How I afford my supercars

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I don't think I don't thank you oh my god oh my god oh my god are you scared [Music] [Music] [Music] morning how are ya unit how are you doing well doing well thank you where are we Michael we are casting studio in Hollywood and we're gonna do some casting over the next couple of days a lot of you of us what I do for a living and how you know how I afford these cars well I'm going to show you today we're going to be casting for television show that I'm producing it'll be filmed I guess in February and on the air hopefully later in in August [Music] [Music] so obviously your Instagram handle is producer Michael what how did you get into producing and what does it mean to be a producer for those people that perhaps have no idea where to even begin with that that's a great question I'm still trying to figure out what it actually means because I end up doing so much stuff a producer is the person that that puts together the show they come up with a creation they come up with a concept they assemble everybody together and then hire a director the directors the person actually is behind the camera not the cameraman but the person that's instructing the cast excetra etc but the producer is responsible for putting a lot together as well as financing my role is normally executive producer and actually hire producers underneath me to do the legwork so you obviously started off in music people that don't know that how did you transition from music to TV and film production the music industry in the early 2000s ken it went downhill with the introduction of Napster and similar science to it and I just figured hey there's there's really no point in doing music anymore plus the trends were changing it was music that I didn't really understand so I figured hey why don't get into TV and film I've watched enough films in my life and you know so many TV shows I figured hey I can do this so I studied and I learned how to do it I met with some creative people came up with some great concepts and filmed my first show it wasn't a great show and not even gonna tell you about it because it was a flop it never got picked up I spent a lot of money a lot of time and it just failed and I'm the type of guy that won't let failure exist so I thought I'll do it again and I didn't know three or four times before it actually happened and then when it did happen and it became easy because I'd learnt I never gave in and just rolled through it now I do this for fun and for a living and pays the bills pays for my cars I love it oh that's good so as a producer once you've come up with these ideas and you pitched them and sure gets picked up where does the money come in for you well what happens is if everything goes according to plan we end up selling the show to a network and then the network allocates a budget for a TV show could be half a million dollars a million dollars in Episode five million dollars in episode it varies depending on the complexity of this show and the cast and everything that goes along with it and as an executive producer I get a percentage of the budget that's an above the line cost and then if the show is successful on top of that then you know you get the benefits with the profits from the success of the show I think some people find a crass talking about money but so many people have been asking in the comments obviously if the show gets picked up and has a million dollar budget you're driving around in a half a million dollar Ferrari and a beautiful Rolls Royce so producing isn't just the way you make your money correct that's correct there's multi multi facets but going back to production for a second if you sell a show hopefully you sell seasonal multiple seasons so the budget is per episode and each season has maybe twelve episodes and multiple seasons so you know that in itself can be a very nice payday I don't rely on that because this is more hobby for me than my actual business my actual business is talent management and we also provide meet and greets for celebrities all over the world that's probably my biggest business and they also have you know bits and buttin in smaller things but or entertainment and so today then this is a pleasure project is there something Willis I mean I always want to have success out of it it is pleasure it is fun but the end goal is to be successful with it and hopefully you know the show does well on television and everybody wins the show today is I can't tell you too much about it but we're casting it's a reality show a lot of interest from from networks it's not sold as of yet but the indications are it will sell it'll sell quite quickly so I'm very excited about so what is a casting a casting is basically we invite numerous actors to come show their talents in front of myself an additional casting directors that we'll have here over the next few days we ask them to do certain things sometimes read lines sometimes perform sing dance depending on what we're looking for [Music] they come in we get thousands of submissions literally thousands of submissions we have junior producers who go through all their submissions they look at who we think may be good and they limit that down to a couple of hundred we then look at that and then we limit it down to maybe a hundred hundred and fifty we invite them in and then we cut it down to about forty after that we have a callback which is maybe another ten fifteen and hopefully were able to choose a cast there's a lot of people in the comments on the last few videos who perhaps don't know who you are who have just come in because they saw the video on a suggested page and there's a lot of negativity around people that have wealth what can you tell them in terms of what has been your kind of secret to success one word determination when I was 19 years of age I was washing dishes for the British Army trust me that's no fun at all I've never seen so many dishes in my life I wasn't in the army I was a civilian working in the Army in Berlin Germany and it was horrible and I just told myself hey I'm gonna do something with my life and I studied and I studied and I suffered I lived very very poor means saved every dime I had and put it into my education fortunately it paid off I mean I just I continue to learn I think every day is a learning day and I'm you know never gonna give up so I continue it's not about the money anymore it's about the passion the money is obviously nice but I love doing this and I think I'm good at my craft and I look to get better and better every time I do there's something awesome in there angry in there something's amazing okay you crying again I know I am she gets me so again I'm doing this and I'm sharing this with you for one purpose only and the purpose is to let you know you can do this too it doesn't matter what you've got where you are like I said I washed dishes for the British Army and Here I am today with supercars nice watches nice lifestyle I did that myself and I did it through determination there's no reason you can't do it to some people in the comments it's very sad actually and I feel for them there are nasty comments I guess they just don't like wealthy people I don't think they would think that way if they won the lotto but that's not a way to get wealth the way to get wealth is believe in yourself I mean really believe in yourself don't take no for an answer go after what you dream up make it happen I hope you follow this advice because it works I'm the living proof thank you enjoy and I think a very very pressing issue in the comments is are you Donald Trump's brother no that's funny I don't even see a resemblance and if there's a thousand times it's because I'm taller the longest blond hair but obviously it's all my own but long story short no I'm not Donald Trump's brother I wish I had his money have no desire to be the President of the United States and do you know who Logan Paulus the young a super famous youtuber I didn't know who he was until so many people tell me I look like him too and I guess looking at that I guess I do a little bit yeah I mean hey if if you're gonna be compared to anyone on YouTube I think Logan Paul is a pretty good guy too to be compared to you I'll take that [Music] [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,157,324
Rating: 4.9227228 out of 5
Keywords: supercar, supercars, lamborghini, ferrari, aston martin, rolls royce, hypercars, millionaire, rich, investor, business, inspiration, casting, hollywood, tv, movies, wealth, money, acting, actor, lifestyle, trailer, make money, logan paul, donald trump
Id: b8D3YyQceT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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