ProducerMichael Q&A #2: Buying a Mega Yacht and the Ferrari 488 Pista

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This guy is a dead ringer for Donald Trump

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JayTongue 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi everybody thank you for joining us today in a little question-and-answer event here and I really appreciate everybody asking the questions yesterday on Instagram he has like 1,500 comments which is a lot to reply to but thank you very much Adam far away alright then so first of all I apologize forget people's Instagram handles wrong pronounced wrong there's some kind of weird ones but I'll do my best so the first question that we've got Michael is from John Brown six and he says what's the most expensive thing you've ever bought well what's the most expensive thing I've ever bought that would be a negative it's also probably one of my biggest regrets that I have a boy I bought a mega yacht back in the mid 90s I guess it was I had a very fortunate event myself one of my companies after the taxman had finished with me in technical my money after all this a little bit I've got left I'm gonna go buy myself something crazy and I bought myself a rather nice Bonetti mega yacht a huge thing with a crew of eight people and everything else what I didn't know at the time was I don't do well with boats to get seasick so I'm the very first voyage I went on this boat after about 40 mile over couple hours I was feeling sent ill it was unbelievable I told captain to turn this thing around get me back to learn and he did and the boat became a party boat it was it was in Fort Lauderdale with a big for sale zone in the back at you didn't have a for sale sign on it but it was but with a yacht brokerage for sale it took about a year to sell it cost a fortune absolute fortune I lost a fortune on it talk numbers happy Michael oh really do I have to do this yeah many many millions of dollars many millions people want to know just shy of 30 million dollars yeah crazy like a 30 million dollar party boat yeah yeah Wow and I sold it for a lot less than that yeah wasn't good hey you didn't sing that one night maybe sing that one I do have a couple selecting or resting a possibility of Mexico and a great dive site yeah cigarette racing boat is like 200 feet under the sea that's the house of Florida as well I was in Florida as well I used to live in Florida semi full time yeah yeah didn't have a little over boats now I didn't get seasick on those boats I only get seasick on the slow boats that do the rocking and rolling and I should like rock and roll you yeah you should check out the new ones because they have like gyroscopic when I had all of that stuff this was a very sophisticated boat 30 million miles but let me show you the ocean when it does this thing yeah the boat goes with it doesn't matter what technology you've got the boat goes with it that's they don't buy a book or make sure your seasick before you go drop all that money on the exactly okay next one and this one I'm definitely gonna be saying wrong Paul Cameron's correct pol CA our EPS underscore penty B which is for mountain bike I know that freeing my past so he says what she says or they say what car are you gonna buy next oh my word I have no idea I look at cars every day on the computer see what's available see what's coming out I was considering a Lamborghini euros until I saw it and then I decided against it if I wanted something like that I would buy an Audi which is what the car is gosh that's an awful car this Lambo yeah I don't know why they did this if they bought it out I think you know 100 hundred grand it'd be like all right this is a somewhat makes sense but - 200 K + nothing cool about the car though nothing I mean it's uncomfortable it has four-wheel steering but that was not cool what do you do it yeah what to do firstly go to our poor Sarah do you meant to ash that's all mr. Ian it doesn't make any difference either right but so type stuff what about me pista pista now that's a car that's very very interesting and if I'm fortunate enough to be accepted on the list and rumor has it there's a chance I will buy one good but that's only if you know by Alissa this it's one of those laziness well huge waiting right all of those in addition cars alright great yeah yeah Bobby looks great looking car I've only seen pictures haven't seen in person no and they rarely disappoint no definitely not I mean it was launched in Geneva was met in Geneva last week has one beam in North America yet I think my baby melon actually I'm going to the unveiling of it so no okay I guess not I have the invite for them when's that in a couple weeks mmm nice no video I might be able to take you with it do actually have your name down oh it's gonna surprise you but now that I'm about to you guys well they're all right Goodman so there you go we will try and get a video done I'm alright DRS Leon says what's the toughest executive decision you've made and how did it affect you personally oh well I've had to make a few in my career one that probably sticks out the most is I I had a car dealership in England 30 years ago 25 years ago and I had a general manager who did a brilliant job I mean this guy was absolutely amazing but my accountant so he called me one day and he said you know there's money going missing here and there you need to look into this so I did and unfortunately found out that it was him making additional money on the side which should have come through their company so I confronted him and I thought to myself what do I do they were gonna be able to replace this guy do I just fire him or do I give him the second chance so I thought well give him a second chance let's see how the meeting goes at least so I sent down with him his name was also Michael I said Michael you know it's been brought to my attention that funds have gone awry and no there's a stock possibility that you helped that happen let's talk about it and he was he fessed up he said yeah I've done a few deals on the side I've changed some cars that we took in train solvent system of my you know I keep back for it because of them at a lower amount and I said well why would you do that I said well you don't pay me enough I said pay you a fortune come on so I said how about this if I increase your Commission and I give you a really good incentive one do I have your word that you will never do that again I think put his hand out sure comes with me that was it and I really wanted to do and he never took another dollar now I still don't know who did the right thing I did the wrong thing I should probably have fired it that the guy was so good but what impressed me was he was honest about what he did he could have said no could have denied it didn't so don't press me that's why I gave me a second chance okay that was a tough call yeah because if he wasn't making any money then be easy simple if this guy was good at his job he was great I mean the guy was great and it would have been a tough call to replacing so that's why I did it yeah okay next question is from our for our dot flesch photography he says you should do it I know the photographer's there you know said we all know each other like everybody in England friendly you probably know it yeah and we don't have a queen as well to be the Queen just yesterday that Queen many times have you many times all right I'll flash photography says would you say being America gives you the upper hand whoa does it the answer is yes it's a definite yes but why is it a yes it's a yes because the u.s. actually supports entrepreneurs it supports businesses I found living in Europe it's a challenge everything you try to do this there's red tape in there and everywhere not to say there isn't in the States to but they help you here and they support you and people enjoy success in Europe many people are jealous and envious of successful people so they do everything that power to stop it happening the United States is not like that that's war and the answer the question is yes I think possibilities and opportunities are much bigger here than they are in many other countries especially in the UK yeah no I agree I mean one of the main reasons why I wanted to move here was because I felt as though I kind of hit a ceiling in the UK when I came out here to just work out whether it would be a viable option for me to move out and move my business I found that in the UK that the best example is if I went into an advertising agency or if I called up an advertising agency to try and speak to one of the art directors the receptionist was like the little like gatekeeper like a troll under a bridge you know like just would not try and connect you with those people but when I came out here I was called calling at agencies trying to talk to live directors set up meetings the reception is like yeah of course no worries I'll put you in touch I think it's because more people here are trying to get you know progress and make themselves better and so they're the one that makes the introduction and something good happens then it's gonna reflect well on that that's true rather than the UK it seems more like now I all know my job is to keep all of these people safe and keep people out from making those connect it's a good point you make there that's very true okay next question Padre Mikey where would you like to travel in the future I love traveling great question anyone that's safe unfortunately the world is has become a little scary to visit some places some places I would love to go and visit I can't anymore because there's warnings and if the United States issues travel warnings against certain territories they can't go there but I love traveling there's no country I don't really want to I'd like to see how people live let you see the that cultures taste their foods and all of this thing so I travel a lot I enjoy travel and I think the next place I'm probably going to go is Dubai if you have things I've never been to Dubai okay can you believe that yeah never been to Dubai yeah that's great that's what I'm told all right cool spot and I think if you go you have to go up to Abu Dhabi as well because definitely they're similar it's like Dubai is almost like having Abby's little like test like guinea pig really no yeah yeah well they'll run run Turing to run things through Dubai and then they'll do it themselves in happy don't you want some water sir yes interesting he's holding back I've really had it it's very very hot and you know it was not unusual 225 degrees and there's any reason whoa incoming man the bus stops are air-conditioned are they really old air-conditioned yeah that's amazing yeah they need to be there absolutely yeah great great place a great place okay tea nice with 3yz says what qualities do you look for in people you work with thanks for the question honesty integrity and determination those are the three things that I think make somebody special honesty is something that if you haven't got you don't even talk to me because you gotta be able to trust people I gave you the example a little earlier about my sales manager that was a very unpleasant situation so you know as as I grown older and learnt a little bit more about businesses people in general honesty is what it's all about integrity falls under the same umbrella really professionalism determination if somebody just wants a job for the sake of watching a job they're not going anywhere but if they have determination and you're the best question that I put out there with the best answer is what you want to be in five years you want to be if someone turns around says I want to sit in your chair I like that that's that's a good answer yeah so that's one of the things I'm really enjoy excellent ficus Oh 109 says do you have a wealth manager or do you invest your money yourself I don't really invest money I don't do stocks I don't do any of that stuff I had a very bad experience in the I guess you have 8 lost quite a lot of money in the stock market when the world seemed to crumble financially that was quite devastating I worked very hard for my money and everything that I have so at this point I decided to just take care of myself of course I have team of accountants and they advise me what to do and they do advise me to investment engine I ignore it I like to buy nice things things that maintain values and I consider that my investment interesting yeah so you don't have a port firing a property or anything like it is different I'm talking more about stocks and shares property if it's tangible and you know you can buy it then yeah that's fine I don't have a problem buying properties expensive assets aeroplanes jewelry diamonds they maintain value will go up in value so I consider that investment as opposed to you know putting money into Apple again you know today it might be 60 bucks a share tomorrow might be 50 and that can be very painful absolutely so I avoid that right so you do you do invest your money into things things yes into stocks and shares cook tangible items that I can see I can enjoy yeah and still have a value that could potentially go up or maintain the status quo got you who my side arm F says highlight the inital win of concept and how it motivates you that's another great question in it when it was something that I didn't it's expression but my very first Instagram post I think I used it or maybe a tent somewhere around that and it just stuck with me because I believe that everybody should be in it to win it I'm in it to win it what does that mean everything I do I try to see a long-term goal in it is this worth doing why am i doing it while I'm doing it because there's a win at the end of it is the win financial it might be is it just makes me feel good might be that is it good for other people it might be that I don't know but as long as there's a a goal and something good will come out of it I consider that what you serve in it to win it and if people don't already know people can go to shop producer Michael calm and gap merchandise which we kind of just rolled out and I believe if you go to producer Michael calm there's a button in there that takes you there as well there is and what button is right above that so it's great no I give it I'll give you clue it's black and it's cost $10,000 oh and to the giveaway do not forget to enter the giveaway and you still got three weeks yes to enter don't miss out the opportunity and also clarifying the entry many people have asked can I enter I'm under 18 I don't live in the United States blah blah blah the answer is yes if you're under 18 use your parents name to let them do the entry for you if you're out of the United States provide a US shipping address or come and get it if you win any of those work I was going to say fights you can get a flight from mainland Europe to here for five six hundred dollars I think you're strapped on a wing though right binding yeah but you at least going back if you strapped onto a wing with a big old diamond bracelet there you go yeah it's definitely worth it defconn was it exactly alright Jesse of pasta Lakes says what's it like to have the world in your hands what does that mean what do you have you interpret will give you this um I would interpret that as thinking that Jesse is referring to the fact that your where you can have most things that you want nothing is to buy I reach for you compared to you know the general population you're very fortunate in the position you're in and so that's how I would take that is that he thinks that you're on this pedestal Hamlet nothing is out of reach for you and what is that like well things are out of reach because the more you have the more expensive the things are that you want so there's always people with more than you've got I'm in a very comfortable situation are very grateful for that field request that said the more things you buy that are expensive the more challenges you have because there are costs associated if you have a really expensive house your property taxes and your insurance is are outrageous if you have expensive cars your insurances are very very expensive in California registration on the Ferrari registrations $3,000 a year that's crazy right and then there's similar money on in insurance and law I assured might be six seven eight thousand dollars a year so you basically buying a decent used car every year just in the money just to maintain it on a set of tires where are is very expensive they don't last very long because you go around corners and you you know you burn the edges of the taxing anything you so tight so actually that's interesting so let's let's take you know Ferrari 488 for example so you look at three grand a year to register it yes then you're looking at what five or six grand for insurance a little ordinate okay so maybe you're in a ten grand already just insurance and registration right and then let's say in one year you have to do a service and a set of tires and a set of brakes well servicing is free when you buy a new Ferrari you get three four years service and is no cost with that you've got a warranty that covers everything as well brakes a ceramic brakes they don't wear out so you don't have to worry the person that buys it later on has to worry about their I am about 25 grand to replace the brakes so it is expensive yeah what else did you ask papayas tires tires three four thousand dollars for sceptile's Ryan they can last 500 miles yeah right how many I get so good if you do so you know in an expensive year bang you could be dropping 15 to 20 grand just on keeping the car on the road yeah and if you want to put a set of fancy rims on there than $1,000 so yeah it becomes very very expensive yeah because expensive so continuing on that on the question so the more expensive your assets are the more you have to work to get money to pay to maintain those assets and to have them but it feels great I mean you know I work very hard and I studied very hard and reason that I've been able to get the things that I have is through all of that and it feels great so I won't worry about it and I think also there as much as people look up to you and would absolutely love to be in the position you're in the the gap between that's where they are aware you're you are there are equally people that are that far again ahead of you right how much good I have some friends that make me feel really poor and I go to their house we're looking some other things oh my word the guy says to me cousin you chandeliers that's nice not my scene what do you think of it 1.6 million 1.6 million throw lights come on you know I might spend $50,000 on the light and somebody might say that's it are you crazy you spent $50,000 on a white well hey that's a crazy amount of money but it's within my budget 1.6 million for a white it's not in my right absolutely yeah I think that's important isn't it is that people it always I think for some people it feels like it's unattainable they feel and they could never get to that stage but I think what people have to realize is that death there's this level and as this level of this and this there's always a level to everybody I mean maybe not something like Zuckerberg but you know everybody has iced teas or convert wants to make more I guaranteed Bill Gates wants to make what why it's not because they need more it's the mental challenge it's not about the money with me it's not about the money do I like to make money of course I do but it's not about the money it's about doing a job well providing a great service I represent many people and I try to give them fantastic service then reward for that is a nice paycheck right so it's not about the money all the time that's you know something that many people say I just want some money money or what what money it's not okay so the best question Palast this is from I left people I lived people I loved in any apparently yeah I don't think he's like a pallbearer or at least maybe a creative master maybe he's yeah maybe it's great but he said how did you know how to meet how did you and then me well that's me another padded wing me we met on a drive out in Malibu if I remember correctly you drunken motorbike wheezing in between cars with a camera I wasn't taking pictures while I was writing but I had my camera and I was on a dirt bike okay well I remember that camera bike so you might want to explain a little bit more about how this all happened and how you ended up here in the States yes so basically I was out here I just mentioned earlier about coming out to try and figure out if this was going to be something that was achievable for me to move out here and pursue my photography career which I guess some people don't have a clue what I do I'm an advertising photographer I did and so I came out here and I spent three months and during that time I got it with a lot of the supercar guys and I was photographing a lot of people's cars I'm going to fight it out onto a drive that Michael was on and I was on a KTM dirtbike at the time but I borrowed from a friend of mine cuz I didn't have a car over here so I followed everybody out to Malibu and we went and got some lunch and after lunch we had a little photo shoot that I did for everybody and I was just there clicking away and you just came up to me and you're like you know hello who are you what do you do or was he treated you have a British accent yeah and the crazy thing about mine is that we we had it was such a small conversation we had at that point I was taking pictures but I explained to Michael that you know I was looking to move out here and that I was looking for a way to to get a sponsorship which is what you need for a visa not thinking I didn't know anything about what Michael did or any of that and so we got Jack and said oh come on off this and maybe maybe I can put you in the right direction or whatever so I came to the office i sat in this very chair and we had the conversation and I showed you my work and you're like I really like it and obviously Michael represents various talent and you represent a stevewade another photographer right they do and so he said look I don't represent any purpose that one photographer but I'm gonna stop you and represents the waiter because he's the playboy photographer and it's a will hey maybe he'll invite me to the studio so there you go so I mean I don't know why you wanted to employ me makes how many gonna take you on car sheets they've already gone bald so I wanted some good pictures of my colors there it is anyway the truth comes out and so yes anyway Michael Baer and then said look I'd like to represent you I'd like to be a sponsor and that was it and we did the paperwork and I assign to a star talent and that was it wasn't it and so now I've been here for two years and me and Michael have shot his cars and then the YouTube thing came along and yeah we've just been kind of working together on different projects since a little fun with it have fun with it yeah you need to get that juice shock off his wrist oh no you know what I do shock if you're watching your Casio poke me up in the sponsorship that's what I need you can you can get your watch sponsors I want Casio to give me a lifetime supply of G shots they might do that maybe yeah Adam Adam sors knockoff does it folks so thanks for your questions hit that subscribe button and hit any other button I always say that you can expect that for me right thanks for watching see you soon how do you close $10,000 you want your wrist okay so that's it for today thank you so much for all the questions don't forget to subscribe but before you even do that then hit the subscribe and then do what I'm about to tell you enter the giveaway if you don't enter you can't win producer Michael calm but your parents if you're under 18 if you're out of the states you must address come get it whatever enter the competition we'll see you soon thanks alright [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 702,481
Rating: 4.8980637 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, mega yacht, ferrari pista, Q&A, interview
Id: j4KmAushc0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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