Yom Kippur: Blood has a Voice

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[Applause] oh my this the one and only kind of introduction you get right here that's great thank you very much but i do need that oh wonderful to be back how many of you this is your first time here at open door this morning i don't want to scare you great okay well we're glad that you're here i started life way back um just after lincoln was assassinated and in boston massachusetts but coming here i've been learning how to dress i've been trying to learn how to talk i'm i'm working on it i'm working on it so if you'll just give me a little bit of grace but today i want to open something up to you that i hope and i believe is going to do something very special in all of our lives this whole subject that i want to approach today that i will approach today is so special and so important that i believe my ipad will actually open up in the right direction it is so important that it does that there it is i want to say this to you today the enemy is at the gate the enemy is at the gate these are the days of awe the king is in the field but the enemy is at the gate the kingdom of god is suffering violence at this very moment but god is raising up a generation he's raising up a priesthood he's raising up a people who will take this kingdom by force is there anyone like that in this place today in second chronicles chapter 20 we find one of my one of my favorite personalities in the scripture happened to be a king of judah not all of israel the kingdom's been divided at this point the democrats lived oh i can't say that they were in the north i think i'm okay here houston uh do we have uh trouble houston but judah at this time is surrounded by three nations and their intent during these days is a complete destruction when you heard an army was coming towards you it wasn't gee which of us are going to die and which of us are going to be taken and carried off no usually it was a complete annihilation men women children cute little puppy dogs none of it survived and at this time judah is being ruled by a man named jehoshaphat thank god he was a godly man he ruled over that area judah with jerusalem the worship of god was taking place and he got a report and the report was tomorrow ain't going to be good and so what did he do instead of calling up the army instead of getting prepared and putting the cannons in position and the slingshots and the spears and all the stuff and position him on the walls this dude wow that's texas huh i'm getting it this dude calls a prayer meeting he calls a prayer meeting and they all come from all over and they're standing there and as they pray a prophet stands up in the midst and he says hey i know it looks bad i'm editing hey i know this looks bad but go out this is what the lord says oh man okay now we're good now we're good and we know that he knows what the lord says because he's still breathing because in those days if you were called a prophet and you said something the lord didn't say and if you predicted something the lord didn't do you got a rock bath you got a rock you became an altar they covered you over with stones so when this guy stands up and says this is what the lord says they know at least up until this point he hit everyone right on the noggin and so he said this is what the lord says go out before them tomorrow take your place and do not fear for the battle is not yours it's the lord's and then he says again do not fear do not fear go out and stand before them sing a song the battle the victory is yours because the battle is the lord's and during this shutdown time we have not been idle when we couldn't travel when we couldn't get out there and do what we've been called to do and so we've been busy in our in our shelters writing new songs and here's one i want to share with you this morning it's called the battle is yours we can get those lyrics up too because i want you to see him [Music] you are strong in my weakness [Music] out of pain i see rejoicing for your eyes and brokenness yes you do for your eyes are with and here's what i'll do i will dance in the midst of the fire i will sing in the eye of the storm i will shout you are faithful forever the victory is mine cause the battle is yours thank you lord from this valley there will come breakthrough hope will rise with our praises [Music] out of trials you bring redemption [Music] [Music] the [Music] here's what they sang in that belt give thanks to the lord he is good he's good hold you live tonight give thanks to the [Music] i will sing in the eye of the storm i will shout you our faith for forever the victory's mine cause the battle is yours [Music] [Music] is [Music] amen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i love those lyrics the victory is ours because the battle belongs to the lord wow wow wow okay i'm looking i can't see those those lights are too bright so i've got my clock right here which normally i ignore but today i can't i've also learned that at open door but today i can't because your seats are already reserved for a bunch of folks at 11 o'clock and then at one o'clock and we just we're going to need them so these are the days of awe i want to show you a couple of things in the next couple of minutes that we have together and then why these times are so important so if you'll turn with me in your bibles and guys if you'll put up genesis chapter 1 and verse 14 will that come up on my monitor i got pastor troy's spectacles here i'll put them in his coffee i put him in his coffee mug that'll be that'll be interesting genesis chapter 1 and verse 14. i want to show you how amazing this king is every time i look into things like this it's it is mind boggling so without saying any more look at verse 14 verse 14 of genesis 1 and god said let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night yeah i'm i guess i'm gonna just read it right okay separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs say signs and let them serve to mark season say seasons now as you know if you've been here for any time or if you've been reading your bible for any amount of time english french german spanish even chinese the the hebrew is well it's the language of heaven unless i'm in costa rica where i'll be in two days i always tell them espanol because they just they'd love to hear that but the hebrew language unless you are thinking as a first century hebrew or israelite their stuff hidden met pastor troy just talked about a pay and a hidden fae and a there is a song within the song there is a message within the message there is a sound within the sound there's a voice within the voice and this is a very hebrew kind of understanding so if we go back and look at this word signs it's the hebrew word o t it is something that is pointing to something it is direction what it means is this is your gps let these let these heavenly bodies these stars and these things that he's already said that he's placed into the expanse of the sky which he created by the way and then he said let them be for a gps to do what signs to mark that word seasons is actually the hebrew word mo edem and if you've been here again for any amount of time you know that that means appointed times what are appointed times he says i'm putting these stars in heavenly bodies up in this expanse and not only does he name every one of the gazillion trillion times trillions how many ever there are not only does he know them by name but he gave them a particular course that they would run you i want you to go here and here and then you're going to loop around that and it's going to take you this amount of time it's it's like he did it all he put it all and what do they do they point to appointed times what are those turn with me in your bible we're going to go really quick to leviticus matthew mark luke exodus leviticus leviticus chapter 23 okay we got those leviticus chapter 23 verse one you have that guys ladies and gentlemen look at this this is leviticus chapter 23 verse 1. these are my mo eddim this is the word taken from genesis chapter 1 verse 14 on the very first page of your bible before there were even appointed times he set the stars moons and the planets in course to point to things that weren't even there yet [Music] this is the god that we worship uh amazing so he says these are my feasts and the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel and say to them the feasts of the lord which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations these are my feast these are my mo eddie okay so on page one we learned that there are special appointments on god's calendar he's not limited to a little ical or a little handwritten thing as nice and convenient as that is his ical his appointment calendar is so big and so expansive it takes the universe to be able to know what's what time it is and what's out of order and so then we come to moses and we've got the children of israel coming out of egypt and not only the children of israel but there was a great mass there was a group of folks who were not israelite who came out with them and we can't go there but that's exodus that's the birth of the church i'm just going to lay that bomb on you and leave it right there and so yeah okay don't shout me down we don't have time for all this and so we're over here now and now he's talking about you know those stars and stuff that i said in the universe and gave them their orders and their courses and all the stuff and their timing these are what i am pointing to these are my appointments and if you're on page 104 like i am in your pew bible oh you don't have pews i forgot the very first one shabbat this is the very first appointed time that god set in fact that one is on page one of your bible and then we go to the passover and unleavened bread and now we have three and then we get to the first fruits and we get to the feast of weeks pentecost or shavuot now those are what we call the spring appointed feasts and then we go on from there and we have the fall feasts we have the feast of trumpets which has been called rosh hashanah you won't find rosh hashanah in your bible even if you have a hebrew bible it is the feast of trumpets and what were we supposed to do on this appointment we're just supposed to get together and hear a trumpet sounded really what is up with that and then we get to the day of atonement and we know that there's something much more holy about that and then we finally get to the feast of tabernacles so we have these feasts in like two clusters isn't it interesting that when jesus appears at the at the jordan river and his cousin john the baptist john john the baptist i got in a baptist fishing boat once i got in a fishing boat with a baptist from odessa texas what was i thinking i wasn't born again when i got out of the boat i was a jesus freak i i loved i love texas i owe a debt of eternity to my family from texas and that happened in bumpus mills tennessee we were fishing i went fishing a bostonian jew went fishing with an odessan baptist well he was he was a baptocostal he was oh yeah we met at indiana he took me fishing into tennessee it was just a little vision of what was to come but i came out very different from tennessee than when i went in i got in a fishing boat with a baptist from west texas west texas and the only difference between him and most of you is he he wasn't packing in those days anyway which made me feel more comfortable getting in the boat with him and so we have these these two packages if you will and so we look at the life of jesus we look at the life of yeshua and as he approaches uh he's about to move into his earthly ministry big time he's just come out of 40 days of prayer and fasting out in the desert and his cousin john sees him and says behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world and most people who were there didn't understand what he said but i guarantee you jesus knew exactly what he said because we know what happens to lambs at passover we know what happens to the choice limbs at passover we know that redemption or atonement doesn't happen without blood and so when john spoke those words jesus knew that his destiny was a stake his destiny was that his blood would be poured out his destiny was that he would be the redeemer not only of israel but of all the nations and so we see in these spring feasts right we see the the passover where jesus offers himself as the lamb of god remember he he didn't have his life taken from him he offered his life he was a willing sacrifice just like his forerunner isaac on the same mountain with his dad abraham oh man there's just way way way too much this is the same mountain that abraham and isaac demonstrated faithfulness and covenant relationship to the god who put all those stars and moons in place and said there's coming appointments and you can see them they're here and they're holy say holy yeah these are holy god says over and over these are mine these are separate these are holy and they are signs they are signs between you and me we are of the same family we don't do the celebrations of those folks over there they're not a part of our family we don't do those celebrations over there no they're not a part of this family these are mines says the lord and he says i'm inviting you to my house every time there's an appointment and there's a place for you at the table and i'm inviting you because i have something to say it's not a matter of pleasing me because of some religious commandment i have something to say i want my family around me any good father wants his family around him all the time i love coming here i'm i'm a dad i have sons they have sons and there is no greater joy in my life that when we have a birthday or an anniversary or any kind of excuse to get together and see them sitting around my table eating the food yes that i bought and enjoying themselves together a father's heart goes boom this is what i was made for i love being in pastor troy's house his his house is covered with stuff like i love having a house full of people i love and all kinds of stuff like that that's when i know i'm in the right place and so we we have these this cluster of spring feasts man come on stay on target so there's there's the passover and then there's the feast of first fruits what happened on the feast of first fruits yes jesus was raised from the dead that's why the apostle paul says he is therefore the first fruits of those raised from the dead god doesn't do random you understand he doesn't do what he's feeling like he does what he says he operates according to his calendar and we miss out friends i'm we miss out when we disregard or ignore his appointed times and god is raising up now in this generation a kingdom people who are going to say dad if it's important to you it's important to me i wasn't raised with it i don't understand it but i have a willing heart please teach me i am your son i'm your daughter instruct me i certainly don't know it all and there is a richness coming in and a confidence coming in to the people of god who will simply say i don't get it but teach me and so then we have the last of the spring feasts the outpouring of the spirit that was appointed by the prophet joel and is there in zechariah and it's all over the place this outpouring of the spirit of god that jesus promised just 10 days before it happened as he lifted off on the the mount of olives and so the first appearing of jesus fulfills doesn't do away with fulfills this is a tricky word how many minutes do i have stop it i'm stop it i was going to say something with that guy with the gun who was taking part of my 44 minutes but never interrupt a guy with a shotgun so his life his ministry his sacrificial death his resurrection and his sending of the ruach the breath the face of god on the earth fulfills this whole segment of appointed times that god set in motion on page one so now we come to what about these other three notice that there's a total of seven um i'm not as big a numbers guy as pastor troy is he he buries me with his numbers stuff it's i mean in a good way it's fascinating to me and so now we come to this second set of feasts that are separated by a salah and then we come to something called trumpets and then there's another one called yom kippur and then there's another one called the feast of tabernacles and what possibly could this be speaking to us about well let's go over really quickly and i didn't put this one down for you to first thessalonians chapter four can you find that really quick when you find it say amen somebody's got a digital one first thessalonians chapter four come on come on you can do it and verse 13. now brothers and sisters too we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope we believe that yeshua jesus died and rose again and so we believe that god will bring with jesus those who have fallen asleep in him according to the lord's own word we tell you that we who are still alive who are left until the coming of the lord will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep and i'm just going to say this real quickly for those of you who think you're getting out on some kind of escape bus that's going to come and take you out be before it gets really fun just read this chapter again you'll certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep um okay who are left till the coming of the lord will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep verse 16 for the lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the archangel with the trumpet of god feast of trumpets and after that no i skipped a verse and those who have fallen asleep those who are dead in messiah will rise first after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds and forever we shall be with the lord is it possible now that these three fall feasts are revealing another secret another time something that's hidden in this calendar he came the first time as the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world we learn from the apostle paul he will come again but oh no not to bear sin no no no no we got a we got a lion of a tribe of judah who's coming and you always announce the coming of a king with a loud trumpet with the sound of a trumpet and when that sound happens when that sound happens it won't be coming from burleson texas it won't be coming from some guy in houston texas although we love houston hallelujah no this sound comes from heaven this is the voice of the living god in fact it is so powerful it's so strong that those who have fallen asleep the dead they will be raised from that place to meet him in the air that so far sound is a sound of resurrection that shofar sound is the sound that a king is coming that shofar sound is a sound open up the gates lift up your heads or your gates be lifted up you ancient doors that the king of glory might come in i say to you friends it is good for us to rehearse these things there are things in here that he wants us to know he wants us to see but they're not for the occasional drive by christian these are not the things that you just get by coming for 45 minutes until you know it's just no this is for the disciples this is for the kingdom people this is for sons and daughters who passionately are waiting for his return and he shows us the pattern just like he did for the first coming this is the pattern of her second cumping so get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get get ready with your cups i we we've just we've got to do this and so so this coming week yom kippur starts on wednesday night as the sun is going down no shofar no shofar this is the holiest day of the entire calendar well why wasn't the crucifixion the holiest day i was just thinking about this just this morning got up super early spent time with the lord because something very special happened on this yom kippur that didn't happen on that hill called calvary on on that hill of execution something happened here that changes you and me forever something happened here on yom kippur that changed the entire world so i've got to go to put up leviticus 17 11 please can you do that really quickly what is it about blood we know that on yom kippur once a year the high priest took a special ram that was sacrificed that that blood went into a bowl he spent days preparing getting ready getting ready getting ready washings and perfumings and washings and clothing and all kinds of stuff took him days to get ready and then he came into that holy of holies once a year only the very face of god i just don't have time the presence the hebrew word for presence and jesus help me the hebrew word for presence is panim face moses said lord don't take us up from here if your face doesn't go with us moses what can i do for you lord show me your face oh my if you go to the last page of your bible if that's uh revelation chapter 22 you'll see that the gift of god to those who overcome they will see his face now that's a reward that's a reward leviticus 17 11 says this i have given you blood to make atonement atonement atonement keep pora that's why our jewish friends wear a cap it's a it's a reminder that i'm i'm submitted to something something higher christians come into a sanctuary unless they're in texas and they take off their hats as a sign of reverence here you wear bigger hats okay god bless you in a synagogue you put on a hat you cover your head to show that you are submitted to someone much greater than yourself that you are under a covering you are atoned hallelujah he said i've given it to you to make atonement for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul it is the blood without the blood we are eternally lost without the blood of atonement we have no hope for an eternity with the one who created and put all of this in motion now at passover at his first appearing jesus told his disciples at that table he said this is my body he took the special bread we've done this before in the past special bread that was broken wrapped hidden away from the rest of the loaves it was holy it was special it came back at the end of the meal and jesus unwrapped it at that table and he said this is my body i was separated from from the rest of my family and and i'm gonna be broken and pierced just like that special bread that unleavened bread pierced and bruised and broken i'll be wrapped and i'll be hidden away but i'm coming back when are you coming back [Music] i'm coming back as a king i'm coming back as a conquering king you'd only reach you only receive a king with the sounding the blasting of trumpets this is the time of the coronation of a king a king is coronated with this amazing sound and what happens when a king shows up everybody falls down nobody runs up and says hey hey jesus it's me because the glory the glory the glory the glory the day of atonement this is the day jesus took his blood behind the curtain and he sprinkled it on the mercy seat this is the day that his atoning blood made a difference for you and me take your cup with me yep i know i know this bread on that passover jesus took this bread he said it's my body i am the lamb i'm offering this to you and then he said eat it all of you eat of me and live receive the body of the lord [Music] but without blood there is no atonement without blood there's no forgiveness of sin and so jesus took the cup this very costly cup with this cup you are forgiven he sprinkled the blood on that mercy seat because there were three testimonies against every man woman and child on the face of the earth in that box covered with gold this is a reality in heaven there were three testimonies the rod of aaron the jar of manna and the tablets of moses that were before are before the presence the throne of god saying they're guilty they're guilty they break your laws their stiff neck they go their own way they don't pay attention they're rebellious they're sinful these testimonies constantly before the presence of god here's the last thing blood has a voice way back in the beginning god called for abel and he couldn't find him so he asked his brother cain where's your brother cain said what am i my brother's keeper and the lord said i hear his blood crying out to me from the ground the blood of jesus has a voice and over the din of those testimonies that are against you and against me [Music] his blood says not guilty not guilty not guilty i tell you today that if you receive this by faith putting your faith in the blood of this covenant and say jesus you are lord i put my eternal hope in you the power of your blood his blood speaks before the throne of god about you not guilty blessed are you lord our god you're the king of the universe and we give you thanks that you brought forth the best of the fruit of heaven offer to us the cup of the covenant we are not guilty by reason of jesus blood we give you thanks for that today let those who are free let them be free indeed receive the cup of the covenant of the atonement of our king and i declare with this cup these stripes have healed your body your victory is in your mouth your victory is in your mouth if jehoshaphat's company had said let's go out we're going to die tomorrow but they went out and they declared the victory is mine because the battle is yours give thanks to the lord because he is good his mercy endures forever last thing speak to your soul more than you listen to it speak to your soul more than you listen to it your soul doesn't have all the wisdom no your spirit man does because he's speaking deep to deep today wherever you find yourself speak to your soul more than you listen to it because the victory that god has for you is near you even in your mouth come on give the lord a shout of praise [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 3,424
Rating: 4.932961 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: bsD56LiyC6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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