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I guess before we go can you at least fill me with some confidence that you know you're talking about and show me some of the stuff [Music] so this is a narrow flight right okay got it it is a single issue that single-engine Cessna 172 but it's the very latest type it's a full glass cockpit which means it doesn't have the analog gauges everything is electronic okay so it's a big update I want to show you what some things are yeah I did play marks off flight simulator 98 when I was a kid let's see how good you are okay so what is this tail flap close it's the elevator it makes the plane go up and down so when this goes up the plane goes up one of those ways Daniel this is the rudder correct what does it do rudders you left or right and it's tuned to the airplane you know what this is this little cutout here that is the spoiler for the elevator it is the trim so within the plane there's a wheel it's a trim wheel and you set that to balance the plane so you can let go of everything and it will fly straight and level I don't need to let go of anything will be letting go of things I'll be letting go my bowels I think with you flying this thing oh you'll be fine you know this is wind it's well this part here actually moved so this is the flap and the purpose of this when you lower the flap it creates more lift the more lift allows you to fly slower and maneuver for approaches and takeoffs so that's what okay this is in fact a wing okay these things down here are called wheels landing gear I know those other than that that's about it you don't need to know much of the other stuff no these are propeller yeah this is what makes the wind to make the airplane go fast okay this is important this guy here airspeed yeah it's called a pitot tube and what that does it it has membranes inside it and it takes the air pressure so as the air comes in it gives you the a speed or ground speed if you're on the ground but it's at its SP it has to be an indicator lights this is a stall warning so this moves and if if there's not enough lift on the wing it will share all sorts of alarms and buzzers to indicate that a wing might store I don't hear that well we can do delivery I'll show you how to you know how terrified you are when you're in a car with me yes that's how I feel about getting into an airplane with you right now I have a lot of hours flying jets I mean I'm absolutely fine flying this although I've forgotten how to do it how when I tell you how many times I've done track days it still doesn't make you any more comfortable I would not go into cojiro track these are headlights these are for nighttime seeing the doctor at the end of each wing there's a light this wing has a red one the other wing has a green one the reason for that is when a plane is approaching you or behind you they can see which direction you're flying in if they see this on the left-hand side they know that the plane is coming towards them if it was the other way around it's going away from them so it's a visual aid basically these are strobe lights so that you can see the airplane at night have a disco yeah other than that that's the outside of the airplane so we have a really special treat for you today sorry about that [Applause] we're at an Apple we're at Santa Monica Apple this is having to the lovely Abingdon who is one of the most accomplished pilot she flies 80 different types of aeroplanes including air buses all the big jets and I have known evidence now for 12 years 12 years and we recently reconnected coincidentally and it turns out that Abington owns a watch company can you believe that so that's how we actually turned out so she's coming from Vegas she lives in Vegas and she came in to show me the watches however there's a treat involved because I get to fly an airplane with her today I'm doing one of these in the long long time let it fall it's a treat for you yeah it's a tree oh I can't wait I know you're scared so excited so tell us a little bit about the watches and then we'll jump through the play totally so yeah the Abbington watch company is all about adventurous watches I started it when I wanted a pilot's watch well you're an adrenaline junkie right yeah a little bit yeah sorry I work track again I do like to fly airplanes over to Asia and Australia and deliver them and pack them full of fuel and flying for 15 hours so that's but I'm afraid of heights how weird is that show am I petrified of heights laughs air and fine take the glass away am i oh my god totally same way so so yes so I started the watch company about 10 years ago and we first started with pilots watches and then we did dive watches and now I'm doing racing watches and I'm working busy yeah this is this is amazing looking what the stunner well I'm seeing a carbon carbon fiber inserts is that mother-of-pearl is this mother-of-pearl this is ceramic no this isn't right it's a ceramic coating but this is stainless steel okay and this is sapphire crystal it's a sapphire crystal and then you also have an inner rotating bezel didn't oh yeah oh and it's down here at the base yep that's amazing so you've got two time zones and a stopwatch there's a GMT so it's two times a chronometer you're probably one of three people in the world that have seen this right really yeah I would wear this watch Oh forty millimeter case men totally wear it women wear it you have to you have to get me one of these watches I would wear that watch it's great yeah sorry I interrupted you carry on yeah so so what I did was I reached out to a NASCAR driver Julia Landauer and she's a two-time champion she's on a circuit and her and I started designing this race watch together and so now it's on IndieGoGo we're trying to preorder through launch the watch it's not been made yet so we're offering up to people at 50% off 40% off it really yeah you can get it right now until February 20th approximately how much will it cost let me see this again yeah I have to have one in fact I have to have a couple of them would you wear this Adam absolutely that is a gorgeous watch so how many watches do you have in range at moment in the entire company in the line we have about sixty oh wow and all of the bands are completely interchangeable so like if I wanted to put a metal band on a steel or this white band on here I can just do that take it off like so sick it's super simple so yeah we designed us this is a custom that I made and it's only available on and Abington much so what about airplanes so you fly everything jets crazy experimental airplanes you never you fly it right yeah pretty much how many hours you have I'm over 3,000 a lot about a lot about I understand it's not as many as you though ah yeah but you're more qualified to write I haven't flown a single-engine airplane in 1012 years I guess and I swear I don't remember how but I'm going to attempt it so Adam is petrified I am so nervous about this guy's you know how Michael is when I Drive a car and he sits passenger that's how I feel right now the fact that I'm about to go up in an aeroplane with this man but you promise me that we'll be fine but wait wait stop Abingdon he's a total stranger to you total stranger and you trust her she looks more trustworthy that is so wrong on every level I promise not to kill you and if I do kill you you can sue me come on let's go fly an aeroplane you are the kids yes please oh god I'm so sorry fine I'm not used to keys in aeroplanes thank you very much okay I'm gonna sit in the driver's seat have fun guys I've got that I've got the GoPro in there we'll just record on that I'll be fine please help me please yes oh my god he's already forgetting things he's already forgetting things nice see that you matched your outfit to the chocks - oh these right oh my god oh yeah put it back there where I've got definitely no room already you have lots of room can I just this is the worst video we've ever done the worst video we've ever done what's happening Oh God because when cuz we're kind of on a decline right now I just want to make sure that oh yeah because you don't have a little tail wheel got ya okay but are you trying to say about my weight sitting in the back here I say no I'm a spell 215 yes you are all right okay so Michael is asking how to move the seat back but he claims he's safe to fly this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today I'm ready to go now let's hold the brakes while we bring power up ready here we go Adam hold on I'm holding [Music] don't leave the lime-green [Music] we want to go for the shoreline or over the Golf Course at Santa Monica make some babies here keep in line and now we're gonna go back over to the shoreline [Music] a little bit more this way give me a heading at two one zero one zero yes here today net lexical purchase today I can almost see my current house I can see my old house from right where we are now and check a video we'll just concentrate on line please oh all right I need some off microphone don't worry about now we're gonna hold on [Music] I was the old [Music] I done the numbers [Music] come on down [Music] number 9 6 November left to right an intersection contact ground ok we'll be turning left contact ground wait good job we didn't crash out him didn't we didn't know it pleased about that I'm so pleased alleging any complaints we we go to the pub now batteries yeah and next batter perfect awesome how about that Adam brilliant mate isn't natural is a natural and to think you were so nervous I wasn't you were petrified oh thank you know you have every right to be a little bit nervous I mean you wouldn't be nervous again right again hug it out I'm out this is nearly as bad an Aventador oh right that was that I think it was a lot of fun how was it for you it was great I did enjoy it you did enjoy it it engine you would one moment scared right so yes I think this was a lot of fun and the watches are amazing thank you so guys thank you so much for tuning in and I hope you enjoyed this please please support and buy these lovely watches because they are amazing I mean they they can't get over how nice this isn't for real - you got it how did was get away 101 goals well it does it does where do we see the whole variety of them it's all on IndieGoGo it is yes so there's the this is performance black okay it's Quicksilver and a champion gold and we're gonna post the link to that so everything will be this you can no excuses hit that subscribe button hit the bell we're in it to win it we're just one we didn't die we'll see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 268,658
Rating: 4.9327974 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, jet, jets, plane, planes, airplane, pilot, flying lesson, cessna, light aircraft, legacy, private jet, challenger
Id: bIOgy2DimZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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