God doesn’t get disillusioned with you...

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so sit back relax and listen with your inner man not with your head it's always vital to listen to god's voice without the resistance that comes from being anxious or stressed i want you to listen to the tone today as well because this is how god's going to talk to you for the rest of your life so here goes you ready my beloved child every situation in your life is designed to train and equip you to have a deeper and richer fellowship with me i do not cause any negative situation in your life but i am incredibly brilliant at turning it to your advantage so no matter what is occurring you can anticipate the learning that will create a life-changing experience what you hear in this word will transform how you think about prayer which then changes how you pray with me my intention is that you will love prayer in our company and that you will have our delight to encourage you always in everything instead of uncertainty you will encounter a rising confidence in my love for you never forget that i am making you in my image and my likeness and i love this process and i want you to love this process too so i am looking forward to you learning my heart language towards you i have great expectation of myself when i look at you that's why i always smile in your direction the old jew is dead it died in jesus on the cross when he died you died romans 6 the new you was resurrected with him that's in the same chapter at the same time as you practice your new life with jesus by the spirit you are automatically crucifying the flesh isn't that amazing you keep the old dead by ignoring it and focusing on your new true life in jesus we included you in his death so that we could incorporate you into his presence as a new creation now you can experience the same unifying blend of oneness that we have always enjoyed since before the dawn of time you live with us in our oneness and unity it's beautiful isn't it you're welcome glad you are here with us it is this oneness that is the basis of all prayer you cannot be separated from christ in us that's romans 8. when your perceptions of your life in us begin to dominate your heart and mind then your new lens about yourself will change the way that you pray in turn your perspective on prayer will change the way you think your language in prayer will be rooted in trust and faith which increases your expectation as you experience your partnership with jesus and the holy spirit in prayer you will learn the questions you can ask to gain focus and beloved as the certainty of my promises becomes your greater reality the language of your prayers with us will change you know language is important it's one of the reasons why crafted prayers carry such weight in the spirit because the language is based on intentional focus that will always hit the target of my will i love telling you what i want to do in you for you through you and around you come beloved i made the world for you so that i could walk this world with you and teach you to walk with me in my kingdom is it too hard for you to believe that you are my world too yes you you personally you are my world too i so loved the world that i gave jesus for its sin and the resurrected jesus now lives in you which means you live in our world now in him i love that you're in my space the kingdom is now your normal habitat welcome to the place where all things are possible in the kingdom our language in prayer is the vocabulary of faith and expectation you know in the world expectation is referred to as hope people hope for something but they are uncertain that it will occur in the kingdom expectation is anchored in trust in my nature i am unchanging i am the same yesterday today and forever my word will never pass away so scripture promises and prophecy all carry the same power of prediction which is the source of faith and anticipation there is an eagerness about life in me that is yours to enjoy we have an expectation of our life in you becoming your key place of transformation so praying with us gives you a confidence because you know whom you have believed and you are fully persuaded that powerful things will result the purpose of praying with my beloved son and the wonderful spirit of truth is that they will teach you the same anticipation that we all share together we welcome you into our fellowship we would love for you to have our expectation of goodness we invite you into our rest and peace so you can relax in our presence we can be tested with your heart we live in you so that you can walk in our fullness you live in us so that you can practice our identity in yourself as we are so are you in this world all that we have is yours in jesus beloved this is not a do-it-yourself spirituality we have a oneness that cannot be set aside you are part of our unity with each other so the language of our prayers through you creates your expectation in us and the ground rules for expectation are these through christ in you we have transferred righteousness to you and we declare ourselves happy with jesus in you righteousness is therefore our gift to you you can't earn it it's a gift we create a lasting peace in your heart through jesus who lives in you he is your prince of peace that that peace is the bedrock of our passionate engagement in you that peace will guard your heart and your mind our faith at work in you guarantees that you will have permanent access to our kindness and our love we will empower you just ask and expect we will teach you the joy and peace in believing all negativity and disempowered thinking and language must be set aside so that trust and expectation can empower your heart to believe as we believe beloved disappointment is a backwards step expectation is a forward leap expectation allows you to keep every thought in real perspective with the relationship between the father and the son beloved we will change your internal atmosphere from toxic negativity to joyful proclamation as you practice joyful submission to our kingdom reality your worldly thinking will begin to disappear in a world of chaos you will become sure and certain of the kingdom to which you belong praying with us will make you different you will cease to attach a personal pronoun to a negative you will stop saying my fear my anxiety my stress you will know that joy peace and all our attributes now belong to you in jesus so your language will be rich with trust assurance and expectation it is the language of promise and it is available to every single person living in christ in the kingdom no one gets left out there are no special cases everyone is treated exactly the same so you can learn to navigate all your circumstances by starting your response from the place of our agreement with you and that is simply this all things are possible only believe the world says that's easy to say but hard to do but jesus in you says my yoke is easy and my burden is like he's only looking after billions of people on the planet right now do you know that our expectation is infectious join in with our desire for you i care about my alignment with you i care about being your creator in life difficulties ask me i care about being your redeemer in everything redemption is always available ask me i care about being your comforter and your helper i will not leave you friendless when pressure surrounds you my presence will become an equalizing piece on the inside that will flow out of you and become an overpowering peace around you it is important that you learn the sound of our engagement with you the outer atmosphere of the world is a furious noise your inner man in christ is the tranquil sound of peace my gift to you is restored participation by way of a fellowship with our heart that renews you in all things this is our dream about being with you we want you to receive our dedication to you in jesus we love being committed to you in our heart we see ourselves in oneness with you we live in fullness with you which means no limitation for you every day beloved begin from a place of being accepted in jesus we are always peaceful about where you are in life because we know how we plan to walk with you in any situation every day i look forward to being myself with you in you and for you my grace my compassion my mercy my love my goodness and my kindness are always yours in jesus receive my acceptance as a gift constantly i chose you i bless you i love you i see you in jesus it is time for you to agree with me and live in the peace of being the beloved amen amen amen thank you lord
Channel: Graham Cooke
Views: 6,905
Rating: 4.9616613 out of 5
Id: OLwkq4Qa5Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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