it all planned I have it all mapped out and I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it works as the Lord amen amen okay let's put our hands together and thank God for what he did already I have a general word of the Lord for the year but I want to give just a few specifics since we have a little bit more time that we did in the first service the Holy Spirit spoke to me a number of things and through the prophets every year we meet with a council of prophets the apostolic council prophetic elders we've been meeting since 1999 and I chair this group and these are very respected prophets I mean that have written books they have television shows they're just our leaders in the prophetic movement and we have emerging prophets that are with us also that are here in this house and one and there were many words that came in fact I was reading the compilation and the prophecies about what God said about this year and I want to just share just a few and then I'm going to give the general word for the year which you're gonna love it's a great word one of the words was that we are coming into a season of the age of is a car now is a car was the ninth son if you know anything about being the ninth son it's like not a popular number right I mean you know like number one you really rejoice number two by the time you get to nine we're thinking maybe you know this isn't as important but we see that is a car first Chronicles 12 23 and 32 knew and understood the signs of the times you know it is real lot to do now Israel's name means reward is a car saris name means reward benefits salary and compensation god is raising up is a car rights those who understand what to do they understand alignment they understand sewing what did the tribe of Issachar know they knew when to lease Saul's house and go to David's house you see they knew when there wasn't a blessing on the thing anymore so they needed to go to the place of blessing many times we get mad God because we're doing the old thing when he's doing a new thing okay like he wants to pour out new wine and we're still in the old season we don't know when to shift to the new season that when you shift to a new season sometimes there's warfare and sometimes there's a battle like when they Issachar right join David he didn't look like he had great potential did he because he was in a cave there was a bunch of misfits and they knew they would have to war against the Old Kingdom and against the old things but the Lord called them and gave them a word to understand the signs of the times dad let me give you one one example of that when God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac he gave him a word he said you do this what if he hadn't heard the second thing he would have had a dead son and a dead vision you understand this so many times it's time to shift and we don't understand when we need to shift we don't understand how we need to increase we you know we're just doing the old thing the old ways and trying to make it work so I have decreed over you that you are part of the age of Issachar and that you're going to understand when to move you're gonna understand who to align with you're gonna understand when you should give and the Lord spoke to us that he was aligning those with the gift of giving with with a vision and vision that then you know that there were some that had the gift of giving you have been wounded and you have been hurt because you gave and the people weren't worthy of giving so your strength is become your stronghold so you don't want to give more but the Lord is saying to you this morning you know that you need to shift into the new season because if you don't give you're gonna dry up because that's your gift you have to give are you with me you're understanding this even some people who don't are just have the gift of giving have tide in a place that maybe they worthy of that tithe and they were angry about how it was misused no your job is to give and God will give the increase even if they weren't worthy God will give you the increase the Bible says if you if if you sow you will reap are you getting this okay I want you to understand I don't want you to stay in the old season because God wants you to be blessed he wants you to shift they could have settled for a current situation but they didn't now this is gonna feed right into what I'm gonna talk about for 2019 in just a minute also but I want to say to you that you have to work with God some of you are in a mess right now and it took you a long time to get in that mess and you work very diligently at it so you may not get out of that mess overnight but one day you will you understand this you have to take steps you have to begin and as you begin God will start blessing you and start increasing you supernaturally and the blessing of the Lord will be upon you but Satan wants you to settle for your dumb dreary life did I say that you know he to Satan wants you to get so discouraged that you think you made such a big mess you're never gonna be anything but a hot mess okay God loves to work with hot messes okay he loves to change our lives he's a supernatural God he loves to take the worst of the worst of the worst and bring the greatest blessing out of that person another word that the Lord gave the prophets is it is the age of evangelism there's going to be harvest and miracles and signs and wonders I think every prophet that I read their prophecies pretty much talked about glory and miracles and signs and wonders and revival okay I mean it was without exception Jim we know that this is coming we know that you have a part in this something God wants you to do but you're gonna have to work at it okay you're gonna have to cooperate with what God says you have to work the work you have to work the works of the Lord okay it's like goddess you think gods we've just heard this a lot of times God's waiting for word we're waiting for God but he's waiting for us you see he's waiting to change your life he wants to change your life he wants to bless your life and some of you instead of being the head you're the tail and you just get dragged around like some dog okay God wants you to be the one that points the direction for your life God wants you to take the promises and move with those promises can I get an amen on that so it's the age of evangelism I'll give you a story I was talking to pastors Jimmy Becky about this in the green room between services I had I I know somebody that he was the worst of the worst he was a big basketball player very famous and very good at his college and he was the meanest skunk he had the Fallas mouth and there was a Christian club on campus they decided they were gonna pray for the ten least likely to be saved people on their campus and he was number one and they prayed and they prayed and finally this man young man got saved and his name is Lou Engel and he has led 400,000 people and more in front of our capital to to pray for this nation I mean he was nothing he earned money he earned his living by mowing lawns and that's looked like all he was gonna ever do even after he was a basketball star yeah I mean he's in like a Hall of Fame but he got saved did he became glory and gloriously on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ so God can take anyone the most evil the most wicked the worst gang mirza worse the worst drug dealer and he wants to save him and this is the time he wants to do it put your hands together for that age abhishek our age of evangelism then there's a car rights let me go back to that a minute because i put this in my notes is it car rights we're willing to lead position behind and move into the future with a leader that was not in a position to help them you understand that there are times we have to see with the eyes of god there are people that we have to align with and we have to understand God is working in this person around the whole world right now there are big clashes of kingdoms God is moving people in all the mountains of society and there's strong man's in every mountain so I want to tell you 2019 there's gonna be further clashes there's going to be further people that are upset there's going to be further polarity but wait a minute I'm gonna get to the good word in just a minute okay we know that that that there's anti-biblical worldviews that we know there's persecution of the churches right now I don't know if you keep up with that because we live in Texas but there is persecution that goes on around this nation still but we are going to overcome God is going to do a new thing there are isn't car profits that he's raising in to the into the battlefield in the forefront and let me sum one more thing up about the evangelists or I'm skipping around a little bit but you know profits we're not linear we don't do one two three we do one a hundred and three for twenty you know I mean it's just you know unless your prophetic teacher we don't follow those one two three things very well okay but he's gonna raise up Wesley's in Whitfield's who will arise and preach there's going to be anointing like John Wesley George Whitefield greatest greatest revivalist and it's very interesting Whitfield had an anointing some people don't know about it he had a ninety degree he's money for evangelist evangelism in fact Benjamin Franklin said one time that it happened to him so many times in one Whitfield preached that he left what he called his purse at home so that you know he that he would that wouldn't happened to him but he said he should have gotten it because Whitfield started preaching about giving he had to run all the way home to get his purse and bring it back but I want to tell you something God is gonna release provision for the blessing God is getting ready to release for every dream that you have in your heart he's getting ready to release what you need come on let's thank God for that it's a good good word prophetic resource providers we're in their just season two prophetic reformers God is calling the prophets to pay attention to the nation's the word of the Lord needs to be fresh in fact the Lord gave me a warning that there was gonna be some google prophets revealed what does that mean they go and Google stuff about people and then they call their names and they call whatever does it mean everybody's prophesying exact words and knowledge is like that but there are some that are doing it and God is gonna reveal it there's always been some reveal but God it's going to be real more now the individual word in 2019 is a year of joyful increase are you understanding this why does God give you these words because he wants you to stand on him don't let the devil steal your joy I shared in the first service of a friend of mine that was standing for his healing and it looked worse and worse and worse but he was standing and he said to me on the phone I'm not gonna let Satan steal my joy in the midst of a dier dier words being spoken over him well he could we talk to him again recently he had an amazing breakthrough just about you know a few days ago an amazing breakthrough you know he was taking some medicine and that was kind of research medicine but he gave him huge breakthrough already I mean visible differences so I want to say don't let Satan steal your joy whatever you're going through you know don't default to worry don't default to concern we were also talking to the green room and I said you know the Lord showed me my default mechanism as a southerners was worried oh I'm so worried about you darling I mean that's our love language right if we love somebody we worry about them you know but we gotta cut off that I cut off in a nick what do you worry off me I'm not gonna worry about people I'm gonna pray I've got to decree I'm gonna say what God says amen amen so we need to catch each other if we start to worry okay concern is okay but we're not gonna worry the year of joyful increase I say in 93 you have multiplied the nation and increase the joy they rejoiced before you according to the joy of harvest as men rejoice when they divide the spoil when the Lord spoke to me about a year joyful increase and I was thinking about these other words I was getting you know things I you know was hearing like after brexit the Lord spoke to me it's gonna be a severe course correction for the stock market you have to understand I was standing right down there and the Lord spoke to me in January of 2008 and he said to me there would be no more business as usual and then everything fell apart worldwide okay and you know we had already prepared prayer teams to go right on the trading floor in January rare tear prayer teams to go pray for the economy right on The Wall Street trading floor which we did and you know so and then we developed prayer and stock markets worldwide to stabilize the economy but the Lord said to me this year and he spoke to me on Christmas Eve and he said look you gave this word about a severe course correction and I said yes after breakfast there'd be a severe course correction I mean I have prophesied things like in Argentina I've said one year from today the economy is going to crash the nation will be bankrupt and they'll be riding on the streets everything I prophesied happen but the Lord said to me this year he said it was just a Kairos supernatural word he said I want you to decree over the stock market that it's not going to crash you're not going to go under recession I want you to bind the spirit of fear over the traders and those influencing them and decree the markets going up we had the worst when the God spoke to that to me Christmas Eve we had the worst Christmas Eve and the stock market maybe in history but the next trading days it shot up come on let me tell you something when God gives you a word you better pray that word I don't know how many other people did and I'm sure that there's people they always you know try to deem me for this but so what we serve a supernatural God we go from glory to glory and we go from faith to faith don't we you need to learn to exercise your faith don't get in fear get in faith what is that what is bothering you so if the Lord says it's a time a joyful increase don't let statements of Satan steal your joy and believe the word the Bible says believe the prophets and you will prosper second Chronicles 20/20 we're in a time of transition this reminded me I was thinking of Joseph because not only are we to prosper but God is watching your heart when you go through a difficult time do you accuse god of not loving you when you go through a hard time what are you saying what do you say do you say I'm gonna get out of this the word of the Lord is I will increase or do you say I'm going down I'm crashing and burning I'm not gonna recover well you're just the devil is saying yes yes let me send another thought into their brain they say every nasty thing I say they're just like a parent for the devil don't look at me in that conviction okay don't line up with the accuser line up with the promises of God there's power it's saying and believing the Word of God so think about Joseph Joseph had dreams Sidney I mean his brothers accused him of being what we know in the Hebrew of being a master dreamer he was a dreamer of dreams however he looked like he could crash and burn he was sold as a slave and in Psalm 105 17 and I pulled some scriptures 1921 says he said a man before them Joseph who was sold as a slave until the time that his word came to pass the word of the Lord tested him you see God was training him to be a prime minister in prison God was watching for his attitudes God was watching and saying how would he take those things the Satan was trying to do you know even the things that Satan does that are not God's will you need to have a godly attitude about it you don't need to crash and burn and what is being said or what your current situation is you need to understand your call to triumph you're called to be an overcomer God has put it inside of use something that is supernatural and you need to activate activate the supernatural Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is active it's alive it's powerful it's sharper than a two-edged sword it'll cut asunder the soul and spirit and the joints in the marrow whatever the enemy is bringing against you you need to say no I'm gonna increase this is not the end of my life yes my child did this or or this happened or or whatever whatever might be going on but God has a plan for your child God has some greatness for them I believe every one of my children are called the greatness and every one of my grandchildren the word the word of the Lord had said tested him many times when we get a prophetic word thing he might seem to get worse does you know what the devil hears that word - and do you know he doesn't want it to come to pass but there's another aspect where God is watching to see if our character is built listen if you have such a rejection problem that somebody doesn't smile at you when you go to church and you find a different place to go to church you'll never be a visible leader you might have the greatest anointing in the world but if you have a problem with a rejection and you let it control you you're never gonna go where you need to go how are you gonna have a healing ministry if you cry if your little toe gets hurt come on rejection can be the daily bread of a leader you've got to learn to walk above that you gotta learn to tread upon rejection trained upon abandonment so this word the word of the Lord tested of the word tested is trial and when you look at the Hebrew it means a purifying as a pure goal the heat of your current situation is meant to burn off the impurities in your life you know when the three Hebrew princess went in to the fiery furnace there was a fourth man there and the fourth man protected him and they came out without a smell of smoke so maybe you're in the fiery furnace and God is just burning off your bondages and burning off your bad attitudes and trying to give you a character correction so you just need to say thank God for this the first one into the furnace the first one out I mean listen gun if there's something you need to change about me that is a destiny destroyer that will stop me from being the person I need to be they just do it God if I need to go into the crucible of God for you to burn off all these things out of me that are stopping me from being blessed then so be it is it comfortable absolutely not but God don't want to leave you in your mass that's trying to get you out of the mass he's trying to help you he's trying to make you a visible sign in the midst of Babylon that he is a conqueror that he is a ruler that he's a God of blessing are you willing to be a visible sign watch if you have to go through the fire come on come on do you want to be pure gold one time I told the Lord Lord I know you're dealing with my character but I feeling like you're pulling my flesh off with tongs and oh you found a little piece on it you take your hammer go back you know it's like and the Lord said to me that's true but I care that it hurts Wow Wow some of you have it Joseph's anointing and so with certain anointings it seems like there's a bigger refiners fire there's things that God will Ming but in the end the dear said over Joseph that that the barrel made him Lord of his house and ruler of all his possessions the greater the calling the greater the training a lot of people say oh I would love to travel all over the world like you do and meet with presidents and speaking stadiums and I think oh do you because you don't know what it's cost me do you love the opinion of man that's got to go do you love your reputation that's got to go you need to have a funeral for your reputation you just need to put it in that coffin and seal it up today and bury that thing because every time you think you've earned a reputation God will strip that reputation away I've had mine stripped away so many times that I've lost count every time I think I've dealt with spiritual pride you know pride is like bad breath you're the last one to know you have it and so so that spiritual pride gets me you know and and God just gotta work it out of me but God is trying to get you to reach your destiny there is a there was a time in my life when I was so depressed there was a time when I just I I literally had a nervous breakdown when I was 20 and I I didn't know I didn't know how to get out of it I mean in fact the counselor my dad I couldn't decide for one one thing if I should marry Mike or not which 45 years later why and did I even worry about that but you know I mean it's like I my parents sent me to counselor and the counselor said oh you need to date my son and not date him and that's your problem you know I was like you have a really great counselor you know but but I want to say to you God taught me how to walk out of that he taught me what to do to get out of that he told me that that my life was not to be lived in my emotions I was not to ask my emotions what are you gonna do with me today I was to ask God what are you gonna do with me today and it changed my life it changed my life I walked out of it in the Hebrew joy is a noun joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit let's talk about three things quickly that causes increase number one giving but this I say he so soon so sparingly will also reap sparingly he who sounds bountifully will also reap bountifully now may he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for fruit so to play supply and multiply the seed you've sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness in a second Corinthians 9:6 and 10 listen Mike and I when we're giving a gift we lay hands on that gift and we come into agreement what we want our seed to grow some people just indiscriminately throw their seat but we believe that that seed is gonna grow we intentionally get we intentionally give to the poor not you know it's not because we're just saying oh we want we want we want but the Bible promises if we sow will reap the measure you give the measure you get back some of you're not getting anything cuz you're not giving anything oh that was the Prophet sight of me I remember days when we were so had so little I remember one time I there was an offering and and I couldn't find anything in my purse but I found a little hole in the lining and I dug around and I found some pennies and I sold those pennies it was my widows Mike it was what I had Mike and I know how to sow our way out of debt we know how to sow our way out of financial problems generals international we do that regularly I mean we give we tithe from our ministry a lot of ministries don't tie to other ministries but we tied to other ministries this church when we're building our building you tide out of the budget for building the building almost nobody does that in fact I think I've only one other time heard of a church doing that and why do you think this church is so blessed because of that listen let me tell you about seed seed is supernatural everything has seen seed has life the word seed in the Bible is sperma everything has seen and giving has seed you know you might think well I only have whatever those three pennies but I tell you what I have found when I study the lesson on seed like a mustard seed is so tiny it's so tiny it's the tiniest of all seeds but a mustard seed when planted will grow as many as eight thousand seeds eight thousand seeds from one tiny little seed you can barely see so don't let the devil tell you giving is not important even in small amounts but every year Mike and I believe we're gonna give more every year we are giving more every year we believe that God is calling us you know we're able to help people we randomly give gifts we have friends with a gift of giving that go to this church and of the global prophetic summit when they came they came because they could they brought handfuls of $100 bills and handfuls of $50 bills and they just ran around randomly giving out $100 bills and $50 bills and people were weeping and they prayed about who they should give change lives there are times when I'll see young people in the church mean maybe a ten year old trove hero and I just walk up and give him $100 bill I mean I have seen them break down do they believe God is good I tell you what especially to a teenager money really talks seed is important number two believing what marked you want to make for the high calling flippies forth 3:14 talks about the prize of the upward calling this year are you gonna as you go into 2019 are you gonna get more than you did last year are you gonna start withholding well you don't want to bountiful harvest them already you have negated your harvest just by doing that I tell you what when times get bad that's the time you need to believe to have seen to so there's times that we had to pray i'm april one time I wanted to bring $10,000 to give for God TV when I was on a telethon I didn't have ten thousand dollars but I began to believe I said Lord somebody's gonna give me ten thousand I don't know where that ten thousands coming from but by the time I get there to their telethon I'm gonna have ten thousand a friend of mine called me randomly and said I'm gonna send you ten thousand I had my money but what if I hadn't believed what if we didn't show believin are you understanding this I am trying to change your life if you don't believe to increase you won't increase if you don't do the things that God says to to believe then then you're not gonna have it you might be so mad at God but you're not giving him anything to work with you're not tithing you're not giving offerings so therefore he wants to open the window of heaven blessings for you he wants to help you but there's nothing in the bank of heaven that you have given that he could work with could he anyway of course but you see God has lost and when he says give and it shall be given unto you with the measure you give will be given back to you he means that what if you don't like it I don't give a rip you're not going to be blessed you know I'm kind of like a prophet I have a gift of mercy - like a like a rep loan or Saint Bernard you know the profit side of me you know we'll just bash you and then the st. Bernard says you okay you're gonna be okay can I pray you know God loves you but you're still not gonna be blessed if you don't follow the Word of God okay you've got to believe for increase you want to have more sauce you got to bleed number three last be the captain of your destiny through Christ don't let life just drag you around some if you're getting dragged around like a dog chasing his tail you've got to determine in the year of joyful increase my life will be different come on you gotta make a bark are you gonna live your life to save time way that has been non-productive what mark do you want to make the other thing the Prophet said this year like they said last year year extreme seven least extreme suddenly God is getting ready to multiply in ways that you can't figure out he's got every star in ways you can't figure out he's gonna get restitution and unity and revival but you've got to learn to bless and not curse are you understanding me bless your enemies don't curse them the Bible says it's easy to bless those who love you it's hard to bless those who hate you amen so every person that you consider your enemy from your ex to that schoolteacher to whoever it is bless and don't curse
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 73,645
Rating: 4.7823319 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Cindy Jacobs, Cindy, 2019, Jacobs, New Year, Last sermon
Id: lC_CqgRe2BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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