Making and spending your first $1million!

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so we're back here two days have elapsed since the last video and as far as we're concerned about Anakin ten seconds right here and thirty seconds continuation of the QA and I hope you guys are still tuned in because there we got some great questions still to come so far away Adam where are we alright Michael this one is for you this is from Elijah Jones who says how do you push through your worst times oh well that's a great question so my worst times are actually my best times because I I look at a challenge as an opportunity and it's an opportunity to better yourself if there's something that's not going well in life or even if it's a business deal which is how am I going to make this happen you've been working on it for a long long time but you still can't get the pen on the paper to sign the deal it's very challenging so I look at that as an opportunity okay so you break down what's going on and you think of all the different ways that you can fix each individual part of that situation and then you just implement it and I actually enjoy a challenge because if life was always easy it would be very very boring so I don't want to say that you know I want to be like stress out all the time thinking to myself oh my gosh how am I going to do this but I do enjoy competitive moments with myself because it makes me think and if you continue to think your brain continues to grow not physically but it it gets more information and you teach yourself new things you don't have to go to outside sourcing for it so I don't really see it as a negative thing I see it as a positive thing so you just try and put a positive spin on on everything on everything and like I said earlier you've never seen me in a download I don't I don't put myself there I mean on a Tuesday like you shouldn't choose it that's absolutely correct well if what accurate is it's what you said on Friday cuz it's Friday today and the video will come out and choose what so Friday but you guys heard on Tuesday but was actually just a minute ago on Thursday I'm loving these glasses the KBR G and this is this is kind of for both of us I think it'd be interesting to hear both about opinions on this and how how do you handle your first real sums of income and I'm gonna say that for me the first real son of income I had was it was a six-figure ad campaign for Honda motorcycles was the first global ad campaign I ever landed and I shot 20th anniversary Fireblade as well as a few other bikes bahan de Allen bro and I remember after the shoot when I got paid and I saw that the funds hit my bank account I was kind of blown away cuz I've never seen that much money Mike out before and so what I did with it was the first thing I'd booked a holiday so I took my girlfriend on holiday we went had an amazing time the Caribbean second thing I did was literally mocked the morning after it was in my account I woke up and I said I really want to go buy a new motorbike so when I bought any motorbike the third thing I did was I bought house brilliant and the buying the house was the sensible option the holiday and the bike was there the Ovilus you got to do that exactly but I bought my first apartment and that was such a great investment and even though I had to sell it to move here the equity that I had in that property from buying it when I bought it and selling it when I sold it has allowed me to come here and basically spend my first year without having to really worry that's brilliant yeah now I should kill you mine so the answer to the question as far as I'm concerned is I did experience a large payday I started a company long long long time ago and I was fortunate enough to sell it to a much bigger company for an awful lot of money and I had all this money and it's like oh my gosh what am I gonna do now so I went nuts I went and bought some of everything I mean literally from a huge boat to a plane to jewelry watches and at the end of a couple of weeks of spending I looked at myself in the mirror and I said Michael I'm mad because as much as I wanted these things because I've never had them before I said now what you know what what am I gonna do with them and if I ever want to get rid of them there was a quarter of what I paid for them right so I basically blew a fortune of money yeah and that was an actual lesson but it was a euphoric moment I gotta tell you it was a great great moment and it's like wow I have all these things now and I did enjoy them don't get me wrong except the boat boat was a disaster that cost a fortune but at the end of the day I had a great time and I don't want to say I had regrets because you don't want to live life with regrets but you do recognize mistakes you make and then hopefully you learn from them that's what I did so the takeaway then would be once you once you earn a decent sum of money if you get a payday it's to treat yourself but not go wild and then invest you you should definitely treat yourself because treating yourself is the reward for a job well done right you're able to get things and people say in comments you know why don't you give to the homeless and why didn't give to that guys I give a fortune to the homeless and they give a fortune to charities I don't broadcast it because it's just something that you do it makes you feel good all of this that we're doing now is to help you and we get nothing from it I mean nothing so at the end of the day hopefully you know you learn a little something and or not you know you can take the advice and discharge it or take it and use it but it's worked for me it's worked for many other people I know it works for Adam hopefully it works for you too but also I just want to say this from from my perspective is that just because Michael is on YouTube and we do showcase you know a lot of the stuff that goes on doesn't mean that every you know every single part of his personal life is broadcast you know like you've got to have a balance of showing what we do and having a good time but also like having a personal life yeah you don't want to see me brush my teeth right so this is it's like look at Dan Bilzerian Instagram that guy isn't constantly surrounded by a hundred women oh well self he just that's that's what he puts out because it's fun because it's entertaining so that's what people want to see yeah and so it's exactly right we we try to put out videos and we're not party animals well you are that actually leads him nicely to have this next question which I thought was quite funny who's it for it's for me but you can well you can answer a little bit of it is from Alex a craft Windows does he give you how when you have a hangover I gotta tell you something Alex okay so we were shooting a video this is probably I know eight weeks ago celebrity home store celebrity home store and we were in the black dawn and we were driving around Beverly Hills and I'm looking at him and his face is green he comes and he has hiccups and he's belching and he's doing all sorts of other nasty things and making noises and it never dawned on me that he was drunk or well well you had been yeah he had the most immense hangover of any human being ever which I found out later as he proceeded to tell me that he did everything in his power not to throw up in the car and I said you know if he'd had done now that would have been the last video we kept shooting the car but this man was so hungover I mean it was incredible I'm having a drink dedicated and professional and we put the video out and we've got it done that's one of the reasons I said you're so professional you showed up anyway although the previous night he'd drink I know you wouldn't you drank what did you drank how's that for all of our drank you drank and probably drinks he probably has he probably had four gallons of beers or something they don't drink pints in the United States well but yeah a lot of them and yeah it was a scary moment when I discovered he was on the verge of vomit he was a scary moment being on the verge of bombing funny stuff so well I hope that answers your question all right so Mika alert says how did you develop your unique sense of fashion like everything else I just like to be different I don't conform to what society says is right or wrong I think I always look I don't need wood elegant I don't look elegant no I don't look at I couldn't do I know you look different Austin Powers he looks I think ok let's let's use Austin Powers as a barometer so that was one of the most successful movies of all time as far as the numbers are concerned and he was a whack out but so fresh so wow you know you're not gonna you're not gonna dress a dress I've been a green suit and walk around with mud all over you I that's a good point that is a very good point yeah I'm not but I I do try to create my own style I don't always wear mega expensive designer clothing sometimes I do I mixed two things together and I just try to come up with something that's a little bit different that you won't see anybody else wear and I don't know whether it's real or it's not real but I get a tremendous amount of compliments on the way I dress as some people might be saying it out of sarcasm but I think plenty also say it because they enjoy it I certainly enjoy it and again that's all that matters to me and I think also the cycles that you mix it my Beverly Hills and especially the kind of I mean you saw the luxury ATAR like I'm wearing I was wearing luxurious glasses on but the people that mix in your kind of circles they are a little eccentric and they are I I don't want to say that they don't give a but let's go and say that I don't want to say that they don't give a peep but some really don't they just people want to do what they want to do and it comes back to like we said on Tuesday he was you want to feel good and people want to do what makes it out that's true and again it goes back to me saying I don't really care what anybody else thinks they either like me or they don't like me they like me as a person if they don't they're like what I'm wearing or they don't and and you know those are the options for at least if somebody doesn't like you they don't like you for who you are not for who you're not correct correct it's like they they're gonna love you or hate you for being you for being read those exactly right that's exactly rather than that then be fake and have everybody love very true very true yeah that's the way I look at it actually here's a little segue off the fashion thing if you were to pick an outfit from shoes socks trousers underwear shirt and then not watch non accessories just cloth clothing and Jess yes what would be the most expensive outfit you could build oh wow it's just a ballpark figure blow your mind okay so I had a shopping spree in a store in Rodeo Drive called Bijan yellow rolls ass correct I think it's called the most expensive clothing store in the world why did I do it I have no idea why I did it it was one of those things that I felt I needed to do I don't know why it wasn't a need I rephrased that I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and if I bought that clothing would it make me feel better or what would it do so I went in I bought a jacket I bought a pair of pants I bought some socks I don't believe I bought shoes but I bought a few things I was about 40 grand yeah yeah thousand dollar pair of socks in be honest $350 no no thanks yeah I know insanity total and utter insanity six so 40 grand plus what's your most expensive pair of shoes probably six or seven thousand all right so just shy of 50 you could make an outfit about 45 45 46 crap I wouldn't but I don't even wear that low thing I don't even have it anymore I don't believe the reason why I ask that is because it just dawned on me but I could honestly not put together an outfit all right you know what she's a kid all right shoes have just put me up by like a hundred and thirty bucks but I could not make an outfit worth probably two hundred and fifty dollars my most expensive pair of jeans are probably like $30 shirt show t-shirts are all about 10 to 20 so let's say there was a big event that you were going to go to you're going to go to a big party at the Grammys or the Oscars or something like that and you needed to wear a tux and something how would you go about doing how would go to actually I just heard this on Joe Rogan podcast it's like black black tie calm or something it's a tux rental place online Oh fair comment those cuz I don't and that's not gonna wear something at least at least like safety three or four times a year I actually know I'm lying to you I do own a suit so I do have a suit that was probably about 500 pounds from a UK but it's not a fancy suit it's from next which is like you know next I do I do it's a nice suit but it's not hard let me throw some the other the cost of clothing doesn't matter it's not relevant it's what it looks like and how it makes you feel yeah and that's the reason that I want to be John because I wanted to see if I wore something ridiculously expensive would it make me feel great and the truth is I felt horrible I was scared to go to a restaurant and eat in case I spilt something on it I mean it's not a good feeling at least it wasn't for me no I'd rather drop 40 grand on two jet skis yeah me too but but again this was a long time ago since that point I've learnt I don't do that anymore I learned that there are batteries in cameras a few years ago before that I would go buy a new camera if it stopped working so you know come a long way that's the truth okay Rodrigo is it I think your question I don't know Rodrigo jeez Rodrigo camo camo chela Rodrigo Camacho assess at this point in your life is money still one of your motivations um money's not a motivation money is the reward for a job well done so does that motivate you to do the job yes the money is the the payday I mean if you do something well you deserve to be rewarded for it right so I don't see it as you know this job is gonna pay me X amount of dollars or this one's going to pay me X amount I look at it as which job do I want to take on board and if I do take it on board will I get a nice paycheck at the end of it I'm not necessarily motivated by which paycheck is bigger I'm motivated by what's the bigger challenge and do I think I can achieve it and if that's the case that's what I'll do absolutely right one last question and this is we can both answer this one and finally it gives me an opportunity to talk about what the hell I'm doing with my car ok so super machines laa says would you ever buy a cheaper car and tune it and make it into a sleeper now that's exactly what I'm doing right with my Mercedes so let me set the record straight because a lot of people leave comments about oh my god I'm strapped down in the old Mercedes or Carmichael even just buying a nice car understand people I absolutely love my Mercedes I bought that car specifically because I loved old Mercedes turbo diesel I tried to talk him out of it I really did I said let's go to a car dealership and get you something brand new that you're really going to enjoy and he said no don't want to know I want to do my thing yeah that's what Adam sure that's right you know when I moved out here I bought a fully SPECT and it was an old one but a fully SPECT Volkswagen Touareg v8 leather had the TV thing it have the cameras it had everything I lifted it put on off-road wheels and tires straight fights it was great but I missed my Mercedes turbo Diesel's and that's what I had back in the UK so I searched around and I found this w210 d300 turbo-diesel and the reason being is that those turbo diesel motors can be tuned to 500 horsepower and like 659 per pound to talk like monstrous amounts of power Adams car yesterday made a trail of smoke the length of California it would have doubled up as the best bug spray killer in the history of bug spray I swear if you'd have been behind him within a mile or two you wouldn't have been able to see the car in front of you what did you do to it pretty bad right now well so basically where I'm building the car so the idea is the car is completely stripped out so the reason why when in the last video I was filming you on Rodeo you can see a bit of my door card and someone's like oh my god he doesn't even have a door card on that thing it doesn't have a full interior like it's not just the door card like it doesn't have an entire interior so I have to fix bucket seats and I have a Sparco racing snap-off steering wheel and that's it everything else is stripped it has a lightweight battery like the thing I'm going to turn into a track car it's gonna happen full arrow it's gonna have a big time attack front splitter flat floor blown diffuser like it's gonna be wild and then you and I are gonna race in one of my supercars yes and you're gonna lose and hey how great you're made better smoked than me I will a great time trying yes we will that's what it's about to answer your question as to why it was so smoky yesterday so I just had a stage two ECU fitted and basically what I'm waiting for now is a bigger turbo so at the moment to make more smoke know it make less smoke because right now what I have is 300 more powers worth of diesel so I have 300 horsepower worth of fuel but I only have 200 horsepower worth of turbo so I have a hundred whole horsepower worth of fuel that right now isn't being fully combusted because there's not enough air getting a spray-out smoke so it basically just yeah the fuel hits the exhaust and in a diesel it just turns to black smoke that's what it is it's just carbon if you've ever been behind one of these older trucks and I'm talking about like semis where they accelerate at the hill and be accelerate and a huge cloud of smoke comes out that's an Adam's car currently yeah I'll um I'll actually cut in the video yeah do a little bit of cutting so as you can see it's kind of smoky at the moment but once I get the bigger turbo on it it'll clean up that smoke because it will be a more complete combustion cycle once and I'm going to answer the same question will I ever do that no that's it that's my answer I think no I think we should buy no I'm not saying you should buy Mercedes turbo diesel but I think we should buy you want to say where I mean you should buy like a cheaper sports car like what and just throw well I don't know well we'll have to think about it alright I think that would be fun I think it'd be fun to get something that we can just become what would we do with it race race other his reason why I like sleepers because you can spend four hundred thousand dollars on a 488 right or you could spend $15,000 $20,000 on a Mercedes and have a car that is in a straight line as quick or quick right now it's not gonna go around the track as well my dick but it's it's not built to be a supercar which I know is what you always come back to is it doesn't drive one my thing is Adam but my thing is by making a car fast that wasn't designed to go fast compromises everything else so in other words will your brake stop you when you need to will the suspension hold up will the body panels stay on the car when you put it through forces that it wasn't designed to take etc etc and as long as that's the case and it's to remain safe then I might play with you exactly I'm putting big brakes we must buy that Rolls Royce right there I don't know if we can see it hold on I'm pulling over because there's a rolls-royce that we absolutely have to show you guys that we could make into a sleeper so hold on let me back up and you can get a really good shot of that because it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen and if we're talking about Austin Powers that is Austin Powers on steroids how about that guy sir yeah see we should buy that stick a big old diesel they all come in snow buddies minute that would be fun now that I would drive right yeah that I would absolutely drive I would put my Austin Powers clothes on and we would go create some there's a guy in the UK a drift driver in the UK it was built in fact I want to say it Shane Lynch from boys oh okay so then say it I think it's him one of the drivers I don't know if it's Shane or not I think it is but he's not competitive drifter and he built a an old Rolls Royce with flared arches yes I've seen it yeah it is British yeah and it's gorgeous and that's a car I would buy in Drive all right that has been my agree I agree I'm actually having a lot of fun doing this and again we do it for you really appreciate you tuning in can we just ask people let us know in the comments do you prefer Q&A is to be done like this driving around in the car than in Michaels office I do too but I don't know how the audios gonna be hopefully it's clear yeah and and another thing that we can just mention there's been some comments that the music levels when music Campton is incredibly loud and I've never experienced that until last week when I actually watched one of our own episodes on a TV set so I went through a regular TV on the Smart Hub and watched the episode and the music was deafening on a TV on a TV it doesn't do it on a computer doesn't do it on a phone so I don't know what the solution to that is so maybe I'll just I'll dial back the music a little bit yeah but it's only on a TV app so interesting yeah cool all right cool well guys again thanks a lot hit that subscribe button hit the bell we're in it to win it was easy [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 336,287
Rating: 4.9399643 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, la tour, beverly hills tour, ama, questions, interview, wealth management, wealth advice, money management, how to get rich, rolls royce dawn, adam swords, adamswords
Id: PKwal5_r_hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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