I made a Tiny Safe House in Minecraft

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today we're combining two of my loves tiny houses and Minecraft safe houses I mean just look at this thing all right whenever I see a house like this in Minecraft I can't help but Envision the life that I would live in it out in the countryside you know I have animals roaming around it just birds tweeting in the air it would just be a peaceful place where I could read books and enjoy the nature and of course I wouldn't want anyone disturbing my peace and quiet so anyone that did try to visit my house Uninvited would be destroyed completely obliterated by my armored defense systems hopefully in a horrible and painful way but not too slow because I wouldn't want them screaming that would also disturb my peace and quiet and I wouldn't want that so quick but painful and horrible let's get to work shall we oh would you look at that this is why I need a safe house all right because already unwelcome visitors my state of the art defenses are not constructed just yet look at this shiny blue sword will do just fine so as with all safe houses we need to create a border wall around this thing but I want to create a fairly intelligent in one in the projectiles can actually move through it now I think I already have the first stage worked out so you can see that this wall can bounce up and down and if I time this dispenser perfectly then as it's moving that Arrow should be able to travel through and hit anyone who's walking in this area here or anything that is in this area here that will become interesting in a little bit so I've managed to make this work now the input isn't exactly in the most useful place it's up here whereas I'd probably like it to be underneath the ground but with that being said it does work quite well and it's a very Compact and very very simple little system so I say we roll with it which means extending it all the way around the build now obviously this is probably the most expensive wall that has ever existed in the history of Minecraft ever I mean this is this is a lot of netherrite if someone wants to tell me how many ancient debris this would require down in the comment section I would absolutely love to hear it but the reason that I'm making use of these netherrite blocks is because they are blast resistant but they are also movable by Pistons now that is a very unique property for a block in Minecraft something about these redstone contraptions is just so ridiculously satisfying especially when they're all synced up I mean is that not the greatest I think it might be the greatest I'm gradually making my way around here we've got half of the wall all in place and for those of you who are doing the maths each one of these walls is 19 blocks long and six blocks high and there's nine netherite ingots per block and I think it's four netherite scraps per Ingot it's an awful lot but regardless of how much it costs I think we can all agree that it is a ridiculous sequel looking border wall I mean just look at it why does this ridiculously cool looking block need to be one of the most expensive ones in the game I couldn't have been something else anyway let's start connecting these things up so I would say down underneath our tiny little house we should have a little control room for all of the defenses it doesn't have to be pretty it doesn't have to be beautiful it's just functional and this I would say is like perfect bunker control room territory so now it is time to move on to the next stage of the defenses because let's face it those little arrow dispensers they're probably not going to do too much damage and that is because they serve more than one purpose if I just make my way out here place down a piece of obsidian and an end Crystal I'm hoping that this doesn't break anything on the inside of the wall oh my goodness it did okay let's try not to stress here I imagine that's because it was on a corner so let's just increase the number of the right blocks even further and we place a net Crystal and explode it good good everything seems to be safe now the interesting thing about end crystals is that I can place them from underneath the ground so if I cover up this block right here I can still place in an end Crystal and it pops up above the obsidian and then our Arrow dispensers can be the things that ignite the end Crystal and what's even more interesting is I'm in survival mode right now I have no armor on and yet this end Crystal right here does zero damage to me because I'm underneath it whereas someone on the surface would get absolutely obliterated by this thing so that makes this a very powerful weapon indeed I do however have one concern and that is the fact that the blast resistance of a block goes to zero when it's being moved by pistons and we have moving Pistons here huh all right well there we go uh that that that is what I was afraid of goodness gracious me cool that was an expensive explosion I've adjusted the distance a little bit it's oh wow it's still completely destroyed everything that's not that's not ideal but I have come up with something and that is to place this tiny little obsidian barrier and crystals are so so strange it makes no sense to me but this little one-high obsidian wall protects everything from being destroyed so that is now working perfectly whereas if I remove this just just that one block and then placing the end Crystal you can see everything blows up what I'm going to choose to ignore the fact that this is a huge security flaw and continue based on this premise so all of those little barriers have been installed now I just have to put the walkway going around the entire Underside so that I can actually place the end crystals that will be causing the damage and that is now done it's not particularly pretty but it's perfectly functional this is all working nicely now it's time to connect to all of our Arrow dispensers which is going to be done making use of a redstone clock so when this lever is on that means it's safe when this lever is off that means the Redstone clock is running the arrows are being dispensed which as I said earlier on in the video is probably one of the most satisfying things in the world I mean how magical does that look and it's about to look even more magical all of them are now fully connected and that that is a good noise and that is a very cool look that is ridiculously cool all right I'm gonna turn this off before it completely lags out my computer but first I guess I should run down here and play some mini crystals I mean look that is so deadly that is so cool I did that for far longer than that clipping blind so now it's time to push things outside of the box a little bit I'm currently playing on a fan Brig version of the game and I actually have immersive portals installed on this version now I am really really curious to see if this idea Works how I think it will in my head because if it does this could be absolutely lethal and absolutely hilarious if I activate this portal here well I immediately fall through it's already doing what I wanted it to do what that is ridiculous so my plan was to make it so that as you go through the portal you fall into lava well it did it automatically that's completely insane and then I'm assuming if I use a water bucket here it breaks it okay amazing absolutely amazing I cannot believe that I I actually can't believe that that was like a ready-made trap so that is excellent news we have got a fast acting love a pitfall and then a fast removing one as well very very cool indeed now one thing that I'm noticing is it's taking a little bit of time to load up the Nether and I think that might just because that's the first portal so it has to load the entire nether so I'm thinking if we just conceal a little bottle down here did you see how fast that one activated I think that's because the nether was already being loaded by this one so now if I remove this it goes but then if I like this fast yes yes yes yes that's dangerous and make it even more dangerous we're going to make use of the Minecraft 1.17 sculk sensors to detect the player without the player realizing that they're being detected I mean this this is this is evil this is really evil so underneath all of these stone bricks right here we've got our layer of sculpt sensors they run out into these Redstone lines here and then that sends a signal up to this side of this giant wool barrier now the reason that all of this wool is here is to stop sounds from this area coming through to the skulk sensors because skulk sensors can't hear through wall blocks it's one of those useful features and that's essentially what makes this entire Redstone Contraption possible and after a bunch of headaches I finally got it working and I have to say it's just as evil as I imagined it would be so I land down on these blocks here immediately drops through into lava which is completely ridiculous and then after a short length of time you can see that the nether portal gets around move now that water has to stay out for a longer time to prevent the nether portal from reappearing because the issue is the sound of the nether portal breaking was actually causing the skulk sensors to trigger again which meant I had an infinite Loop of lava appearing and then disappearing which although looked very cool wasn't particularly useful that is that is evil and what's even worse is that when the nether portal gets removed they're actually just stuck in the nether are you you're fully stuck here it's a nice guy all of these constructed surrounding it and I think we can all agree this is looking awesome stretching the definition of tiny right now definitely but it's looking epic and I've thought of an excellent defense for aerial attacks and is making use of this same method once again but we can do it over the entire top section here so someone thinks they've outsmarted us flown past all the defenses then they will literally just drop through into a lava pit so I just need to run a line of dispensers that have flint and Steels on the inside of them so that as soon as a player goes through this tripwire it will immediately activate another portal that is pretty cool we've actually got one of the portals from one of these in it which I suppose kind of is an issue but there's not a whole lot I can do about it now I'm thinking about it I'm just going to ignore it and focus on the removal of the nether portal which I think I should be able to do automatically so a player activates the trip wires like that and then we get ourselves oh my good oh my oh oh yeah the nether portal has been removed I'm stuck in the nether so it automatically removed the nether portal allow me let's see did it completely flood all of the Redstone I'm I'm a little bit concerned it's not very often that I just get transported out of the world no that has actually worked so look here so look I activate it foreign that's pretty smart I mean come on a player jumps over the top and just immediately goes this is this is best the best I'm so happy so this is a safe house that has automatic Arrow dispensing which I think we can all agree is ridiculously awesome but not only that these arrows are to detonate end crystals that the player can place inside of channels around the base to help completely destroy players we have Redstone Circuits that detect players that are approaching the base and drop them through into lava and we also have Redstone Circuits that do exactly the same from above I mean this this thing is basically just burning in lava been in all in all ways like no matter how you approach this place you're essentially going to catch fire and die or take an end Crystal to the face or take an arrow to the knee whatever happens it's gonna cause problems for you I am really really happy with how everything has come together here this is a really interesting little safe house with a bunch of unique approaches to things which was my main goal going into this video so I hope that you found it interesting and I will catch you in the next video see ya and please do let me know down in the comment section if you want to see more of this sort of thing as I say I really wanted to approach the safe house concept with completely new ideas on this one so that's why I got the in crystals involved and also immersive portals and I do have a bunch of cool ideas of other things I can do with other modifications for example the create mod which I think would be wild so yeah comment down below
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,878,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made a Tiny Safe House in Minecraft, Safe House in Minecraft, House in Minecraft, Minecraft, Safe House, Tiny Safe House, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone, Mumbo Jumbo, Minecraft redstone video, redstone video, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo builds, tiny safe house in Minecraft, safe house in Minecraft, Minecraft end crystals weapons, end crystals weapons, Minecraft immersive portals mod, immersive portals mod, I made a safe house in Minecraft, I made a safe house
Id: G11GW5cBLjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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