Alignment // Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) // Patricia King

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we exalt you over this day we exalt you over our lives we exalt you in this season we exalt you for you are the exalted one for all eternity but we acknowledge that exaltation right now Lord as we gaze upon you and on your holiness on your righteousness on your power on your majesty on your love on your mercy your compassion Lord when we think of all that you are then that everything that you are is in the superlative tense no wonder we exalt you there is not like you there is not as awesome as you the Lord we want to be immersed in you today we want to be baptized than you today we want to be baptized immersed afresh fully immersed in you today Lord God Oh Lord unlock our worshiping hearts Lord and not just in a song service but in everything that we do and everywhere that we go that everything would be a worship unto you that every word we speak would be an adoration to you that every thing we put our hand to Lord would be an adoration to you Lord may we be true worshipers who exalt you with every breath with every step we take with everything we put our hand to because you are worthy turn to a neighbor and let them know that Jesus is worthy greet each other this morning [Music] hallelujah we want to welcome all of you who are watching online in our online family wherever you are in the world we are so happy to have you with us today it's a great week that we are entering into right now I'm excited about it and before we talk about that I want to let you all know that this week on Friday and Saturday we are going to be hosting the seer realm mentoring event and we're really looking forward to this we've got Barbie Breathitt and Anna Werner will be here as well as cyber guest J Miguel a James call Jonathan Welton and Jaime Galloway and so it is going to be a power-packed two days and we would love to have you all here you can register online as it online make sure you you go online to Patricia King comm and register if you are not able to come in person then we will be live streaming the event for you and it's free registration for the live stream there's a small registration fee for the on-site but if you're watching online on the live stream it's free for you so make sure that you register for that on Patricia I'm really looking forward to it because this whole decade has been like an emphasis on the seer anointing God wants us to see through his perspective he wants us to see him the spirit he wants our spiritual vision awakened you know this is all through the Bible you'll see you know as you study out the word you'll see there's a lot of eyes in the Bible you know even heavenly creatures in heaven our full of eyes and we have eyes in our spirit so we need those eyes open so that we can see according to God's perspective and according to his vision and the dimensions of the unseen realm so this weekend we're going to be mentoring you on how to get those eyes open will there be eyes salva vailable by the Spirit of God and everyone that comes in house in the afternoon or in the evening after we finish we are going to prophesy over every single person every single one who's in the on on-site event will have a personal prophetic word over your life so that's going to be exciting we're cultivating a prophetic environment and a miracle environment in this house amen all right well I'm excited about today because this is Sunday morning September the 9th and at 6 o'clock tonight is the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah and so we are very excited to bring this season in together and it is going to be a good one it's going to be marked as a as a blessed blessed year and as who most of you will know is that Rosh Hashanah is the head of the Jewish calendar the Jewish Civic calendar it's the head of the year it's like their new year and so we just as a ministry are into celebrating everything to do with Jesus and you know whether it's the Hebrew calendar the Gregorian calendar it could be whatever just any excuse at all to exalt Jesus Christ we will exalt him will exalt him in the midst of heathen festivals in the midst of biblical festivals in the midst of it all because we're taking it all back for him because he is the worthy one amen so anyways but Rosh Hashanah is is is very special to me personally into this house and I just want to say is that for those of you who might not be familiar with this in the Bible there were seven biblical feasts that God actually invited his people he prepared them he said I'm hosting these feasts and you have to come they're mandatory feasts to be celebrated by his people seven of them and there was four of them in the spring those four are Passover the piece of unleavened bread firstfruits and Pentecost so those are the ones in the spring but now we're into the fall festivals and the three fall festivals are the Feast of Trumpets which is starting tonight Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles those are the ones in the fall now all those fees were were given by God so that his people would remember him and remember who they were in him as a covenant people and when you study out the feasts as a fascinating study but you'll find the revelation of Jesus Christ in each feast every part of the feasts for example Passover who is the Passover lamb right it's Jesus you'll find Jesus and every single feast and the fall feasts the fall festivals are mainly about the coming of Jesus Christ and getting ready and positioned for his coming so we are we are going to look at the season that we're in right now so if you could put up on the screen the graph there the next one joy there we go wow it's small thank you Lord that you are magnified okay so September 9th to the 11th which is where we're at right now and the Jewish feasts go from sundown to sundown okay so it's around 6 o'clock tonight it begins and that's the Feast of Trumpets or also called Rosh Hashanah okay and then the next next one starts also today but ten Days of Awe now this isn't a feast but it's the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and the Day of Atonement it's called the ten days of our or it's also called the ten days of repentance and we'll go into that in a bit and then it culminates at the next feast which is on September 18th and 19th Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement which is the holiest day on the biblical calendar okay the day of atonement so it's important I think to study the feasts although in in Christ you don't need to attend feasts or perform rituals or to do anything to be saved you are saved through your faith that's it's biased grace alone and it's through your faith that you connect to the life of Jesus Christ not by works at all so we don't observe feasts because we have to in order to be saved but we are able to observe them we can observe the more invited to observe them and there's a lot of blessing that comes to our lives when when we do because it'll align it's for the purpose of aligning aligning us to receive a blessing from the Lord for the following year so our posture and our alignments and our actions at this time are the seeds that will grow in you and for you for this coming season and especially this particular head of the year celebration the Feast of Trumpets is in particular important for aligning now the Feast of Trumpets is marked by the blowing of a hundred trumpet blasts on the shofar the shofar is a ram's horn and so they would blow it in the old Old Testament and still to this day it is a tradition still and there was a hundred blasts within the two days that were majoring during this feast so I'm gonna share with you the different types of blasts so that because each of them symbolizes something and speaks of this season that we're in and the first one was takea which was a straight trumpet blast signifying the Lord's kingship okay so Jesus owns you when you give your life to him he becomes your Lord Lord means owner so you belong to him okay you are his possession but when you give him rule when you let him rule your life then he's your king right and so the first trumpet blast was to align the people of God with God as their king okay because as you know in in Samuels day the people were crying out for a king and Lord said but I'm your king but I said well we want a king like everyone else so this is once again acknowledging that God Himself is our king he is the one who has rule over us and in Christ he is our king he is a king of kings and it is a pure unbroken sound that calls men to search his heart abandon his evil ways and seek forgiveness through repentance so you can see the alignment that is in this season that we align so that we can be positioned for blessing so it is a calling man this particular blowing of the shofar is to call man to search his heart and to abandon evil ways the next one is Sheva rim I don't know if I'm saying these right I'm probably massacring it but anyways I'm doing my best that's three short notes on the Rams from like just short little blasts and it represents a man moaning in repentance the groaning of man it typifies the sorrow that comes to man when he realizes is wrong and desires to change his way and you know what I don't think this is preached enough today I think we need to be more sorrowful for our sin not that we are all feeling condemned than beating ourselves up or anything but sometimes you know we sin and is take it so lightly and we don't realize that we've hurt people people are watching that are affected and and and there should be a sorrow involved a sorrow that leads us to repentance that causes us to change and so that's what this trumpet blast was about the next one was teruah and it was nine staccato notes blown in rapid succession similar to the wail of a person weeping in short bursts a wave like sound of alarm calling upon man to stand in alignment with God so it was calling man to align with God there's many things that we can align our self to many concepts many mindsets many things within culture you see it on the news all the time and you know in the culture that we live in but this was a reminder of this particular feasts it was a reminder of God's people to align to him and to him alone because if you align with God in your life then your life is going to be blessed and then takea get olá it's one long blast and the prolonged unbroken sound of this blast typifies Atonement I love it that it was the final one and the longest one and it stretched over all the others the length of it stretches over all the others it is the blasts of atonement bringing the people into an awareness of that even though there was sin that they could turn from it and it could all be washed away it could all be a race and we have this in Jesus Christ and of course he is our atonement and he is our Redeemer he is our Savior he is everything so all of those blasts means something in over the two days or a hundred blasts appointed and so in this particular season as you can see even signified by the trumpet blasts that we are called to align with God everyone say align tell your neighbor that you're gonna align with God because if you don't align with God you got the spirit of stupid on you I mean okay what is the alternative to align with the devil you know I don't know about you but I don't want to go there so I'm I'm aligning with God so let's look at six areas of our life that we can align with God in the first one is your faith okay your faith and so you might want to even as you're sitting listening to this ask the Holy Spirit to convict you and to show you areas and again he never condemns he never accuses he's never you know angry and mean and upset with you at all he just wants you to alai so that he can bless you he wants you to be in the arena where the cloud of his blessing is and if you're outside of that place the blessing doesn't fall there it falls in him so he wants you in there okay so if you're getting convicted during any of the time that this is going forth you simply repent ask God to forgive you and turn away because this is exciting that we get to turn away from what would harm us and turn toward what is good this is exciting I I'm blessed by come and convict me Holy Spirit okay so we want our faith to align so identify areas of unbelief doubt fear you know maybe you know that the promise of God says something but you're not listening to it because you're letting your emotions run rampant you're letting unbelief you're letting fear you're letting devastation hit you and God just is saying come on align again to faith in me faith in my word faith in what I'm saying this is time to align with me because I want to bless you beyond anything beyond what you've ever seen I want to bless you the second place of alignment is your worship your worship of God and I'm not talking again I mean I love worshiping with song I love it you know and there's something about song that I don't know it just takes hold of your whole being doesn't it and it just like includes everything in it but it's way more than that it's a heart condition and sometimes in our heart we put other things ahead of God even sometimes you can put a ministry ahead of God the work of the ministry can become all-consuming and you start serving it and adoring it more than you do God and that's got to come into alignment that's a change has to be made there and you know sometimes we worship you know our material possessions or our money you know we have more of our thoughts go toward making money handling money buying things all that we think more about those things than God and whatever you think on the most is what's got your heart you know your heart is what you focus on I was sharing with a young minister one time just you know I just love the guy but every time he opened his mouth it was about money and I knew he loved the Lord but I said you know I I think that you've got a love of money I think you've got an idol in your life I said I think you love money says no I don't I don't love money and I said yes you do I says you actually do and he says well I don't believe that why would you even think that and I said because it's all you talk about every time you open your mouth you talk about money and I said when you're in love with someone you talk about them all the time you can always tell what a person loves because they talk about that person and that person or the thing gets the attention whatever you give your attention to all the time whatever you you know give your heart to is is who you're worshiping and so if you're thinking when you go to bed at night how to make more money if you're getting up in the day thinking oh I got to get more money oh I'd love to have more money because you know and even before you open you up up your Bible you're opening up a catalogue of what you could buy if you had more money that's an idol and I know that there's times in life when we're setting goals for new houses furniture clothes whatever new new car and that's fine as long as it's under God and doesn't usurp him doesn't take over your love for him because he is the one that that deserves all of our worship the Bible even mentions in the New Testament the food can be an idol he says here gods are your belly's ouch you know instead of you know attorney to God for comfort for example you turn to food anyone been there but when we recognize that we can turn away from it and turn back to God aligned with God and if we're being convicted in any of these areas today we can just simply thank God you know what this is great there's grace on even this feast right now for me to come into alignment I'm gonna come into alignment with you sometimes relationships can be idols as well sometimes we can love a certain person in our life more than we give attention to God and sometimes we want to get the the approval of people more than God and if that's the case there's there's there's an issue with our worship and so we want to bring alignment to that and this shouldn't be a heavy thing saying oh no I'm just just such a crummy Christian and I've got all this idolatry in my life saying oh saying no this is exciting and now I get to turn Thank You God and put them the again it's a it can help in that fast just it's a shift of mindset and it can change in a moment okay number three your conduct identify areas of unrighteous conduct attitudes and thoughts now on Sunday mornings when you're sitting in church you might be nice you might have smiled it a few people saying I love you brother love you sister give them a big hug you know say a kind word maybe even prophesy over them maybe maybe pray for their needs show compassion but what happens when you're at home what happens when you're at home how do you how do you treat your family how do you you treat your spouse your children your parents is there alignment that's needed how are you in the workplace are you an example of the love and light and glory of God or if someone were to write a report about your conduct they say oh my gosh they swear they cuss or mean they lose their temper they just you know don't pay their bills they check blood blood blood blood you know because if that is the truth if or if that's a fact there needs to be an alignment there needs to be an alignment we can't live two lives you can't you know say oh I'm in love with Jesus and then you live like the devil that's not the kind of alignment that's going to bring you into the blessing of God and many times people are living under curse simply because they haven't aligned in areas of conduct and words indeed you know if you're showing up late at work and bowing out early I'm not doing a good job that's a conduct that needs to change right we need to allow the Spirit of God to convict us again not to condemn or anything but just like yay we get to change we get to be more christ-like today because we're gonna align with God okay next one is your relationships identify areas of conflict offense and unforgiveness if you're offended that offense will will spread Hebrew says that that you have to watch for a root of bitterness because it will defile many Ron and I were watching touched by an it's an old series I love them watched many of them around 10 times over I just I don't know it's such a tender program and they always have such good values in it but on this particular one monocot the angel was offended she got offended and then that offense spread to another person and then that person was offended and spread to another person before long everyone was offended it was a mess right and it was just causing this dark thing and at the end she repented and then all the other people involved repented and God came in his blessing and everything was restored and that's what alignment will do I mean if you've got an offense against a brother or a sister that needs to be repented of you have to turn from that or else you'll lose your alignment with God if you've got bitterness towards someone if you've got a judgment if you've got a critical attitude towards someone here you're you're out of alignment you need to get back into alignment and let the love see God is love so when you're aligned to God you're aligned to love and so we need to allow that love of God to be art plumb line so what are your relationships like what is your your spousal relationships like what you know and a lot of times people say yeah I mean if I had a different spouse I would be fine it's all about me it's all about us becoming more like Jesus right and what about in in the workplace you have relationships in the workplace that need to be worked on what about with children grandchildren neighbors do you have good relationship with your neighbors you know number five is your health identify areas where you've not cared for you the temple the temples your body if you mistreat the temple you know you need alignment so that God can be a blessing to you sharing in the earlier service about my aunt who was a really heavy smoker her whole life and towards the end of her life I think in her 60s she got really bad emphysema and so I went and visited her one time and she was on oxygen machines could hardly breathe and she'd go into this little room where her oxygen was and do her oxygen therapy and come out of the room and light up a cigarette and I thought you gotta be kidding you know she didn't know what repentance meant she didn't know what a lineman meant she never learned that she just kept poisoning her body right up to the very end that emphysema took her life because she didn't align with God's health laws now in the Bible when God was was bringing his people through the wilderness and giving giving them laws to live by and this everything you need for life relationship health everything is in here and not that we legalistically follow anything but the wisdom of God is amazing and God gave them health laws he told them how to eat he told them what to eat what not to eat even how to cook the food so that they would be healthy he told them how to get rid of their refuse how to bury the dead how to take care of everything that was unclean he taught them everything they needed to know about how flaws you can read about is the same law in the Bible today as as he gave them back then and it kept them healthy so that there was no no one sick among them right and so even today they have done studies and and those who are on true kosher diets have better health and than most people with some studies I read that seems to prove it out now I'm not just saying to go eat kosher or anything but I am saying that if there's things that you are putting into your body that you know are harmful for it you know like if you've got a smoking habit you should quit it because it's gonna destroy your lungs right there's a better smoke to put into the temple the Holy Smoke right the Holy Ghost you could breathe him in instead he's much better and I have compassion for those of you with smoking habits because I had a horrible smoking habit before I was born again III spoke Tovar two packs a day I would get up in the middle of the night to light up because I couldn't even get through asleep without a cigarette but this is a good time to align you know every you usually everyone who smokes you'll hear them say I've got to quit I've got to quit some of them do and some of them never do I know someone right now who's almost 90 years old and still smoking never learned right and they've got a cough and they can hardly breathe but they can get the cigarette in their mouth okay but it could be other things too maybe you know you've got diabetic issues because and I'm not saying every diet diabetic is a diabetic because each much sugar but is there too much sugar in your body when you know that it's not good for you are you eating foods that are unhealthy for you and again not to be legalistic but follow the wisdom of God because this is a time to align I was having health issues this last in in this last year and in May I made a decision to align in certain areas and it's been improving my health tremendously you know and so this is a good time to align and start a new season coming into good health no matter how long it takes you some of you might think well you know what my body needs some exercise or I need some sunshine or I need something you know to to make it better ask the Holy Spirit he'll show you and then you can align but be good to your temple be good to your temple your caring God around in you and then the next one is your wealth does God have first place does he have first place with your finance and with your possessions or are you holding on to it or does he have first place and that is a matter of alignment some of you might need alignment some of you might have financial aid financial difficulties because the Bible says don't borrow but you've borrowed or you're using your credit cards when you don't have the money to pay for it and so you know just ask the Lord what area do I need to align in because he wants you wealthy it's not because he wants to make things hard for you sin will make it hard for you but he wants to make it easy for you and if you align with him it will be easy because divine alignment brings divine glory divine alignment brings divine blessing to your life in Galatians 6 seven to nine it says do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatever a man sews this he will also reap for the one who sews to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption but the one who sews to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life let us not lose heart and doing good for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary no this is New Testament okay now we know that we don't have to work for our salvation but if we're in faith serving God the Spirit of God has written the laws of God in our heart and we will know by the spirit the right things to do and so if we're sewing to fleshly lusts and desires and worldly mindsets if we we are sowing into that in our life then we're gonna reap corruption the Bible says you're gonna reap curse over there we want to stay in the kingdom of God and he says so to the spirit because God's not mocked whatever whatever you are sowing into whatever you what whatever choices you make in life are gonna bring a consequences basically what he's saying so in this season when we realign with God I say Lord I want to be so aligned with you and we've got this 10 days of our that we're in to invite the Holy Spirit to examine our heart in all these areas and come into alignment like we've never come into alignment before so that we are we are aligned for blessing and it feels so good and again this is this is New Testament this is not an Old Testament you know law this is just God's wisdom speaking saying if you do this it'll help this con consequence if you sort of the spirit you'll have the consequence of blessing if you sort of the flesh and it doesn't matter if you're saved or not saved the consequence is the same okay dependent on your choice okay repentance forgiveness and cleansing so if the Holy Spirit convicts you of anything guess what he cleanses us from it too in such an easy way if we confess our sin he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness now if you're convicted of sin you say oh yeah the Lord really convicted me but you don't turn you don't repent that's that's called the spirit of stupid it's a manifestation of the spirit of stupid and you probably need deliverance from it right because that which he's convicting you of if you don't turn from it will end up hurting you it will end up hurting you for example let's say a father in a household is yelling at his children all the time and the Lord convicts him of it and he says oh yeah the Lord convicted me of yelling up my kids but then he continues to yell at the kids the children are going to continue to be affected by that and that sin in him is going to grow because he's making way for that anger to rule him so it's gonna get worse and worse and worse so if the Holy Spirit convicts him of that sin and he doesn't turn away from it you think hello do you have a brain in your head is there a demon power making you stupid right now because if you would turn away from that everything can be reconciled everything can be cleansed everything can be healed everything can be fixed that's the heart of God that's what he wants for his people that's what he wants for you if he's convicting you that you're eating too much sugar it could be something as mundane as that you say yeah yeah the Lord is convicting me but you continue to do it he'll still love you he'll never stop loving you this is not about getting brownie points with God so he'll love you no he will always love you whether you never obeyed his laws or not he would still love you the same but man you're gonna have a rough life because sin is going to affect you okay so it says if we confess our sin he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so this is a season to align in this next 10 days as we're in the the the ten days of are the 10 days of repentance it's a matter of turning to God turning to God's blessings turning to God's ways it's so beautiful and so exciting so lovely okay so we just want to encourage you to do that and the area I want to focus on in particular today because it's so big on my heart as I've been praying into this next year is about God being creator and wanting to create in you and through you and we've had a prophetic emphasis on God as creator over the last number of messages we've done but I specifically want to target a Deuteronomy 8:18 which is his power in you to create wealth and so let's look at that Deuteronomy 8:18 but you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who is giving you power to make that word make means to create wealth that he may confirm his covenant which he swore to your father's as it is this day now wealth is way bigger than money like don't think when you're thinking of wealth don't just think of money it's way beyond that it could be the wealth of beautiful relationships and beautiful family and the wealth of healthy body and and strength and vitality it could be the the wealth of favor it could be you know the wealth of gifting and anointing it includes everything and God wants you to pursue that and that ability to make wealth comes out of you identifying with who you are in God that you are his child and as his child wealth is your portion and the Jewish people they understood this because all through all through the Old Testament you will see God revealing to them the blessing of Abraham Isaac Jacob all the way through he showed them their blessing but it started it started right in Genesis 1 when God created man you know what he did first before he created man he created this extravagant environment that was absolutely perfect this perfect fruitful and and that everything was glistening and beautiful and awesome every part every part of the the air that they breathe the ground that they walked on everything that it produced was pulsating with glory and that's where he put man he prepared all that first and put man in the midst of it so when man was created he only knew well he only knew extravagance he was God's own son created in his own image and likeness and God put him in an environment of wealth and that's what God wants you to live in in every area of your life he wants you to be aligned with him so that you can live in this environment of wealth and very few Christians are actually living in this realm because of lack of alignment but when you understand who you are as God's child you'll start to see it so he puts him in there and then he says be fruitful and multiply not only was it already just glorious the whole atmosphere was glorious and awesome and pulsating with with God's presence everything just everything full and overflowing but then he says be fruitful and multiply he says you can have more of this this is just the beginning of what I'm giving you I'm gonna give you more so in the mindset right a creation they understood Wow now through the fall something changed they didn't just get it for free anymore they had to work the soil and it brought forth thorns and thistles that they had to get out of the way and they had to work by the sweat of their brow because that's what sin will do sing will put pressure on you sin will keep you from that glory dimension and so then God moved upon his people if he because he's always loved loved his people always loved his people and he made promise he made promise to Abraham right and he says I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna bless you extravagantly and so Abraham understood the blessing realm of God he understood wealth because God made him wealthy Abraham had the power to make wealth and so it was established because he was a father of faith because of his faith he was able to connect to all those blessings it wasn't by works this was before the law he was able to connect to all that wealth and God made him fruitful so everything he put his hand to prosper and that's a blessing that's on you in Christ even greater blessing than that is upon you today if you will believe it and if you will seize it if you will take that promise and so all through the Old Testament you'll see God teaching his people how to remain in wealth because they were identified as those of wealth and to this day Jewish people are known for their wealth the top wealthiest people in the world are majority of them are Jewish even in Hollywood with a movie makers and things and in the science field the medical field you'll see Jewish people on the top because they're successful they're prosperous and they're wealthy why because they know the Covenant they know that they're children of God because the word taught them how to prosper the word taught them how to give God the first and the best the word taught them how does so who were taught them not to get in debt the word taught them how to look after the poor and the widows and the orphans the Lord taught them how to be generous the Lord taught them specifically how to walk with him so that they could be in that wealth so even in the wilderness they were they were living in a glory dimension of supernatural provision even in a dry wilderness they were getting miracle realm dimensional stuff every single day but then when they went into the Promised Land the the the produce that they reap from that promised land was supernatural because of promise and even to this day do you know that when Israel the Land of Israel was given back in 1948 do you know at that time that it was just a pile of rocks there was nothing on it it was dry ground it was full of rocks the creek beds had dried up I mean it was nothing they said yeah we'll give this to you there you go Israel you can have that no one wanted about time but because God's people were appointed for wealth and because of the promises of God the desert started to blossom and anyone who's been to Israel I tell you it is flourishing it is flourishing like crazy like it is just beautiful in fact Israel is not only producing enough produce for their own country that they export it to other countries around them they have an overflow of blessing and in the science field the medical field the technology field that some of some of the the the biggest inventions and some of the biggest breakthroughs are out of Israel why because they identify even those who are not walking with God identifying with being blessed just because they're Jewish because they know who they are their chosen people do you know that you're chosen do you know that you're a chosen people are you aligned to know who you are and that God has given you power to make well to confirm his covenant so you can actually create it and we're going to learn this year how to create with God because the Creator lives inside of us and creative miracles are going to mark this coming year you're gonna hear more and more about them it's going to be amazing Wow all right well I guess I better get moving here time's going by okay so let's let's look at how to align in the area of blessing number one here's a question to ask yourself if you want to be aligned in this season for for the blessing and the creation of wealth and again don't just limit this to to finance although money does represent the labors of your hand it it it represents who you are what you have it's a representative so it is important as far as what we give to God but number one is do you give him your first and your best do you give him your first and your best if you could put that up on the screen that would be good I sent you another slide there okay okay you'll have to write these ones down Malachi 3:10 to 12 bring the whole tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my house and test me now in this as the Lord of Hosts if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows then I will rebuke the Devourer for you so that it will not destroy the fruits of your ground nor will your vine in the field cassock it's grape says the Lord of Hosts all the nations will call you blessed for you shall be a delightful land now here he's saying and Israel knew this is that when you give God the first the best attempt then it has effect when you give God the first not the crumbs of what's left over a little bit of offering thrown at the end of the day but when you think of him first and you worship him with your tithes and your offerings it actually opens the heavens and pours out blessings that you cannot contain so if you're a tither you can actually put a demand on that promise and say I'm commanding the heavens to be open and pour out the blessing that I cannot contain and you can go after that in this season and create blessing extreme blessing in your household but it also says he rebukes the devour on your behalf so that that that which you have isn't stolen you know I know many people that make a lot of money the money that goes through their hands is phenomenal but they don't have anything they have nothing they have debt even and yet they'll make three times as much as most of you in this room but they have nothing they have debt why because it's being devoured but when you align with God and you put him first in your thoughts in your heart in your passion and everything then he aligns it so even people with less money do more with it and are happier because of that alignment it brings a blessing into their life and he says all nations will call you blessed this is the blessing of the tithe now Israel knew that but in this a killer case God was rebuking them he says you're cursed with a curse not that he was intentionally saying I'm gonna curse you it's just that here was the spot where the glory pours out which is under under the tithes blessing but they were over here because they were withholding he said you're robbing me and because you're not giving me what I deserve you're over here and that's why you're cursed with a curse you can't be blessed because you're not aligned now many people say yeah but we're New Testament we don't have to do that that's ridiculous God is still God and he still deserved so first and the best he still deserves the first of the best he is the one who receives the tithe their tithes does not belong to the local church it belongs to the Lord but you usually give it in the local church because the local church is where you have pastoral covering and nurture and it's where you get fed the word and is where you come together and worship and there can be meat in the house and the needs of the house get cared for because all the tithes come in and you can reach the world with the gospel because the ties come into the storehouse but tithe isn't like I think I'll take my friend for lunch today and oh I spent $50 on lunch ok so I got another 200 bucks for tithe I'll take someone else out for lunch tomorrow that's not the tithe even though that's a nice thing to do that's generous do it but that's not your tithe that tithe belongs to the Lord and it's brought into a storehouse somewhere that's feeding you spiritually so somewhere there where there's direct feeding where the word is being given to you next is proverbs 3:9 210 it says honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine see the Jews knew this that's they just did what God said and he came through because when you're aligned with God the blessings come and so your barns will be filled and you can every promise that he gives you you can go to him say I'm holding you to the promise I'm aligned with you and therefore I receive what you said and he actually likes it when you do that not disrespectful it's actually respecting him because you believe him if you came to him well I know that I type but I don't know if you're gonna make your word good or not and you know I you know it doesn't seem to be happening he's saying come on who do you think I am here come on put a demand on that promise let's get some faith activated he loves it when he sees your faith Amen so if you're not at either yet I want to encourage you to tithe because he says test me now in this but if you don't have faith for it try one percent say God my faith isn't there yet but I'll try one percent then I can go to two then I can go to five then I can you know and just and just take it one step at a time but in in Shiloh we believe we're all tithers we just believe in the open heaven because it'll open the heaven corporately when all are tithers okay the next area is sowing in 2nd Corinthians 9 6 to 8 and 10 to 11 it says now this I say he who sow sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully each one must do just as he is purposed in his heart not grudgingly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful Giver ok so it goes on to say that God is able to make the grace abound that you'll always have sufficiency and everything so when you sew into kingdom advancement when you sew into the harvest fields for example when you sew into different projects in the kingdom of God it says that he will cause all grace to abound you so that you'll have sufficiency and everything and that you'll have something for every every good deed and it says in verse 10 now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness so if you want see - so just ask God he'll give it to you this amazing he even gives you what you need to align with him he'll give it to you so that you can be aligned but if he gives you see don't go spend it on something that that it uses it up plant it in the seat in in in the soil by faith so can it can bring forth a harvest for his glory I remember one time when we were going through a really hard difficult season for five years when we first started the ministry I had a girl on my heart in prayer this morning I had such a burden for her and I just had this desire to give her $20 I was going to see her later in a in a in a Bible study but I didn't have twenty dollars and I mean back then it was more like a hundred is is today right and I didn't have it in fact I didn't even have enough money for gas to get home okay so I said god I need $20 to sew into this woman because it's gonna make her know your goodness you know and and so I prayed and I got to the meeting and someone came up to me as I'm going up to the door and they said hey I was in my prayer time this morning God told me to give you this they had me an envelope and it was $20 bill Wow now I could have taken that and put gas in my car because I needed gas I didn't have enough gas to get home but I knew what it was for I knew that this was the seed that I asked for I asked God for seed and he gave me seed so the woman came into the meeting and when we were getting ready to leave I said the Lord put you on my heart this morning in prayer and I felt I'm supposed to give you this and she opened up the envelope and saw the $20 and started weeping and weeping and weeping she said I don't think you realize how important this is because you know of what she was going through it just specifically meant something to her and it just made me feel so good so then I'm in the place where her having the Bible say stalling because I'm wondering how I'm gonna get home I've got no gas to get home and I have a 45-minute Drive and I needed some bread and some milk for the kids and I didn't have any money for that and I thought okay wait upon the Lord he shall renew your strength and so I'm thinking okay God should I just get in the car and start driving so I thought yeah maybe I'll give that a try and as I was going out to the car to get into the car a car came up in the driveway it was someone who had been at the Bible said she said you know what I was on my way home and the Lord told me to come back and then I'm supposed to take you out for lunch your gas tank up and take you shopping for food so I got a full gas tank I got taken out for lunch and I got a whole shopping bags full of groceries for the kids that's what the seed produce now if I had spent it on my gas I would have got home but the woman wouldn't have got blessed and got touched by God I wouldn't have had the the groceries for the kids and I wouldn't have gone out and had a nice lunch so don't throw your seat away okay the third one is arms and that's money or food or services to the poor and it's really important that we care for the poor especially the true poor some people some people in America are poor in their choices and that's why they are poor outwardly we do a lot of work or used to do a lot of work living on the in in the inner cities where there was a lot of heroin addicts and drug addicts in that and they they were poor a lot of them didn't have a place to live but it wasn't because they couldn't have a place to live it was because they spend their rent money on their heroin right so but the I mean they need to be tended to but their poverty doesn't need more money all the time it needs like food into their spirit so you have to know what to give the poor what do the poor need do they need ministry do they need the word do they need the gospel - they need money in their pocket and they might need all of the above but you know you want to make sure that you you tend to the right need but there are rewards that come when you give alms and the Bible again taught taught the Jewish people in the Old Testament how to care for the poor how to care for the widows how to care for the orphans how to leave leave the fields after they had harvested to make sure that there was food for the poor to glean so that they could have food - right and so we always want to be considerate of the poor in acts 10 verses 1 to 4 it says now there was a man at Caesarea named Cornelius a Centurion of what was called the Italian cohort a devout man and one who feared God with all his household and he gave many arms to the Jewish people and prayed to God continually so he's he's Italian but he feels this draw to give to the Jews who were who were going through things at the time and about the ninth hour of the day he clearly saw in a vision an angel who had just come in and said to him Cornelius and fixing his gaze on him and being much alarmed he said what is it Lord and he said to him your prayers and your arms have ascended as a memorial before God now most of the time when you're giving arms no one knows about it because it's it's a thing that you do in your heart behind the scenes you know you don't want to make especially poor people feel subconscious you know feel feel funny about being given to in that you want to do it carefully just greatly before God and so usually no one sees it but God but it says clearly here when you give your arms it goes up as a memorial before God he takes note of it it's so beautiful and you know what this produced this produce angelic visitation and he was used very instrumentally in Paul's salvation how would you like that one right so it's powerful so there's a few things to give you some thought for the week and to help you through the 10 Days of Awe get aligned but this morning as far as activation what I want to do is receive communion together and we're gonna bring the communion tables up front here and I'll I'll explain that in a moment on how we're going to do it but we want to examine our heart it says that when you take communion you know take it in a worthy manner and in other words you you make sure that there's no unforgiveness no bitterness you know if there's anything that you're not even aware of just say Lord I just ask forgiveness for anything that I've done that I might not even be aware of so that I can come before your table with a pure heart right and so we want to align with Jesus and the thing about communion is it is the remembering of the Covenant see Jesus fulfilled all that and he lives inside of you Jesus is the very center of the feast that's who he is right and so it's all of that is fulfilled in him so when you take communion you are partaking of Jesus who is the law who is that who is Grace who is it all and you're partaking of him his body and his blood so as you come forward to the table today after we pray as you come for and those of you at home go and get yourself some elements and if you don't have you know anything and in the house you know I've done it with just about everything just pray over it sanctify it you can do it with water I've done it with coffee before you know you just pray over it if you don't have help the right elements just just get what you have and pray over it and I've even done it with invisible elements before faith elements you know when I didn't have anything because communion is so powerful now when you remember the Covenant when you remember the Covenant you can receive from that covenant that's what Jesus said he said do this as oft as you will you could do it numerous times every day if you wanted because every time you remember you're aligning you're aligning with him you're aligning with his promises what does he promised you he's promised you freedom from sin he's promised you healing he's promised you reconciliation he's promised you strength he's promised you financial blessing he's promised you everything that pertains to life into godliness so as you come forward we're aligning ourselves for a new season not just for a day we're aligning for a whole new year this is the head of the year and what we do at this time of year how we position ourself at this time of year is going to influence the whole year now I want you to prepare an offering so that as you come you bring your offering and have communion at the table of the Lord remembering him and aligning with him and at this time of year I just want to encourage you to give extravagantly to the Lord over this last month and all the way through to the day of atonement I'm I've prepared copious amounts of offerings to give to the Lord through different ministries and different places and in this house and just blessing him because I know of the blessing that I'm setting myself up for blessing in the days ahead and from the very first offering that I intentionally gave last month I couldn't believe it was overnight twenty thousand dollars was awarded to us overnight a week later I gave another extravagant offering and another twenty thousand dollars came in the next week this is unexpected it just came in I thought this is this is phenomenal and it's just like it just keeps coming and coming and coming and so I just want to encourage you to put your faith out but position yourself to me that a quick return was was a message from the Lord saying batricia this year there's acceleration this year there's acceleration of wealth there's a creation of wealth and if you will align with me you will see it and I'm pressing in for the more because we have so much to do as a ministry we're going after the harvest this year we're going after millions we're going after millions I was I started to believe for hundreds of thousands I thought oh that's so puny you know we we we can win millions to the Lord amen and so we're gonna see the harvest come in and it's going to be beautiful and so I just want you to prepare your offering for those of you that are online just give in to this season give unto the Lord say Lord I'm putting you first in this season I'm giving you the first and the best that you might crown this year with your bounty that you might crown this with your glory and he sees what you give he sees what you don't give he sees your heart he sees what you give Jesus when he was in the temple he sat across from the the Treasury and he was watching everyone give their gifts and he saw many wealthy people came and they gave out of their wealth but then he highlighted who he really highlighted was this little widow woman that she gave all that she had and he wrote her up in the Bible for all eternity we will remember that woman because she gave more than all of them he said she gave everything that she had and so God is watching he just watches us and he's so delights in the love of his people to him and so as you come forward you can prepare your offering if you're online you can go online there's a tab there if you're on shiloh fellowship calm if you're on Facebook you can go to Patricia King calm and give or you can text your giving two seven seven nine seven seven just put PKM in the subject line and we'll get processed in a safe way for you seven seven nine seven seven just put PKM in the subject line thank you Father if you're making Oh checks you can make them payable to PKM or shiloh thank you Father just let's stand in the presence of the Lord right now and make a decree with me saying Jesus I aligned with you with your ways with your promises and as a result about alignment I call this year blessed and overflowing that I might give you even more glory that I might bless the world that I live in that they will come to know you your kingdom and your righteousness bless my offering bless my tithe bless all that I'm giving to you bless my heart that I give to you and fullness as I come forward to minister my worship thank you Lord now for the glory that's coming over your people right now thank you for the miracles that are taking place in this environment thank you for those online in our online family who are being blessed right now Lord God thank you for families being reconciled thank you Lord for bodies being healed thank you Lord for all that you're doing depression lifting body aches and pains leaving because you are great Lord God because you are awesome we receive from you in Jesus name thank you Father go ahead and bring forth your gifts and take communion we bless the elements you can dip the dip the brand mrs. unleavened bread by the way it's matzah bread that is with stripes by stripes of Jesus we are healed in his Pierce and just dip it dip it in the cup and partake of his body and his blood [Music] you are always here deserve glory - [Music] but [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] - worthy of [Music] Wow yes Lord you deserve it all you deserve it all or could you just worship the Lord with me here for 30 more seconds and just begin to honor the Lord begin to honor the Lord with your praise as you just as you just seal this time now father as you seal this time with us now Lord Jesus as you seal this time with us now father we praise You God and we worship You God for you are worthy of it all you are so worthy of it God Lord as we receive communion today father as we sell God you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all as we look forward to the alignment that we have in you Jesus you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all would you turn to your would you turn to your neighbor and and let him know that he is that God is worthy of it all let him know [Music] well go ahead and have a seat really quick we'll be dismissing here momentarily our online family thank you so much for joining us as we're worshipping Jonathan thank you so much for that worship everybody let Jonathan know you love him thank you thank you thank you so much he prepares so well you don't he has a team and they they worked so hard at worshiping the Lord is just amazing my name is Francisco and I get to serve here as lead pastor of Shiloh Fellowship and so I just wanted to say hi and really quick just because I noticed that there was a few new faces if it's your first time here at Shiloh I wanted to thank you personally for taking time out of your day to come and spend it with us today and we're so glad that you were able to stop in and we're so honored that you would in fact we have a free gift for you today and so we want out we want to just say hi to you you want to speak a blessing over you and so if it's your first time would you please just raise your hand and you got to hold it up for a second and let the ushers see you because there's a lot of you come on and Shiloh family if you're next to somebody who's new would you welcome them into the house and just say thank you for coming today we so appreciate you having you here and what we want to do here is if you fill out this blue card it helps us to get in touch with you why because we're praying people and we want to pray with you we want to bless you but also after the service if you would join us in the Red Room we have a free gift for you we want to speak a blessing over you and and and and thank you again for coming and for our online family watching if it's your first time watching we have a free gift for you and it's it's it's an electronic version of Patricia's book called The Good Life and and we'll give that to you just email info at Shiloh Fellowship calm and we will connect with you you will also receive a prayer and a prophetic word it's amazing and the Red Room all my wife said where's the Red Room okay so for those of you who have never been here before it makes sense that you would want to know where the Red Room is and that is directly across the hall from the restrooms just down the hall over here you'll see if there's signs pointing to the restrooms it's the room across the way and you'll see some people in there it's a beautiful house furniture it's all laid out come in come and sit down come and enjoy you'll have fun and that what am i what am I missing sorry oh I thought I was missing something else okay it's okay it happens your time time I'm so grateful that all my friends can remind me because I got a lot going on in here folks I got a lot going on here but really quick we just want to bring you up to speed on some things that are happening as you know that this coming weekend we have the seer event here with a lot of speakers and that the informations in the back it's on your bulletin go ahead and grab it tomorrow we actually have we actually kick off this week with with mentoring day with Robert Hoskin right here in this room tomorrow it's a free event you can come in and it's just a time where where we as leaders get to pour out and you know sometimes questions are asked sometimes there's there's things that are going on and and it is just a beautiful time to come together so being mentored and and you get more its we go deep and so it's just amazing time so this this time is Robert Hoskins so we're gonna be here with Robert Hoskins he'll come and in and be a part of it and then again see your see your events your realm events September 14 to the 15 that's this weekend so you can get more information from that on Patricia yeah Patricia King com and also next Sunday we have Barbie Breathitt who's gonna be our guest speaker and so for a moment most of you who who have been blessed by bar being you know Barbies ministry she is very uh very used by God in the in the realm of dream interpretation but very also very much also a prophetic speaker and so she'll be with us next Sunday morning and the two morning services so you'll definitely want to come and be a part of that bring a friend and let's let's watch what God is gonna do it's gonna be amazing again you heard Patricia say the prophetic Fair is kicking off September 23rd and this is gonna be an excellent time there's something that blessed me so much about this ministry when I first came here back in 2005 and that was something called the prophetic boot camp it was learning that I hear the voice of God then I'm blessed to hear the voice of God that he indeed does speak to me that he didn't just die on the cross from me but he wants a relationship with me and he wants me to know what he thinks what he feels what he says and it's something that totally changed my Christian walk and what we're doing over the over those four weeks is we're gonna come together and hear the voice of God we're gonna activate the prophetic because it's who we are we have the voice of God and we want you to know the voice of God and we want you to know how to use the voice of God and then we want you to go out and use the voice of God so come and be a part of it Patricia is gonna be teaching and it Roberts gonna be teaching in it and I'll be teaching in it it's gonna be really really fun time I mean it's just how many of you know that when the prophetic gets going it's just another level come on I'm excited for God's doing again so there's there's a lot happening in fact even RTF do you guys know what RTF stands for restoring the foundations and it's a inner healing ministry that's that's just it's guys I'll tell you what it's an amazing ministry it is it is so detailed and so good and it's such a blessing in fact Billy Ron and Billy where's where's your better half oh she's down there come over here come over here come on up here you guys know this is this is Billy daily and her husband Ron is here too and so everybody say hi Billy so she's pretty amazing and she came to us by way of Washington States so she moved here a few a couple years ago and we've just been developing relationship with her and she has a heart for ministry and and healing an inner healing and so just gonna turn over to you really quick so that you can give him a couple bits of information on how they can connect with you to get that information yeah so what we're starting here is what's called issue focus ministry so it's a three hour session where those who want to unseat an issue in their life that they've tried everything they've gone for just they're just done they said there's got to be a way so our tea out has streamlined a three hours session so what we are looking for actually is those who are interested in entering into that ministry to where they will be raised up in this ministry that's going to be housed here at Shiloh and become ministers for issue focus our TF has a huge expansive ministry over it's really out into the world but so I am going to have a sign up in the back give you more information let you know the cost it is an online course so you can start at your leisure and get prepared and then we're gonna help in-home meetings at my house to answer questions and and go over your training where you're at and how you can continue to become fledged certified through North Carolina is where they're they're housed and then they will certify you we actually they will have trainers come in and actually finalize the the training so it will start online it will start with your interest and I would be happy to give you any answering any questions you have and so what she's talking about specifically is raising up ministers and and certifying ministers for the for this ministry and so this is very much like we have Bob and Janet with the Healing Rooms this is another area where we're gonna have ministry healing and so it's gonna be me so if you're interested in serving in that capacity please come and talk to Billy after the service you will get information now if you're saying to yourself I want to be ministered to you can also come and see Billy because she will begin to set up an appointment in a time for when she can visit you and talk with you and step through that process okay so just if you want any information on our TF restoring the Foundation's come and see Billy after where she has handouts she has informations she'll take she'll take your personal information to get a hold of you later on a later date she's all set up she's ready to go come and see her afterwards amen all right here we go and of course lastly because it's uh it's we're drawing to a close here is just want to just want to invite you tonight to Shiloh p.m. listen there's something that's staring inside of me and that's that and that's this is that we are a people of double portion we are called to be a people of double portion now if you have ever asked yourself God what is next then tonight's message is for you and I'll tell you what church we need the double portion to do what God is asking us to do in this next season come on a billion soul harvests I want a double portion to go right if you heard Robert speak last week he said something to the effect of this he said miracles come on is what brings in the harvest we need the power of God to bring in the harvest amen and so I believe that where we have come into this place and I believe God showed me through his word where we just come to this place where it's it's the double portion seasoning it's it's a it's a it's a time for us to be baptized in the double portion to go out and do what God has called us to do amen and so again it's gonna be I'm just excited about the message but let me give you a key here really quick in that story of Elijah and Elijah there's four places where they visit and those four places that they visit are important in the process to receiving the double portion and we're gonna look at that tonight in in the places our Gilgal Bethel Jericho and the Jordan River and these are all important steps in the process and I believe that there's a prophetic message in there for you I believe that we've all come to a place where we're asking God God what is next and there's a stirring inside of us and I believe that many of us are uncomfortable not because not because we're doing anything wrong but just because there's a stirring inside of us to do what's next to do the thing that's next so I want you to come tonight I want to invite you tonight so you can come and know what's next and you know what God has for you and your season because we are people of double portion and we will take it out amen we will take it out for it to our families to our communities everywhere we go in Jesus name Amen all right let's pray father thank you for this day no we thank you for your word of alignment god we thank you that we're stepping into a celebration season God and then even over these next few days as we as we seek your presence God for that continued alignment Lord Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit you would come and show us those areas of our life God that you want us to turn over into your care father that you want us to turn over to you father so that we could step into what you have for us in this next season Lord we bless everyone here father we say thank you Laurie say yes to your word and we say thank you in the name of Jesus Christ we pray a men and as we go look at your neighbor and tell them this God loves you with an everlasting love he really really does see you next week God loves you was such a beautiful strong amazing love and he's after your heart he wants you to know every part of him because he made every part of you and he loves every part of you and I believe there may have been a question in your mind whether or not God is really and truly good and I'm here today to tell you that he is a God that is so good and he is so loving and he wants you to come into the fullness of that knowledge and that experience with him and if you feel that tugging inside of you and you feel like oh gosh I want to know I want to know that's true then I will invite you to repeat a prayer after me to invite Jesus into your heart so repeat after me Jesus I pray that you would just come into my my life come into my heart and that you would just wash away every sin and everything that has separated me from you I pray that you would just come in and turn my life around I give my life to you thank you Jesus if this was your first time praying this prayer we would love to hear from you please email us at info at shiloh fellowship com we have a free gift for you a book called the good life it's full of insight and revelation to help get you started on this new walk with the Lord thank you so much for joining us and remember god loves you with an everlasting love he really really does [Music]
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 8,752
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Id: 3JrPxkGE_U4
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Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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